Tizzy Martin to team with homeless drug addicts on Indian land!

bedrock bubba

Sr. Member
Jun 27, 2010
Our old "friend" Tizzy Martin is back!The Nisenan Indians get 32 acres along Deer Creek in Nevada City and Hospitality House will send their homeless drug addicts to squat there and clean everything up! Hooboy! I doubt anyone has seen a Nisenan native American for many years, but Homeless drug addicts are a plenty in the area and infest the towns of Grass valley/Nevada City by the thousands!

Clean it up? History has shown that they trash up an area then move on and harrass the fine people of the Village constantly.

I am all for the native Americans, and the homeless! They need a place to mine the beer bottles and wine bottles and precious hypodermic needles. Maybe someone can donate a metal detector for them to use.

On November 14, 2018, after a five-year process, 32 acres of land on Deer Creek were allocated to the Native American nonprofit by the Nevada City council with the help of The Sierra Fund. On May 30, The Sierra Fund and Hospitality House are inviting the community to help clean up the area.

The acreage will be connected to the tribute trail, and is off of Champion Mine Road. The Sierra Fund has spent almost five years assessing the property, cleaning up any contaminants leftover from recycling efforts in World War II, said Martin, and working with cultural anthropologists to survey the area.

We all wish Tizzy the best!Lets all chip in and help!


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Those that try to "protect" the environment usually screw it up the most!

Make sure everyone takes great before and after pictures to beat these morons with!

I'm sure Dizzy will take pictures of the area prior to cleaning it up and show them at a Water Board Meeting and say it's a mining camp.

Captaincies Nemo - very interesting!

I've been concerned for years about the levees as at some point the river that empty into the Delta will Flush that area with Super High Water. If the levees fail there will be a whole new worry to deal with as some portion of Sacramento will be in SF bay.

As far as Tizzy goes, follow the money trail as she is certain to be found playing with it. IMHO

The Native Indians are just being had in another Scam perpetrated on all of us that pay taxes. A lot of folks have become Millionares even Billionares as the USA has gone into Massive Debt. Just where the "Dickens" does all that money go?! Again, IMHO

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My buddy already told me that creek area was already swarming with homeless.

Many years ago, and enormous nugget(many pounds) was found on a tailing pile near the Champion mine, just sitting there!

I re-read it twice,what exactly are these so called offensive terms are you referring to? Is this some form of micro-aggression perhaps?

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Are the moderators here okay with offensive terms being used to describe INDIANS??? Just wondering because I've seen moderator intervention for far less here..
Indians, only the ignorant use that term, I am a child of the First Nation as we preferer to be called, respect all.

Indians, only the ignorant use that term, I am a child of the First Nation as we preferer to be called, respect all.
...I've lived near two reservations. All I ever heard them use was the term " indian" or " native" I worked with a few Apache guys in Alaska that called themselves Indians.

I have bought many " Indian Tacos" from Indians at fund raisers for sports teams at a school that has a large population of Native students.

My son goes there now.

The thing with language is words get used and stick. When the name was applied originally it wasn't an insult. It was a lack of geographical knowledge.

I think its more about how offended someone wants to be.

Another thing ...they don't even refer to their own casinos as "First nation Casinos"

I've heard so many Indians use the word indians that well... I don't really think to many are offended.

The real question?

Where and what exactly is a "First Nation"

Wherever and however humans came to be. We have moved so much...people have conquered.. been conquered. Mixed ,joined together.

For thousands of years.

I'm for cro magnon rights... or maybe Saxon... wait wait... lets not forget the Druids.

Long Live Sparta!!!!

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Another thing about names that stick..

Most tribes terms for themselves basically meant "the People"

Across the board they tended to look down on the other tribes. That's why there were different tribes.

Most contemporary names that we use for the different groups were The names that the other tribes called them. Not what they called themselves.

It is hard to keep up with what is PC and what is not. Just heard yesterday that public announcers that use "Ladies and gentlemen" are offensive to some. I wonder when it will not be PC to call those from New Mexico, New Mexicans?

Or what age you can start calling them Old Mexicans

...I've lived near two reservations. All I ever heard them use was the term " indian" or " native" I worked with a few Apache guys in Alaska that called themselves Indians.

I have bought many " Indian Tacos" from Indians at fund raisers for sports teams at a school that has a large population of Native students.

My son goes there now.

The thing with language is words get used and stick. When the name was applied originally it wasn't an insult. It was a lack of geographical knowledge.

I think its more about how offended someone wants to be.

Another thing ...they don't even refer to their own casinos as "First nation Casinos"

I've heard so many Indians use the word indians that well... I don't really think to many are offended.

The real question?

Where and what exactly is a "First Nation"

Wherever and however humans came to be. We have moved so much...people have conquered.. been conquered. Mixed ,joined together.

For thousands of years.

I'm for cro magnon rights... or maybe Saxon... wait wait... lets not forget the Druids.

Long Live Sparta!!!!
First nation is the term the united tribes in Canada call them selves as a collective, sad the US tribes will not work together but the way they are and were treated no wonder, divide and conquer.

It is hard to keep up with what is PC and what is not. Just heard yesterday that public announcers that use "Ladies and gentlemen" are offensive to some. I wonder when it will not be PC to call those from New Mexico, New Mexicans?

There are no "new' Mexicans. They are the same old Mexicans! (joke)

First nation is the term the united tribes in Canada call them selves as a collective, sad the US tribes will not work together but the way they are and were treated no wonder, divide and conquer.

They were that way well before Europeans got here

The Klamaths, Modocs and Yahooskin band of the Snakes (Piaute) prefer the term "Indin."

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