The Two Idiots at it Again!

The Ark of the Covenant was found in cave covered over with rocks at the base of Mt. Sinai by Sir Ralph de Sudeley and carried back to Hardwick, England near Warwick. Sir Francis Drake later bought Hardwick and had it all dug up looking for the Ark of the Covenant. Also, Sir Francis Drake was behind the first English Settlement at Jamestown. Did he hear that the Ark of the Covenant was on this continent. He even attacked the Spanish Settlement at St. Augustine, Florida.

10000000 to 1
ha ha.. The point really is that I would not risk my $1 for a chance to win $10,000 or any number larger than that on the possibility of treasure being found in the money pit. Because there is zero chance.. They have shown/proved there is no treasure in the pit over the past two seasons. The whole premise of the treasure being buried in the pit was that evidence of man made tunnels existed at 170+ feet. They have PROVED that these cavities are natural and not man made. Therefore there is no basis for believing any longer that treasure could be buried there.

The geo tech drilling would of discovered something if there was anything there.

The research shows that the alleged code on 90 ft stone was a fake.

There is no evidence ever been found of flood tunnels. The water comes from the flooded cavities/caves that are connected to the ocean and are obviously very common in the pit area.

With the 10s of millions they have spent it has been established beyond any doubt that there is not a treasure hoard buried in the area of the money pit.

So I would save my dollar. I have a better chance of getting a return by buying a lottery ticket....

I cannot think of what they are going to show in the 30 hours of this series.

What is left to do.......

A wager should at least have a chance of winning.. A wager here has none...

Maybe the Kardashians can take over the dig if the Laginas get tired?
lol... Yep some pretty ladies might spice the show up.. Maybe a love triangle between Rick, Marty and a really hot young archeologist....

They really are going to have to do something to keep people watching...

Sorry for the brothers but the templars came here instead of Oak island



Found last week in town !

The brothers will comme here for the next season :occasion14:
We have drinks too ...

i bet MEL fisher was called alot of names too in the decades he spent looking too . treasure hunting requires dreaming and aparently we have alot of big mouth arm chair treasure hunters here ..if you can't follow your dreams why bother treasure hunting ?

Sorry for the brothers but the templars came here instead of Oak island

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Found last week in town !

The brothers will comme here for the next season :occasion14:
We have drinks too ...

Looks like old railroad or dinky railroad from a mine and it was built on a flat layer of stone. Nice brick building in the background.

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As long as I have my 1.jpg - I will watch them all! AIN'T NUTTN' like skipping through the commercials and 40 minutes of talking about what we just watched BEFORE the commerical. Bring it on!

Looks like old railroad or dinky railroad from a mine and it was built on a flat layer of stone. Nice brick building in the background.

I can't tell width, but looks like it could have been a bootleg hole Buggy Track

i bet MEL fisher was called alot of names too in the decades he spent looking too . treasure hunting requires dreaming and aparently we have alot of big mouth arm chair treasure hunters here ..if you can't follow your dreams why bother treasure hunting ?

I'll dream with ya...
But having moved many tons of material by shovel (not including snow) over half a century my dreaming will be above ground.
Neither love nor money will make me dig very deep anymore.

To dig for treasure on a specific X , requires sound reason /documented fact such treasure exists. Not fable.
More so when the hole reaches neck level.

Maybe I'm biased ,having never dug and cached anything below the frost line of four foot here.
A recovery (in my opinion) should be a private thing. In and out quickly.
No foreign or domestic troops or other folk have an interest in my doins enough to follow me or spy , but if they did I would not want to face the logistics of an extended recovery period. Sometimes lonely places are not as lonely as expected and a single pair of eyes can be a pair too many.
Then there would be in Oak Islands legend having to ensure the care and feeding of a group of laborers , plus the risk of their tongues wagging after.

Trust in a group or organisation that no one will sell out ,change sides , give up info under duress or stupidity , or embezzle?
Weigh the risks. Then multiply by a site you are not able to see or return to at any given time besides ideal weather conditions , financial conditions ,availability of a faithful crew conditions , and while not knowing who may be on site when you return. IF you return.

Would you or I cross an ocean to hide our most valued possessions? Even if we had a ship and crew and organisation at our disposal? Then just leave it?...
Or would we squirrel such possessions (no longer in our possessions once secreted somewhere remote from us.) where they can be checked time to time ,or recovered at will?

i bet MEL fisher was called alot of names too in the decades he spent looking too . treasure hunting requires dreaming and aparently we have alot of big mouth arm chair treasure hunters here ..if you can't follow your dreams why bother treasure hunting ?

Mel Fisher knew EXACTLY what treasure he was looking for. What it was, when it was lost, approximate location.

At Oak Island no one knows IF or WHAT or WHO may have left anything at all. Kids find a depression beside a tree - must be treasure - because they dug and no one digs unless there is treasure there . . . right?

Mel Fisher knew EXACTLY what treasure he was looking for. What it was, when it was lost, approximate location.

At Oak Island no one knows IF or WHAT or WHO may have left anything at all. Kids find a depression beside a tree - must be treasure - because they dug and no one digs unless there is treasure there . . . right?

Mel Fisher searched for treasure much like everyone else. He was hunting for the Atocha and Margarita over 100 miles from where they originally sank. He was searching in the Alligator Keys. Finding mostly 1733 Fleet Treasure. He did not find the treasures of the Atocha and Margarita until Eugene Lyons went to Seville, Spain and checked the Spanish Archives. When he told Mel Fisher near where the ships went down he then moved his operation to where he finally found the treasures. So yes he had documents to prove what he was searching for but he did not find the documents that lead him to the treasures. That came from the help of others.

Now if someone checked the records in France, Scotland and in England surely something could be found to document Nova Scotia. But the researcher has to know what he is looking for, so he will know what it is exactly when he finds it.

The Ark of the Covenant was found in cave covered over with rocks at the base of Mt. Sinai by Sir Ralph de Sudeley and carried back to Hardwick, England near Warwick. Sir Francis Drake later bought Hardwick and had it all dug up looking for the Ark of the Covenant. Also, Sir Francis Drake was behind the first English Settlement at Jamestown. Did he hear that the Ark of the Covenant was on this continent. He even attacked the Spanish Settlement at St. Augustine, Florida.

Can’t be, the Ark must have been in O’rleans France in 1428, it is the only explaination for Joan of Arc’s miraculous victory over England

huh ? Canceled your post ?

Yes, it was irony Jeff......nothing more. The crew here decided that they didn't like my post in the page that said "Nova Scotia" on it as the focus of attention was in the infamous show and its fanfare.

Having been told it was "not on Oak Island" by the fans here, I was then told by one person here on a post that I should move the Thread I made to the Vermont section, and my thread was locked by the end of that day. in cut from the mass of viewers' sight whereas there was a sort of intrigue in my research that has garnered the attention of producers and local archaeologists here in Vermont.

Other than presenting the facts from the Nolan Cross as I magically drew a straight line to Yarmouth, I merely lined the carving there on the stone next to the coast of Burlington, and that is why I apparently have no Thread left, because those carvings lead here and denote 4 locations in the area.

That's OK by my standards.....LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION as they say in the real estate game.

Left Turn.jpg

They have spent more than they will ever find cause they wont find anything or there would not be a show

I thought the Bozo show would never come back.

Would you or I cross an ocean to hide our most valued possessions? Even if we had a ship and crew and organisation at our disposal? Then just leave it?...
Or would we squirrel such possessions (no longer in our possessions once secreted somewhere remote from us.) where they can be checked time to time ,or recovered at will?

I'm presently reading "Numismatic Finds of the Americas: An Inventory of American Coin Hordes, Shipwrecks, Single Finds, and Finds in Excavations," by John M. Kleeberg. I'm not done with it yet and I haven't been keeping tabs, but if you were to ask me what percentage of accidental hordes were found (pre-metal detecting days) either while excavating basements or digging in fields, I would say that it is well over half. Which makes sense, I suppose, as that's exactly where I'd hide something important - under the floor of my basement, or else out in a farm field where I could see it, and it would be interred while digging was already going on so as not to raise any suspicion through digging. And there would be a crew of one burying it: me, because if it's something truly important, I'm the only person that I'd trust with that knowledge. And if I suddenly died, the location of that treasure would die with me.

Maybe those old-timers weren't so dumb after all. Yeah, in each of these cases someone eventually found the treasure, but not while the owner was alive. Sometimes not until centuries after the owner had died. And in pretty much all of those cases, putting the treasure a few feet deeper would have meant that it would never have been found. 90 feet is not necessary. 10 feet is more than adequate and, as you mentioned, carries a lot less risk of someone spotting you in the act of burying it.

Aside from fields and basements, probably the other single biggest source of hordes are shipwrecks. There is a lesson there as well. Until fairly modern times, if you had something that you couldn't afford to lose, you didn't put it on a ship unless you absolutely had to.

The more that I think about it, the less sense that burying something important across the ocean makes. I would have buried it in a basement. When it was time to recover it, anyone could do the job; all I'd have to do is say, "Hey, you know that yellow house at the end of 1st Street? The one on the left? SW corner of the basement, 1 foot away from each wall. Dig ten feet down right there." There would be exactly zero chance of someone observing me burying it, and zero chance of someone observing someone recovering it. It would be physically guarded most of the time, even if the person guarding it did not know that they were guarding it. (Most people react negatively to strangers digging holes uninvited in their basements, regardless of the reason.) If that house were to burn down or be demolished and was replaced by another house, or a condominium, or a parking matter. Just as long as the memory of where that house used to be lived on in some way, someone could conceivably retrieve the treasure when it was time to do so, but nobody would ever accidentally find it.

And I'm not the first one to have thought of this, either. Hell, I didn't even think of it on my own. Others here have mentioned this to me, and then there are all the hordes that have been recovered from basements over the last few centuries in this country alone, and only because they were buried shallow; just a few feet deeper and they'd still be there. It makes one wonder just how much wealth is in the ground right on one's own block, doesn't it?

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