The Ruby Ridge Massacre - Video


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Every death there, could have been prevented. Suffice it to say, it was an unfortunate event for all :(


Hey Timber Wolf, Will do so when I head your way.

One one comment about our government. If I OWNED MY LAND, MY PIECE OF PROPERTY, grant providing I am not selling illegal guns, or doing illegal activities, other than MY OWN OPPINIONATED RIGHT of the WAY I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE, I would stand ON MY PROPERTY and CARRY ANY of MY GUNS and DO AS I PLEASE. Now if I FIND ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL on MY PROPERTY, I will go ask what he/she is doing trespassing on MY PROPERTY in a nice way and they better have ONE GOOD REASON why THEY ARE THERE. Now if I am being SPIED ON I will ask "WHY", then I WILL GIVE 1 WARNING to LEAVE, PREIOD!!!!

Another thing that gets me when mentioning "BLACK PANTHERS" and those breed of people, "I am NOT stating ALL COLORS, but a GOOD MAJORITY, and you HAVE SOME WHITES AS WELL", I watched CNN today and some black judge in Georgia was holding some kind of conference ONLY for BLACKS ONLY, and WHITES and NO OTHER RACE were not allowed to attend. Now if a WHITE judge had held a conference to ONLY WHITES, You can bet your behind there would be 100,000 lawsuits filed against him and be called a racist! The Lawsuits would be filed and the white judge would loose. Now if the whites filed a suit against the black judge and we called them racist, first of all they would claim they are not being racist, not only that the whites would loose in the courts!

What is wrong with society is WE as PEOPLE DON'T STAND UP FOR EACH OTHER OR TOGETHER! We need to stand up and get rid of racist, make EVERYTHING EQUAL, PERIOD! Get rid of this MINORITY crap, get rid of welfare, raise the minimum pay wage at least $4.00 an hour. Get rid of attorneys and the health insurance, and make ALL DOCTORS earn the SAME ANNUAL WAGE, so they DON'T get RICH off of malpractice or misdiagnoses, get rid of prescription drugs that the government and the doctors are getting kick backs on, a good MAJORITY of OUR GOVERNMENT is raking in BILLIONS of DOLLARS on prescription drugs! Canada HAS A CURE for Breast Cancer, it is Olive Oil, (not Popeyes Olive Oil either), why isn't the U.S. following suit? Because that means they can't make money on prescription drugs or KEMO Therapy, make it if a politician claims to do something when they get elected prior to election and they HAVE NOT done what they said after 1 year after they get into office, get rid of them, PERIOD!

Make ONLY the RICH pay taxes, period. If one has over 3 million in the bank or assets, TAX the crap out of them. Leave the lower wage workers who lives pay check to pay check alone! Close the DANG BORDERS. I would build 150ft walls below the ground and 50ft above the ground and 40ft thick with sensor equipment to detect digging, etc after they were built!


I live outside Williamson County, Texas and I used to LIVE in Williamson County and they made their OWN LAWS OUTSIDE of TEXAS LAWS. It was ALL about money. A few years ago when the NEW sheriff was elected, there were so many crooked sheriffs deputies that 89 lost their jobs the first day when the NEW sheriff came into town, he CLEANED UP! The City of Georgetown, now that is another story, There are plenty of crooked cops there! I've known, (NOT PERSONALLY) who got caught picking up illegal aliens, taking their money and letting them go until the officer(s) got caught. There are even MORE on other issues of Peace Officers there who broke the law, they just get slapped on the hand and move to another department or city.

My feeling is that if you want to be a Peace Officer, You BETTER walk a straight line, otherwise, get the F out! There is TOO MUCH publicity of officers committing crime, USE THEIR AUTHORITY for their personal gain and criminal activities to boot! GREED is it pathetic! If one DOESN'T like the salary they are making, find another profession period!

It takes things like Ruby Ridge, Waco, and others to show what are government is doing and leading to. Yes, there are 2 sides to every story, but if you ARE SURVIELING anyone who is COMMITING a crime, why would you need to go in with FULL law enforcement force? And Waco? Why were TROOPS from Fort Hood brought in for? Why was 12Th Special Forces Group out of Fort Bliss brought in for?

Grant if I saw that kind of force coming to MY PROPERTY you can bet your behind my "LEGAL GUN COLLECTION" is going to get warm! I know RULES of ENGAGEMENT! How, well let me say this, I AM A MEMBER of Special Forces, so I KNOW what I am talking about! I AM ALSO a LIFE, ENDOUMENT, and BENIFACTOR of the NRA! So I am NOT JUST a LIFE MEMBER.

Well enough of my ranting, but don't get me wrong, THERE ARE MANY GOOD PEACE OFFICERS and WE NEED MORE Of THEM! Lets, just get RID of the BAD ONES and POLITIONS too!

TheHarleyMan2 said:
What is wrong with society is WE as PEOPLE DON'T STAND UP FOR EACH OTHER OR TOGETHER! We need to stand up and get rid of racist, make EVERYTHING EQUAL, PERIOD! Get rid of this MINORITY crap, get rid of welfare, raise the minimum pay wage at least $4.00 an hour. Get rid of attorneys and the health insurance, and make ALL DOCTORS earn the SAME ANNUAL WAGE, so they DON'T get RICH off of malpractice or misdiagnoses, get rid of prescription drugs that the government and the doctors are getting kick backs on, a good MAJORITY of OUR GOVERNMENT is raking in BILLIONS of DOLLARS on prescription drugs! Canada HAS A CURE for Breast Cancer, it is Olive Oil, (not Popeyes Olive Oil either), why isn't the U.S. following suit? Because that means they can't make money on prescription drugs or KEMO Therapy, make it if a politician claims to do something when they get elected prior to election and they HAVE NOT done what they said after 1 year after they get into office, get rid of them, PERIOD!

Make ONLY the RICH pay taxes, period. If one has over 3 million in the bank or assets, TAX the crap out of them. Leave the lower wage workers who lives pay check to pay check alone! Close the DANG BORDERS. I would build 150ft walls below the ground and 50ft above the ground and 40ft thick with sensor equipment to detect digging, etc after they were built!
I thought you had some good thoughts TheHarleyMan2...but when you get to the part about making all "Doctors" make the same thing...hmmm..are we gonna make all farmers make the same...all plumbers...all exterminators..all computer programmers??? Where will it end??? That is nothing more than pure socialism or communism...The rich will take care of the lesser...well take a look around you and see how many hippy communes still exist. You had a few that would work for the good of the commune and many laying around smoking dope and playing guitars...hmmmm..not a bad life if you are the one laying around puffing weed and strumming the guitar. Sooner or later, the workers will get tired of the majority taking advantage of them...oh, btw, in this type of won't have to worry about owning the land...or have a gun collection...because all will be provided to you for your comfort and enjoyment. Trust won't be enjoying very much..but, if that is your point of view, then have at it..but I personally will not have any part of it. Now I'm off to find the pot of gold buried at the end of the

I think what some are getting of MY OPPIONS is getting the wrong idea. The rich are getting better tax breaks than anyone. Yes, I am a small business owner and my expenses are tax deductable, but I am not mentioning business tax deductions from the rich. And it has nothing do do with what they spend on tax decuctions or donations to good causes. People who have wealth has earned it, some are born with a silver sppon in their mouths that they never had to do anything to earn it, it was given, which most if not ALL people wish they were born with a silver spoon. Society KNOWS that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. I was joking in a sense about the rich. Sorry I DIDN'T put ha ha ha's or laughing smiley faces after my OPPION! I knew I would MOST LIKELY be attacked on MY OPPINIONS and COMMENTS, PERSONALLY I think WE ALL SHOULD NOT have to pay taxes!

As far as doctors are concern. I haven't been to many doctors after going over them over the years. when I came back from Iraq I had gotten a rash on my leg. I saw military and civilian doctors, they ALL just LOOKED at it and MADE THEIR OPPINION on what is was. So after a year and after seeing 8 doctors, it wasn't until I told the LAST doctor to scrape the rash and TEST what it was. After being persistant WITH the doctor, he did so. Well after he found out what it was he gave me the proper treatment for it after ALL the OTHER doctors told me it was nothing, change my laundry detergent, change my soap, etc, and etc. I even had 1 doctor tell me to put vasoline on it to keep it from drying out.

Too many doctors today do not want to ACTUALLY diagnose. They want to either give you prescriptions or NOT do their job. ALL the OTHER doctors did nothing. I just as well went to the interent and made my OWN diagnoses by looking at pictures of differnet rashes and made my OWN diagnoses. I just wasted MONEY going to UNHELPFUL DOCTORS. My comment on that and I am SURE I am NOT the ONLY one in this world who has had the same PROBLEMS with doctors, I am sure some of you have families and brought them to docors. I am NOT saying ALL doctors are that way, but a god majority of them ARE.

I could go on about lawyers. But I am not here to bash anything or anyone. I just stated the facts of what is wrong with this government and this society. You have VERY GOOD people who work in differnet professions, you can either spend big bucks for better treatment or services or you can do without. Most people in the U.S. can't even afford proper medical treatment and MANY doctors want to sit in the office see as many patients as they can in 1 day and call it quits. If they have to spend ANY MORE time than 5 minues on 1 patient then that takes away the numbers they turn out in 1 day.

How many people you know that has had illnesses and went to doctor after doctor and didn't get the proper treatment. Like I made the comment about Breast Cancer which is a number one killer in women. Canada has a cure, what is wrong with the doctors here? If those who bash me about the comments about doctors, the only thing I can say is truth hurts doesn't it? I am NOT a doctor and I found a lot of things that haev been found to cure diseases, but here in hte U.S. the treatmetns or medications are NOT allowed. Research what I am telling you and you will see for you own eyes on facts.

My sister works in the medical field who is 1 of 3 people in the State of Louisana that is qaulified to read blood smears. She worked at one clinic for 3 years and the doctors had bets with each other on who saw the most patients in a weeks time. That is saddening that doctors place bets just to run patients through the office. That is a perfect example of our medical care.

As far as farmers are concerned, the government PAYS them money NOT to grow crops and it has nothing to do with soil erosion. Those farmers who grew crops and didn't take the money from the government are the ones who ended up not being able to sell their crops and lose their farms. Most of the produce that is sold in this country has come from other countries, not ours. As far as any other profession as computer, plumbers, exterminators, etc. I think pretty well most of us can handle those tasking ourselves. As far as the medical, or legal that any of us would have to face, we can not write our own prescriptions, nor can ALL of us stand up in the court system and know the laws.

I heard all the while from my grandfather, to my father and people I have know over the years that used either person in a profession I am about to state, and I wil probably get slammed on here for saying it, but I am sure there are many people here that will agree that they have heard or experience it somewhere down the line, so here it is. "Doctors and Lawyers are the biggest crooks in the world." I am NOT saying they are, but I am sure some of you had heard that statement before. How many people here have gotten divorced and got screwed over and they made the comment on their attorney screwing them over, lied to them, took their life savings and DID NOTHING in the clients favor?

I DIDN'T come here to argue with anyone or made someone feel I was attacking them, there was the subject of Ruby Ridge and the government and I VOICED MY OPPINION and FACTS like everyone else. So if it OFFENDS anyone about MY OPINIONS then I guess you need to sit down drink a beer and find something else to read. If you want the to government to take YOUR rights then that is YOUR PRIVALGE, it ISN'T mine!

Now PEACE, with everyone who DOESN'T like my oppinions and or facts. Have a good evening. ;D ;D

Felinepeachy said:
And HarleyMan, thank you for your service to our wonderful, but flawed country. Even with all of it's flaws, it's still the greatest country in the world. :thumbsup:

Thank you, and I AGREE!!!!! Where else can you get delivered pizza?

lots of good points here, i think doctors dont have enought time to keep up on all the stuff, they get much of there info from the drug companys, who are only concerned with making more money, how many drugs are on the market that dont do crap or cause more problems to only get pulled a few years latter, after making millions on them, then the government burrys natural cures, because they dont get their cut. i dont know what it going to take to wake people up, giving away our rights in the of security[ control], i not against taxes, but we should have some control on what its for, we pay way to much. the government has no self control, or will to control there spending, how about hallaburton for example, they get caught, nothing changes

Thompy said:
lots of good points here, i think doctors dont have enought time to keep up on all the stuff, they get much of there info from the drug companys, who are only concerned with making more money, how many drugs are on the market that dont do crap or cause more problems to only get pulled a few years latter, after making millions on them, then the government burrys natural cures, because they dont get their cut. i dont know what it going to take to wake people up, giving away our rights in the of security[ control], i not against taxes, but we should have some control on what its for, we pay way to much. the government has no self control, or will to control there spending, who about hallaburton for example, they get caught, nothing changes

Cheny and Bush are BIG shareholders for Haliburton and Brown and Root, what's wrong with that picture? Dateline did a segment last year on it.

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