To Those Whom Find my Posts Frustrating

Overkill Overkill

Jr. Member
Feb 18, 2010
Wow, I feel the need to 'come clean' because I feel the next step for some of you is to start posting personal info. that you learned about me on the Internet, so I will 'come clean.' I wish you all didn't make this personal.

I have a lot of difficulty making it through some days. Yes, I have a lot of issues - how much time have you got? I am definitely a high-maintenance person. I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. I was kicked out of the University of Missour after earning a near-perfect GPA. I was kicked out because basically I did the same ironic thing there as I am doing on this forum - trying to do something perfectly (trying to learn all I can before my short 4-day metal detecting trip to FL so that I don't try to reinvent the wheel and can profit from those who have gone before me and are willing to share so I don't make as many stupid mistakes as I will make). I know I consistently ask questions that are answerable elsewhere.

But you could make that argument for just about every question asked on this forum. I mean, there are probably thousands of sources of info. outside of this forum that can advise you of the merits and pitfalls of certain water scoops. It's possible one could find some reason to dislike just about every post on this forum. Of course there is an answer to every question asked on this forum that can be found elsewhere. But when you read a book, does the book say back to you, "C'mon man, don't you know the answer to that question; go out and pay your dues and stop trying to take a shortcut - you're starting to piss me off. What are you, crazy?" Also, this forum is very convenient; I am not going to chide anyone for walking to work instead of taking the easy way out and driving their vehicle.

I won't apologize for asking simple questions, except to myself, because it looks like I put myself in a position to receive a bit of nasty feedback from those who probably, like me, have their own set of personal issues, whether they are aware of them or not. I am working on my perfectionism and analysis by paralysis with those in my life who care about me. So please, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all. I don't need a therapist or a sponsor - I already have these people in my life :). There is a difference between saying something to someone that you know will be difficult for them to hear, and saying something to someone that you know will be difficult for them to hear but you care enough for them to say it and are intensely interested in not hurting them and you are not making the comment to be funny or clever or for other prideful reasons. . Also, please remember personal e-mail rather than public posting is an option on this forum.

When I post a question, I am not simply trying to get a response. I am opening up a discussion, and from that interchange can learn other things I didn't not expect to learn from the initial simple question. Also, if you keep an open-mind, you too can probably learn something, even if you have had this hobby for 50 years. This is one of the advantages of a forum. For example, I learned from "Treasure Hunter" that it's not so much the water that's the problem as the many inches of sand. Honestly, that wasn't clear to me until I posted the post about the possibility of dredging the water out of an area that is underwater prior to detecting that area. Additionally, 40% of the replies to my posts either answer my question or at least provide me some kind of emotional support because I can tell the individual's motive is to be kind and helpful. This is something a book or website cannot provide, but unfortunately one is also open to receving the opposite of emotional support.

I am reading 3-4 books on water detecting. I have visitied the Golden Oldie's site a couple of times. I plan to print off the material and read it on the plane ride down to FL on Friday. I want to thank all that have taken the time to respond to my posts with posts that are absent of sarcasm, denigration, insults, etc. (Please read the rules of this forum - all of these forms of communication are prohibited.).

So, there you have it, I am a man with a whole lot of personal issues - yes, you're right. Screwed up? Definitely!!!!!! But I am working on it and, though I don't think it's anybody's business on this forum, I am making progress at my shortcomings and personal failures. Please keep the focus on metal detecting and off my character. Again, if you find my posts asinine or frustrating or idiotic, then please just move on to another post which doesn't annoy you. And then tomorrow when you forget, as we all do, what I've said in this post, please re-read it. Anyway, I'm sure you all have more productive things to do than to take pot-shots at an easy target like me.

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:hello: Overkill Overkill, no need to explain yourself here. You have legit questions and deserve courteous answers. I hope your trip to FL rewards you with some nice finds and the main thing being, ENJOY yourself while your there! HH

Relax, take a deep breath. Again, don't think about it so much. No matter how much you study and strategize and plan, you won't know until you get there what the weather or beach conditions are like, so you have to figure it out when you arrive and at that point make the best of it and have a good time. Life's too short to be so stressed out especially about metal detecting.

Overkill you went a long way to clear things up with us. We all have issues at one time or another. What we don't like is someone that we think is poking fun or having sport with the silly questions that could come from a ten year old.

I will try not to take "pot shots" and answer questions like I would any newbie. We all had to start somewhere so it would go a long way for you to read the goldenolde's pages as Norm was a master that I was honored to have met. I look forward to seeing your finds even if they are just trash, they are your finds and will always mean something. :coffee2:

Hey Overkill,
I always used to kind of chuckle when I would see your posts. But I
had a feeling you had some kind of compulsion problems going on. Don't let
it get to you, find out your problems and fix them and get back in school.
You are always welcome on this board don't let some of these guys get
to you. Just remembe,r go detecting & have fun. Get to the beach turn
the machine on and start swinging. You don't have to overthink everything.
60% of finding the good stuff, is putting your time in and not giving up.
the other 40% is just plain luck

Don't be too hard on yourself Overkill. Remember "there but for the Grace of God".........Relax and enjoy your hobby, oh! and enjoy your trip also.


heres where i think the problem ask all these questions before you even do are asking if the water is warm before you even get in it,you are putting the cart before the horse etc. step 1 get advise on good detector step 2 buy detector.if you did that and still had questions i guarentee no one would hesitate to answer questions even though they have been answered here 100 times.just my take.also here is some good advise find a buddy who detects and learn the ropes then you can get your feet wet.that what i did :icon_thumright:

it's very simple report anyone who treats
you like you don't belong here.

if they don't wise up ,
they don't belong here.


O/K, the problem was you were constantly posting, shall we say "out in left field ideas", for example building a 5 foot plexi-glass-box, pump all the water out to detect 25 sq ft, or taking a shark cage to the beach with you to hunt 3-4 foot deep water. Problem wasn't posting it, but you would try to argue your idea when people told you it wouldn't work or a bad idea and you took offense to our replies.........Your not going to get a very good discussion on those types of ideas, especially when you try to argue the merits of the ideas.

When a Newbie comes on, the very first place many of us will send them is the Goldenolde, we do that because dozens of questions, if not hundreds, can be easily answered there. When we sent you there you replied you didn't have time to read it, that it was easier to ask questions here.....That is like coming on here and asking how to spell a word, when you have spell check, google and a dictionary available to you.....

Most of us have no problems answering questions of newbies, I am still a newbie myself compared to most here, the problem arises when the person asking the questions becomes combative or tells us they don't have time to do what we suggest. Your question on "PI vs VLF" could have been answered on the Goldenolde in the section titled "Pulse vs VLF water detectors" under beach and water hunting..

Hope you have a good vacation hunting...........

Hey O.K., As you can see by some of the responses,other
people have issues too.Just come on down and enjoy
yourself.If I were in the area and had the time,I'd take you
on a hunt and let you try my spare Excal.MD'ing like so many
other things is just one step at a time,one find at a time,
and refine your style.You hunt the beach,then the wet sand,
ankle deep water,and then all over the place as you get
comfortable.Hope someone in that area can help you with a
hunt or two.Good luck with it,and just have fun.You could also
check to see if there are detector rentals in the area.HH Joe

I read 15 books, emailed half the people on this website, read the 5 other forums, talked with hunters in person, etc. before ever getting into the water. After I finally just took the plunge, I was surprised that about 70% of the things I could have learned on my own or just common sense. The best way to learn this hobby is just by doing it yourself (sounds a little bad there :laughing9:).

Make a choice on a metal detector. If you're like most of us on here you will probably try out several until you find the one you really like. After you get your detector and accessories just get out there and have fun.

Good luck on your trip.

Overkill, I feel your pain, yet how do I know that you are not sitting in your dorm with your college buds, just getting a kick out of asking questions, and seeing who you can get a rise out of....
Why don't you meet up with someone who is on the forum when you are in Florida, that way they can help you with all those questions....


You will never know until you actually swing a detector dig a target and find it. It takes time just to do that. No amount of questions will help you there. You could talk to a pro all day long and still not know how to swing a detector. In this hobby you have to dive in and do it! Good luck in my sunny state, she is a beast, she can love you and give you treasures or chew you and your detector up and spit you out! GOOD LUCK!



You will never know until you actually swing a detector dig a target and find it. It takes time just to do that. No amount of questions will help you there. You could talk to a pro all day long and still not know how to swing a detector. In this hobby you have to dive in and do it! Good luck in my sunny state, she is a beast, she can love you and give you treasures or chew you and your detector up and spit you out! GOOD LUCK!


Another Native FLORIDIAN here, mostly grew up in Brandon, moved there when it was a one stoplight town....... :icon_thumright:

Here is my advise to you...

If it beeps...Dig and sift then scan your hole again. If it beeps again repeat, if not fill hole and continue until next beep.

Overkill, man most of us have been in the same boat. I don't post often and my finds are absolutley hedious compared to most here, but we are all here for the love of a "hobby". Hobbies are supposed to help you relax, so just remember, you ARE going to make mistakes and miss targets, but it's ok. We can't find them all. You learn by doing. I have just read and then just gone and dug. Maybe that is where my mistake is, but boy do I have a good time. My diabetes is at a great level, I've lost almost 38 pounds and I am in the best shape of my entire life. My grown son loves to go detecting with me when we are together. Just try to remember why you got into the hobby! Happy Hunting!! Have a great time in Florida!

I was born & raised here in St Pete as well...
I know you're coming to this area, and I was really hoping to meet up and hunt together... but I'm flying out tomorrow for the hunt in Kansas, right as you'll be getting here. :-\ Luck of the draw I guess. Either way, I hope you have a blast and find some cool stuff!
I've never had a problem with your questions. Of course, I'll admit (like others) that they sometimes made me crack a grin... but you weren't harming anyone or anything, just asking for advice. Questions are questions.
And we all have our vices, making us all far from perfect... but it's how we handle ourselves after we fall down that shows our character.
Hang in there and you'll become knowledgeable and proficient like many others who have been at it for years...

Good luck bud :)

Bran <><

Hey, I always enjoyed reading OK's questions, and thought some responses to his posts were a little harsh. Lots of times he had the guts to post the question that I only thought about posting.... Here I am lurking in the background looking to capitalize on his bright ideas.... I still get a chuckle over his Plexiglas box idea, since I thought of a version of that one some time ago... (still working on it, I haven't given up yet.) The rest of you would laugh your heads off at some of the ideas I have come up with that I didn't post. Like my "Gold Sucker-upper". How about a way to "see" the target below the sand by some type of x-ray means..... Hummmmmm (Bet you would like that one wouldn't ya?) You can tell from the language he uses, that OK is bright and educated and "Thinks outside the Box" so-to-speak. (Unless it is Plexiglas :D of course.) Thomas Edison was harshly criticized by many of his piers when he thought he could get sound to travel over copper wires....... Keep asking questions OK. If I invent something that you give me the idea for, I will give you a cut....... You have to admit that everyone here on this forum is a little crazy. Who else but a nut would go to the beach swinging a 5 lb. detector for 4 hours, find only 2 pennies and say they had a great time?????

petersra said:
Hey, I always enjoyed reading OK's questions, and thought some responses to his posts were a little harsh. Lots of times he had the guts to post the question that I only thought about posting.... Here I am lurking in the background looking to capitalize on his bright ideas.... I still get a chuckle over his Plexiglas box idea, since I thought of a version of that one some time ago... (still working on it, I haven't given up yet.) The rest of you would laugh your heads off at some of the ideas I have come up with that I didn't post. Like my "Gold Sucker-upper". How about a way to "see" the target below the sand by some type of x-ray means..... Hummmmmm (Bet you would like that one wouldn't ya?) You can tell from the language he uses, that OK is bright and educated and "Thinks outside the Box" so-to-speak. (Unless it is Plexiglas :D of course.) Thomas Edison was harshly criticized by many of his piers when he thought he could get sound to travel over copper wires....... Keep asking questions OK. If I invent something that you give me the idea for, I will give you a cut....... You have to admit that everyone here on this forum is a little crazy. Who else but a nut would go to the beach swinging a 5 lb. detector for 4 hours, find only 2 pennies and say they had a great time?????

I agree, I am also someone who likes to think outside the box. I thought about once using a sucker to get items as well, or using the spiral scoop was another contemplation. I think the best thing would be something that fans automatically and is lightweight and relatively thin.

If you don't have that, then the next best thing woudl be to just get a big ass scoop, something that's long. That's all you need.

Jeeeze, you must have seen my avatar scoopzilla! The next size up will be a steam shovel!!!! Hey Overkill we have all been there and lol some of are still there and just feeding off of your posts. Enjoy this hobby, I think of this hobby more as a calling! They :hello: (lost items, coins, fishing weights, pull tabs jewelry) keep telling me to dig deeper, and deeper, detect longer and I will find more. :blob8: All I know is that when I drag myself out of the surf, I'm still smiling and want to turn right back around and start all over!

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