Theory and Question- Serpent Mounds & Oak Island

...but that was one of your best amusing posts, thought you may have some additional elaboration concerning that obvious lack of proof after 4 months.
"There may not be any proof of (---------) but that doesn't mean (---------)"
Fill in the blanks, and that bit of non-logic can apply to anything that never happened.
There may not be any proof of 6th century Welsh building the serpent mounds or being on Oak Island but that doesn't mean they didn't.
There may not be any proof of treasure on Oak Island but that doesn't mean that treasure was never there.

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yes, to call you out again. You make it pretty easy... You don't like the show, claim it to all be a hoax, it's all made up never has there been a treasure, yada, yada, yada, YET your on here everyday!!!

There is no serpent mound on hoax island. Yet another pile of debris from 200 years of hoaxers digging. The serpent mound is just another fictional story tale put out by the current hoaxers (laginas) in an attempt to keep advertisers sending money.

They will soon start looking for the Templar space/time warp tunnel some folks here say is on the island.....

There may not be any proof of a Templar space/time warp tunnel but that doesn't mean that there never was.
Another addition for that ever popular fill in the blank (no proof/doesn't mean) game. :wink:

Are you sure that you are the one doing the "calling out"? (ECS quote from above)

Yes I am Mr. ECS. . Think about your "Homer" person who you later admitted he might not be accurate, but only after you "LIKE" a post that goes 100% against your Homer person who you had been bragging about for days... Apparently you can't remember your previous posts which might be why as of late you have been going back in time to quote me and others from months or years old posts, that you had already commented on.. Have fun my friend I'll keep reading your posts and getting a kick out of them but will try my best to not reply back, but sometimes they are so easy to call you out on, I can't help myself...

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Once again, n2mini my friend, all I ever stated about Homer was that he was the FIRST to write/mention the Trojan War, and that his "ILIAD" was written 100 years before that 650BCE date given by those quasi historian charlatans, Wilson & Blackett, that Franklin is so fond of quoting.
No bragging, never mentioned that Homer might not be accurate, nor did my like on Charlie P (NY) post go against anything I posted- you either need to work on your reading comprehensive skills, or totally misrepresenting what was actually posted.

While you once stated that you would NEVER again post about Homer and the Trojan War, well here you go again. :laughing7
"I never said I wasn't going to post in here again. Only that I wasn't going to ralk about the Trojan War after I proved my point..."-n2mini May 5, 2021 7:44PM
What "point" do you erroring believe you made?

Now that you have brought it to the fore once again, what is your stand on the rest of the 650BCE Trojan War that has the Welsh, Romans, and Israelites anachronistic participation in that war as presented by Wilson & Blackett and quoted by Franklin?

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... Have you read anywhere in a by gone history book that the Templars never came to the OI area?
No you have not so it is possible, correct?
I'm guessing some of ya'll think that someone ( who was not a Templar ) from the European area brought over iron, metal, and or steel, and decided to melt them down and make Templar crosses on OI...
The reason there is no mention in history books that the Templars never came to Oak Island, is because the Templars NEVER came to Oak Island.
Why would you think that history books would write about an event that NEVER happened?
That's pure strawman pretzel logic.
Also, only one alleged Templar cross was claimed to have been found on Oak Island, lacking any real solid acknowledged provenance,

Back to the actual topic, there is no serpent mound on hoax island.

Just another last ditch effort by the laginas....the serpent mound is right up there with the faked roman sword...

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There is hard contemporary documentation including the SINCLAIR DIPLOMA written by his grandson that prove Henry Sinclair and his alleged merry band of geriatric Templars never left Scottish soil, and Henry Sinclair was defending the Scottish border during the year of this pseudo- history voyage to Oak Island.
There is also the contemporary DIPLOMA OF THOMAS, BISHOP OF ORKNEY AND ZETLAND, that states on page81, that Henry Sinclair, the Earl of Orkney, was fighting at the Borders in 1398.
That is a fact, n2mini, my friend.

Are those two separate documents? I found the DIPLOMA OF THOMAS, BISHOP OF ORKNEY AND ZETLAND in the Bannatyne Miscellany but I have not been able to find anything called the SINCLAIR DIPLOMA. Do you have a link to the SINCLAIR DIPLOMA? Also, I do not see any mention of "1398" on page 81 of the DIPLOMA OF THOMAS...

That is a curious question from a first time poster on a thread about serpent mounds on Oak Island. (original on Latin)
Diplomaticum Norvegicum ii page 352-358 (Original in Latin)
Dictionary of National Biography 1885-1900 Vol 52
(Influenced by Richard Henry Major's 1875 Zeno Manuscript translation where substituted "Prince Sinclair" for the Zeno's "Prince Zichmni". Notice that there is NO mention of Templars, treasure, or Oak Island in Sinclair's National Biography.

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Since there are no serpent mounds on hoax island the thread is irrelevant....

That is a curious question from a first time poster on a thread about serpent mounds on Oak Island.

Well, I was searching for the SINCLAIR DIPLOMA and your posts turned up so I thought I would ask you.
Thanks for your response.
I agree there is no evidence Earl Henry Sinclair ever went to the New World, much less to Oak Island.

So why do you bother to post in this thread. Are you attracted to the irrelevant? LOL

Ensuring that the unknowing are not duped into believing the longest running for profit hoax in history......

And my request for cites regarding Earl Henry Sinclair needed to be debunked, did it?

ECS provided you with cites. Henry Sinclair never crossed the Atlantic, period. That’s a historical fact.

Treasure, serpent mounts, space/time warp tunnels, king arthur, welsh miners, etc. on hoax island are fictional stories, period.

Then agaain you probably know that as a previous poster with a new identity.

Still waiting for any proof of serpent mounds on hoax island (fiction from the fictional drama cable tv show does not count)....

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