Survey-Who out there is unemployed?

Thanks for sharing everyone. I am angered to hear those of you say that you are awaiting fully deserved benefits and are being made to jump through hoops or who had to wait long periods of time to get them. It simply isn't right while others who can and are able to work simply don't cause they'd rather the gov pay for their iPhones/hair/nails etc. than work at McD's..........but that's another thread : )

I am also saddened to hear that some of you have families to support. I live alone and am responsible only for myself and my pets, so I could not imagine throwing a family in the mix of emotions.

NGE-love your sig.

Disability starts this month and I'm waiting on medical retirement to go through from my job of 27 years. I've been on sick leave since the start of the year. Like Anita, I was fortunate to have my disabilty approved straight away. I'm going to have cut back on a lot of things, but at least I will be able to pay my bills. The hard part is going to be figuring out how to get my daughter through college.

terry - if the va 100% disabled you --it supposed to be a automatic approval by the SS no questions asked --since agencys both "work for the govt" - its like have having one part of the govt go "yes" and another part say "no" -- you need to have your lawyers ASK THE JUDGE to stop the govt FROM BSing around stalling your payment (uh that is what trhey are getting PAID FOR OUT OF YOUR MONEY to get you your money quickly) --- and I WOULD BE SURE TO ASK THE JUDGE ask for "back interest" since its clearly just a stall tactic being used in bad faith by the govt to prevent you being paid whats owed to you in a timely manner , which is in their own fiscal interest as a "forced loan" by not paying you what your owed in a prompt manner ( remember JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED.)

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terry - if the va 100% disabled you --it supposed to be a automatic approval by the SS no questions asked --since agencys both "work for the govt" - its like have having one part of the govt go "yes" and another part say "no" -- you need to have your lawyers ASK THE JUDGE to stop the govt FROM BSing around stalling your payment (uh that is what trhey are getting PAID FOR OUT OF YOUR MONEY to get you your money quickly) --- and I WOULD BE SURE TO ASK THE JUDGE ask for "back interest" since its clearly just a stall tactic being used in bad faith by the govt to prevent you being paid whats owed to you in a timely manner , which is in their own fiscal interest as a "forced loan" by not paying you what your owed in a prompt manner ( remember JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED.)
Ivan... Yea, you would think so. My case went to circuit court but was sent back to CA because of an "error" made in CA, meaning a rubber stamp denial by an office "agent" superceded an independant doctor's declaration. So, since I am now an ARIZONAN, the case will be in an AZ court. B & B hasn't been paid a dime by me, but will when the case is/if resolved in my favor. They are VERY optimistic but will not commit to a yes. Tnx for your concern. ( S S's official statement to me is.... we have different rules than the VA) TTC

Ivan... The VA gave me 100% wiyhin 6 months but SS is STILL denying me (since '07)! The next court case is Sept 17th in AZ. Binder and Binder is pretty optomistic so maybe this will be the BIG payday! TTC
CAUTION, If you finally collect that BIG way overdue settlement check, you WILL pay taxes on it! I got a check for almost 70,000.00 and I had to pay 35% taxes on it.......nge

Its bad ive been out of work for 5 weeks.I should have a job starting next week. But just as my last one its delivering food which sucks when ill be 29 in September.the worst part is i went to wyotec and got my BMW,triumph,Ducati, motorcycle certs . worked for a harley shop for a year then got laid off. People dont have money for rent much less money to spend fixing there toys.But i was lucky enough to have a dad who did toy shows,comic shows and antique shows so i know how to hit the thrift stores,yard sales and swap meets and find stuff to put on e bay and make enough to stay afloat.During the winter i do a little trapping and animal removal work which also helps. Like others have said they have us between a rock and a hard place so why would they let us out!

I've been looking for over two years. I was a private investigator for 12years for a firm that's been around 40 years. One day the phones stopped ringing. I finally bit the bullet and applied for unemployment and they told me I didn't make enough to qualify. I'm currently using losing 280 pounds so alot of places won't even look at me, which I can understand. I'm living on selling at the flea market weekends and the good grace of my Uncle who lets me crash on his couch. I keep the house clean and cook for him, he's 82 and he lets me stay. God bless him. A number of years back I went to welding school and got certifed in stick, mig, flux-core in all positions. I also learned cutting, oxy welding, and tig welding. When I drop some more weight, I've lost 80 pounds so far, I'm going to start trying for jobs in that field. At 40 years old and no field expieriance I'm a little worried no one will give me a chance. To be perfectly honest I'm scared to death about my future.

I've been looking for over two years. One day the phones stopped ringing. I'm currently using losing 280 pounds so alot of places won't even look at me, which I can understand. When I drop some more weight, I've lost 80 pounds so far, At 40 years old and no field expieriance I'm a little worried no one will give me a chance. To be perfectly honest I'm scared to death about my future.

Firstly, I mean no disrespect with my reply....
1- Like many you are very lucky to have someone that is willing to help you through these times (your uncle)
2- With your current weight problem, I'd be more worried about the present, than the future. I hate to say this, but you are a heart attack just waiting to happen BTY congrats on losing the first 80, they are always the hardest.
3- The bright side is that you "may" have a trade to fall back on :icon_thumleft:
4- I hate to break it to you, but 40 is still young, hire able, and still has a demand.

Look, I'm nearly 60, in decent shape (look better than many 30 year old's plus) but age is surely a factor, they just can't and won't admit to that :laughing7:

If my grifting thing doesn't work out, I'll be doing standup on a corner near you, or 10-15 in da joint :headbang: :laughing9:

spartacus53 said:
Firstly, I mean no disrespect with my reply....
1- Like many you are very lucky to have someone that is willing to help you through these times (your uncle)
2- With your current weight problem, I'd be more worried about the present, than the future. I hate to say this, but you are a heart attack just waiting to happen BTY congrats on losing the first 80, they are always the hardest.
3- The bright side is that you "may" have a trade to fall back on :icon_thumleft:
4- I hate to break it to you, but 40 is still young, hire able, and still has a demand.

Look, I'm nearly 60, in decent shape (look better than many 30 year old's plus) but age is surely a factor, they just can't and won't admit to that :laughing7:

If my grifting thing doesn't work out, I'll be doing standup on a corner near you, or 10-15 in da joint :headbang: :laughing9:

I'm guessing 10 to 15. LOL

I'm guessing 10 to 15. LOL

Yeah, most likely.. I always look at the bright side.
1- 3 squares a day
2- FREE Cable
3- Free Medical
4- Private tutors who will take me beyond grifting 101 :laughing7:

No disrespect taken. Fortunatly my B/P is a steady 122 over 84. My cholesterol is perfect and my bloodsuger stable. I know it can't last like that so that's why I'm working so hard to drop this weight.

I have always had a job. I am in the real estate/mortgage business. Now for the downside. Every time the economy slows down,
so does my income, outgo stays the same. There are long periods of time when it is as bad as being laid off, but the bills continue.
I have lots of friends in the business who have given up, don't even go in to work anymore. What is minimum wage that you would
work for? Many, many realtors are under $14,000 a year and have to keep up an office, a car, clothes etc. Lots of others haven't had
a sale for over a year or longer. Grim!
Vote every time you have a chance.

I was unemployed for over a year, then I got a job with a friend who got his job through his brother. We do foreclosure home inspections. These hard times are creating jobs and yes it can be sad or depressing to see what I see daily but there is crazy money out there that the banks are getting from the Gov`t and throwing it to us out here doing inspections. I do the picture taking usually 3-6 pics a house and then on to the next, I do 80-100 a day and depending on the bank get $3.50-$5.00 a house, $8 for a property condition( 15 pics) or $15 for an insurance inspection. After doing this for 2 years and getting to know who and what I have started my own company doing the clean outs and the grass cutting, these jobs are for the people who I have hired, I still do my inspections daily. These are all 1099 jobs , but it is a job ,gas and vehicle and camera and computer are all on us, but $350-$450 a day more than covers it. I have a few friends who have the larger cities making $10K+ a month. Here n Florida you can stay in your home while in Foreclosure for up to 4 years, it has taken that long for the banks to even get around to you. It is all a gimmick, the bank tells you to fall behind 3 months and then they can qualify you for a HAMP or other program, that takes6+ months then they deny you, you resubmit and do it over, meanwhile the bank is recieving aid from the Gov`t for these prgrams, what a racket.
To give you an idea of the money out there from this, in the news last month a guy in a county north of here was arrested by the FBI. He contracted with Bank Of America to do 100,000 homes a month for $6.50 a house....$650k a month...research it, it was inHernando..since 2007 BoA paid him $23million, he fraudulantly billed them for $12million by taking 2 sets of pics each time he went out and billed it.
Go to youCraigslist and hit the biggest city near you and go to jobs and then type in Inspectors or Inspections or even home preservation and see what comes up, all y ou need is a computer a good camera and a reliable is one I just pulled from a Tx Craigslist Property inspector My company is in 3 states and since we are 1099 we can and do work for other companies out there. SOme people cant do this work, they cant self start ealry in the morning or deal with some homeowners yelling at us or working the income challenged sections of town.....hope this can help a few out there but you have to think outside the box. I never thought I would be left to do this but here I am surviving and getting back from the outhouse to the penthouse...

I'm lucky to have a job but with declining health and my age, my future prospects are grim.

I think it's a God awful shame whenI read in the paper how things are looking up when ONLY 300,000 people signed up for unemployment in a week, compared to the 360,000 a week several months ago. Then I read during the month how 130,000 jobs were created. That's a heck of a lot of people over the last 4 years piling up without jobs.

Even sadder is the catagories where the jobs are being created....retail, service industry, etc. Nothing essentually paying a livable wage.

Leading economists are predicting an even bigger bust by the end of the year or early next year and are warning investors to pull out of the stock market. Being a newspaper junkie and politically involved since the early 80's when that recession hit...I believe them. The entire world is going bankrupt and we're in just as much trouble as anyone else.

You just can't have growing unemployment, a shrinking tax base, and inflation like we have and not have some nasty end result. I think the dog has finally reached the end of his chain. Wall Street can only reap so much profit before it dries up. What exactly are they making money off of?

Why is it if your Unemployment Runs out your no longer counted as Unemployed?

Why is it if your Unemployment Runs out your no longer counted as Unemployed?

Because the gov't can't analyze its way out of a wet paper bag! (In case you can't tell, my career is/was in analysis and process improvement : )

I was in the Navy for 4 years as an intelligence analyst and a translator, fresh outta high school. When I got out in 2006, I'd had thought employers would be beating my door down for someone with a Top Secret // SCI security clearance and proficiency in 3 languages, but apparently these days true skill isn't a plus anymore, it's all about the fancy paper on the wall (a degree). So I bounced around a bit with part time jobs, ended up in prison (as a guard - made you blink! lol) where I stayed for a little over a year. Quit that because company mismanagement was causing a hostile working environment (is it odd that I felt safer around the inmates than my own coworkers?), tried to get into the county 911 center, then decided to go back to school on the Navy's dime. I was unemployed for a year and a half but it wasn't so bad because the GI Bill was not only paying my tuition but giving me a monthly housing stipend as well that paid my rent and bills with enough left over for my wife and I to enjoy ourselves. The last six months of school I got a job working as a mall security guard for a pittance.

Well, in April of 2011 I graduated from ITT Tech with an associate's degree in electronics engineering. Right outta college I got a job with a company that makes flow control devices, and I make about $17 an hour. Can't complain too much but I know full well what it's like to be unemployed. In the end you gotta keep your head up and be willing to update your education, it sucks but it's a worthwhile sacrifice no matter what your age is if you must work to survive. Like you said, Cat, you have the experience but not the degree? Go to your local community college and enroll in a degree program... you may be able to test out of many of your classes and so you can get a meaningful degree for minimum effort.

I just knew when I saw the title of this thread that if I read it, I would get in a funk. Well I read it anyway. My heart aches for all of you young people who are, by no fault your own, deeply impacted by a world economy that is in a death spiral.

Brace for a hard landing. It will get worse, I'm sorry to say. There are some personal measures that have been mentioned; such as retrain like a cat on fresh kill. Get aggressive on that education thing. Most of you are already taking lower paying and unfulfilling jobs, but it IS income. Sort of basic survival which is kicking the can just ahead of you down the road. I can relate to that. Been there myself. Looking back, I now realize that I was bone stinking poor and worked multiple jobs to struggle my way through college. One of my early job interviews taught me a secret. The interviewer asked me why I think I'm better qualified than all the other applicants. I looked him square in the eye and told him I don't know anything about the other applicants, but I DO know myself, and I will work my ass off to prove I'm better. Maybe that tactic does not work as well now. However when I reached the position in life where I owned the company, and did the hiring, that tactic worked on me. That as well as looking for job applicants who did not have piercings, hair dyed like a parrot, and spoke a form of slang English.

I know I sound like a nanny giving a lecture, but I have had a lifetime of business experience. I want to hammer home the importance of being aggressive and willing to retrain for a new career. Never give up. Never !!

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I'm a full time treasure hunter. I feel your pain and you better believe that the wage factor is never going to be the same again. Why should it rise? Don't you realize the manufacturing base is now overseas, that it takes but a click of a mouse to accomplish most paperwork jobs and other countries actually provide the education needed for these new lower paying jobs while we've seen fit to denigerate our teachers.

I'm kinda amazed that people are doing or have done "government" jobs instead of holding fast to their principles and starving.

Or you can start your own business just save the money to get a start without borrowing any from the government. That way you can say, "I did it all on my own, didn't even use your roads".

Beware of this guy he is a huge Libtard and Obama supporter....

Yeah Davest i remember you from the political forum...

You are definately scamming some type of government funds..How else would you be a full time treasure hunter..

The Patriot


Why is it if your Unemployment Runs out your no longer counted as Unemployed?

Years back they used to. When the recession hit back in the 80's things were bad. Steel mills closed, layed off, massive unemployment, etc. Back in them days we stood in unemployment lines that were often a city block long. I was out of work almost a year and we didn't have any of the extensions.

Unemployment hit 18%. Wow you say!!! Compared to the 8% now, it seems astronomical.

That's when the government decided their figures were inaccurate and created a new formula to calculate unemployment. Unemployment went from 18% to...SUPRISE!!!! 8%!!!
And that 18% they used back then before the change also did NOT include those that never had a job and were looking and anyone on welfare. So in reality, even back then unemployment was underestimated.

So which looks better to the average Joe in the U.S. 18% or 8% ?

So based on that...guess what the true unemployment rate would be right now without the fancy footwork calculations of our government?


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