

Gold Member
Jun 4, 2010
Wherever there be treasure!
Detector(s) used
Older blue Excal with full mods, Equinox 800.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

Me? I delete it. ;D

And you wouldn't believe how much of it lately; just on this Forum. We probably pick off 99% of the spammers before they make a post tho. :wink:

DigginThePast said:

Me? I delete it. ;D

And you wouldn't believe how much of it lately; just on this Forum. We probably pick off 99% of the spammers before they make a post tho. :wink:

Good job! :thumbsup:

DigginThePast, don't pat yourself on the back that quickly...

It seems all of my dribble gets past you :laughing9:

spartacus53 said:
DigginThePast, don't pat yourself on the back that quickly...

It seems all of my dribble gets past you :laughing9:

Yeah, but you have a sword.

I just have a cat dressed as Santa (he thinks all the children will bring him treats). Keep telling him he has it backwards. :dontknow:

What is scary is that avatar actually looks like the Grinch if it were green :laughing7:

Zorro.....the Grinch? He'll be crushed when he hears this. :(

He looks like he is frowning tho, doesn't he?

You really need to post a picture of the Grinch for comparison.. They have the same facial expression. :laughing7:

I've been taking the persistent spammers address & sending it to other persistent spammers 10 or 20 times. Seems to work, Plus it's fun when your're killing time waiting on an appointment.

boogeyman said:
I've been taking the persistent spammers address & sending it to other persistent spammers 10 or 20 times.

I like it! :thumbsup: :laughing7:

bigscoop said:
boogeyman said:
I've been taking the persistent spammers address & sending it to other persistent spammers 10 or 20 times.

I like it! :thumbsup: :laughing7:
What about Spam over the telephone, Speaking of.. Who is a Telemarketer for GE Home security systems.. I have a Christmas present for you.. :laughing9:

poorhunter78 said:
bigscoop said:
boogeyman said:
I've been taking the persistent spammers address & sending it to other persistent spammers 10 or 20 times.

I like it! :thumbsup: :laughing7:
What about Spam over the telephone, Speaking of.. Who is a Telemarketer for GE Home security systems.. I have a Christmas present for you.. :laughing9:
Hey Hunter, Google up the National Do Not Call list. Fill out the on line form & wha - la! No more solicitors in a couple of weeks. Haven't had any phone solicitors in months and months. If you do get calls from solicitors log the time date etc. If they call you three times you turn em in, they get fined & you get some money back. Best thing I've done, no more idiotic salespeople calling at 0 dark thirty AM! :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :headbang:

I'm at the point where I look at e-mail spammers as entertainment while waiting for appointments etc. Like I said, send one spammer spam from another etc. I used to have a list of email address for federal law enforcement types that weren't .gov. Always wondered what the look on the spammers faces looked like when a FED or FBI showed up to ask them what the heck. Don't get pizzed! :BangHead: Think outta the box & have fun with it! It's free entertainment. ;D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

boogeyman said:
poorhunter78 said:
bigscoop said:
boogeyman said:
I've been taking the persistent spammers address & sending it to other persistent spammers 10 or 20 times.

I like it! :thumbsup: :laughing7:
What about Spam over the telephone, Speaking of.. Who is a Telemarketer for GE Home security systems.. I have a Christmas present for you.. :laughing9:
Hey Hunter, Google up the National Do Not Call list. Fill out the on line form & wha - la! No more solicitors in a couple of weeks. Haven't had any phone solicitors in months and months. If you do get calls from solicitors log the time date etc. If they call you three times you turn em in, they get fined & you get some money back. Best thing I've done, no more idiotic salespeople calling at 0 dark thirty AM! :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :headbang:

I'm at the point where I look at e-mail spammers as entertainment while waiting for appointments etc. Like I said, send one spammer spam from another etc. I used to have a list of email address for federal law enforcement types that weren't .gov. Always wondered what the look on the spammers faces looked like when a FED or FBI showed up to ask them what the heck. Don't get pizzed! :BangHead: Think outta the box & have fun with it! It's free entertainment. ;D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Last time they called.. The guy said he was conducting a survey and 10 people in my area won a free home security system.. I told him I already had security.. He asked who it was... I said a 45.. Then he got smart with me.. So I dared him to come and try breaking in.. He said what if you are asleep, You won't hear them breaking in.. I asked if he wanted my home address to come try me.. Then he repeatedly smarted me.. So I told him he was #1 and his hair looked nice.. Also told him he has nice shoes... I was very nice about it.... ;D Told him to call back anytime! :laughing9:

Oh man! What an opening you had!! An excellent candidate for the send em to a cops house to install "my" alarm.

Had a collections guy a few years back trying to collect off of my Ex. The idiot fell for the let me call you back with her info, it's in the truck gag. Did a reverse lookup on his companies number & found it to be in the same town. Took a little trip to their office around midnight. Checked the whole place out. The next time he called, I told him he was sitting in the bull pen. He sounded perplexed but said he was. I told him I had been sitting in the lobby when he came in that day. He tells me "no way" I described the lobby, the receptionists desk, the paintings on the wall etc. You could hear the nervousness in his voice. I asked him to stand up & stick his head above the cubicle wall. After some coaxing I could tell he was standing up. At that point I said, "Ok, There you are, I got a good line of sight." "I'll be watching you tomorrow." Needless to say I was out of town the next day hanging with some really credible "upstanding" people.

Hmm, The guy wasn't as dumb as I thought, he never called back & I never got another call from the Ex's collectors. I think I giggled about that one for a good eight months. Like I said, you just gotta have a little fun with it. :thumbsup:

I told a collecter one time, If you ever call me again... I will drive to New York, told him his address where I would go to, Then the Suite # , and then called him by his name.. Then there was a pause, I said, And I can be there before quitting time today..

Wish he would have called back, Then I could have went and got some of those girlscout cookies.. :laughing9:

Haven't had to deal with collectors in years, but like to mess with sales people!! I let them get all the way through their spiel then give em bogus info, or just talk like I've got brain damage or something, & let em think they got the sale locked up then come off with something like "I gotta ask my social worker" etc. My best is to act like I'm hard of hearing! It's fun to keep em repreating themselves 4 or 5 times & yelling. Then after 10 or 20 minutes tell em I'm not interested. ;D ;D ;D ;D

boogeyman said:
Haven't had to deal with collectors in years, but like to mess with sales people!! I let them get all the way through their spiel then give em bogus info, or just talk like I've got brain damage or something, & let em think they got the sale locked up then come off with something like "I gotta ask my social worker" etc. My best is to act like I'm hard of hearing! It's fun to keep em repreating themselves 4 or 5 times & yelling. Then after 10 or 20 minutes tell em I'm not interested. ;D ;D ;D ;D

There was a time when I hated phone solicitations, but anymore I sit back and have all the fun I can for as long as it last. :laughing7:

I hear that! I almost regret getting on the no call list, used to look at em as recreation. :D They're all on commission so I figure the longer they're tied up by me the further they are from eating steak instead of Kraft mac & cheese. :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft:

About a year ago, I wrote a post on how to stop junk mail from credit card companies.... My advise was to take their return envelope and stuff it with news clipping's, coupons, and any other paper you want to get rid of..

Credit card company's have all lost my address :laughing9:

FOr the phone calls, I would handle them 2 ways..

1- Ask what the person is wearing, then say that sounds really hot.
2- Once they introduce themselves, I tell them I have new socks, and keep repeating it

Have fun, it's your time, their dime :laughing7:

It works :thumbsup:

I like your socks ramble! :icon_thumright: :headbang: :hello2: That probably shakes em up good! I can just picture the guys face! :thumbsup:

Haven't seen as many in recent years, but I had removed a section of wall in the yard that was those red bricks. Every time I got one of those offers with the postage paid envelopes, I'd wrap a brick in a piece of paper grocery bag tape the envelope on it & send it back! Wish I could take credit for this idea but it came from a friend that worked at the post office. The company got charged for the extra weight of the brick. The really cool thing was I didn't have to haul any bricks to the dump. :thumbsup:

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