The Roadway as an Aid to Understanding

It my belief that from the stones seen on the island and the others it's from the Jesuit time. If it's from the template then they used the same type stone work. If I was going to dig anywhere there. Why not follow the water intake if it was to flood the tunnels. Use those bladders to stop the water and dig. The treasure is a long way from there. Follow the stones

The area where the imaginary flood tunnels were said to exist has been dug up many times to great depths and no tunnels were ever found....

Not if they dig in the correct location where the treasure is located.

Said every believer in this treasure ever, for the last 200 or so years.

I have went on peoples land and they swore there was nothing of value on the land. Once you start showing them items you dig up and some of them quite valuable they tend to change their mind. I tried to get permission from a man that was dying and was on oxygen, "Oh I do not believe there is anything on this property." There is a large kettle of gold sitting underground near the right front porch of an old log house in his back yard. After he died, I still can not get permission from any of his kin. All they say, "Dad never had any money." It wasn't dad's money it was buried there beside the road by and for Patrick Henry. People need to open up their minds and their property they may be surprised how rich they really are?

You know that a pot of gold is buried there, but you haven't actually dug a hole yet. What is wrong with this scenario?

If you got out and searched for treasure you would find out "finding treasure is easy" recovering a treasure now that is the problem.

If you got out and searched for treasure you would find out "finding treasure is easy" recovering a treasure now that is the problem.
Wow that statement is so far out of wack... it`s funny !

From where you sit everything is out of wack get out there and do some leg work.

If you got out and searched for treasure you would find out "finding treasure is easy" recovering a treasure now that is the problem.

Yep....every time my AT Pro bangs on a target, digging that 6" hole to recover pull tabs is a real issue....

If you got out and searched for treasure you would find out "finding treasure is easy" recovering a treasure now that is the problem.

Since I never get out, what have I not found?

Since I never get out, what have I not found?

Dave: Your posts are well thought out, factual, and logical. The posts claiming that they have “actual proof” and argue with imaginary tales of codes, deciphers, natural formations in rocks are actual carvings, etc., are just the products of those wishing to gain relevancy by having anyone buy into their fictional tales. If anyone of them had found one iota of actual evidence, they would have posted it. When the claim, “templar vault and graves” was posted, all the typical suspects posted acclaim’s about the finder.....yet NO evidence has ever been shown. The same can be said for the, “templar vault found in Vermont” claim. Much time has passed and if actual artifacts were found and documented, it would have been posted in every educational journal, newspaper, and television news show around the world.

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