Start Preparing For The Change - You will be called upon :)



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PROJECT CAMELOT - Underground Bases and Tunnels by US Air Force:


Project Camelot | Underground bases and tunnels

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I will say this. Haarp is pretty scary and it can cause crazy weather patterns. I read this book a couple of years ago, but aliens, reptile people have nothing to do with it. Nikola Tesla was a man ahead of his time with concepts of heating the ionosphere.


Peyton Manning

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Till what?

ROFL, do you not read your own crap? the 23rd is supposed to be a big day. check back on your posts and you will see what you will deny in a week.

Peyton Manning

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BB you posted this

The Light force has been passive until now. Awaiting the tidal turn of Humanity to open to the universe. They are now awaiting the go-ahead to help us directly.
After the 11-23-2013 meditation the Light will become proactive. Changing the world as well as the Universe.

So we all await the change next week.

T_H, we do not mock the thread, only the thread starter.. ( iffn you post crap that never happens, do you not deserve it?)

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
BB you posted this

The Light force has been passive until now. Awaiting the tidal turn of Humanity to open to the universe. They are now awaiting the go-ahead to help us directly.
After the 11-23-2013 meditation the Light will become proactive. Changing the world as well as the Universe.

So we all await the change next week.

T_H, we do not mock the thread, only the thread starter.. ( iffn you post crap that never happens, do you not deserve it?)



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BB you posted this

The Light force has been passive until now. Awaiting the tidal turn of Humanity to open to the universe. They are now awaiting the go-ahead to help us directly.
After the 11-23-2013 meditation the Light will become proactive. Changing the world as well as the Universe.

So we all await the change next week.

T_H, we do not mock the thread, only the thread starter.. ( iffn you post crap that never happens, do you not deserve it?)

Jeff, mocking a member violates our rules, you have a choice, you don't like a thread, don't click on it, but mocking a member is not one of your choices.....Please stop.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

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Update Saturday 11-16-13.... mostly baloney.
Seems like more fake news reports from Denver's DIA Airport, LA, The Gulf Coast, mafia etc. So far nothing real that I can find. In the past these hysterical announcements of danger have been to deflect our attention away from what is really going on.

The HAARP video's have over one million views and is so well documented the issue leaves little room for tap dancing around it. WMD question seems likely. The US is not alone with weather technology and DutchSince has only documented America for the past few years. Other countries need to sort out their own issues.

The 11-23-2013 astrological forecast is important to many people whom reach for intervention from higher source. And will affect the universe as well as us. This is a first for earth people so who knows what will happen. Some predictions have been made since ancient times so it is a big deal. Enjoy your weekend...



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Earths airspace is protected by galactic fleets to allow no off-planet escapes or military satellites. The past two publicized satellite launches were soon followed by strange fiery falling objects below their supposed orbit. I believe those were the satellites. On November 20th a scientific mission is planned for a new space telescope. If I were insuring the thing I would postpone the launch. The cabal launches are 0/2 so far.

Recall the ISON comet and other video showing a space ship of some sort? Triangle shaped but certainly square edges? They are reported to be "L" shaped spacecraft capable of what we would call warp speed. They are stationed behind our moon to protect earth from cabal desperate actions. Current news blabs about Chinese and American military in Hawaii to defend our planet from alien attack. Long ago this was to be a staged event. Werner Von Braun warned about this in around 1960. The air force does fly those big black triangle ships which have anti gravity drives. Could be others hiding but I would not follow through with the fake attack. You will probably all die.

ISON comet appears to be real enough but just what it is and what will happen is unknown by us mortals. Every rumor mill is predicting disaster. Nothing any of us could do anyway so don't worry about it. 'Mericans enjoy Thanksgiving!



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From Cobra:
Regarding portal activations

E: Do you want describe some of the activations and clearing of these portals that you’ve been working with and how we can also participate in that? That whole scenario of the blocked portals that kept good energies from flowing forth, like the Goddess energy, and how we clear them? I think that’s of interest to a lot of people.

C: It’s a process. Each portal that we activate brings us closer to the final goal of completely clearing the etheric plane. The Archons had invaded the etheric plane 25,000 years ago, and were closing off one vortex after the other. This process was completed about 1,600 years ago when the Roman Catholic cults completely suppressed the Goddess energy on the planet. On each of those vortex points when we had temples of the goddess before there was a catholic church. This was the completion of the dark creed. Then you know what happened; we had the dark ages, the Middle Ages. Then about 500 years ago the first Renaissance brought the beginning of the process of planetary purification. We have now reached a point in the last few years when we are in the final stages of that purification. Each of the portals we activate brings us closer to the final goal of complete liberation of the etheric plane. As soon as the etheric plane is liberated, extremely fast the physical plane is going to follow. And then we are free.

: Could you just talk about what these portals are? What is their dynamic? How would we know if we were living near one? What kind of energy is it that that we could discover or is it very esoteric to even try to understand that?

: A dimension portal is a double vortex of energy that actually transmits energy between different dimensions. Then the energy can be used. It is a neutral energy. You can use if for good purposes or somebody could use it for not-so-good purposes. When the portal is activated property, it can become a very strong, supportive vortex for the light. It can actually change the energetic signature of that area. It can improve the living conditions of the people, their well-being. This is the reason why we are going from place to place activating those portals. If we have a mass meditation on a certain specific date, that can trigger the opening of that portal, it can have a planetary global effect of improving the planetary situation.

Do you want describe the activation that is coming up on the 23rd [of November], the context of that date and the place that you’ve chosen to do the work?

It is actually the Shift of the Ages. It is the moment astrologically speaking that we are entering a new cycle. The old cycle did not end on December 21 last year as many people have realized. The actual turning point is now in November. It will not manifest outwardly as anything special but energetically speaking it will be the peak of transition. From that point on the light forces will have much more power; they will have much more initiative on this planet and the dark forces will be on retreat from that day on. They will be in defensive from that day on. We have chosen Florence in Italy because we are grounding the energies of the new Renaissance and Florence was the anchor point for the first Renaissance, where a process of planetary purification started about 500 years ago. Now we are anchoring the same energy on a higher octave in the same place that will allow us to bring this new myth that we were speaking about, this new collective story that will not include the darkness.

E. Describe the Event again for those hearing this for the first time…

: OK, I will describe this briefly. The first aspect of the Event is the reset of the financial system. The reset of the financial system will end the current imbalances that are one of the major sources of suffering on the planet. The new financial system will be transparent and fair to everybody. The second aspect of this reset is the arrest of the members of the controlling forces of the Cabal, of those people who were actually enslaving humanity for all those centuries. The third aspect of the Event is finally the truth will begin to be released through the mass media, truth about the planetary situation, truth about our history, truth about UFOs, about extraterrestrial contact, about free energy, about true physics, about everything–will be released finally to the mass population. There will also be the non-physical aspect of the Event, which will be a flash, the wave of energy from coming from the galactic central sun. Many people who are more spiritually aware will be able to feel that flash. That will begin a process of mass awakening that will go across humanity after the Event.

: So, it is pretty safe to say that none of us will be the same after the Event.

: None of us will be the same. It will be beyond our expectations.

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The video DutchSince created about who is behind the biggest storm ever has hit some raw nerves. YouTube shut him down. Again. No reason, no warning. If it isn't on a hard copy or archival media, everything on the internet is just electrical chaff blowing in the ozone. I used to make copies of YouTube videos but is now very hard to do. I still make PDFs of information for my own use. Freedom of the press does not exist on the net. Technology is forcing us into a darker age.

NSA collects every bit of communication from you personally. The search for keywords to flag messages and people. If their staff cannot unscramble your clever message code they are all stored on a priority basis begging to be decripted. Every piece of mail you personally get, is scanned front and back and stored somewhere. NSA records everything about us. And the computers they confiscate with damaging evidence was most likely put there by them to begin with. No way out unless the Light Forces win.

If you can print hardcopy of stuff important to you, do so. Nothing we can do right now to change anything so relax. No demonstration or actions will help resolve this problem. We have to trust the behind-the-scenes activity of the good guys to change our world. Our best way to help is positive thinking, without fear.

10,260 Likes1,495 Comments1,089 Shares

[h=5]Dutchsinse[/h]Options for this story

I give up.

My account was shut down AGAIN , today, with no warning, and for no reason.

Saying I violated youtube guidelines?


2 hours ago


264 Likes248 Comments42 Shares


Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
The video DutchSince created about who is behind the biggest storm ever has hit some raw nerves. YouTube shut him down. Again. No reason, no warning. If it isn't on a hard copy or archival media, everything on the internet is just electrical chaff blowing in the ozone. I used to make copies of YouTube videos but is now very hard to do. I still make PDFs of information for my own use. Freedom of the press does not exist on the net. Technology is forcing us into a darker age.

NSA collects every bit of communication from you personally. The search for keywords to flag messages and people. If their staff cannot unscramble your clever message code they are all stored on a priority basis begging to be decripted. Every piece of mail you personally get, is scanned front and back and stored somewhere. NSA records everything about us. And the computers they confiscate with damaging evidence was most likely put there by them to begin with. No way out unless the Light Forces win.

If you can print hardcopy of stuff important to you, do so. Nothing we can do right now to change anything so relax. No demonstration or actions will help resolve this problem. We have to trust the behind-the-scenes activity of the good guys to change our world. Our best way to help is positive thinking, without fear.

Probably CIA "Disinformation Plot"; NSA...? KBG...? "Flying Saucers" were "utilized" in the 50's & 60's to distract ppl from the COLD WAR. War of The Worlds radio broadcast in 1938; SAME year of German invasion in Austria & start of ET of War. Think about it...

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Regarding complete knowledge of our hidden history, the ugly ones, there are a series of articles the British Monarchy. I am reading Part 1, and parts 3-4 will be published at this weekend. It is not flattering to the Royals. According to the author's research this history is the beginning of our worlds domination by bankers. Enough to permit independent verification in public records.
The Royal Families : Written By a Duke Mehal Rockefeller: Crimes & Corporate Scams and Nazi Links : PART 1: | LIGHTWORKERSXM

As I said before this is major news that probably will not be found anywhere else. Put your thinking hat on and read or discard at your discretion. Fair warning.. it's ugly.



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Finally an update from Cobra..

[h=2]Thursday, November 21, 2013[/h][h=3]Intel Update Before the Aion Portal Activation[/h]Energies are building up for the Aion portal activation.
We are less than a few weeks ago from the solar magnetic field reversal:

Sun expected to 'flip upside down' as magnetic field reverses its polarity - Telegraph

Also, comet ISON is approaching its perihelion. This comet is heralding the shift of the ages. Its energy is triggering an awareness of the completion of important cosmic cycles.

The Cabal is trying to diffuse that awareness with spreading disinfo about the comet. So let me clarify a few things: this comet is NOT Nibiru, will NOT crash into Earth, will NOT trigger any kind of Earth changes or cataclysms, is NOT the cause of severe weather some parts of our planet are experiencing lately, is NOT a spaceship, is NOT the playground for cosmic battles between Reptilians and the good guys, is NOT accompanied with visible decloaked spaceships, is NOT (…you can insert whatever more disinfo you can find on the internet…).

There are many fake videos of the comet circulating on Youtube, some of them supposedly coming from the Chinese National Space Administration. Let me clarify that Tian Lian 1 is a very old Chinese data relay satellite which does not have radar imaging capabilities which many of these Youtube videos claim to quote as a source of their ISON images. Also, I did some image processing on early Hubble ISON photos and did not see any spaceship images in the end result, only a dimmed comet nucleus. Also, I did not find any scientific reports about any ISON behavior that would be untypical for a comet.

On the physical plane, there is nothing unusual about comet ISON. It is a typical sungrazing comet. It is indeed very beautiful and a few days ago it looked like this:

On the energetic planes, there is a striking similarity between the Great comet of 1965 (Ikeya-Seki) and ISON. Ikeya Seki was visible at the Uranus-Pluto conjunction which triggered the sexual revolution and hippie movement in mid and late sixties. Comet ISON is visible now at the Uranus Pluto square / Aion portal activation, which will trigger the revolution of consciousness that will result in the planetary liberation. On the physical plane, both comets have a very similar orbit and may be originating from the same parent body.

At the moment of the Aion portal activation, a flash of energy will be emanating from M87 supergalaxy in Virgo. You can connect with its energy on Saturday during the activation:

This Galaxy is the most important energy source in our cosmic sector and oversees the evolution of our local cluster of galaxies. The flash of energy from M87 at the Aion portal activation will gently trigger the awakening of the Central Sun in our Milky way Galaxy.

Therefore the Aion portal activation is one of the most important energetic events of our lifetimes and it is of the utmost importance that as many people as possible participate in this.

You can find basic information about the Aion portal activation here:


And videos about the activation in 13 languages here:

Portal 2012: Aion Portal Activation Videos

Let's do this! Victory NOW! Liberation NOW!

Posted by Cobra at 12:01 P



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Finally an update from Neil Keenan, the Texas mafia's failed murder attempt(s) and friendly military capturing eleven and debriefing them. George Soarass, evil emporer of Japan, and desperation from Texas. Yep.. you'all it's about the Gold. And JFK. And the agreements he signed in 1963 about the Gold contributing to his murder. Sounds like the final act for the Collateral Accounts and all the Gold intended for Humanity. How this turns out is unknown. [Cobra and Keenan are the only sources I trust as their motives are transparent]

I have copies of the JFK Gold agreement. Leased at 4% annually payable in gold. Lot of money.. Many trillions.


Ø Nelu’s case now in line for the Supreme court
by Michael Henry Dunn

November 22, 2013

Fifty years ago today, the conscienceless sociopaths who want us to believe they run the world brutally murdered our president. John F. Kennedy knew the risks he took when he opposed and undermined the sick sect of bloodlines and bankers behind the Federal Reserve. But to Kennedy, it was apparently a closed question – he simply would not stand by and allow the slaughter and enslavement of millions under his watch. He knew that signing the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement and Presidential Directive #11110 to give control of America’s money back to America’s people was tantamount to signing his own death warrant. With the characteristic Kennedy blend of guts and arrogance, he did it anyway, and paid with his life. From JFK’s point of view, he had no choice – to cooperate or even to look the other way was simply unthinkable.

Or as Neil Keenan put it to me one day – “Yeah, I could take the money and walk away. But what’s the point if we all end up dead from these people?”

Every president we’ve had since that horrific day in Dallas has absorbed the ugly lesson, and has chosen to look the other way as the genocidal agenda proceeded. “Better to be a live mouse than a dead lion,” they reasoned.

But John Kennedy’s legacy and legend lives and grows, while they are already being forgotten.

Maybe there’s something in the history of the Irish race that taught us to embrace foolhardy risks in the name of hopeless causes. After helping win the American Civil War, the immigrant sons of Ireland (my great-grandfather among them) banded together and headed north to conquer Canada from Great Britain and trade it for the freedom of Ireland.

We tend to dream big. And Ireland is free today.

Well, most of it.

Which brings us to Neil F. Keenan. Or as the shorthand now is, NFK.

I’m here to tell you that the same “presidential” family whose chieftain planned the murder of John Kennedy fifty years ago attempted last week to abduct and most likely kill Neil Keenan, and for the same reason: he poses the greatest threat since Kennedy to their global crime syndicate through his campaign to shut down their money spigot – the decades-long defrauding of the Global Collateral Accounts.

For those who begin to find the whole story too improbable and accuse Keenan of being a con, I have little patience. If Neil is a con man, it’s the stupidest and most profitless con ever conceived. Having sat at his side in stifling prisons, corrupt courtrooms, and watched his back on crowded Jakarta streets (yeah, that’s how big our security budget really was – the skinny writer who hasn’t handled a gun in thirty years was basically Neil’s bodyguard for two months), and having sat in his hotel room as the calls came in from finance ministers and intelligence contacts, and knowing first-hand how he’s spent his fortune, risked his life, seen his best friend killed, and endured months of tedious setbacks while turning down tainted funding, my Irish flashes pretty fast when I read some internet wise-ass holding forth on how Neil isn’t for real.

o them I will only say – “póg mo thóin ríoga na hÉireann.” Neil is fond of that expression himself. Let’s just say it’s not an invitation to kiss the Blarney Stone.

Here’s how it played out. NFK pushed his resources to the limit and returned to Jakarta to try to wrap the deal up as the cabal closed off his financial lifelines. Funds raised on the web are beginning to rise, but getting them to Neil was difficult. Still trying to free his partner Nelu from prison, still lining up allies to wrest control of the Accounts, still recovering from a poison attempt (yes, it really happened), still fending off attacks on his reputation from people who should know better, he took a break and went to the Starbucks at a nearby mall (the same one where many of these posts were written), in the company of the gutsy and faithful Inchul Kim.

Neil’s a kidder. A virtually non-stop jokester. So when he told Inchul to watch out for the big, well-muscled guy pretending to read his laptop at a nearby table, Inchul was ready to laugh. But the look in Neil’s eyes was different this time. He alerted Inchul to a second “watcher” and told him to be ready to move. When Neil and Inchul made a sudden exit, they drew the opposition out, and observed themselves being followed. Having the advantage of knowing the territory (mall-cruising being a favorite pastime…well, the only pastime, really), our friends returned to their hotel in safety by a side exit.

But a blatant threat came through that night which let Neil know that this time the heat was on, and that he was not simply being watched – the people from Texas were now desperate to retrieve the Black Book by whatever means necessary…and their means of persuasion are, as we know, vile, and Neil would then be eliminated. He made the calculus and knew that staying in Jakarta was not an option. His team was totally vulnerable, his friends would be hurt or killed, and he himself would be taken.

So he left town fast….”got outta Dodge” as he later expressed it to this writer.

He didn’t tell me until much later where he went. It doesn’t matter now – he’s no longer there. But the cabal was in close pursuit, as those who read the hacked Skype dialogue in which they clumsily attempted to pump information from Jean Haines will know (similar attempts were made to other contacts in Neil’s Skype account – some of whom assumed that it was just Keenan playing with their heads as usual….but they wised up fast and the hackers got zero information).

Pushed from the airport bus by an unseen hand, Keenan’s knee was injured as he arrived at his destination (yes, the hackers did indeed, as they claimed, observe him limping in surveillance footage). Slipping into the bathroom, Mr. Keenan emerged moments later as someone else (he made me promise not to divulge the details of his disguise – let’s just say it didn’t involve a dress or panty-hose, but maybe did include a foreign accent and a Groucho nose).

He at once saw the waiting team of thugs outside searching for him. He walked right between them, feebly excusing himself in Swahili (or was it Ukrainian? I’ll let you figure it out) while the bad guys exclaimed to each other, “Where did he go?”

Okay, it was a blond wig and a fedora and some shades, and he was speaking Spanish. “Permisa me” he muttered, and the bad guys let the old man through. Next time, he says, it will be a new disguise. I suggested Mrs. Doubtfire, but I think he’d rather be a Ninja.

It appears that the cabal wanted Neil to believe he was being met by friendly Pentagon types, who would then escort him to an undisclosed location from which he would never emerge.

Instead, he strolled on, bag in tow, thinking maybe he was safe. And then he felt a hand on his arm.

“Mr. Keenan? Please come with me.”

A well-dressed Asian man. Smiling, and with a knowing look.

Keenan replied in Spanish to the effect that he was not Keenan.
“Please, Mr. Keenan. We would know you anywhere. I am with Mr. —————. We need to get you to safety now.”
Instinct told Neil this was the right guy. They walked on, left the airport, and were met by security forces of the good guys who escorted Neil to a hideout in the wilderness. The Family and positive U.S. military forces were instrumental in ensuring Keenan’s survival.

Here, I will have to leave it to your imaginations – those oh-so-fertile web conspiracy think-tanks – to figure out who the good guys were and where they took Mr. Keenan. It could have been Virginia. Or maybe Belgium. I will only confirm that it was not Antarctica.

They were followed by a team of bad guys.

A perimeter was established. The cabal thugs came in, unaware that their every move was watched on camera. NFK sat with the special forces from hiding, watching surveillance footage on a laptop…loving every minute, of course. “Like watching a video game – only with life and death stakes,” said Neil. The bad guys were shooting at shadows and noises, killing stray wildlife, not knowing they were actually the prey themselves. Eleven of them were taken. Some skirmishes, but no blood was shed. They were then taken out by helicopter to an undisclosed location – one not of their choosing, where one hopes they are singing like canaries about their erstwhile employers.

There were some close encounters. Neil (as he tells it) got to hit somebody in a fight, before the professionals took over. “I loved it!”

At sixty-three, with a bad leg, his chances for mixing it up are now few, and he was having a great time.

Soon he was “operational” and back in touch with the world, working on the next steps. A few days later, his protectors decided it was safe to move him. So now he’s somewhere else.

Hawaii, maybe? Either there, or Sasketchewan. Take your pick. Beats me.

No sooner was he relatively safe (and being Neil Keenan is unsafe by definition) than he had to go back on the offensive. As some may have read, the zombie-fraud entity calling itself the Office of International Treasury Control (or OITC) keeps attempting to rise from the dead with another attack on Keenan, or, in the latest instance, on World Bank whistle-blower Karen Hudes. Occasionally, it is necessary to republish the facts on OITC. This Wikipedia article should suffice, which states:

“The Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) is a seemingly elaborate fraudulent organization which claims to be associated with the
United Nations and the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States. It has attempted to deceive people and organizations in Ecuador, Fiji and the United Kingdom. The UN and Federal Reserve have denied any knowledge of or connection with OITC.[1][2] The purpose of the hoax is unknown.

Curiously, the OITC purports to be a highly secret organization whose existence cannot be proven or disproven by internet research, and yet it maintains its own very public website. The OITC website does not explain why a highly secretive organization would want, or need, to maintain such a website; nor does the website explain why such an apparently wealthy organization would have such a badly designed website with many typographical errors.”

In an exchange published on the pro-OITC site Rumormillnews, OITC promoter David Crayford mounted an attack on Karen Hudes, once again claiming that OITC is the true claimant to control of the Global Collateral Accounts. As with Neil Keenan, Hudes represents competition to their profit-scheme, so she was attacked. While it may be true that Ms. Hudes has often stepped outside of her area of expertise in many interviews (as with her ill-advised warnings of Comet Ison actually being planet Nebiru, about to impact Earth’s gravitational field with disastrous consequences which were to have occurred a week ago now), she is in fact a twenty-year veteran counsel with the cabal-created and controlled World Bank who is attempting to alert the world to the corrupt oligarchy’s agenda. On her own turf, her information is important. Keenan recently stated that he is still open to communication with Hudes, if a clean understanding were reached. Meanwhile, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hence this reminder about the fraud-riddled history of the OITC.

A side note: the guy calling himself “Anonymous” on the Hudes-Crayford thread over at Rumormill is none other than our old friend Keith Scott, attempting to emerge from obscurity. As usual, Keenan’s intelligence sources have the drop on Mr. Scott. (He’s in your laptop, Keith!)

Meanwhile, the Nazi escapees from Houston and their Illuminati network are still desperately trying to grab the gold, find the Book, and continue to defraud the Global Collateral Accounts. As reported earlier, George Soros personally went to Indonesia to hand out enormous bribes to the Elders (and some non-Elders as well) to obtain access to the bunkers and tunnels where Account assets have been stored since WWII. Days later, Keenan suffered the poisoning attempt, after which intelligence sources reported that Soros (upon return to D.C.) was heard to state, “We almost got Keenan.”

An important note: deep thanks to Dr. Edward Group of the Global Healing Center for the special anti-poison kits provided to Mr. Keenan. These saved his life. Neil suggested I add pungent details about the manner in which these kits work, but it’s enough to state that they are an “intense purgative.”

Soros and the Emperor of Japan are now working on a plan to remove the vast gold troves from Indonesia, which is now a blown cover, but the Family is keeping a close eye on this attempt. The Emperor’s efforts to help the cabal steal the Family’s gold in South Korea are also being closely monitored, and they will not succeed. “The Family is ready to deal with them,” according to NFK, “and with anyone attempting to sell the Family’s gold.”

Back in Jakarta, our friend Nelu’s case now moves back (again) into line for the Supreme Court, where we still hope that justice may be done, and that this innocent and good man will finally taste the air of freedom after a year and a half of unjust imprisonment.

As always, word of major moves by the Good Guys is in the wind. Maybe this time it’s for real. I have no idea. I don’t pretend to know how Neil intends to pull this off (on the need-to-know basis, I am mercifully on the periphery). I only know NFK has lived to fight another day. For which we should all be grateful.

Michael Henry Dunn



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Metal Detecting
Parts one and two...............

Regarding complete knowledge of our hidden history, the ugly ones, there are a series of articles the British Monarchy. I am reading Part 1, and parts 3-4 will be published at this weekend. It is not flattering to the Royals. According to the author's research this history is the beginning of our worlds domination by bankers. Enough to permit independent verification in public records.

The Royal Families : Written By a Duke Mehal Rockefeller: Crimes & Corporate Scams and Nazi Links : PART 1: | LIGHTWORKERSXM

The Royal Families : PART 2 : Written by Duke Mehal Rockefeller : The House of Windsor : | LIGHTWORKERSXM

As I said before this is major news that probably will not be found anywhere else. Put your thinking hat on and read or discard at your discretion. Fair warning.. it's ugly.



Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting

The more I read the worse I feel. There is no end to the cabal's control. Many good people devoting their lives to groups that we are funding through donations or subscriptions are only conduits for the cabal. They control everything that happens, is about to happen, did happen and murder millions of innocent people because it's easier that way. All the so called benevolent wildlife, earth friendly, new age and etc were created by the cabal, headed by the cabal for cabal purposes. And the employees and volunteers and other good people in places of power have been scammed. Lied to and if they do begin to see the real picture, they are "removed". By any means. And as they control big countries and all the news orgs, we never heard about it. Until now. The Truth Will Set Us Free................

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