Skull in the woods. UPDATE with the police article. No pics.


Bronze Member
Sep 1, 2006
Lone Star State
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Please to do not move this just yet. It is, after all, today's find.

As all you seasoned diggers know you never get everything the first time around. It's why we have "sweet" spots and "favorite" places. I have yet to find one of those around town. I don't get much time to hit the really old areas of Houston, as, they are all near the downtown area and within a few miles of it. Traffic and scheduling prevent me from being able to go there after work. Therefore I stick close to home and try to venture out on the weekends if possible. My sweet spot happens to be my front yard. I have removed so far a Merc. SLQ and last friday my first war nickel.

Today, however, before leaving for the in-laws place for bird and fixins', I decided to hit the woods near my home. I have been to these woods a couple of times and found nada, zip, zilch. This is near the area for Old Main street that used to run into Houston from the south. There are quite a few stands of woods around this area and the railroad tracks run through there.

I'm thinking to myself that this should be a good place to go. Don't know of any train stops that would have been there, but, maybe the kids of the "old days" era may have played in the woods. I have found a train-flattened penny near there so I know kids must have played there and would therefore have played in the woods.

In those woods I found an old hobo den. It had been abandoned for quite some time. A few pieces of plywood leaned against some junk. Rusted metal and bicycle parts. I found a ton of aluminum cans. Most of the from 1993 or earlier. As I recall in or around 1994 Budweiser came out with the wide pour spout on their cans. The shape of the key was changed to a blunt-type. Prior to that the cans had the small mouth with the pointy punch key. Then there were the infamous PULLTABS!! If my years are off just a bit, oh well.

Bear with me I am getting to the point.

Today I was out in the woods for a bit o' swingin' prior to leaving to go the in-laws. I again searched near this hobo home. I had done so twice before. I never detected too close to it because of all the aluminum pie pans, cans, pots and other debris that would render an area useless for detecting. Besides, how much change could a hobo drop, right?

Today I heard, behind me in the woods, a slow rustling sound far off. Probably just an animal. Can't spook me like that. I turned to see if I could locate the source of the noise. That's when I saw it. It was huge. I hadn't seen a roof turbine that big before. Commercial sized I suppose. I thought how weird it was that it was out in the woods that far. Right near the den. Not 20 feet from it. The paint on it didn't look all that old. Not old enough, in my opinion, to match the age of all the other debris. I hadn't noticed it before. I remember just about everything else. That's when I saw the other "it".

Does anyone know what it is truly like to be alone? To be by yourself with no one around to console you and tell you that everything will be alright? Has anyone ever wondered what it would be like to be alone with no one around to help you? What must it be like to lie in the woods by yourself and die? Alone. No one to see to it that you are properly taken care of.

I am not sure what happend the person, who's skull I found in the woods today, or how he/she got there, but, I am going to call the police first thing in the morning. I never noticed it the first two times I detected there.

This is an area that is not fenced. There are no property management signs up. No "keep out" signs. Nothing. I hope that the person who belongs to the skull will finally be put to rest properly. I hope that whoever put that person where he/she lies will someday come to justice if there was any foul play. I suspect maybe an old hobo had a health problem of some sort and died alone. That's what I hope anyway.

When I saw the skull I knelt in front of it and looked closely to make sure it wasn't plastic. It was bone. No bones were visible anywhere else, but, that doesn't really mean much at this point.

I thought "why me?" My grandmother said "why not you?" I guess it was me because I will call the authorities. I will make sure someone knows about this so that something proper will take place. As far as I am concerned that area is now a graveyard and I will no longer go back out of respect. The turbine next to the skull just doesn't look worn enough to have been out there before the skull landed there. Too wierd. Maybe the authorities will tell me more of what they think since I am the one who found this person.

I can tell you one thing. The skull wasn't alone on this Thanksgiving day. Who knows how many this person spent lying there alone?

I don't want to speculate too much. I will just wait for the cops to tell me what they think. I don't imagine they'll tell me too much.

Updates as I get them. Peace and hug those family members and count all your fingers and toes everyday.

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Re: Read this: Hug your loved ones and be thankful you are not alone.

Let me first start by saying that I am in no way insensitive toward the suffering of humanity. I firmly believe that much of what a soul suffers he/she brings upon himself/herself. With that said I have called the police this morning. I met them at the site and escorted the first officer through the woods to the scene. After a few quick notes on his pad we were off through the woods again back toward the road. I called at 9:00 am this morning. The first officer did not show up until 9:30 am!! The second officer showed up at around 10:00 am. A woman. As I figure a lady officer might do some good and offer the idea of comfort in such a complicated situation. No need. At approximately 11:00 am the homicide investigators showed up. They asked me a couple of loose questions on how I ended up in the woods. I told them. They also asked if I had touched the skull. I told them that I had not. They took a bunch of information from me and told me that they greatly appreciated my call and help and that they probably would not be contacting me again. This means that I am out of the loop and unless I see it on the 6 o'clock news I will never know what happens.

I knew this would be a slow process and was in no hurry to botch the Holiday festivities of my family. I will not apologize for being indifferent in my feelings of waiting to call the police. As I see it, the cops had enough to deal just being at work yesterday. No need to add something else to a plate that has no food.

My wife worked very hard on preparing several dishes for the family and deserts. Cold things to keep cool and hot things to keep hot. We were in a hurry and I wasn't about to let something like this wreck everyone else's time. It would keep over nite. Nuff said.

Had this been a rotting flesh mass or recognizable corpse I would have called the authorities IMMEDIATELY!!

Hope all who celebrate Thanksgiving had a wonderful one!


p.s. when i got home this morning from the interview the 'x' key was missing from my laptop keyboard. no joke. took me a minute to find it. it was in that space where all your change falls. i leave it on at night but lay the screen down so the cat cat sleep on it. wierd. peeeeace!!!!!

Re: Read this: Hug your loved ones and be thankful you are not alone.

WOW! Thats creepy!

When my dad was a kid he found an entire skeleton in the woods. The cops later found out that the man had hung himself on the tree nearby.


Re: Read this: Hug your loved ones and be thankful you are not alone.

Wow, what an experience to go through! You handled the situation with excellence, not many could do it like you did, don't know how I would have dealt with it. I commend you for handling it the way you did, great job. Would be interesting to know the outcome of it all. HH, Mike

Re: Read this: Hug your loved ones and be thankful you are not alone.

You did well, Weedhoppah.....

You should be thanked, as there may be a family out there missing a loved one who might now have some questions answered.

Re: Read this: Hug your loved ones and be thankful you are not alone.

Will.Dig.For.Food said:
...I firmly believe that much of what a soul suffers he/she brings upon himself/herself...

I knew this would be a slow process and was in no hurry to botch the Holiday festivities of my family. I will not apologize for being indifferent in my feelings of waiting to call the police...

My wife worked very hard on preparing several dishes for the family and deserts. Cold things to keep cool and hot things to keep hot. We were in a hurry and I wasn't about to let something like this wreck everyone else's time. It would keep over nite. Nuff said....
For what it's worth, I think you did the right thing all the way around. And I'd stay out of those woods myself, after finding that. I'd stay out for MANY reasons, including the one you previously stated.

I'm sure the local papers will cover the story, although it may be buried (if you'll pardon the pun) on the back pages.

Take care, Will.Dig. and yes, hug those loved ones every day. Being alone is not much fun...I know firsthand. Sniff, sniff.

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