Some Treasure Hunting Questions


Jr. Member
Apr 18, 2003
Silver City, NM USA
Detector(s) used
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have a friend who has a few questions regarding treasure hunting on the big scale and I'd like some input before I get back to him. Thanks!

1) If I were to find a treasure in a country other than my own, and have it brought back to my own country, is that illegal?
2) I'm aware that some museums buy stolen treasure, but would I have to sell the treasure to a museum in the native country of the relic?
3) For some of my expeditions I plan on visiting countries in a non-commercial airline/mode of transportation. Is doing so (and not letting authorities know of my presence in said country) illegal? If so, how could I by-pass this without having to alert the wrong kind of attention (ie. other treasure hunters, police/military, etc.)

1. That would depend on the terms of the contract between 'your friend' and the other country--and the laws of this country.
2. Are you suggesting that some of 'your friend's finds' would be stolen?
3. In my area, if you cross a river without a permit into this country that act would be illegal NWS your intent once you got here.

Then you ask if entering a country illegally "how could I by-pass this without having to alert the wrong kind of attention (ie. other treasure hunters, police/military, etc.)"
Am I getting this straight? You want advise on how to avoid "other treasure hunters, police/military, etc." after you've entered another country illegally?

I would be careful what you post on a public fourm in reguard to this matter.

just my 2 cents but it sounds like your asking us how to steal stuff then how to smuggle it back into the country an how to fence it ......... :-\.....sounds like some bad mojo to me

If your serious about going to find treasure somewhere why not take a legit route?

Cool post. Are you like the po-lice throwin somethin out to see if we'll bite? You're gonna get in trouble doin everythin you posted. If you are the police, doin research to better investigate crimes, just ask us.

Homesteader said:
I have a friend who has a few questions regarding treasure hunting on the big scale and I'd like some input before I get back to him. Thanks!

1) If I were to find a treasure in a country other than my own, and have it brought back to my own country, is that illegal?
2) I'm aware that some museums buy stolen treasure, but would I have to sell the treasure to a museum in the native country of the relic?
3) For some of my expeditions I plan on visiting countries in a non-commercial airline/mode of transportation. Is doing so (and not letting authorities know of my presence in said country) illegal? If so, how could I by-pass this without having to alert the wrong kind of attention (ie. other treasure hunters, police/military, etc.)

I am sure if you look hard enough you will find someone with the information you need here, but be forwarned, you will really have to look hard. The vast majority of posters here don't condone illegal actions, and I am one of them. I hope you are a Cop setting up a sting. It is better to think that than to have you actually trying to perpetuate a crime with help from here.

I like my freedom. So I can detect whenever I want. Sitting behind bars for doing it illegal is not for me

It would depend on what you mean by "treasure". For example: If you go to a tourist beach in Mexico, and ply the sand with your detector, you would have no problem at all (detectors are a common site on tourist beaches, innocuous, etc...). No let's say you found a diamond ring though (not out of the realm of possibility, right?). You would probably not have a problem at all bringing it back to the united states. Heck you could probably just wear the stupid thing on your hand while returning to the states, or just put it in your luggage no problem, etc... Who cares? But if you were to ask a consolate, or a Mexican police man standing the corner "I found this in your country, can I have it please?" what do you think they would say? They might say "no you have to give it to me. I'll make sure it goes to the proper authorities" (in which case it will end up on their wife's finger, doh!).

But let's say if it was a couple of dollars in change, their answer might be "sure, you can keep it". Let's say the issue was a cave full of gold bars? So you see, the answer really does involve what your definition of "treasure" is. And rather than let someone else interpret that, I think most of us would keep our mouths shut, if you know what I mean.

Homesteader said:
I have a friend who has a few questions regarding treasure hunting on the big scale and I'd like some input before I get back to him. Thanks!

1) If I were to find a treasure in a country other than my own, and have it brought back to my own country, is that illegal?
2) I'm aware that some museums buy stolen treasure, but would I have to sell the treasure to a museum in the native country of the relic?
3) For some of my expeditions I plan on visiting countries in a non-commercial airline/mode of transportation. Is doing so (and not letting authorities know of my presence in said country) illegal? If so, how could I by-pass this without having to alert the wrong kind of attention (ie. other treasure hunters, police/military, etc.)

1) If I were to find a treasure in a country other than my own, and have it brought back to my own country, is that illegal?

Most Likely YES but it may Depend on the country.

2) I'm aware that some museums buy stolen treasure, but would I have to sell the treasure to a museum in the native country of the relic?

I Don't Know what you Mean by "Stolen"
If you mean Removed From a country Without Legal Right.
Don't do it.

On the second part of your Question

Most Likely YES but it may Depend on the country.

I Think Spain would accept Stolen Property from
oter Countries , They do From Shipwrecks

3) For some of my expeditions I plan on visiting countries in a non-commercial airline/mode of transportation. Is doing so (and not letting authorities know of my presence in said country) illegal? If so, how could I by-pass this without having to alert the wrong kind of attention (ie. other treasure hunters, police/military, etc.)

I don't think any military Needs to Know unless it's on Their Property.
Police Etc. ?
Talk to a Lawyer Who knows International Law

If your with Law Enforcement Trying to Set somone Up,

Move along Please
Nothing To see Here ! :wave:


Let me tell you what will likely happen to you:

You will be hooked up with some local "Treasure Hunters" who are "in the know" so to speak. Whether there is a REAL treasure or not, you would likely be killed or kidnapped. The same thing has happened to several people in the Philippines. So many people claim to have information on Yama$hita's Gold Hoards, and they turn out to be bandits looking for a quick buck.

Lets say for arguments sake that your little group finds whatever treasure you are looking for. So.....lets are in a foreign country, with NO RECORD of your having entered that country. You are sitting on top of (possibly) millions of dollars worth of gold, silver, artifacts. I think that if I just take a quick peek into my crystal ball, I can see your future......... I bet you can guess where this is going.

Even good friends will knife you in the back over a large enough cache. For your own protection, you REALLY should have an OFFICIAL record of where you are (passport stamp, US Embassy, etc). If you are so certain of your treasure, then it should be no problem to get an attorney to work out a deal with whatever government. Save your life. Its the only one you've got.


I thought this thread was about digging dirty wheat penneys when I saw the topic? :hello:

Use common sense if your an adult.....

I love to read post like these cause they sure give all treasure hunters a bad name when the proper authorities read these post too...

Rando said:
TnMountains said:
I thought this thread was about digging dirty wheat penneys when I saw the topic? :hello:
I miss that guy....

Yep its a shame that nobody knows nothing.

This is one of those times where if you have to ask - you already know the answers. You are just dodging the truth, hoping someone will enable you.

Crossing borders without permission in nearly every country but this one carries stiff penalties. At minimum they usually involve inhospitable, filthy jails and guards that have never heard of civil rights.
Sub machine guns are the weapon of choice for these "peacekeepers," by the way. 'Ever stare into the muzzle of a loaded sub-gun, wielded by a granite faced guard? It's sobering, I can tell you.

Taking "treasure" and artifacts in the process of border hopping, then makes you a looter of antiquities and a criminal almost anywhere you go. The world has gotten rather small in the electronic age, and most foreign countries are pretty sensitive about this. I suggest you maintain a fat bribery fund for when you get caught.

NOTE: The authorities in other lands don't generally take PayPal or MasterCard.

Now, if you can handle these things, then you follow in the footsteps of grave robbers, thieves and famous rogues the world over. Some of the greatest fortunes ever known were made this way. More than a few unmarked graves are out there because of it, too.

It works for Indiana Jones because, a.) He is one of the good guys, and b.) That is the movies.

Real life is vastly different, and you will find the entitlement we Americans believe is our right doesn't exist much, elsewhere. As for international law, you throw away it's sanctions - by breaking it.

But hey, sounds like a hell of an adventure! If you don't get shot, you will have some seriously good stories to tell.

Come on Dahut,

Didn't you see the last Indiana Jones Movie? They made him more politically correct. It made me sick to my stomach.

When they were in the tomb, and he put the dagger back on the body instead of taking it.

HAHAHA Best-Mike

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