Technetics T2 vs Garrett AT Pro

Here is that post.....posted after around a week with the F75:

Well i have about 15-20 hours on the F75 now and hundreds on the ATP so i definately know the Garrett better....but anyway, here is how they compare...IMO! First off, the Fisher had alot of complaints about build quality. I dont see it, i was very happy with build quality. It isn't as rugged as the Pro but you benefit greatly in less weight. I can swing this thing twice as long as the Pro(with big coil). Second biggest complaint is that it was chatty....and YES, it is, but it is a very powerful, deep machine. More chatty than the ATP forsure, but also deeper, forsure! Both machines pinpoint equally well. The true all-metal mode on the F75 is my favorite thing about it, combined with its depth makes it a great relic machine. Both machines ground balance fairly easy. VDI numbers are very jumpy on the F75, even on good targets(coins, bullets, etc) Where as the ATP is much more stable on good targets. You will have a hard time telling that a target is a dime, quarter, etc. at depth with the Fisher. This may improve as i get more hours on the machine, but they are jumpy! Love the backlight in the evenings that the ATP lacks. Controls are completely personal preference, so i will only say that both are quickly learned. The Fisher completely blows the Garrett out of the water on battery life. About twice as much time on batteries! The fact of having to use Garret ATPro headphones on the ATP has always bugged me...just sayin! The only other thing that i can pick the Fisher for is that in disc mode it gives alot of high tones that are not repeatable(usually trash) that will have to be swung across a few times to verify. Very time consuming....but this comes with the power and sensitivity of the machine. The Fisher did find items in all three locations that i used it that the ATP had missed. But i honeslty figured it might find more than it did. My conclusion is that the Fisher is for the more experienced MDer with all its options of modes, tones, etc. The ATP is alittle easier to use. But i really like both and i feel that they are a great pair, both making up for the others shortcomings. Hope this info may be helpful to someone looking at one or both of these machines.

Please notice the sentence that says "it isn't as rugged as the Pro"...

I just re-read fellas "t2se disappointing" Thread and you (Dirtscratcher) seem to be the only one in the first few pages that I read not agreeing with the majority that they (actual users of both) weren't impressed with the T2 over the Pro....and you also tried to pull the same crap on that post by twisting what people said to what "you said they said"......and by the way the selector knob has began to only work half the time on my F75! ////////////////but im sure they will fix that when I send it in next week for the upgrade. I really hope it comes back a powerful, USABLE machine.

I just re-read fellas "t2se disappointing" Thread and you (Dirtscratcher) seem to be the only one in the first few pages that I read not agreeing with the majority that they (actual users of both) weren't impressed with the T2 over the Pro....and you also tried to pull the same crap on that post by twisting what people said to what "you said they said"......and by the way the selector knob has began to only work half the time on my F75! ////////////////but im sure they will fix that when I send it in next week for the upgrade. I really hope it comes back a powerful, USABLE machine.

So did you notice how you can't keep your story straight? They will fix you up for five years tharts 2 and a half times longer than Garrett by the way

I just re-read fellas "t2se disappointing" Thread and you (Dirtscratcher) seem to be the only one in the first few pages that I read not agreeing with the majority that they (actual users of both) weren't impressed with the T2 over the Pro....and you also tried to pull the same crap on that post by twisting what people said to what "you said they said"......and by the way the selector knob has began to only work half the time on my F75! ////////////////but im sure they will fix that when I send it in next week for the upgrade. I really hope it comes back a powerful, USABLE machine.

I hope others take time to read these post they will see for themselves.'s the deal Both of them suck! If you want a good machine, buy the Bounty Hunter 202........It is killer on wooden nickels! Loved mine till i backed over it.......But even after it quit working i took it out and found 3 Wheats with it......good nite!

Digger...give it up man :)

look up( Grand National Relic Shootout 2013) and look wich metal detector wins,it should say something about the T2

1st T2
2nd Fisher

Just saying....

Its not hard to spot who all the 5 star Expert Detectorists are...LMAO

AT Pro: Heavy, unbalanced, tiny display, no threshold-based all metal mode. But hey, it's waterproof! Its a great detector, but I think if you took away the ATP's waterproofing, the F5 would be a closer match than the F75 ot T2. Price-wise the F5 is closer as well.

..I swear..the most annoying threads are the Comparison threads for detectors. You will never get a REAL answer..People that own one will say its the best , and the others will say it sucks...Whats New??

Maybe a Chevy Vs Ford thread..

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AT Pro: Heavy, unbalanced, tiny display, no threshold-based all metal mode. But hey, it's waterproof! Its a great detector, but I think if you took away the ATP's waterproofing, the F5 would be a closer match than the F75 ot T2. Price-wise the F5 is closer as well.

Heavy?? The thing is 90% Plastic, its extremly Lite...and unbalanced? tiny Display?

I guess I agree...if you are in your late 80s and cant handle 5lbs and cant see past 16"...this machine isnt for you

Heavy?? The thing is 90% Plastic, its extremly Lite...and unbalanced? tiny Display?

I guess I agree...if you are in your late 80s and cant handle 5lbs and cant see past 16"...this machine isnt for you

Not really heavy but awkward. And it is not that the screen is too small it's at a weird angle too. I know it works good that is great but there are better that are comfortable too. I would never buy a golf club that felt uncomfortable or hunt with a gun that did not feel right nor will I spend 20hrs or more a week with an uncumfortable detector just because they use them on tv.

Heavy?? The thing is 90% Plastic, its extremly Lite...and unbalanced? tiny Display?

I guess I agree...if you are in your late 80s and cant handle 5lbs and cant see past 16"...this machine isnt for you

Ok the weight is not bad, the ergonomics are weird only from what I've heard from others. I still don't understand why no threshold tone? All other GB adjustable machines in the price range have it.

Not really heavy but awkward. And it is not that the screen is too small it's at a weird angle too. I know it works good that is great but there are better that are comfortable too. I would never buy a golf club that felt uncomfortable or hunt with a gun that did not feel right nor will I spend 20hrs or more a week with an uncumfortable detector just because they use them on tv.

Well, I guess I really dont notice it being uncomfortable, Ive used Garretts since I have been detecting. So I really cant compare it to others. And I surely dont use because some idiots on TV uses them.

I bought it because it was an upgrade from my last machine and the fact its waterproof and i like detecting in the Rain was a plus. But I do find alot of good things that have been missed by other higher quality machines...again, I know that doesn't mean squat because I find stuff I missed in areas i have gridded out before.

I was planning on upgrading to a Etrac soon, which IMO is much heavier and ackward. To me its just something I figure I will deal with when that time comes

Well, I guess I really dont notice it being uncomfortable, Ive used Garretts since I have been detecting. So I really cant compare it to others. And I surely dont use because some idiots on TV uses them.

I bought it because it was an upgrade from my last machine and the fact its waterproof and i like detecting in the Rain was a plus. But I do find alot of good things that have been missed by other higher quality machines...again, I know that doesn't mean squat because I find stuff I missed in areas i have gridded out before.

I was planning on upgrading to a Etrac soon, which IMO is much heavier and ackward. To me its just something I figure I will deal with when that time comes

It seems to be a great machine, I just think some people overrate the ATP and compare it to machines twice the price because they see these guys on 'Diggers' swinging them on tv. If you compare the ATP to other detectors in the price range, they all (other than being waterproof) have comparable features. I would take an AT Pro over any Tesoro!

It seems to be a great machine, I just think some people overrate the ATP and compare it to machines twice the price because they see these guys on 'Diggers' swinging them on tv. If you compare the ATP to other detectors in the price range, they all (other than being waterproof) have comparable features. I would take an AT Pro over any Tesoro!

As an AT lover...I do agree...Some people try and say it can beat a high dollar machine anyday...When again..IMO..its a good machine for the price..mainly because its take that out of the mix...and its an ACE 350 on

Anyone that thinks the ATP is ackward to swing needs to swing one of the fisher cz machines for a while. They are very heavy and ackward, but still good machines and fairly popular. Look at the etrac it has great target id and one of the best coin machines but it is rough to swing for extended periods.
I guess the thing I personally like about the ATP is that I know the sounds, I know what it is telling me, I dig little trash with it anymore unless im looking for gold and I just seem to do better with it than any other machine. Is it the "best" machine? For is. And if you are a hunter who likes having a threshold all-metal....the AT gold should fill the bill. Love my gold also!

Anyone that thinks the ATP is ackward to swing needs to swing one of the fisher cz machines for a while. They are very heavy and ackward, but still good machines and fairly popular. Look at the etrac it has great target id and one of the best coin machines but it is rough to swing for extended periods.
I guess the thing I personally like about the ATP is that I know the sounds, I know what it is telling me, I dig little trash with it anymore unless im looking for gold and I just seem to do better with it than any other machine. Is it the "best" machine? For is. And if you are a hunter who likes having a threshold all-metal....the AT gold should fill the bill. Love my gold also!

Ya I understand, its all moot to me because I wear a harness with my X-Terra 505, which isn't the best balanced/lightest machine out there for sure.

Yeah Diggerinva...Thats what i was trying to tell madcladder about the at Pro..that right now its the machine for me...but it got a little out of hand...LOL....and the AT GOLD is at the top of my list for next detector...hopefully before spring

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