THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

And now... its another eye to the sky mode...

For... yet another "low and slow" rolling off Africa.

This one definitely bears watching.

:headbang:Morning everyone and to anyone that is out there in pirate land. :hello:

Gonna be a good week....calling for flat calm and crystal clear water conditions.....gonna get down and dirty for a week of galleon searching for the bronze cannon corp. Woooo hoooo !!

Bart that sounds like a week of high adventure-best of luck!:tchest:

Its gonna be fun....I got the upstairs of treasure HQ for a week !! Duncan matthewson the famous atocha archeologist and well known shipwreck enthusiast rents this canal front house to treasurehunters. Ill bring a bunch of my equipment and set up for plan B. When ever the weather gets bad and we can't dive i hunt on my own throughout the lower keys. If I'm diving ill be on the bottom with an array of detectors and equipment. Hope to make some video that ill be able to post !! I know I talk about this stuff to you guys and I apologize that I can't show you guys whats going hopeing to get some pics and video that isn't going to giveaway any sensitive info, and ill be able to share a little of what its like to work on project like this !! It truly is a dream come true and im very lucky to be able to participate!!

In case anyone wants to save some of their tomato seeds for next season.

So Bill had the spy cam (and all this time I thought it was out of commission) yesterday and seen me just scrape out the tomato seeds and rinse them off and put them on paper towel to dry, and said, "Oop, she's doing it wrong. I better show her how to do it right." LOL! The funny thing is I actually wondered at the time if you had a video on how to properly save tomato seeds. I guess that is what I get for not checking the thread before I did that. The mold process is necessary, I guess? Well, I have more tomatoes in the garden. I'll try again. Thanks, Bill!

Its gonna be fun....I got the upstairs of treasure HQ for a week !! Duncan matthewson the famous atocha archeologist and well known shipwreck enthusiast rents this canal front house to treasurehunters. Ill bring a bunch of my equipment and set up for plan B. When ever the weather gets bad and we can't dive i hunt on my own throughout the lower keys. If I'm diving ill be on the bottom with an array of detectors and equipment. Hope to make some video that ill be able to post !! I know I talk about this stuff to you guys and I apologize that I can't show you guys whats going hopeing to get some pics and video that isn't going to giveaway any sensitive info, and ill be able to share a little of what its like to work on project like this !! It truly is a dream come true and im very lucky to be able to participate!!

Good luck, Bart! You are living the dream for us, too! I am waiting for the day you make national news! Maybe even world news!

hot and hotter... that is teh weather.

Now for sports... none.

And traffic... Sucks.

Arrrg... feet hurt from standing and walking allllll day longggg.

Pffft... this heat just sucks ya down.

They say that the earth is not warming...

I hear this and just laugh t myself at the obvious obliviousness of those who know not what they speak.


For something i have been waiting for...




OH MY!!!
Is it 6 months already!?!?!? :eek:

Mornin all.

2 thick slices off a dollar loaf of Italian bread with peanut butter. Coffee.

Mmmmm! Mmmm,! Peanut butter toast! One of my favorites and it is within my culinary skill level! It goes great with a fruit smoothie, FYI.

Mmmmm! Mmmm,! Peanut butter toast! One of my favorites and it is within my culinary skill level! It goes great with a fruit smoothie, FYI.

Too complicated for me... too much time...

Rum IS a peanut butter AND jelly toast sandwich IN a convenient bottle no less.

So Bill had the spy cam (and all this time I thought it was out of commission) yesterday and seen me just scrape out the tomato seeds and rinse them off and put them on paper towel to dry, and said, "Oop, she's doing it wrong. I better show her how to do it right." LOL! The funny thing is I actually wondered at the time if you had a video on how to properly save tomato seeds. I guess that is what I get for not checking the thread before I did that. The mold process is necessary, I guess? Well, I have more tomatoes in the garden. I'll try again. Thanks, Bill!

It's all a learning process WD, and that's what makes it fun actually.
Saving seed (Oh my-so anti-Big Agra seed companies)
The savings is one factor-each seed is worth 10-15 cents each.
It produced for you this year so it's a keeper for the next year.
Only the fittest survive, from year to year-and certainly if they pass the taste test.:tongue3:

Yeah, but, you rarely share, so I have to fend for myself.

Thats just my online persona...

In reality... i would toss you the Rum Room keys and say "help yourself".

"to everything on the left"...

"bottom shelf"...

"Far left corner"...

"in the very back"...

"The one with no cork and real dusty".

"Thas the private stock.........err........ or whats left of it".


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Too complicated for me... too much time...

Rum IS a peanut butter AND jelly toast sandwich IN a convenient bottle no less.

Rum jelly?
Remember my buddy boosted a box of liquor filled chocolates from the store when we were young and desperate lads for a buzz.
End result after eating a 1/2 box of grossly over sweet chocolates.....:tongue3::tongue3::tongue3:
Life lesson-of school of hard knocks-be honest-and only buy for the liquor store-boot leggier.

On that happy note...
What does it mean to have an itchy palm?

I said to the Mrs" Wow I have an itchy palm!"
That means $$$
No-just a bloody mosquito bite!!! :BangHead:

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