Tesoro Warranty Service

Gentleman please end the arguing and implied insults.... With that said I would never allow someone else to send in a warranty card for me, I would send it my self signature required, if something happens I have proof...
Same here if they ask me if i want them to send in my warranty card . I always say no thanks. For i like to do things like that myself......... Then i know it is done and done right...

Dubious? Perhaps you know me or my dealer?

The $50 was paid, the detector returned. I'm fine with that... What is your problem with me?

I apologize to the site for stirring this gentleman up.


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Question for GeoW: Did Tesoro service mention what the problem was with your Cutlass? Just curious.

I buy fisher and Garret, dont have that problem.

I buy fisher and Garret, dont have that problem.

Well, maybe not "that" problem. :laughing7:

You left the door wide open on that one Casca! :occasion14:

Question for GeoW: Did Tesoro service mention what the problem was with your Cutlass? Just curious.

It had been repaired three years ago and not used since. It was dead when I tried it a couple weeks ago. As best as I can tell, the ticket says Replace 2907 X5 TR


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@ Terry, I have never had a issue with my purchases or equipment lol. Geow I go into melt down phase when my stuff doesnt work right. Im glad you got it back and working. Good choice on a American made machine as the market is quickly filling with other than stuff. Even my precious(non tesero) was probably assembled in Mexico. I got a lot of respect for a good piece of American made steel. So when is Tesero coming out with that new machine looool. I make fun but love the simplicity of the Tesero, just have not had the opportunity to own one yet. I do call into question warranty's though, they are only good as the maker. I believe your the first that had a issue Geow.

Thanks Casca. Tesoro is not my first choice of detector. That honor goes to a first cousin of Fisher :).. I however am no stranger to Tesoro and was once a C&G Technology Dealer as well as a Tesoro dealer and own the #6 Tesoro to come off the line.

When I get tired of digging really deep targets with my Shadow X5, I switch over to my trusty Tesoro to scan for surface targets and for a rest from digging really deep targets. Works great but only a fraction of the depth in my sandy soil.

When I really want to do some serious recovery, I break out one of my trusty Nautilus machines but there again, I have to break out the long handled shovel and pace myself as I'm not a spring chicken ;)


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Terry who is bashing, I thought it was a conversation. I would love to see those machines in action. Like most folks I have a budget and have to live within my means. Always had respect for your opinion Terry. I just like Metal Detectors and cant get enough of them. Im out Terry, many apologies for stopping in.

Terry, I asked politely to end the arguing.....

Come on now, there is a huge difference between "arguing" and the discussion we were having. If you and Treasurenet want to hold me to a higher standard however, I'll suck it up and thank you. Why? Because I LOVE this forum. God Bless you Treasure_Hunter, you are my main man! :occasion14:

I have registered my Warranty on their website, but no notification from Tesoro that this was received, but hope my purchase/SN is registered in their database, that's all, Ill take their word for it unless maybe I should call in or email them directly if they in fact have my Vaquero registered.

Anyone else has done this, as I did not receive a warranty card in my original box from the dealer where Tesoro did state that there should have been one. My receipt and my S/N was good enough I imagine.

Tesoro Metal Detectors - Official company web site with metal detector models for treasure hunting land or water.


What a coincidence, I have a Tesoro I bought from someone, so I am not the original owner. I went to their site this morning and read that I would be charged $50. I have had no problem paying the $50 to have it inspected and tuned up, part of $50 is used by them for return shipping. JMHO

For previous owners the $50.00 that likely covers shipping and repairs I imagine is what I have been reading, I believe this link when you provide your SN on the device and original dealer you purchased it from registers your Lifetime Warranty on a new machine, I think it is only for new purchasers though so hope that this did not come across as a misunderstanding. For new owners I believe there maybe shipping you have to pay to get it there but maybe Tosoro ships it back on their cost.

Best Regards.

I have registered my Warranty on their website, but no notification from Tesoro that this was received, but hope my purchase/SN is registered in their database, that's all, Ill take their word for it unless maybe I should call in or email them directly if they in fact have my Vaquero registered.

Anyone else has done this, as I did not receive a warranty card in my original box from the dealer where Tesoro did state that there should have been one. My receipt and my S/N was good enough I imagine.

Tesoro Metal Detectors - Official company web site with metal detector models for treasure hunting land or water.


I'm not sure that you can register it online. When I got my 5.75 compadre 5 months ago I asked about registering online and they said you can't.
Not sure if that's changed, but I still don't see it on their site.
I was told by Tesoro to send in the card.
I did and called a week later to ensure it had arrived. It did.
I also made a copy for my records.

I'm not sure that you can register it online. When I got my 5.75 compadre 5 months ago I asked about registering online and they said you can't.
Not sure if that's changed, but I still don't see it on their site.
I was told by Tesoro to send in the card.
I did and called a week later to ensure it had arrived. It did.
I also made a copy for my records.

I'm not sure why it isn't obvious on their home page, but doggonit had the link.. ^_^

See: Tesoro Metal Detectors - Register Here!

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I'm not sure why it isn't obvious on their home page, but doggonit had the link.. ^_^

See: Tesoro Metal Detectors - Register Here!

Oh wow I stand corrected. That must be new.
I still prefer sending in the hard copy and keeping a copy then conforming it was received. I also make a not on my copy when I called to confirm along with date and time and person I spoke with.
Just to be safe. Never had an issue but I like to cover my @$$

Oh wow I stand corrected. That must be new.
I still prefer sending in the hard copy and keeping a copy then conforming it was received. I also make a not on my copy when I called to confirm along with date and time and person I spoke with.
Just to be safe. Never had an issue but I like to cover my @$$

I always send the cards in as well, but scan each one before sending. Can't hurt.

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