so who regrets selling off some?

Don't feel bad. Silver could have dropped 5 bucks just as easy. You should not feel as bad as the poster here who told everyone to sell at 30 because some guy he heard on the internet/radio/tv?? told him silver was gonna drop like a rock. Problem with trying to sell now and buy back cheaper is sometimes the market doesn't cooperate.

But like I always say here, unless you need the money for debts/bills, DON'T SELL!, until all the "we buy gold" shops turn into "we sell gold" shops and the sheeple start buying gold and silver. I think that by the time the public really catches on, silver will be as out of reach as many think gold is now.


I have no intention of selling ANY... My plan is go get enough to start trading in on .999

Jim and DB are spot on! Don't sell, trade up! That's my thought too. :laughing7:
Don't worry over the past, get back out there and re-build that stash. :wink:
Best wishes,

I am thrilled with the profit I made selling a few rolls at a time as silver kept climbing. The last was at 37. How can you refuse 1000% clear payout!!!! I will sell a couple more rolls around 40!!! HI HO SILVER!!!! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

not that im mad, but i wish i would have waited to sell my 4 rolls of quarters (1.5mos ago)

I am selling some of my stash tonight, at $39.50 per ounce to one of my best friends. He is happy to get silver at melt and not have to pay taxes or a premium. I am only selling about 7.5% of my current holdings and am going to sell some each week until silver tops out later this year. I think a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush -- sure, you can hold onto your stash forever hoping for that magical $936 an ounce silver :laughing7: and then when you plan to sell the market crashes and silver is back to $30 an ounce or less. I am strategically selling off my holdings so I can pay down debt and do some home renovations for the wife. You should never feel bad about taking a huge profit!!! Just my fifty cents! :tongue3:


$ilver$urfer :hello:

Silver will hit $75 per ounce by November of 2012 at election time. Gold will be around $3k, give or take a few hundred. Gas will be around $4.50 to $5.00 per gallon and we will be in the middle of a double dip recession. Too many governments...nations, states, cities, counties...are in huge debt and have spent themselves into oblivion. The "Quantitative Easing" program of money printing by the Federal Reserve has hammered the dollar's value and made the dollar an easy target. At this point, when the dollar loses its status as the world's reserve currency, it might just be a footnote as the huge damage done by massive debt and money printing cannot be undone at this point.

Once inflation gets really gets going, it is just starting now, and interest rates start to rise you will really start to see the precious metals and all other commodities take off...

Looking back at $40 an ounce for silver and $1,450 an ounce gold you will sigh and, wish I had bought that way back when LAST YEAR... :laughing7:

Boy, I sure do!
I had to sell a bunch when it was around 11 bucks a while back. If I had all the silver I collected and sold over the last 4 years or so, It'd be worth well over 35 grand.
But the rent had to be paid. Darn landlord actually expects to be paid EVERY month-imagine that!

I don't regret selling the 40%, as I used the profit to buy up. I won't be able to sell the 90% at any price, if it involves paper currency.

TheRandyMan said:
Silver will hit $75 per ounce by November of 2012 at election time. Gold will be around $3k, give or take a few hundred. Gas will be around $4.50 to $5.00 per gallon, and we will be in the middle of a double dip recession. Too many governments...nations, states, cities, counties...are in huge debt and have spent themselves into oblivion. The "Quantitative Easing" program of money printing by the Federal Reserve has hammered the dollar's value and made the dollar an easy target. At this point, when the dollar loses its status as the world's reserve currency, it might just be a footnote as the huge damage done by massive debt and money printing cannot be undone at this point.

Once inflation gets really gets going, it is just starting now, and interest rates start to rise you will really start to see the precious metals and all other commodities take off...

Looking back at $40 an ounce for silver and $1,450 an ounce gold you will sigh and, wish I had bought that way back when LAST YEAR... :laughing7:

It is almost already 4 bucks. I believe a barrel of oil will be over 200 bucks by next year, and that would translate into 6 to 7 bucks per gallon. Oil is already 109 or so per barrel and you don't really hear much about it on main stream media.


$ilver$urfer said:
I am strategically selling off my holdings so I can pay down debt

$ilver$urfer :hello:

I think that this is an excellent move. You are a very wise man for doing this.

Question...why pay down debt when governments are diluting their paper money supplies in an attempt to make it easier for THEM to pay down their debt? Why not just wait as every month that goes by the paper money that you use to pay the loan off is worth less and less and costs you less and less to pay off the debt with? Why not take the extra money that you would have used to pay off debt and BUY gold and silver, watch it move up up UP and make your debt even EASIER to pay off a year or two from now when it has DOUBLED in value while the worthless paper has HALVED in value??
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

I do and don't regret selling some 40%ers back in early December when it was around $29/oz. I needed the loot at the time and I got about 94% of melt, but yeah, of course I wish I had it back. I bought some ASEs and 90% coins below melt just after selling, so I'm not kicking myself too hard.

Kindest regards,

TheRandyMan said:
Question...why pay down debt when governments are diluting their paper money supplies in an attempt to make it easier for THEM to pay down their debt? Why not just wait as every month that goes by the paper money that you use to pay the loan off is worth less and less and costs you less and less to pay off the debt with? Why not take the extra money that you would have used to pay off debt and BUY gold and silver, watch it move up up UP and make your debt even EASIER to pay off a year or two from now when it has DOUBLED in value while the worthless paper has HALVED in value??
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

In theory you might be correct, but it does not take into account the interest costs each month as you wait for the $$$ value to drop. Plus having excessive debt will affect other options you might otherwise have such as getting business loans, buying a home.

I read somewhere that debt = slavery. I personally would rather be completely debt free (talking about credit card, student debt, etc, not a mortgage).


d2arcing said:
depressed i sold off 30x rolls of 40% 2 weeks ago and i could have made another 150 if i waited...
I don't collect silver coins for profit at this point. It's more as an insurance policy against inflation and the increasing loss in value of the fiat currency now in common circulation. Plus, I've been into coin collecting ever since I was a youngster.

However, I can relate to sellers remorse very well. I had to sell off all of my gold buffalo bullion. My wife was sent by ambulance from our local hospital to a hospital in Atlanta GA for emergency surgery. She passed away there on christmas eve 2009, and they gave me a deadline to have her body out of the hospital morgue by saturday. The funeral directors I spoke with in Atlanta were not willing to wait for her life insurance payment. They said that I would have to pay in advance since I lived in another state. I had to sell my gold fast, and did not have time to hunt around for the best price, so I had to sell for well under spot. It was the only way that I could cover that major expense in time to comply with hospital rules and state regulations. The primary reason that I had bought the gold bullion was I felt that it was the safest and most secure way to hold the majority of our liquid assets at the time. While I knew that the fiat currency would lose its value over time, the gold would hold it's value. This would result in an apparent profit when and if it was time to sell. When I finally did collect on her life insurance policy, it would not have been enough to cover her final expenses, or to replace the gold bullion that I had to sell. Even with the sell-off loss, I still sold that gold for nearly $400/oz more than I had bought it for about a year prior. If I had just kept our currency in the bank instead of investing in that gold, it would not have been enough to cover her final expenses.

I regret a lot of things that I've done in the name of "investments".

I regret not buying $100k of silver and gold back when silver was around $16/ozt and gold was at $1000.

I regret selling my silver EFT stock (SLV) back when it was $28 a share.

I regret taking my profit in ADP stock yesterday and buying Target with the proceeds (ADP went up today about 2% over what I bought it for and Target is down the same amount). I just can't win for losing when it comes to timing the market.

And I will likely regret not buying silver NOW when the price is "only" around $40/ozt. ;D

Luckily I haven't sold any physical silver and I don't plan to anytime soon. The goal is to leave my children with a giant treasure chest filled with silver, gold, and copper. Then they can do with it as they please.

jim4silver said:
TheRandyMan said:
Question...why pay down debt when governments are diluting their paper money supplies in an attempt to make it easier for THEM to pay down their debt? Why not just wait as every month that goes by the paper money that you use to pay the loan off is worth less and less and costs you less and less to pay off the debt with? Why not take the extra money that you would have used to pay off debt and BUY gold and silver, watch it move up up UP and make your debt even EASIER to pay off a year or two from now when it has DOUBLED in value while the worthless paper has HALVED in value??
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

In theory you might be correct, but it does not take into account the interest costs each month as you wait for the $$$ value to drop. Plus having excessive debt will affect other options you might otherwise have such as getting business loans, buying a home.

I read somewhere that debt = slavery. I personally would rather be completely debt free (talking about credit card, student debt, etc, not a mortgage).


Thank you, Jim!!! You answered it much better than I could have!!! I agree, wholeheartedly, with everything you said.

jim4silver said:
TheRandyMan said:
Question...why pay down debt when governments are diluting their paper money supplies in an attempt to make it easier for THEM to pay down their debt? Why not just wait as every month that goes by the paper money that you use to pay the loan off is worth less and less and costs you less and less to pay off the debt with? Why not take the extra money that you would have used to pay off debt and BUY gold and silver, watch it move up up UP and make your debt even EASIER to pay off a year or two from now when it has DOUBLED in value while the worthless paper has HALVED in value??
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

In theory you might be correct, but it does not take into account the interest costs each month as you wait for the $$$ value to drop. Plus having excessive debt will affect other options you might otherwise have such as getting business loans, buying a home.

I read somewhere that debt = slavery. I personally would rather be completely debt free (talking about credit card, student debt, etc, not a mortgage).


I agree 100%. I have always advocated living within ones means. Because of that, I'm completely debt free (including mortgage and cars). When you pay off your debt quickly, it becomes a non-issue.

I also don't believe all of the doom and gloom about the value of the dollar going down as quickly as some people claim. Ten years from now it will definitely be worth less than it is today. But probably not enough to offset the interest payments that you will be making on that loan.

Let's put it this way... the value of the dollar has been going down for a very long time. Yet banks still loan out money to people and end up making out like a bandit most of the time. If the amount of money they make in interest doesn't more than make up for the declining value of the dollar by a very wide margin, then banks wouldn't lend you money. It would be a losing proposition for them. They are well aware of what the value of the dollar is currently doing. And yet they still loan money all of the time.

Now you could in theory do very well by betting on the declining value of the dollar. But the risk would be significant. And don't believe for one minute that this whole "sky is falling attitude" is something new and this time the dollar really is going to take the plunge. People have been warning us about this stuff for a very long time. If you had bet back in the 80's on the declining value of the dollar like everyone was claiming you would have been disappointed in how much you wasted in interest over the years when those predictions failed to pan out.

I'm not saying that the value of the dollar isn't going down. But are you willing to bet a significant amount of money on it? That mortgage interest is a sure thing. It isn't going anywhere and you are guaranteed of losing money on it. The value of the dollar on the other hand? Heck, it could go UP. Well... I guess miracles CAN happen right? :wink:

clovis97 said:
$ilver$urfer said:
I am strategically selling off my holdings so I can pay down debt

$ilver$urfer :hello:

I think that this is an excellent move. You are a very wise man for doing this.

Thanks Clovis and Jim for your positive comments! I am sick and tired of carrying excessive credit card debt racked up when money was cheap and easy to come by (i.e. - 12 months no interest CC loans that ended up jacking my rates and chasing my balances once the CC reform act was passed last year). "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower [is] servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7 -- I am sick of having a feeling of debt over my head and being beholden to others...I want to live without worrying about it anymore.

Most of the debt was racked up through improvements to my real estate holdings, heck, at one time two-three years ago I had well over 100K in CC debt (all of it at 0% to 8% interest). I am down to about 25K now and hope to be completely debt free (minus mortgages of course) by year's end. That is why I am strategically selling 7.5%-8% of my holdings at intervals - I think my next sell point will be about $44.50.


$ilver$urfer :hello2:

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