The True Story of Victorio Peak


Jr. Member
Oct 16, 2010
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
This is my first post ever on any treasure site. I have read threads of stories related to VP for many years but never felt the need to join, until now. It's been over 15 years since we closed up our excavation efforts and left the Peak. My name is Alex Alonso, I was the Director of Operations of the Victorio Peak Project. So why now one might ask? A fair question no doubt. VPP left the Peak on a down note, kicked to the curb by a less than gracious host. We spent 4 years on site chasing every lead the ONFP (Ova Noss Family Partnership) had. This included first hand accounts from family members Letha, Dorothy, Marvin, Jerry, Wes, Jim and Terry. All were active in the effort with the team. It's sad to say that Jim and Terry Delonas are the only surviving family members. The injustice we felt resonated in all of us and we turned away from the Peak for these many years. Over the past 6 years an independent researcher/writer, John Clarence has taken upon himself the task of writing the most definitive work regarding VP that we have every seen. His research eventually led to the ONFP and there family archives. After reviewing his research we felt this was going to be good! Books like Victoria Peak by Phil Khoury, 100 Tons of Gold but Leon Chandler, are only a glimmer of what has been unearthed. And so, I am very excited to announce on behalf of the Ova Noss Family Partnership the existence of three hardback books. As an active member of the ONFP for 24 years I highly endorse this effort as this will certainly be the final and finished work of the story of Victorio Peak. If you would like to receive an email invitation to the grand reopening of the website please visit and register your email information. Attached are the covers to the three books.


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All this hoopla to sell books, Hey I am for making money as the next guy. But let’s examine this book sell as a treasure story.

This is my first post ever on any treasure site Under this name

My name is Alex Alonso, I was the Director of Operations of the Victorio Peak Project No proof (say like a picture of himself on site) Of everything I read The project would hardly need a Director of Operations. Lets not forget it ended in failure.

So why now one might ask? Good Question that you don’t answer

Over the past 6 years an independent researcher/writer, John Clarence Did a search cant find what he has written

I highly endorse this effort So you are not receiving any payments or royalties from book sells? Even TV commercials are required to post if someone a paid spokesman

How is DERMFX associated with this venture?

How is vintageic associated with this venture?

Are you going to answer in this open forum or run and hide like vintageic and DERMFX


I am friendly with Dr Lambert Dolphin (former head physicist of SRI) and Tom Whittle (wrote the best story of the Peak I have read yet).

Would either of them know who you are?

Is there any NEW information that is verifiable with people who were there?

Most people who are very familiar with the story know most of what went on from 1937 until now. As I stated previously, what is in the books beyond:

Milton Doc Noss found the upper entrance in a rainstorm while deer hunting in 1937. The family and a few friends removed some of the artifacts and between two and three hundred bars of gold before an explosion caved in the upper portion of the cave system. In 1949 Doc was shot in the head and killed. The military removed everything in the cave system over the years. Air Force Officers Fiege and Berlette discovered the lower entrance to the cave system along with a few stacks of gold bars. F Lee Bailey, during the Watergate Hearings said that with a helicopter and a half hour he could bring our about 300 gold bars. Harvey Snow's 14 year old daughter was shot in the head after he had received several warnings to stay away from the subject.

Did I leave anything out? Oh yeah! The 93,000,000 ounces of gold that was illegally taken from the Peak was stored on LBJ's Ranch in Texas and used to fund Black Operations and personal accounts over a span of many years.

So, where do we need to buy three more books on the subject? Don't get me wrong, if there is new information that can be verified by people who I know were there, I would be more than happy to spend the money.


gollum said:
.... Milton Doc Noss found the upper entrance in a rainstorm while deer hunting in 1937....
I was told by someone whose family was close to all this business back in the day that Noss was given the location by an Apache who he was serving time with at the state pen in Santa Fe in the '30's. I've never had the inclination to verify Noss's history before the discovery, but it might prove interesting if one could verify his alleged prison record. The 'lucky deer hunter' story never quite sat right with me.

Sfloto, I have read some of your other posts and see you are a skeptical guy. I thought I would post some of my photos from the Victorio Peak Project, which includes pictures of Doc and Ova's Noss's daughter Letha. One photo, from the 70's is her holding gold bars and other photo is her sister Dorothy and myself at the Peak. I have also included several artifact photos that have not been previously published. All because you asked so nicely. I have included a unique photo of me holding what we called the "T" Star board. During our hunt in the main fissure, the direction that Doc traveled, we came across this marker. Please observe the old photograph of Ova Noss sitting with her dog Buster in front of the Rock Shack door. Note the name Tom Starr (Doc's alias) on the door, corresponding to the "T" Star I am holding.

Now for you Caballo Mountain hunters. I have included a photo of myself interviewing the Willie Doughit. A sample of this interview will be on the Victorio Peak website.

Please feel free to post your questions relating to the Victorio Peak story.


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Sfloto, Nobody is hiding.
I gave you my phone number to call me, never received 1 Call?
Why the bitterness?
and if Kelloggs Apple Jack Cereal wanted to get into Treasure Hunting and owned multilple websites for advertising shoes what would be the conspiracy to that?

I removed the original Thread to Victorio Peak because I felt it should have been presented from the Original Owner.
no harm, no foul done, just a little information to share with other treasure hunters.
and as friend to Mr Alonso I have seen his work, YEARS of his time and effort into the project for someone like you to be so sour in the subject to try and discredit him.

and to your other question.

Vintage-IC Components is owned by Cameron Micheal / Brian H, A friend or Mr Alonso for many years. who both reside in the same County.

again, if you have any questions feel free to call me. I am sure I can help you clear up all this Paranoia / Conspiracy thoughts you have built up as well to any other member of the Treasurenet forum who might want to speak. shoot me your email and I will forward my number or you can get my phone number from sfloto.

back to work :read2: :thumbsup: :coffee2: :icon_scratch:



Yeah Baby!................ look at those thats what Iam talking about, and those artifacts tell the true story of Victorio Peak!
and NO "Mr sfloto" those arent pictures from out of an old magazine. or photos taken 60 years ago :icon_scratch:
and the photo of Willie Doughit.......Man! many people would have just love to ask him a million questions today :laughing7:

makes me want to read the book 100 tons of Gold , then off with my Metal detector... but this time back to New Mexico :sign13:


I am not paranoid, I just love a good mystery, When a new member logs on and claims he found while doing a google search. That gets me wondering nothing sinister just curiosity

Then when I point out that the site is controlled by a botox house and immediately they opt for anonymous registrar I feel I hit a nerve.

Then you delete your posts don’t respond to a couple posts.

Why should I call, This forum avails me a record that I enjoy. I hate people can delete postings So I have learned to screen shot posts I have responded to,
Frankly I don’t care what any one has to say 60 40 or 15 years later. Especially about events that told second, third or forth hand.

Now back to VP I think the pictures are great, a real moment in time. But you guys seemed to gloss over a couple questions

Over the past 6 years an independent researcher/writer, John Clarence Did a search cant find what he has written

I highly endorse this effort So you are not receiving any payments or royalties from book sells? Even TV commercials are required to post if someone a paid spokesman

I removed the original Thread to Victorio Peak because I felt it should have been presented from the Original Owner.
no harm, no foul done, just a little information to share with other treasure hunters.
So Alex Alanzo owns

for someone like you to be so sour in the subject to try and discredit him. How was I trying to discredit him.


Sfloto is right. It happens all the time that someone logs in with fifty million aliases, claiming to have found the Lost Dutchman Mine, Solved the Peralta Stone Maps, The Beale codes, etc, etc, etc. Newbie posters need to keep things like that in mind and not get too thin a skin when their claims are questioned.


I have seen enough here to at least give you the benefit of the doubt.

Tom Whittle also has a bunch of never before seen pics he is sitting on pursuant to his book coming out.


I can understand where sfloto is coming from, there is always going to be some crackpot nut-jobs out there always trying to stir the pot,
I can honestly tell you 100% that I am 1 person 1 screen name, as well as Victorio is 1 person 1 screenname.
and with that being said.

I thank you Gollum for giving Mr Alonso "Victorio Peak" the benefit of the doubt.

Give him a chance to share one of the greatest treasure stories of all time.

Iam sorry if I have presented this story from the beginning as a money making story telling profitable scheme to get rich.
That was not my intentions, I was simply trying to share information that came out rather "sinister" at the start of the initial thread.
I appologize for any deceiving ways I may have presented the 1st thread and hope everybody will give this a chance
to blossom.

Thanks :icon_sunny:

No problem.

It's a story I like. It's also one of the saddest. The man that found this once in a lifetime treasure shot and killed without ever seeing the outcome. A family that was absolutely robbed of wealth that should have kept their great grandchildren rolling in dough.

The saddest part is that there is 99.999999999999999999% certainty that there is absolutely nothing of value left under Victorio Peak. The other sad part is that Ova signed away her and her family's right to sue the Government or Military for the value of their treasure if it were ever proven that the treasure did exist and they stole it.



I will try to answer some questions for you:

I am friendly with Dr Lambert Dolphin (former head physicist of SRI) and Tom Whittle (wrote the best story of the Peak I have read yet).

Yes, worked with Lambert for a few years at the Peak. I have photos of our EA work. He and I worked together and plotted GPR data into a 3D model using Electric Image software. The data helped us understand a plan of attack when we started the excavation proper. I also developed a downhole camera using his work called the DataCAM, I have attached a couple of pictures of it. As for Tom, only met him once when he visited our office in Las Cruces. I helped him post some of the photos you see on his site now. Tom is the coauthor with John Clarence of book two.

Is there any NEW information that is verifiable with people who were there?

Not sure what you mean by this question but there is tons of new information but I can only give you bits and pieces. Anything related to the mountain, it's history, the ONFP, and our efforts I'm pretty savvy on. John's books are in another arena, that's why I make an issue of it. Every claim in book two is backed up by documents.

Most people who are very familiar with the story know most of what went on from 1937 until now. As I stated previously, what is in the books beyond:

Keep in mind that is the first time a writer has been given full access to the Noss archives. The first book is the telling of the "find", to extreme detail including never published family photos, scanned records, discovery camp notes from Noss records, as well as personal hand written notes between Doc and Ova. These items were in fact private to all. The reason these documents have all come to the surface is there is no reason to private or secret about it. No family members are left except for Terry and his brother and they want it all out! It's real exciting because this story is documented very well by the family. I promise to deliver juicy bits that are in the book(s) from time to time. Don't be mistaken, especially you skeptics, my intention is to tease for the books sake and to inform. You won't be disappointed. Gollum, much of what you heard and read is correct. The books just add the detail in between your summary, with proof. I am going to post a story shortly that will be hard for you to or anyone else to believe. Check back soon.
thanks for listening... Enough said, now for some more pictures!


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Springfield, you are correct. The dear hunting story was true, but it wasn't the whole truth. Doc, years later revealed to Letha his step daughter, that he got the story of the Peak's location from an old dying indian. In 1909, Doc was a young boy in Oklahoma and was put in an Indian portion of a jail as a young half breed Indian for stealing a horse named Jilly with another older boy. They were caught by the rancher who owned it. Doc was thrown in jail at Ft. Sill, OK. Now, I don't think anybody has any proof but Geronimo was in that same jail as well and was dying from a fall he had suffered. It may be possible he received it from Geronimo. Coincidently, Geronimo Peak is the twin mountain next to Victorio Peak there in the Hembrillo Basin, New Mexico. The entire area was the last hiding spot for the Apache Indians. They fought to the death at the base of the Peak and so ended the Indian Wars. Victorio escaped and was killed in Mexico three days later. Victorio Peak was also the location in early 1992 for a large metal detecting project. Letha, personally guided our team of 50 metal detectors to the location of the battle which she had stumbled upon while walking around the Peak area in 1938. Our team flagged hundreds of shell casings, etc. This information was given to the White Sands Missile Range head archeologist Bob Burton who received special funding and did a full investigation of this historic battle. Here is a link of their work, a well done job.
So there may be something to the Ft. Sill story, Doc never said Geronimo, but no one knew to ask. He may have not wanted the Apaches to have a claim if it got out. Not sure. This story is available in detail in book one The Gold House. Soon to be out. I have attached some relevant photos to this story.


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Hello SGvalleyman / Scott,

It was a real pleasure in speaking with you last night, :coffee2:
Let me know when you and Bruce are ready to hit the trail. you said end of this month? Iam interested. I will have to cut out of a prospect
outing that weekend but iam up for a new adventure. :hello2: :icon_sunny:
I look forward to a great treasure hunt with you guys soon.

Detector in hand and map in other :read2:

Call me later today so we can connect the dots and we can find X marks the spot :thumbsup:

Thanks again Brian.

Hello SGvalleyman / Scott,

It was a real pleasure in speaking with you last night,
Let me know when you and Bruce are ready to hit the trail. you said end of this month? Iam interested. I will have to cut out of a prospect
outing that weekend but iam up for a new adventure.
I look forward to a great treasure hunt with you guys soon.

Detector in hand and map in other

Call me later today so we can connect the dots and we can find X marks the spot

Thanks again Brian.

They are obviously in email contact, so why would vintageic feel the need to post this?
I guess he wanted to practice his repertory of one liners or stupid icons

Lets hear from SGvalleyman

Yea I know Iam being an a$$'d I get dragged into this nonsense...What exactly am I suppose to post? or respond to? many others (I thought) enjoyed the stories, clues and discussions of treasures both lost and found.
Drama, pettiness and just outright nonsense, I can get anywhere !
I don't need to get on here ( a place i previously enjoyed) and get drawn into some childish B.S.
So do a favor....If anyone has a problem with anyone else..take it up with them.. NOT ME !
To Paraphrase.... Can't we all just get along ?
Yeah I'm in contact with alot of people, My area of Interest is in the Lost padre mine of Southern California.
It has been a story I have searched and followed for years and have been lucky enough to meet several people and communicate our mutual interest in this mine.
just relax and allow me the same courtesy. :icon_thumleft:

My area of Interest is in the Lost padre mine of Southern California. It has been a story I have searched and followed for years and have been lucky enough to meet several people and communicate our mutual interest in this mine.just relax and allow me the same courtesy. :icon_thumleft:


I thought I knew most of the SoCal Treasure/Lost Mine Stories, but I haven't heard of the "Lost Padre Mine". I know of one in NM, and another in AZ, but none in SoCal.

The only things I know pertaining to Padres are:
1. Lost Silver Mine supposedly East of San Juan Capistrano Mission
2. Lost Gold Mine in San Gabriel Mts
3. Lost Church Vestments (and bells) at Santa Ysabel
4. Lost Gold from Lost Jesuit Mission San Pedro Y San Pablo along the Colorado River
5. Unknown origin mine near the Reservoir at Ramona.

I may have forgotten a couple, but are any of those the Lost Mine you are referring to?


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