This story will keep you dreaming.................

Now THAT is some interesting advice. They reference another article which can be seen here:

It says in that article the rock solid pattern for the past 5 years is to buy silver in the summer in the May-June time frame, then watch the price go up until the winter, when you should sell around February or so.

The article was written in December (6 months ago) and said the May-June slump (which we may be just coming out of) was a likely possibility. I have noticed the price of silver go down to almost $12 over the past few weeks, and today it closed at $13.10....up 1 cent from yesterday's close.

Here is another item in a Reuters article forecasting that the price of gold will rise 10% this year, but silver will outperform it:


Silver is seen stronger than other metals, with the average 2007 price surging 14 percent to $13.30 an ounce. But it is forecast to fall to $13.00 in 2008, against its spot price of $12.95 and a 25-year high of $15.17 in May last year.

"Silver remains somewhat linked to the fortunes of gold but we believe increasing investor demand will see silver prices outperform gold over the next 6-12 months," said Daniel Hynes, commodities analyst at Merrill Lynch in London.

Analysts said silver would need support from investments in ETFs as the market was expected to end 2007 in surplus on rising mine supply.

The full article with more details is here:

Good articles!

There is no better way to invest - even a 100% employer match on your 401K pales in comparison.
Like MF says - "you can't lose" when you buy silver for $.20 on the dollar (based on junk silver melt values), at the most for a 40% half!!!
There is no better way to buy silver, period.
My wife is always saying "Sell!".
I tell her we're investing in silver and there is no downside yet a potential for one hell of an upside!
Any CRHr who also buys silver as an investment can consider the coin bought at face value as a very adequate hedge which should more than offset any drastic plunge in silver value. If the chart holds true, buy silver now and rake in your profits this winter!
Try explaining that to your financial advisor - you'll get a sideways look like a puppy watching a TV.

Yeah, can you imagine buying a stock and you are told it can always go up in value but will NEVER fall below what you buy it for? I happen to have some Coeur D Alene Mines (ticker cde) stock in my little portfolio. I have been selling and rebuying the same stock as it goes up and down in value. The problem lately is the last time I bought it I paid $4.24 and that was way back on April 13th. After that it went down and hasn't gone over that price since. It's been as high as $4.20 today which is good but I need it to get to about $4.30 to pay for my sell fees. Then I rebuy again when it drops some. It's been low for too long now as far as I'm concerned. I like to make, at least, weekly trades. This is like not getting a box of halves for 3 months!

This is like not getting a box of halves for 3 months!

Shhh.... Such horrible thoughts shouldn't even be spoken aloud!!! ;)

From what I gather, all the pundits at kitco, mineweb, etc. seem to think we are due for a serious spike in silver prices. I mean, above and beyond the usual opinions thrown out there to entice people to buy silver generally.

MalteseFalcon said:
From what I gather, all the pundits at kitco, mineweb, etc. seem to think we are due for a serious spike in silver prices. I mean, above and beyond the usual opinions thrown out there to entice people to buy silver generally.

My acquaintance at the coin dealer told me to buy all I can, if not from him just get it somewhere, he says he has no doubt it will spike soon. He said people have come in there in droves recently, buying him out. He has a lot less in there than he did a few months ago, I can see that for myself.

I'm looking at 2009 to be a turning point for the metals markets. Short-term, I don't see any big price increases, but I think all the resistance levels will be surpassed eventually. As I've said before in previous posts, don't forget to watch prices in terms of other currencies. Silver at $xx.xx per ounce is as much a function of dollar strength as it is a function of silver supply/demand/manipulation. Don't forget to have an exit plan if you ever decide to sell. And when the stock market tanks, don't be surprised if it temporarily takes down the metals with it. Don't be scared, it's only temporary. Happy hoarding and happy hunting!

fiatboy said:
I'm looking at 2009 to be a turning point for the metals markets. Short-term, I don't see any big price increases, but I think all the resistance levels will be surpassed eventually. As I've said before in previous posts, don't forget to watch prices in terms of other currencies. Silver at $xx.xx per ounce is as much a function of dollar strength as it is a function of silver supply/demand/manipulation. Don't forget to have an exit plan if you ever decide to sell. And when the stock market tanks, don't be surprised if it temporarily takes down the metals with it. Don't be scared, it's only temporary. Happy hoarding and happy hunting!

Good points-

What makes you think 2009 is going to be significant?

What makes you think 2009 is going to be significant?
Here's the glass-is-half-empty point of view:
By 2009, the Olympics will be over and the Chinese won't be playing nice anymore.
Silver stockpiles will be getting quite low. Demand is unsustainable with current above-ground quantities. Silver has the highest conductivity level of all metals, but it doesn't spark, which makes it great for industrial purposes---everything from bombs to flat screen TVs. But once it's used industrially, it's nearly impossible to recover. Once it's gone, it's gone.
It's no stretch of the imagination to foresee the dollar having eroded quite a bit by then. It's already on its way. I'm guessing that the dollar index will be permanently under 80 by then, which will cause even more central banks diversify out of the dollar even more than they're doing now. The "basket of currencies" approach.
Emerging middle classes is India, China, and Indochina will want something in which to invest that holds its value better than paper or digits on a computer screen.
Remember, for the first time since the great depression, Americans have a negative savings rate. Basically, we're spending money we don't have on things we don't need. This can't last forever. And since a proportionately larger segment of our economy is based on the sevice sector, rather than manual labor and manufacturing, bouncing back from a recession will be more difficult.
A few years ago, the Fed stopped publishing how many dollars it prints every year. Now why would that be? Has anyone bought milk lately? There's your answer.
All of these factors which are just on the horizon, just emerging, will come into play more seriously next year and thereafter. But to be honest, it's a tough game predicting the future. People have better luck reading the tea leaves or gazing into a crystal ball. Remember, I'm guessing here---just a shot in the dark.

I'm a BIS (Bank for International Settlements) junkie, and follow them obsessively. Here's a link that goes into more detail:

If nothing else, have confidence in knowing that gold and silver have been valued by every culture since the dawn of time.

However, if metals prices do indeed go down, I won't be too upset, because I like my silver coins for what they are, and I don't have enough to get upset over. I sometimes worry about all the silver and gold speculators who are betting their fortunes on a huge rise in price. While I think they're probably right, I wouldn't dare bet more than I'd be willing to lose. Think about it. If metals prices dropped tomorrow, how would you react?

Heck, even if the price of silver goes down, it would have to down quite a ways to cause me to lose money on half dollars, I would think.

Silver Price would have to be 3.40 an Oz for a 40% half to be worth 50cents in Silver.
And For a 90% Half silver would have to be 1.38 an oz for silver vs amount of money.

WE Will Never Be Back Down to 3.40 an oz So Were All Profiting each time we pull one.
If were not burnin alot of gas.

Thats just Wild ;D

You guys and gals on this board are the best! Let the gravy train continue!

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