Theory and Question- Serpent Mounds & Oak Island

Just a quick question for anyone who might know.

Has there been any archaeological evidence that either the Serpent Mounds or the mounds on Oak Island are the spoils from the original tunnel dig

No evidence has been presented which would suggest that this is any sort of First Nations structure.

Originally Posted by n2mini
Have you read anywhere in a by gone history book that the Templars never came to the OI area?


And because you never read that they didn't stop in at a McDonalds when they arrived you can assume that they must have. ;-)

Originally Posted by n2mini
Have you read anywhere in a by gone history book that the Templars never came to the OI area?


And because you never read that they didn't stop in at a McDonalds when they arrived you can assume that they must have. ;-)[/QUOTE]

NO No No. I have never said they did come to the OI area.. I'm saying that just because it is not in a book that someone has read and then went on to tell the world about it that it did not happen. Do you believe that every thing that is written is a fact? Of course not, so the same goes that not everything that is a fact is written... Is that not a fair statement??

I'm saying that just because it is not in a book that someone has read and then went on to tell the world about it that it did not happen.

I can confidently say that it did not happen because there is an absolute lack of evidence suggesting that it did.

and you might be right. I'm not disputing that. Other then to say it was possible, and if he/they did come here on some kind of secret voyage it might not be written about anywhwere.. Just trying to get across to some on here that everything that is written is not true and not every truth is written about. Even the best of documents sometimes have mistakes or omissions...Just like Sinclair's Diploma not knowing when the man died. Yet supposedly his grandson wrote it, but apparently wasn't close enough to the man to know when he died, so how does he know exactly what the man did his entire life...

...Just like Sinclair's Diploma not knowing when the man died. Yet supposedly his grandson wrote it, but apparently wasn't close enough to the man to know when he died, so how does he know exactly what the man did his entire life...
Just as you get obsessed with lest important part of the Sinclair Diploma and Bishop Thomas Diploma, that both state that Henry Sinclair were at the Scottish Border defending against the English during the years of the fabricated alternative pseudo-history, absolute proof that the voyage to Nova Scotia NEVER happened, AND Sinclair and his Merry Band of geriatric Templars NEVER buried treasure on Oak Island, except in the fevered minds of the fiction believing gullible.
True credible research, n2mini my friend, it NOT reading a couple of paragraphs on Wikipedia and then posting it over and over as if it is privilege information observed only by you.

Ya'll are so upset that I found a flaw in your documents that you fail to understand all I wanted to do was show you how easy it is to discredit something. Not sure how many times I have to say it.... I don't care about Sinclair at all. What he did or did not do. Ya'll need to talk to Franklin about him as all I know about the man is no one knows when or how he died. Which I think is rather ironic.

Ya'll are so upset that I found a flaw in your documents that you fail to understand all I wanted to do was show you how easy it is to discredit something. Not sure how many times I have to say it.... I don't care about Sinclair at all. What he did or did not do. Ya'll need to talk to Franklin about him as all I know about the man is no one knows when or how he died. Which I think is rather ironic.
Not true
the arguments are not equal
the idea that Sinclair came to America is not on the same level as knowing or not knowing the date of his death.
if there were an argument over that, n2mini, you would be 100% correct in your position.

Maybe the mysterious mound is the reason Samuel Ball was able to afford to buy a lot and build a dwelling.

He excavated foundations and basements for home building and dumped the dirt where the laginas discovered it.

Ya'll are so upset that I found a flaw in your documents that you fail to understand all I wanted to do was show you how easy it is to discredit something...

For once and for all, you did NOT find a flaw or discredited the substance text of the Sinclair Diploma with your "quickie google Wikipedia" search.
No need to continue with this ridiculous claim unless, of course, my friend n2mini, you enjoy embarrassing yourself by showing your ignorance of the contents of the Sinclair Diploma that that of the collaborating Bishop Thomas of Orkney and Zeeland Diploma.

Maybe the mysterious mound is the reason Samuel Ball was able to afford to buy a lot and build a dwelling.

He excavated foundations and basements for home building and dumped the dirt where the laginas discovered it.

That is possible and maybe he found something of value while doing that.

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For once and for all, you did NOT find a flaw or discredited the substance text of the Sinclair Diploma with your "quickie google Wikipedia" search.
No need to continue with this ridiculous claim unless, of course, my friend n2mini, you enjoy embarrassing yourself by showing your ignorance of the contents of the Sinclair Diploma that that of the collaborating Bishop Thomas of Orkney and Zeeland Diploma.

I'll ask you then have you read those documents? and if so do they say how the man died and how. I'm guessing no or you would have been telling me when he died instead of making all these posts.. I'd like to think that info is out there somewhere in some book or Diploma since they kept such great accurate records....At this point I don't care. Never did. I just think it is funny that when ya'll get treated how ya'll sometimes treat the "believers" you seem to get all in a tissy...Let get back to the title of this thread which is about the serpent mounds...

Yes, I have read these documents in the middle English in which they were written when in college many years ago.
As for how he died, you have already posted that quote from your "quickie" Wikipedia search.
I have explained the "WHEN" he died date confusion many times- its not my problem that you can not understand, and the critical information to this discussion is that it proves Henry Sinclair NEVER departed from Scottish soil on this fantasy voyage.
Hopefully. this ends your when Sinclair died "hissy fit" so you can return to your Oak Island "hole" harassment of other posters.

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No evidence has been presented which would suggest that this is any sort of First Nations structure.
Since there are similar structures of known First Nations origin in Nova Scotia, and elsewhere, Occam's Razor principle indicates that it is...unless you are aware of some irrefutable indication that it isn't Native..?

They actually said what it was and Henskiee gave it away also.

Just think, the show has been on 8 years now and no mention of this now 'important discovery' nor was anyone worried about it prior during the previous decades.

It was only because Crowell happened to mention he walked past the mounds on his way back that Marty decides they need to be looked at.

Crowell says they just look like "bulldozer pushes' as 'Dunfield's cut is over there' .

When asked, Henskee says they weren't interested in them (back when he was searching) as 'we were looking for a treasure, not like you as you are just looking to find out what went on here'

Big hint there guys and it's the second time Henskee has added this when asked a leading question on camera.

They've just run out of content to keep the show going so are trying anything a mystery can be made out of to make enough airtime. Think about it, what does a 'Serpent Mound ' have to do with a search for a treasure? Nothing but 20 minutes of airtime in a show about searching for a treasure that's going nowhere fast.

I just had an interesting exchange with one of the crew as the show has lost its way and just is running any guff to make up airtime.

I made the point the show and search started as they were trying to find the treasure, not go off on derivatives like 'Serpent Mounds'.

Well from the horses mouth, I was informed the show isn't about finding a treasure, it's (some BS waffle handed to me) about learning the islands history etc

You sort of get why it meanders around filming anything now?

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I don't think anyone really thinks the mounds mean anything other then someone probably dug near by and dumped them there. You would not carry them very far away from where your working most likely... The question is what is near by that someone was digging...If Henski knew they we there from his time working with the Restalls's that means they were there before Dunfield came to the island.

Here is a pretty comprehensive chronology of the searches on oak Island Chronology of the Oak Island Treasure Hunt

As it shows there have been numerous groups dig the place up searching for treasure since the original find in the 1790's.

The island has also been heavily farmed, forested and used as a base for naval stores/ship repairs and fishing.

Trying to work out who made a mound of dirt seems pretty pointless.

The real point is the Laginas are just attributing perfectly ordinary stuff to treasure hiders... To do this one would think there needs to be some evidence that treasure was hidden there first...

The only ever claimed found treasure was said to be buried about 10 foot deep (The claim by the descendants of the original finders) and that would not have resulted in that particular dirt mound.

Therefore their efforts to attribute the mound to groups such as the Knights Templar seems quite absurd and have no basis in fact or reason is my view.

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