The things we do for treasure

Years of adventure! I wouldn't know how to begin.:censored:

Susan down here when you get into the Bayou those horseflies are so big your windshield looks like your murdered somebody

That settles it. I am not coming down to visit you.

Holy **** smallfoot you got lite up. I got hit in the left and I swear I was the only town I realize that they go on the ground to. The question is did you keep digging or did you call of the day? LOL

I gave the area some space let's say...

Flies are actually the worst for me because I get massively swollen and itchy from a single bite whether it’s a horsefly or just a black fly. A single bite can make me miserable for more than a week. So there I would be detecting in the water when it was 85 degrees with long pants, long sleeves, a netted hat and gloves.
You mat want to read up on jewel weed.
Just crush it up, rub the heck out of the bite/sting and it takes the reaction down to a level of tolerance or just takes the reaction completely away.
Been using it for years, as a bite can be a week of itching, swelling, oozing.

You mat want to read up on jewel weed.
Just crush it up, rub the heck out of the bite/sting and it takes the reaction down to a level of tolerance or just takes the reaction completely away.
Been using it for years, as a bite can be a week of itching, swelling, oozing.

I?ll look into it pepper


Poison Ivy is my kryptonite, I think I only have to look at it and I breakout. It didn?t used to be that way and I only be became allergic to it since moving to Ohio last year. Spent 24+ years in the military and half of that was out in the field, add in my younger years where I fished, hunted, and camped out in the woods all the time and never once was I affected. I have broken out over 6 times in the past year and it sucks. Good luck with your hunts. Walt


Poison Ivy is my kryptonite, I think I only have to look at it and I breakout. It didn?t used to be that way and I only be became allergic to it since moving to Ohio last year. Spent 24+ years in the military and half of that was out in the field, add in my younger years where I fished, hunted, and camped out in the woods all the time and never once was I affected. I have broken out over 6 times in the past year and it sucks. Good luck with your hunts. Walt

First and foremost WE thank you very much for your unselfish service protecting the honor of the greatest country of this side of heaven.

As far as the poison ivy goes I get it but it?s not a big deal I probably couldn?t point it out if it was in front of me. But I bet it sucks when you get it and it bad. I would hate to have it all over I can tell you that much. That must suck so bad lol

Ah pirogue, ya have to be from the lowlands if ya even know what it is. They'll get you where you need to be!

And a shotgun for the flies!A 410 will do,they,re not that big after all.

AR12 shotgun [emoji3581]

A concerted yellow jacket attack can put anyone in the ground, not to be dug up as treasure ever. Now is the worst time of year for them.

A couple years ago I had them find there way into the basement drop ceiling via a hole near electric conduit and build a big nest. Didn’t know it until I went down to do laundry and there were hundreds flying around. Put on the winter coat and gloves and my fly net hat and sprayed insecticide which temporarily killed the flyers and also sprayed it on the windows which continued to kill the newly hatched. But there were always a half dozen madly flying around the room so for the next six weeks or so I had to wear my bee outfit to do laundry and to do daily vacuuming of dead yellow jacket carcasses that covered the floor. Fortunately a nice cold Minnesota fall hit and I was able to get closer to the nest, douse it with Seven, remove it and it’s occupants and close up the hole. Nearly three months of living with yellow jackets and not a single sting.

Mine wasn't bugs....I was 7 or 8. Was hunting beside Dad. He hits a rock with his hammer. The corner of the hammer bullets into my left leg 7 inches above the inside of my knee. Blood is pulsing out. Dad is yelling" Mom" . She's running with her coat flying behind her. To the hospital we go. It is too close to the bone to operate. Since the hammer is steel, they just left it. Said it would form a core around it , or my body may absorb it. I need a pinpointer.

... Truth is your wife named Treasure? Truth and Treasure, what a great pair.
For me a women?s treasure is the most powerful force on planet. Nothing compares.
Standing on an ant hill to reach high enough to pluck a bee hive and than take a selfie with a Yellowstone bison...

Fat I will tell my wife in person in front of people in the store she is my Queen

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