So New, So Confused


Dec 11, 2007
Hello everyone!
I would really appreciate any help I can get from all of you experienced treasure hunters! Here's the deal. I have wanted a metal detector since I was about 7. Now i find myself in a good place financially and plan to travel the country soon and would love a great metal detector to take with me. Unfortunately I know little to nothing about what to get. I find myself scouring internet sites, all claiming to be the best in quality, value, and durability. They can't all be telling the truth... right? So this is where you wonderful folks come in. What do you feel is the best metal detector for newbies? Are there Md's that can detect what metal is below? This is the criteria I feel is important for me.

-Easy to use. I don't want too many knobs and buttons that will intimidate me and confuse me.

-Durability. As I said before, this will need to travel with me and I want to feel confident that a bump or two wont damage my MD.

-Overall usefullness. I am not in this to get rich quick or anything. I am just interested in what lies below. I would be pleased with coins, jewelry, artifacts, etc. I'm not picky. However, I'm not too interested in beer bottle caps, so one that can also weed out junk.

-Good Bargains. I have noticed the less expensive ones seem simpler to use, but does that mean they are of lower quality? Probably. I went to Cabella's recently and saw a Bounty Hunter for about $500 but judging by what I have read here, they just aren't quality detectors.

Obviously i need some real help here. PLEASE impart your wisdom on to me!

Hi jmilewis,
I don't know a lot about BH, but the posts here aren't so bad. To me just get an ACE 250 from Garrett. You can't just go wrong with it. Noone wants beer bottle caps and other sweeties like these, but ain't no a top machine who simply reject them if you're still not experienced with it. With a lot lot of practice you'll have a lot of fun, and be sure that you'll be pleased with any decent machine (BH, Garrett, White's, Tesoro and so on). Expensive might also mean "complicate" for a newby, a cheap machine (from $200) is not a toy and is quite perfect to start. Just my opinion..

M. :)

If you can try before you buy you'll be much happier.

I would set your budget and then find some local MD dealers in your area and demo.

Whatever one works for you is the one you'll be happy and successful with.

Good luck in your quest!

Welcome. melvin_it makes a very valid point in his reply. That being said, if I had $500 to spend on a detector, I don't think i'd purchase another Bounty Hunter. Nothing against Bounty Hunters because I own a couple of them (and still use them), because that was all I could afford at that time. They work fine for a beginner to the hobby. For the most part, all major manufacturers make decent models. The only thing (I have) against BH is the basic lack of sturdiness in the design and perhaps a bit of depth loss. For 5 bills you could get a Whites Prism 5 or a Garretts GTAx 550 or even a Tesoro Vaquero (with a lifetime guarantee). All in all, If you stick with the major brand names you should be fine no matter what you choose.

I've been at this detetcing thing for 40 years so maybe I can help.

1st we need to know what you want to hunt and where.

I'll assume you want to hunt coins and rings on land away from salt water.

The best quality starter detector is the Tesoro Silver uMax ($239). It is also possible that the new Fisher F-2 is a BETTER starter machine but since I haven't tried it yet I really can't say for sure (this is what many are saying). But right now you can get a new F-2 off ebay for $199.99 and it comes with a free extra small coil for very trashy areas.

Of the F-7 and Silver uMax, the Silver uMax is the easiest to use. But the F-7 should also be very easy to learn.

Hope this helps.


Don't listen to these crazy GET A BOUNTY HUNTER!!! I love mine, heck, whichever one you buy will be the best. If I had bought a White's I would be telling you to get a White' HH


take it from a noob who has owned 4 detectors so far (two of which were Tesoros).....ace 250....not too expensive, not extremely deep, but very encouraging, easy to use and you WILL find coins etc....

If i was just starting i would stay away from Bounty Hunter. I would say like most the Garrett Ace 250..or Garrett GTAx 550.....or Whites PRIZIM 5.....or Tesoro..Silver u max...or ..Tesoro Cibola...Stick with one of the top name brands and you will be a lot happier in the long run................==Jim==

For a starter machine I'd go with the Ace 250 (avoid the Ace 150 like the plague) Also the Tesoros are good machines. I don't own the F2 but from what I've read, there are alot of good and BAD reports. I don't see that with the Ace 250 or the Tesoros. For that reason alone I'd stay away from the F2, but thats just me. Good luck.
Robert R

I had a bh 3300 it was OK, fine some good coin's but it ate battery like mad, up grad to a dfx :) if you want a sturdy machine and ez of use look in to a m6-matrix series (white"s)simple and good ! optional nicad battery system and best of all made in the USA 8)

jmilewis, I own several machines. Two are Bounty Hunters. Personally, I would never spend $500 on a BH because you can get them cheaper elsewhere. My favorite is the Whites MXT. I just got a ACE 250 Thursday. I haven't used it yet since I've been sick, but my husband has. He LOVES it. It's simple, deep, and loves coins (I'm told it is not a beach machine except on dry sand). A new one cost about $212. Get you a pinpointer while your at it.



If I was in your shoes I would read all the user reviews . Now , a lot of people are brand loyal , the old news , ford / chevy thing & a lot of people don't want to admit that the detector they picked & spent their hard earned money on is below par . I am by no means an expert & most of what I think I know , I,ve learned from hours & hours of reading on this site & others . Also there are certain people , one or two
who seem to really know their stuff when it comes to metal detectors . You mentioned $500.00 so I assume are considering at least that much . You also mentioned bounty hunter & my first detector was a bounty hunter time ranger , the time ranger is bounty hunters top of the line detector although bounty hunters parent company First Texas also now own Fisher & make the T2 which is more expensive than the time ranger . I like the time ranger but wouldn't buy another one as I now beleive there are better detectors in that price range .
Most of the tesoros are highly thought of & reasonably priced . For $500.00 you could probably pick up a used whites M6 & possibly a whites MXT . People seem awful happy with those . Also the minelab X70 seems to be popular at a used price of around $500.00 .
There is a Fisher F4 with 3 coils on the detector depot classifieds right now for &325.00 . Sounds like it would be a good deal . I have an ace 250 , forget that one if you're willing to spend $500.00 . The 250 is good for the $200.00 it costs new but I think you can do much better with a $500.00 or more spending limit . There are many other detectors that do very well & maybe some more people will help . You also mentioned traveling & soil conditions can very well play a part on which detector you should buy . There are people on here that know way more than I do & if you carefully read other peoples posts you should be able to figure out who I'm talking about . Good luck & HH

I've been swinging a detector for over 40 years, and still do not consider myself an expert. All metal detectors are designed to do the same thing, find metal objects. Sure, you have to advertise your product if you want it to sell. But why does the guy (or gal) who drives the Ford swear by it? Because it does what they want it to do and they have had good results with it. Even if a Dodge or Chevy will do the same thing, at a higher or cheaper price. Why does every brand of everything have different options? Because people are different too.
Hell, I still have a couple of detectors that I made myself as science projects back in High School. They are made from scrap parts of plywood and old transister radios. Sure are ugly, but work great. And they are simple and easy.
I can take my detector out, run circles around the high dollar boys, then take their "do all, find anything " high dollar gizzmo beep and whistle machine, and can't find squat. Why? Because I'm not used to this machine.
Metal detecting is 33% equipment, 33% knowledge and skill, 33% attitude, and 1% luck. What ever you decide to get, learn it from inside out. Know what it (and You) are able to do. It's all about having fun, so have fun.

Just wanted to add my two cents in and I hope this helps you out. I got a Titan 3000XD and happen to love it, it has great depth and is easy to use right out of the box. I have found allot of coins with it and it has blown away anything I have owned before. It would be a great detector for you for under the 500 dollar range. Being new to detecting you will want something that is not so confusing to use, so good luck with what ever one you decide to use.

jmilewis said:
-Good Bargains. I have noticed the less expensive ones seem simpler to use, but does that mean they are of lower quality? Probably. I went to Cabella's recently and saw a Bounty Hunter for about $500 but judging by what I have read here, they just aren't quality detectors.

Bounty Hunter is a quality detector, there really isn't any (besides those 20 dollar handheld ones) that aren't quality. It all depends on what you like best and what your looking for.

Bounty Hunter Tracker IV -- This detector is the lowest bounty hunter that I have seen. To me its worthless because I like LCD screens. This is the most simple to use and can be bought for $99 - $109.

Bounty Hunter Quick Silver -- I currently use this detector for many reasons.
#1. It doesn't give you false beeps.
#2. The LCD screen is a very simple read out.
#3. It detects deep in most surfaces.
It only has 2 buttons and no certain type of settings, you turn it on and go. This can be bought for $149 - $169 at Dicks Sporting Goods.

Garrett ACE 250 -- This is a very good detector for a low price, but has some issues.
#1. You can receive false signals with this.
#2. It can be very confusing to a beginner, many knobs and settings.
#3. It is heavy for its size, which tires you out quick.

However it has a built in pinpointer which is very useful. Plus auto depth reading. These can be bought for $212 - $229

Stay away from White's detectors until your ready to spend over $500 and be confused with settings and your ready to step it up.

Whatever you do I recommend getting the White's Bullseye II Pinpointer, it's a handheld pinpointer that has tone and vibrate options plus a powerful LED light to help in low light or darkness. You can get them as low as $79 brand new, or at White's for $119

Bounty Hunter Rules! Don't be fooled by people who are Walmart Haters. Or maybe they are pissed because they spent the big bucks on their machines and the Bounty Hunter can keep up with them. BTW - that company makes the same detectors for Cabelas and others. USA Company - 5 year warranty - can't go wrong. I go detecting with a guy who has a really nice top of the line Whites - we are always checking each others finds for sanity checks - they always ring the same!
My niece has an Ace 250 - fine machine - again - it also rings the same and pinpointing is just as easy! I could talk for days on all the cool finds I have netted since September - from Gold and Silver rings to 100 bucks in clad - and I was a newby in September of 07. I love the simplicity of the BH and the way it sings to me!

I'd look into Ebay many used detectors for a good price, some are with warranty.
I'd be looking into a MXT or similar so you can grow into it for a while but still not to advanced(?)
Manuals can often be found online at the manufacturers website look at those to..

Just wanted to add my 2cents in reference to the BH's not being sturdy...totally false...mine has traveled the world with me by plane, train, automobile, on foot, and on camel, extreme temps, thumps and bumps, still works as good as the day I bought it. I've always been happy with it, BH QuickDraw II, I only wish it had manual ground balancing ;) But back to your original question...find a couple good MD stores with employees that use the machines and talk to specific and try to do a little try before you buy ;)

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