Season 10 - Starts on November 15th, 2022


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This week Gary and Jack find a possible copper-wrapped parchment scroll.

Renowned gemologist and jewelry expert Peter Schneirla congratulated the team on their latest find from last week.

Now they are tracing the gold in the water toward a previously unknown depositor tunnel in "the most interesting area they've explored in the last 10 years".

This is where the technology gets cool: they're going to re-crib the Garden Shaft with "waterproof wood" to make it safe for humans to descend! What??? After centuries of previous searcher attempts to crib a tunnel, this will hold up to the water pressure? And what's the point of sending humans down if all they're looking at is new waterproof wood walls? Supposedly they'll also be able to tunnel sideways as needed to follow the newly discovered depositor tunnel to find the gold, but I'm skeptical until I see it work.
"A possible copper-wrapped scroll?" You can't make this stuff up. Everyone is a renowned expert on this show, except they are all a bunch of attention seeking volunteers giving opinions about things entirely out of their element in such a way that a sliver of anything they might potentially say can be used to allege that the said sliver does not rule out the most far-reaching suggestions. Give me a moron who will start to pare down the hyperbole and that would be of much greater use. Unless they start falsifying hypotheses, they aren't remotely close to using science to put an end to this. With every passing season there should be less and less foolishness suggested, but the scope only grows. The implication here is that the scientific process makes us dumber and should ultimately lead us to the acceptance of miracles as ultimate conclusions when we have so muddied the waters that we are drowning in the possibilities that measuring things allows . Well, it doesn't. Is it possible they haven't encountered one serious skeptic to their nonsense in 10 seasons? Are there only advanced technologies that support their creative venture? There are some questions that don't require advanced technologies to address. Whether or not the moon is made of cream cheese need not require a muon detector in the hands of a vacuum cleaner salesman. We can deduce the moon is not cream cheese by clever thought experiment. It would pain many to understand that a lot can be determined about OI with the same technique.

Like so many other fantastic finds on the show, the scroll will no longer be mentioned after a few episodes.

The farce continues…

This week, they went over the LIDAR survey which found an incredibly interesting geometric anomaly on Lot 30. They didn't get into which way the edges are oriented, so we haven't had a chance to see how well it aligns with Washington DC, Paris France, or Jerusalem.

And of course more wood from the newly discovered depositor tunnels.

They are now starting the recreate the Garden Shaft. I wish they would explain the mining technology in more detail: supposedly now it will be ready for Irving to 'dig and drain" the shaft. But what are they doing differently from the umpteen previous searchers who failed at all attempts to create a stable and dry shaft?

They are now starting the recreate the Garden Shaft. I wish they would explain the mining technology in more detail: supposedly now it will be ready for Irving to 'dig and drain" the shaft. But what are they doing differently from the umpteen previous searchers who failed at all attempts to create a stable and dry shaft?
They don't have to succeed at it to produce content. Irving is more than happy getting government money that is politically intended to go towards arts and culture in NS. They will suck as much water as will justify the expense. They certainly aren't going to oppose anything that is fundamentally foolish or reprehensible. Everyone involved is getting greased by just going for this ride. The population is way too mesmerized and entertained to oppose it. The loyal viewers want to see more of this earth moving business. In fact, they would probably support it more if they had a democratic say, if we are to judge by the general positivity around this "search" for "God knows what". That is the most troubling aspect of this. People ought to know better, but they are happier believing in legends, curses and ghosts than not believing in those things. This has been the great constant in this tragicomedy. It is supporting what people want to hang onto. If they ever discovered and served the public with a negative truth it would be spit out as an attempt to rob people of their hope.

Wonder how the last episode went?

Did they find wood in a hole?

Did they have yet another theory regarding folks from Europe burying a vast treasure on the island?

Was water found in a hole?

Did garwee find another bobby dazzler?

If so, isn’t that the standard script the show has been using every year for ten years?

Wonder how the last episode went?

Did they find wood in a hole?

Did they have yet another theory regarding folks from Europe burying a vast treasure on the island?

Was water found in a hole?

Did garwee find another bobby dazzler?

If so, isn’t that the standard script the show has been using every year for ten years?
The MO is still to grow the bounds of the story, and it is never to scratch out or falsify any premises in any way that a scientific method would try to do. This was the core desire and the basis of the mystery cults of Antiquity too. You can recruit well with an enticing mystery. It was an absolute no-no to hand out solutions and answers to anyone. If anything, you had to be initiated into some realizations so you would not make a mess of having to deal with ideas you could not juggle, like the giving quantum theories to high schoolers who struggle with arithmetic. Pythagoras is an example of a man who was greatly chided for openly "spilling the beans" to the uninitiated about the Greek cult of number. What had to be fostered in men were searches to important questions in his culture. Christianity incorporated this aspect of the mystery cults with its stoic Greek messiah who taught in parables and who demanded that his followers arrive to proper conclusions on their own. Saint Paul is remembered for telling the great Platonic scholars at Athens that they should be enticing the arguing population to explore the mystery of God, not giving them the goods as they saw fit. The theme has traveled well into modernity with an adoption of that reasoning into speculative Freemasonry, for example. A gazillion meaningless symbolic clues are given to you to mesmerize you and draw you in, and it is clear what the OI legends are enticing you with (an Enochian prophecy around the purported discovery of a stone in a flooding and collapsing shaft which is an omen to the end times). No focus is put on that today, though. It would be counterproductive to do so. They are still trying to broaden the suggestions in hopes that there never be a realization of what things were hinted to at OI to draw people in. Those old suggestions would not have any interest today. In fact, it would only serve to convince many of the disingenuousness of the legends. Who wants to be put on a quest to know their fate in heaven after the 7th King has passed? That is long gone as an interesting suggestion to many--material treasure, not so much. They are hanging on to just enough religion to suggest treasures in associated legends. They also know very well what they are playing with. The thing was well understood in the 1840s. They are milking it in the fashion of how mystery has always been milked. This is why they tell you they only keep discovering more questions. You are supposed to keep searching. The formula the writers are using is something that mythologists would recognize.

There’s a reason they never follow thru on their previous fictional tales and attempt to keep newbies interested in the show by making up more.

you guys are going to have to get a new dead horse to beat ,i think this one is worn out. golf on nbc or bowling on espn maybe?
Why? The show continues to beat it’s dead horse with absolute, ever changing nonsense.

Also, I haven’t watched the show for years once it became clear it was all fiction.

Just crunching the numbers (I like #'s)
166 shows & 1 hr each-viewed by 2.5 Million
2.5 million hours per show (most of the viewing #'s were higher actually)
4,150,000,000 hours of wasted time.
That's amazing

Rivals the “Real Housewives of (fill in the blank)” multiple series viewership.

Another piece of old juink is now "ancient ornate artifact" probably rivals Antikythera mechanism in its historic significance.... who would of thought...

Will wonders never cease with all these amazing finds....

Next episode is the lost treasure of the Aztecs FOUND or maybe just some more old junk, wood and water....

Another piece of old juink is now "ancient ornate artifact" probably rivals Antikythera mechanism in its historic significance.... who would of thought...

Will wonders never cease with all these amazing finds....

Next episode is the lost treasure of the Aztecs FOUND or maybe just some more old junk, wood and water....
OI is a place where nothing mundane ever occurred. Everything is related to the deepest mysteries known to man and oxen, and that is why it is guarded by the "mysterious energies" which happen to have an already developed fan base. There's no woo woo like pop culturally relevant woo woo. Everyone aboard with their theories. Detritus is the new gold of the artificial intelligence age.

My prediction for the next episode?……wood found in holes, another common bobby dazzler discovered, and yet another fairy tail theory.

This week they discover a possible collapsed structure in the newly discovered Aladdin's cave. More evidence of the Spanish Galleon in the swamp... or is it a Viking ship?

The mining company has been forced by the government oversight to classify the Garden Shaft operation as a mining operation instead of a shaft rehab. Supposedly this will lead to additional safety oversight. I'm not an expert, but I still don't understand how the operation differs from previous searcher shafts, all of which collapsed. That may have been the thinking of the permit-issuers: a vision of likely collapse based on history.

This week they discover a possible collapsed structure in the newly discovered Aladdin's cave. More evidence of the Spanish Galleon in the swamp... or is it a Viking ship?

The mining company has been forced by the government oversight to classify the Garden Shaft operation as a mining operation instead of a shaft rehab. Supposedly this will lead to additional safety oversight. I'm not an expert, but I still don't understand how the operation differs from previous searcher shafts, all of which collapsed. That may have been the thinking of the permit-issuers: a vision of likely collapse based on history.
By definition they are trying to reclaim a mine, and that is not the same as digging a hole. The province doesn't know what they are dealing with, and you can be sure they aren't defaulting to the History Channel's fantasies. A boxed in wooden shaft was part of a previous mining operation. There are going to be safety concerns. You are not about to witness a man dying in a shaft like they could have accomplished in 10x. They should be on these guys like hawks, because you know damn well that limited liability would come and rear its head if they did kill someone in the pursuit of content

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