Peg Leg

Bronze Member
May 29, 2006
Well everyone here we go again.
I am interested in working with Professiobal Treasure Hunters that have the proper equipment ONLY.
Here is what I REQUIRE.
1. Maps and or charts of the general area you are interested in.
2. The name of the wreck does not matter but what the ship was transporting does.
3. A signed NDNC agreement NOTORIZED.
4. Agreement to pay 5% of everything that is recovered.
I know this will open a can of worms BUT WHATS NEW RIGHT?
What I do and how I do it is MY concern so DO NOT ASK.
The NDNC agreement will be IN FORCE for 7 years.
If I do not perform then you pay me NOTHING.
The charts MUST be no smaller than 24x36 and cover an area no larger than 1 sq. mile.
I will answer your questions as long as they are not NEGATIVE or what will be considered STUPID.
Any one that is SERIOUS you can send me a PM to [email protected] AND WE CAN DISCUSS IT THERE.
Wreckdiver were you serious about the San Jose if so send me a copy of the chart.
My address is:
4760 Miramar Street
Port St. John
FL 32927
Have a great day EVERYONE.
Peg Leg

I was kidding Peg Leg, I saw the stupid question clause and couldn't resist. Good luck on your hunt I wish you all the luck


Peg Leg said:
1. Maps and or charts of the general area you are interested in.
2. The name of the wreck does not matter but what the ship was transporting does.

I'm confused, Peg. Why do I need maps for areas I'm intersted in? Am I giving you my research and my recoveries? In most cases, in order to find out what a ship was carrying, I need the name. Unless I've stumbled across a pile of silver ingots. Which in that case, no one would know ;) I'm not being combative at all. I'm trying to understand what you're asking for. Best to you.

This has nothing to do with this topic but I wish to post a photo of a few things that I recovered that I think will be of intereste to everyone here.
I have no idea how to do this so if anyone is willing to psot this for me I will send a copy of the photo and have them post it for me.

Um....Diver 420....
I've discovered that if, on this forum, you try to
point out that Peg Leg or anyone else that posts
wacko stuff is,......maybe.......a lttle off the walll....
the "long time posters" will try to make it seem as if YOU are the one that is not welcome here. Too bad. Because this forum could be much better without that kind of attitude.

THIS PIC IS PEGLEGS.I told him Id upload it for him since he couldnt post it himself.Hope you all like it...


  • Picture088.jpg
    51.5 KB · Views: 375
Thanks Doc,
What you are seeing is a display of some itmes that recovered.
The large item in the center is silver with alittle melted iron mixed.
The 2 small items below the big piece is also ilver that came from the iron pot/container used when the thig melted.
The two silver pieces on the side are hammered silver-this was done by the indians. If you enlarge the piece ontheright you can make out part of the stamp markings and a partial date.
The pottery sheards around this display are pieces that I recovered from the general area.
To give you some idea of the size the big chunk of silver is 5" x 4". This is just part of the mystery because this is the same area where I found the gold.
The reason that I call this a mystery is because I believe that the hammered coin on the right is dated 1722.
Now it does not take a Ph.D to see what may be going on here because 1722 was way after the 1715 wrecks and the gold is dated around the 1560's everything was recovered from the

From the same location.
Since I was not there I will not even try to figure this out. OH the pottery dates to before the Spanish ever reached Florida.
I know that there are some waiting to make a comment but try to be nice ;D :-\
Peg leg


This does not explain your first post. What has this got to do with you wanting to work with a professional group and them having to provide you with maps? You are losing us! Whare are you going with this?

Robert in SC

Let me try am explain what I am trying to do here.
When I asked for charts of the area of interest not to exceed 1 sq, mile this was to make sure that I was not sent a WORLD ATLAS by some joker.
This also lets me keep track of who is doing what. There are still Pirates out there.
The photo showen below was just an example to show that I can do what I say that I can do. I will not even go to how this was done for reasons eveyone can uderstand. To be a little more clear I could care less what anyone is looking for as long as it is not a modern shipwreck and what I consider as modern is any wreck later than 1800.
I know that when THers go looking they has a particular wreck they are searching for and what I am saying is that I can pinpoint that wrwck and maybe a few that they were not aware of but I cannot and donot have the time to cover the entire Atlanatic East Coast. So if there is anyone out there that can provide charts of their area of interest then send me these charts along with the proper paperwork and we can get started.
If I do not find anything I will return your charts to you. So you see this is not going to cost anyone anything if I do nor produce.
You have nothing to lose but a lot to gain.
I will add this:
The person or persons involved in the final location will have to provide whatever equipment they will require to check out the locations that I give them.
I WILL find CANNONS and the rest is up to you.
I hope this helps you to understand what I am trying to say here. It is very hard for me to provide details until I actually get started and that takes time.
Peg leg

Ok... I think what PEG is trying to say is... if you have a particular wreck that you are researching and have charts of a specific area that the wreck may be located in, he will offer to help you locate cannon (or other?) for a 5% share of the recoveries using whatever special equipment or technique he has available to him. Is that about right?

PegLeg, I get it. You are offering your dowsing capabilities to anyone who needs it! Is that right?

Very interesting! I have an excellent target in mind that I can narrow down to 1 sq mile. A single Bronze cannon. Does your method work on Bronze?

Our group will be working this project this summer and it would be very interesting to see how it works. Maybe a chance to prove yourself to some of the naysayers.

What do you think?

Robert in SC

Hey Robert-
Just being nosy, but did ya'll locate a bronze cannon around Beaufort? That would be so cool. I did two
tours there in the Marines, one at P.I. and one at the air station (trained recruits at the indoor poolat PI and then pilots water survival in MAG-31.) I'm down here on the 1715 fleet now, but I remember Beaufort fondly. I'd love to hear you found a ship up there. I've still got a place to stay on Fripp if you want some help! But, brrr
its COLD there right now, right?
Happy Hunting Mike

Peg Leg,

Bravo, let the theory begin! It will be an interesting concept to follow
and see how it all works out.

BTW, Happy 70th Birthday Don!

The best of everything!



If I give you a chart and I pinpoint an area of 1s mile you can find a cannon........ right? Now does the cannon needs to be expose? or can you also locate a cannon that is encrusted in the reef or buried 10 or 20 ft in the sand?

All the best,

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