Ticked off.

I always use deet spray on my lower body, and when I get home always take a shower in which I use one of those scrunchie body cleaners to scrub. So far so good... altho I still get an embedded tick now and then...

Start with reading ingredients and cautions in Sawyer brand Permethrin spray.
Your local(?) farm supply store will usually carry Permethrin but at a higher content and you will need to dilute it.

Carry duct tape wrapped around something that will fit in a pocket.
Lift tape up and stick on a tick if spotted, then fold it back in place.
A friend I gifted a bottle treated his and company's cloths in a high tick area and even the locals were wanting to know what was working so well.

Mind the cautions though ,especially pets while it dries and maybe to be sure ,treat one item of clothing and test it by wearing it a while and being sure it does not bother you.
I've not heard of any issues but would not want you having any out on a hunt...

Permethrin is the ticket. treat everything you got with. Last for several weeks.

chest high waders treated with permethrin work wonders for about 90% of the terrain I put myself in. Trying to go where no one else has (deep thickets, cellar holes lost to memory for generations) I still pick one or two off my skin in a season, but otherwise I'm good. After I picked over 50(!) ticks off my lower deet soaked pants over the course of one 3 hour outing last summer I knew something had to change.

The rest of my clothes go in the dryer when I get home, then visual inspection, then shower. No bleach or bloody scrub...Limitool looks like he could teach a master class on parasite defense!

I'm a firm believer in Permithin( or however the heck you spell it) as well. We usually leave our clothes in a black plastic garbage bag after they have been treated and only wash them a few times during the season. Welcome to Treasurenet by the way.

Thanks for the welcome, CG!

Yeah, doing some Googling this morning I see there are a lot of people who prefer Permi...Perma...Perme....that "P"-stuff over DEET. I'll have to look into that some more, and check availability. What I may do is try alternating the two and seeing if there's any difference. I like the idea of isolating your saturated clothes and just donning them again when you go out. Thanks very much for the great suggestion!

chest high waders treated with permethrin work wonders for about 90% of the terrain I put myself in. Trying to go where no one else has (deep thickets, cellar holes lost to memory for generations) I still pick one or two off my skin in a season, but otherwise I'm good. After I picked over 50(!) ticks off my lower deet soaked pants over the course of one 3 hour outing last summer I knew something had to change.

The rest of my clothes go in the dryer when I get home, then visual inspection, then shower. No bleach or bloody scrub...Limitool looks like he could teach a master class on parasite defense!

Great stuff again, thanks!

Really, you all have been terrifically generous with your tips and suggestions. Makes a newcomer like me feel very welcome, especially as I'm just getting started. I thank you all.


Here's one of the archery discussions on ticks:

Tick Repellent

That was a very informative thread, thanks for passing the link to me. Seems like all those guys are sold on permethrin - I particularly like the one suggestion to buy undiluted solution at a supply store and mix your own. Surprisingly didn't seen any suggestions involving arrows though :dontknow:

Thanks very much again!

Space suits are heated and air conditioned.
The only way!
Ohhhhh NASA!!!!! Lol

Cutters works better. Spray the tops of the socks and put them on when dry, same for the bottom 1-2 feet of the pants. For Skeeters' spray a long sleeve shirt (again Cutters backwoods) and put it on when dry. Tried 6-12, Off and cutters in the mountains of Arizona and Cutters worked best.

Cutters works better. Spray the tops of the socks and put them on when dry, same for the bottom 1-2 feet of the pants. For Skeeters' spray a long sleeve shirt (again Cutters backwoods) and put it on when dry. Tried 6-12, Off and cutters in the mountains of Arizona and Cutters worked best.

I've never heard of that brand, but now if I see it on the shelf I'll take a look. Thanks for the recommendation!

I was told to try purell, just rub it all over your skin before you go out. I haven't tried it yet. A doctor told me to try this a while back. I walked through the woods in AL and had hundreds of real tiny ticks on me from head to toe!I do not want to go through that again!!!! Nasty!!!!! I'm guessing these are what limitool is calling seed ticks! Originally from Ohio I'd get one here or there. But down here???????? You can't mow the yard without looking like you were attacked by something! Little bity bugs on everything!:laughing7:

YES.... One does not attack you... they come in swarms (100's - 1000's). And it's much worse than a single tick or two.

chest high waders treated with permethrin work wonders for about 90% of the terrain I put myself in. Trying to go where no one else has (deep thickets, cellar holes lost to memory for generations) I still pick one or two off my skin in a season, but otherwise I'm good. After I picked over 50(!) ticks off my lower deet soaked pants over the course of one 3 hour outing last summer I knew something had to change.

The rest of my clothes go in the dryer when I get home, then visual inspection, then shower. No bleach or bloody scrub...Limitool looks like he could teach a master class on parasite defense!

No sir... I'm talking about if you get lased with the critters.... and then have to deal with them (chiggers & seed ticks). Here.... If I spray my feet lower legs, then the socks, then shoes and then the pants legs good... I can then expect very little trouble.

YES.... One does not attack you... they come in swarms (100's - 1000's). And it's much worse than a single tick or two.

Now, I know what they are! I told people about it and they said they have never heard such a thing. Maybe, 2 or 3 times the size of a big flea! Just tiny! I'm talking you could not find a square inch on my body without one!I had in places that I didn't want them too! We walked the woods all day it was hot as could be...I start feeling something biting me...And I'm thinking "what is this now!!!" Then On the way out, I set my arm on the window track to drive out? And a caterpillerslug looking thing, with all kinds of barbs and stingers got me in the arm!! No clue to this day what the heck that thing was!:laughing7: Left about a 3 inch long welt on my arm! And felt like I just stuck it in fire!:laughing7:

Sry,,Off track....Just have a name for the tiny ticks now!:occasion14:

Start with reading ingredients and cautions in Sawyer brand Permethrin spray.
Your local(?) farm supply store will usually carry Permethrin but at a higher content and you will need to dilute it.

Carry duct tape wrapped around something that will fit in a pocket.
Lift tape up and stick on a tick if spotted, then fold it back in place.
A friend I gifted a bottle treated his and company's cloths in a high tick area and even the locals were wanting to know what was working so well.

Mind the cautions though ,especially pets while it dries and maybe to be sure ,treat one item of clothing and test it by wearing it a while and being sure it does not bother you.
I've not heard of any issues but would not want you having any out on a hunt...

Totally agree with this . I have used this stuff for two yrs and it works

Here in the wetlands of NW Minnesota, we have ticks and mosquitoes about as bad as anyone could imagine. VERY few people, tons and tons of wildlife!!

In my NORMAL day-to-day life, I normally start each day of the season spraying down my jeans and boots with Raid Flying Insect Killer. This usually last me a couple of days, by which time the clothes are in DIRE need of washing! I also always wear a ball cap dutifully sprayed each morning with Raid. The ticks will avoid the clothing for days, but the mosquitoes require fresh application every day or two! I try to avoid wooded areas where ticks can drop on me from above. If I have to be in the trees/brush/woods, I duct tape pants cuffs, wear flannel long-sleeved shirts and a mesh net if necessary. I've even had to wear work gloves (also sprayed with Raid). The thing to remember is to NEVER touch your hands, gloves or sleeves to your mouth or face without thorough washing. Any thinner garments, like shirts, use ONLY Off or Cutters (Cutters don't work worth crap here!). If you sneeze, wipe your face with the fresh, untouched portion of a paper towel just off the roll. Permethrin is poison, as is DEET. ...Get a bug or a speck in your eye? DO NOT rub it!! Just keep your eye closed until you can get a clean portion of paper towel out to use. Once used, throw in a waste bag so you don't risk getting the used portion in your eye the next time around (<-- the voice of experience!).

When ticks aren't too bad but when mosquitoes are still horrible, I'll often wear an unlined windbreaker; the lighter the color, the better! During tick season, will sometimes opt to wear rubber boots - not 100% effective, but certainly cuts down. If the ticks are too bad or too small for rubber boots, then wear comfortable boots and spray to heck and back!

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