Secret Treasure Hunting Club

I would ask how to join but I suppose it is secret?
Monty, You have been wrapped up in all the hard times with that squirrel Conspiracy, Don't see it a problem... Passing the exam to get in can sure be tough sometimes.. I was all wrapped up in the conspiracy with my stolen toolbox, Then I become a full fledged member... Had to tassle with a Hulk like midget and his girlfriend bessy, And all she says is "Moo"............."Moo" Guess that was the final part of the initiation.. :dontknow:

Surely you can top that, You are a shoe in, To get in.. :thumbsup:


Quick....don't like a, dare....I mean get the hell away while you are still got sum self respect...:laughing7:

as groucho marx once famously said -- I'ld never join any group who's standards for membership are so low that they would accept me as a member ....(or words to that effect)

GREAT. now I have proof to show my wife that there is a actual "secret" metal detecting club. I've been telling her for years that I belonged to a secret wood working club every time she would ask "where did you get that tool"? or the secret fishing club, every time there was a new fishing rod added to the collection. NOW when a new coil or other have to have metal detecting accessory shows up, It's from the SECRET CLUB.:dontknow:

GREAT. now I have proof to show my wife that there is a actual "secret" metal detecting club. I've been telling her for years that I belonged to a secret wood working club every time she would ask "where did you get that tool"? or the secret fishing club, every time there was a new fishing rod added to the collection. NOW when a new coil or other have to have metal detecting accessory shows up, It's from the SECRET CLUB.:dontknow:

Yep! You're in! Congratulations, your life will never be the same again. Or is that, "sane" again.....:icon_scratch:.....anyway, as part of your membership we've got your back with the wife! :thumbsup: Just give us your home mailing address and we'll take care of the problem for you. :laughing7:

What 'Scoop means is that we can't keep you from gettin in trouble with the wife . We will help you fib your way out of it .

Stefen had a moment....but it's all good now. He gets like that sometimes after a hard day of treasure hunting in the hemp field. :laughing7:

That Stefen, Always hum haulin around..... Or was that Hemp Haulin :laughing7:

once while on safari in africa --we lost all our supplies , and I had to subsist on nothing but food and water for seven days --worst week of my life -- W. C Feilds

My wife said if I didn't quit drinking GIN she would leave me -- I told her , that I had known GIN longer than her and that my good ole loyal GIN would be with me till the bitter end and that GIN never complained to me and was much better company in general

What 'Scoop means is that we can't keep you from gettin in trouble with the wife . We will help you fib your way out of it .

Yep, just a little bit of time trying to make sense of us and she'll be convinced it's never gonna be your fault. :laughing7:

once while on safari in africa --we lost all our supplies , and I had to subsist on nothing but food and water for seven days --worst week of my life -- W. C Feilds

My wife said if I didn't quit drinking GIN she would leave me -- I told her , that I had known GIN longer than her and that my good ole loyal GIN would be with me till the bitter end and that GIN never complained to me and was much better company in general
If she don't like you always being with Gin, You'd better introduce her to Jack, or Jim, Or there is Jose...

GREAT. now I have proof to show my wife that there is a actual "secret" metal detecting club. I've been telling her for years that I belonged to a secret wood working club every time she would ask "where did you get that tool"? or the secret fishing club, every time there was a new fishing rod added to the collection. NOW when a new coil or other have to have metal detecting accessory shows up, It's from the SECRET CLUB.:dontknow:

Y'all must be my brother-in-law cuz I married yur sister...

And just becuz we're now related don't mean you have free reign to my secret tools...

Y'all must be my brother-in-law cuz I married yur sister...

And just becuz we're now related don't mean you have free reign to my secret tools...
I sent the secret letter to the Secret President of The Secret Treasure Hunting Club....

Gettin.....Ummm.... ehh..... It had "CONFIDENTIAL" stamped all over it.... :thumbsup:

icantwritebuticansuretake PICTURES!!!!! Blackmail Picture :tongue3:

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Are you dumb enough to buy your own pictures from yourself?

Man yur sure hard up.

Are you dumb enough to buy your own pictures from yourself?

Man yur sure hard up.
While we were all at the Secret Treasure hunting club meeting, Guess you decided to skip the meeting... Mailed out the pictures to the boss of the club... Well when he see's them, You might be in a heap of doo doo!!!! :dontknow:

I used the secret knock at the secret place someone answered the door and said they didn't know nuthin bout a secret meeting. So I knew I was there......turns out it wasn't. 6 weeks in the hospital

Yep, just a little bit of time trying to make sense of us and she'll be convinced it's never gonna be your fault. :laughing7:

Yup, and then ya'll can bounce it by me since I am a gal and I will tell you if the wife would believe even a smidgen of crappola you are throwing her way :laughing7:

Yup, and then ya'll can bounce it by me since I am a gal and I will tell you if the wife would believe even a smidgen of crappola you are throwing her way :laughing7:

"crappola".....Never! Not us! No way! Heck, we can't even speak Italian! :laughing7:

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