Sun power


Hero Member
Jul 13, 2005
Detector(s) used
MINELAB 2100, L-Rods
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
After a few months of not being able to Dowse, because of the lack of Dowsing power. The Sun put out a couple Sunspots, bringing flux up to a Dowsable 78. Running below 70 during Solar Minimum, is to weak for me to use. For all you Dowsers that have been patient, this could be the beginning of Solar cycle 25. The Sun powers Dowsing, though it’s still a pulsing, non constant signal. Dowser

After a few months of not being able to Dowse, because of the lack of Dowsing power. The Sun put out a couple Sunspots, bringing flux up to a Dowsable 78. Running below 70 during Solar Minimum, is to weak for me to use. For all you Dowsers that have been patient, this could be the beginning of Solar cycle 25. The Sun powers Dowsing, though it’s still a pulsing, non constant signal. Dowser
Now I got it. Solar flux is not the true indicator of Dowsing power. It’s called Background flux, and it’s based off the Strength of the flaring of sunspots. Background flux was over C5 when I was able to Dowse 2 days ago. There was multiple small flares that day giving us Dowsing opportunities. Even though Solar flux is at 82 today, I cannot Dowse. No more flaring going on, means no more Dowsing power. So I admit I was wrong!! It’s Background flux, not Solar flux.. Dowser

I studied the solar flares. The only thing that happened to my rods is...I saw a little slower opening and closing of the rods
I could still located gold so I just stopped looking at those charts as they did not help me...Art

Crazy how Dowsers are so Different. My beliefs that Dowsing power isn’t constant, it Pulses and Fluctuates, and is generated by Certain Solar flares, without their presence, I can’t Dowse. Most the rest of the world, it’s constant, always able to Dowse the same.

Crazy how Dowsers are so Different. My beliefs that Dowsing power isn’t constant, it Pulses and Fluctuates, and is generated by Certain Solar flares, without their presence, I can’t Dowse. Most the rest of the world, it’s constant, always able to Dowse the same.
The difference is most likely, ability to receive the weaker Dowsable signal, compared to me. Solar or Background flux is just X-rays. The Sun without flares is sending the same X-rays, just not as strong. I need the extra power from the flares, some Dowsers do not.
A strange Sunspot it was, now departing, sending multiple B and C flares as it faced us. Even right now some B flares before departure. I can barely Dowse the weak B flares. But when the Sun comes up, more power is added to the Flares. Daytime radiation. B’s then become Dowsable to me.

The difference is most likely, ability to receive the weaker Dowsable signal, compared to me. Solar or Background flux is just X-rays. The Sun without flares is sending the same X-rays, just not as strong. I need the extra power from the flares, some Dowsers do not.
A strange Sunspot it was, now departing, sending multiple B and C flares as it faced us. Even right now some B flares before departure. I can barely Dowse the weak B flares. But when the Sun comes up, more power is added to the Flares. Daytime radiation. B’s then become Dowsable to me.

Stick a metal rod in the ground when flare's are in, hold the metal rod with one hand and dowse with the other hand,this will work 90 percent of time,......if it's real heavy flares nothing will help.......a mental dowser can dowse any time,flares does not bother them.

Taking advantage of the weak power I went Dowsing over in Roscommon. On Higgins lake Treasure island is a treasure legend of a supposed cache. From the S shore of Higgins lake about a mile or so from the island, I signaled with Gold. Using my 17 inch rods for distance and quantity, yes there is a Gold alone signal on the s side of the island. Standing on Higgins lake shoreline, it’s all residential property. The only Gold signal in 360 degrees was the one on the island. My only Silver signal from the same location was a Meteorite in the opposite direction. Minutes before that, Dowsing at my friends house, I Dowsed without knowing, a distant transformer on a telephone pole, an old water sprinkler, and the neighbors house, who is a rock collector, I was using copper for that. He must have some native copper or ore, from the UP. Native copper signals strong, almost as strong as Diamonds. Anyhow, that was 2 hrs of my day. I appreciate the suggestions of how to make me a better Dowser, but, I’m not searching or requesting any help. I do just fine, thanks Dowser

My Dowsing power is off again. I can’t Dowse right now.
With the departure of the lone crazy Sunspot 2736 that had 77 flares in 6 days. My 6 days of Dowsing is over. Hopefully in 2 weeks, that same active region will return, just as active or stronger. That’s what powers my Dowsing, Solar flares!
From 3/20 to 3/25 mostly B class flares, with some C shot out of 2736. I Dowse the power associated with Solar flaring. It only takes a few minutes for a flare to erupt. How soon after the flare till I can Dowse, I’m still working on. But the fluctuation of my Dowsing power is the inconsistency of the strengths, the duration between, and the lack of Solar flares. Dowser

What I’m really tying to do is let all you people, that cannot Dowse, know that I’m in the same boat as you, so to say. When I am able to Dowse, so will you be. Just knowing that Dowsing power is Not constant is most the battle. That lone Sunspot was possibly still in Cycle 24. We still have a bit of time before the Sun wakes up to Cycle 25. Dowser

Stand on a signal line. Raise a foot off the ground. Tell us what happens...Art
Art, I’ve been doing this for a long time. I have homemade and bought inventions. I’ve tried grounding rods, frequencies, coils, magnets, new shoes, etc, etc, etc. What I have found out was there is multiple ways to enhance a signal, but I know that if a signal is not there, it cannot be created nor enhanced. I have finally pinpointed what is creating a non constant Dowsing signal, that I use to locate Elements with. I used SpaceWeatherLive archives, I looked back at the few dates and times I had recorded a good Dowsing signal. With this 77, 6 day flare up I also recorded the times I was able to Dowse, and they all occurred right after a flare, and grew weaker in between flares. You have your way and I have mine. Your welcome to find all the treasure you can, and I’ll catch up when I can Dowse again. Like I said.. Most the battle is knowing Dowsing power isn’t constant. It’s exactly the opposite, it’s rarely ever on. Dowser

For the curious people that want to try. Go to SpaceWeatherLive, then click Solar activity, then click Solar flares. There you will see the Currant value, 2 hr max, 24 hr max. The Current value is the real-time Dowsing power. As you can see, we are at A 0.1, which is the bottom of the graph. This number is called the Back ground flux. Sunspot created power can last only minutes, and some a couple hrs. Multiple flares through the day or night, keep the Background flux up high enough inbeteeen flares. The Sunspots send X-rays toward the Earth, exciting the Alfvén waves. Harmonic resonation occurs, Molleculer connection between Elements also occur. Invisible Dowsable anomalies and lines are created. Using Pure Element placed on the ground, you create your own connection lines. Follow line to Treasure. Dowsing is better when Background flux is higher. A B flux is on borderline unless it’s around B 8. Dowser

Sorry guy. Most of us can Dowse day or night or any time we want. I would find another way to find gold if Dowsing did not work for me...

I found that the most reliable signal lines run in North- South or East-West direction. There is a lot to learn about how to follow signal lines...Art

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I studied the solar flares. The only thing that happened to my rods is...I saw a little slower opening and closing of the rods
I could still located gold so I just stopped looking at those charts as they did not help me...Art
If you had such a good thing, why were you looking at Solar flares. I’d have to disagree with your, most Dowsers can still Dowse fine. Are you talking pendulum?, because that’s all that’s posted about. Compared to the multiple past posts during powerful Solar Cycle 23, when we and thousands of other Dowsers posted back then. I’ll stick to my knowing Dowsing power isn’t constant. And Dowse when I can, not when you can. Dowser

Bad news for anyone hoping the solar storms are coming--not for a while according to many scientists who predict there will be another long, deep solar minimum just like last cycle. Not supposed to bottom out until possibly September 2020. I got this on

But for those of us who know calm conditions make for good locating, there is still time left to get out and do some good hunting before the storms come back.

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Bad news for anyone hoping the solar storms are coming--not for a while according to many scientists who predict there will be another long, deep solar minimum just like last cycle. Not supposed to bottom out until possibly September 2020. I got this on

But for those of us who know calm conditions make for good locating, there is still time left to get out and do some good hunting before the storms come back.
Yes it is bummer that the next Solar Cycle might be weak. With all the good Dowsing power I’m surprised at the overwhelming lack of finds. Good luck to all Dowsers.

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