Summary of Pie Grandes Theory on Moctezumas Treasure

Auel in her Cave books described people who went great distances in trade. Of course, that is fiction, but very plausible fiction IMO. I remember in college history, it was reported that an ancient grave, possibly Minnesota but my memory does not work that well any more, and the young female had shell jewelry from the Gulf Of Mexico. I view this is proof of long distance trades in very ancient times. Can you imagine people traveling maybe 1500 miles from Gulf of Mexico to Minnesota? Incredible, but reality. But, that does not mean tons of gold and jewels were transported by traders. Thanks, loads, Randy.

I don't think every soldier had heavy metal armor, Randy. The Indigenous had light armor, not the heavy metal armor the Spanish used. I need to go back and re-read Letters to the King, if I can remember it long enough.

As I have said, our theories are based upon our experiences, and Tlaxcala soldier were much stronger than we ordinary modern wimps. Navy seals in training carry electric light poles with them, for training.

I don't think every soldier had heavy metal armor, Randy. The Indigenous had light armor, not the heavy metal armor the Spanish used. I need to go back and re-read Letters to the King, if I can remember it long enough.

As I have said, our theories are based upon our experiences, and Tlaxcala soldier were much stronger than we ordinary modern wimps. Navy seals in training carry electric light poles with them, for training.
stand by your theory guy. i like it.

I may have written this before; if so, I apologize. I am in my early 80's now. In my early 70's, I could still help unload bags of cement when we did construction work. In the USA cement comes in 80 pound bags; possibly a cubic foot? I call them wimp bags, hahaha. In Mexico cement comes in 110 pound bags (50 kilograms).

At that time, when we got a load of cement, I would try to carry in 6 or 7 bags, one at a time. I simply did not have endurance to carry more.

One day, my nephew said, "Uncle, you are the strongest North American of any age I ever knew." When Mexicans work, they joke a lot, and that sure sounded like a really good joke to me. I waited for the punch line.

He realized I thought he was joking and said, "No, uncle, I am not joking. I never knew any North American who would even try to move more than 50 pounds. If the machine they used for unloading from the truck broke, the Americans stood and watched while the Mexicans did the unloading."

What a disgrace!

Note I was over 70 years old, and very much out of shape, after years of sedentary work, but was carrying 110 pound bags of cement from the truck. This is why I think young, prime of life, military trained soldiers from Tlaxcala could carry 150 pounds and still run and fight.

As I often say, I have been wrong before and expect to be wrong again about something, but that is my opinion, based on my own experiences.

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