Tobacco related injuries

There must be some kind of misunderstanding here.

Tobacco ain't free. A person has to buy or grow it.

Tobacco does not put itself in ones mouth. A person must put it there and if someone other than you is putting tobacco in your mouth you got bigger problems than just smoking.

A cigarette or pipe does not light itself, or force you to take a lungful. These are all personal decisions and actions. If you don't have tobacco and choose not to accept s cigar when offered, if you do not put the cigar in your mouth, if you do not take a draw you can't fill your lungs. Smoking is a ritual, and the smoking ritual involves a minimum of three decisions (put in mouth, light, draw). That's three chances to make a correct decision to not smoke. And, you only gotta get one out of those three actions to stop in order to not smoke.

Duck- quittin's easy, I've done it hundreds of times. I truly do wish you well in this endever . I've never been successful at it.
My Brother in law had a lung go down and went through just about what you did. They punched him twice here at local hospital then flew him to big city hospital and poked him again to get it done.
emc- ask your Dr. about Am a trip ta lin (I can't spell it, sorry) therapy. It worked for me. I never wanted to take myself out but understand why some do.
Duck, no crutch you use will help as much as your wanting to quit. It's like any drug addiction. Until YOU decide to quit it won't happen. Good luck.

There must be some kind of misunderstanding here.

Tobacco ain't free. A person has to buy or grow it.

Tobacco does not put itself in ones mouth. A person must put it there and if someone other than you is putting tobacco in your mouth you got bigger problems than just smoking.

A cigarette or pipe does not light itself, or force you to take a lungful. These are all personal decisions and actions. If you don't have tobacco and choose not to accept s cigar when offered, if you do not put the cigar in your mouth, if you do not take a draw you can't fill your lungs. Smoking is a ritual, and the smoking ritual involves a minimum of three decisions (put in mouth, light, draw). That's three chances to make a correct decision to not smoke. And, you only gotta get one out of those three actions to stop in order to not smoke.
Exactly! Put in mouth, light, draw.
That’s why I chose not to have them in my pocket. No patches, no weening just put them down and never went back.
That was 48 years ago. Best of luck.

I don’t smoke one and smoke all day. I smoke 4 in a row and then can go without one for a couple of hours then chain smoke again 4 or 5 back to back. Still haven’t had one Duck but I’m getting weak but I’ll go down fighting and all I know is I not having one today.

I don’t smoke one and smoke all day. I smoke 4 in a row and then can go without one for a couple of hours then chain smoke again 4 or 5 back to back. Still haven’t had one Duck but I’m getting weak but I’ll go down fighting and all I know is I not having one today.

Does it help to talk about your cravings Truth1253? I wouldn't know if talking about it helps or not cause I have not tried it. Not yet, maybe I should.

I tell you this Truth1253, when all else fails pray to God.

But you already know that.

Does it help to talk about your cravings Truth1253? I wouldn't know if talking about it helps or not cause I have not tried it. Not yet, maybe I should.

I tell you this Truth1253, when all else fails pray to God.

But you already know that.

I don’t know if talking about it is good or bad I just know I’m agitated right now but it’s in the Lords hands he’s got me through a lot of my demons but boy these cigarettes are something else. Lol

The good news Is it’s all mental at least it’s not like that withdrawals I’ve been through on some things.

P.S. I’m driving right now and saw someone smoking a cigarette. I just learned it’s not good seeing somebody else smoke a cigarette LOL

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Anyways my goal is not to quit smoking, it is to quit using nicotine ...

No gum today. Chomping at the bit and straining the reins in hope of getting discharged Tuesday.

Good plan. To quit smoking is one thing but you have chosen the higher path of quitting nicotine. Congratulations on not using a nicotine replacement today. Again, it ain't easy but you can certainly do it. Remember, toothpicks, Altoids, and chewing gum are your friends. To drag out one of my favorite sayings from high school (a long, long time ago) illigitimi non carborundum (don't let the bast...s wear you down).

Does it help to talk about your cravings Truth1253? I wouldn't know if talking about it helps or not cause I have not tried it. Not yet, maybe I should.

I tell you this Truth1253, when all else fails pray to God.

But you already know that.

You get home , any ashtray sighted goes in the trash.
Put lighters away. (Hey ,if you are heading out hunting or something a lighter can go in a pocket you don't frequent... For safety's sake.)

NO ONE ,smokes in your home now.
And don't leave a butt in your yard!
Sorry ,but that's how it is.

Be agitated a minute or two when habit makes you want to be stupid and you refuse to. Beats the hell out of laying in a casket.

Sorry to hear about your problems. I have no clue what you are going thru or how bad it can be because I am one of the lucky ones. I quit smoking the day I started. Basically, I took one puff, inhaled and proceeded to puke my guts out for the rest of the day. I never picked up a cigarette again. That said, i am rooting for you and I know you can do it. God bless and do what it takes to kick those cigs to the curb!:occasion14:

Ammoman was the smart one. That first cigarette says, "never do this again". The second one says, "welcome home". I wish I had been smart enough to stop after the first one. That would have saved me the misery of quitting.

There must be some kind of misunderstanding here.

Tobacco ain't free. A person has to buy or grow it.

Tobacco does not put itself in ones mouth. A person must put it there and if someone other than you is putting tobacco in your mouth you got bigger problems than just smoking.

A cigarette or pipe does not light itself, or force you to take a lungful. These are all personal decisions and actions. If you don't have tobacco and choose not to accept s cigar when offered, if you do not put the cigar in your mouth, if you do not take a draw you can't fill your lungs. Smoking is a ritual, and the smoking ritual involves a minimum of three decisions (put in mouth, light, draw). That's three chances to make a correct decision to not smoke. And, you only gotta get one out of those three actions to stop in order to not smoke.

Never put that way before but I really like this! How can one argue with pure, simple logic?

As for the comments below regarding talking about cravings....
Yes, that's a great idea! The part of us that keeps addictions alive doesn't want to talk about it openly and honestly.
It wants to guard it's precious addiction and talking about it makes it feel vulnerable.

We're all human and experience similar "symptoms" and talking about it helps one to understand better the "enemy within."
Know thy enemy and like you said, no one is putting that cigarette in your mouth and lighting it for you!
Keep up the good work!

I have had a love affair with tobacco my whole life. I love it. My Dad's family were from Oklahoma, where everyone starts smoking at age three. They grew tobacco and made cigars on their farm. I learned to roll cigarettes at about 6 years old. That's when I started smoking with Grandma. I have smoked, then quit. Chewed, then quit. On a whim, I will just start again, then quit. I just can't seem to put it down forever. Chew made my bottom lip look like the bottom of a turtle shell, I quit again for 6 years. I just started chewing again a couple months ago but this time, I really need to quit for good. The thing is, your health is really all you have. How much do you want to keep it? It is difficult to quit for only about 2 months. If you can make that, you are free. Unless you are like me and start dreaming of Cuban Cigars while you sleep. I do know, however, it WILL get me in the end. Every single one of my family members that smoked, all died at around 80 years old. That doesn't matter though, thier quaility of life was a mucous filled hack. It is disgusting.

So much misinformation about vaping.
Your doctor should educate himself with actual facts, not fake news twisted around to scare people away from a viable, proven harm reduction method.
That would be misinformation backed by many that have their own agenda including big tobacco and and big pharma...both have seen profits fall by millions of dollars as the e cigarette and vaping has become more popular and they are scared.
The truth is out there, not easy to find but available...

Other countries have embraced vaping...

That is referring to the Royal College of Physicians...look up their history and how much they have been involved in spreading the truth about cigarettes, nicotine and now vaping.

I tried cold turkey, lozenges, gum and patches, none of it worked permanently, what did work was a $20 Vape device.
The second I picked it up I quit smoking and it was easier than I have ever thought possible and more successful than anything else I have ever tried.
I am still off the cigarettes and I don't think I need to ever pick them up again.

Nobody says it is harmless, nobody says people that don't smoke should start vaping, what is true is that vaping is considered an important form of harm reduction for cigarette smokers that want/need to stop.
By some intelligent countries, anyway, here in the USA not so much.
It has been proven to be at least the 95% less harmful than smoking that the patches are but newer studies might say it might even be a bit higher up to 97%.

Popcorn lung, exploding e cigs and devices, epidemic among teens all makes for attention grabbing, clickbait headlines but look closer and you will find the truth and the numbers might be a different story.

You need to quit, no matter how you do it is up to you and I hope you are successful no matter what method works best for you.

As far as your doctor he took an oath to do no harm.
Warning you off of vaping using rumors and misinformation and no real scientific evidence is the opposite of that.
A shame.

Thank you digger27. I was reading through all these posts wondering if anyone on this forum knows the real truth about vaping. I was going to reply when you said it better than I could.
I picked up my first vape mod in March of 2013 and haven't had a cigarette since. I still vape though. I make my own nicotine liquid at a low dose and it suits me fine.
I consider nicotine one of life's pleasures like caffeine in my coffee. I just now get my nicotine in a much safer way. No more inhaling burning leaves.

Humans have been inhaling burning substances for pleasure for thousands of years to the detriment of their health. Along comes the 21st century with a new technology with the potential to make smoking totally obsolete and replaced with something far safer and it is being squashed and thrown out because of money. Remember the old saying "follow the money" It certainly apply's to the whole anti vaping hysteria!

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I have to say the truth after three days the flesh got weak

So there was this rodeo featuring the biggest baddest bull that nobody had sat on for 7 seconds in all its two and a half ton life. Could not be rode was the rumor and it might very well couldnt be.

Anyways these to riders are up to ride. Both had entered as the best bull riders in the country. First rider gets on the bull and is bucked off in less than two seconds. Four broken ribs and a bump on the head. Next up gets on and suffers through a two second ride as well.He gets bucked off too but with little injury.

After the showing the two riders congratulate each other. The rodeo officials announce that the next rider to last one second on that bull will be the rodeo winner.

The first rider all busted up tells the second, "You go ahead and take the purse. Next time I get on that bull he will most certainly kill me."

Second rider says to the first-" Alright. Let me at it!", and gets on that bull again.

But the first rider ended up with the purse.

Dead men don't win rodeos.

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Duckshot, I had quit cold turkey, well sort of. I was doing my lungs damage and I knew it, but I loved smoking. I needed an extra push and when I went to the hospital for a bleeding ulcer I used that time in the hospital to get it out of my system. Right now I'll bet you're not in the mood for a cigarette with what you're going through so use that to your advantage as I did. I was hospitalized for a month and that did the trick, but I did have cravings and weak moments I had to fight. I did smoke for about 35 years and loved it and I was the classic stubborn case. In reality, if you truly want to quit you can, but you really have to want it and you have to unlove them to do it. Not so easy. Many use gimmicks like nicotine patches and gums, but this keeps you addicted to the nicotine thus reducing your chances of staying smoke free. Also know that just because you quit doesn't mean you didn't do yourself harm either as I was diagnosed with COPD like 4 years later and I must have scar tissue as I don't get much in a % of oxygen as a normal person would. I also used to do hard exorcise be it work or walking or whatever and smoked while doing it without it phasing me. Don't fool yourself as those deep inhales did harm me over time.

Bottom line here is get well and quit any way you can and do it fast.

Nitric, you may be in allot of trouble with your lungs as the sand (silicon) alone causes silicosis, a very serious disease.

p.s. I quit 13 years ago.

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So there was this rodeo featuring the biggest baddest bull that nobody had sat on for 7 seconds in all its two and a half ton life. Could not be rode was the rumor and it might very well couldnt be.

Anyways these to riders are up to ride. Both had entered as the best bull riders in the country. First rider gets on the bull and is bucked off in less than two seconds. Four broken ribs and a bump on the head. Next up gets on and suffers through a two second ride as well.He gets bucked off too but with little injury.

After the showing the two riders congratulate each other. The rodeo officials announce that the next rider to last one second on that bull will be the rodeo winner.

The first rider all busted up tells the second, "You go ahead and take the purse. Next time I get on that bull he will most certainly kill me."

Second rider says to the first-" Alright. Let me at it!", and gets on that bull again.

But the first rider ended up with the purse.

Dead men don't win rodeos.

I was watching wicked tuna is on the Outer Banks and Marciano just smokes extremely way too much so off I went to the Walgreens at 1 AM

Stay in the hospital away from the cigs for as long as possible. 21 days is the complete cycle to remove the Nicotine. After that you will not have cravings from the nic. Just the habit. Then it is just a matter of wanting to live. Chew celery sticks or anything but Nicotine. All nic does is keep you hooked. If you run out of any vape tooth pic mint gum you will run to anything with nic in it and the easiest is a ciggy. You had a wake up call. Make it 7 years without a smoke and your longevity is nearly the same as someone who never smoked. Man up. Put them down and leave them down. 6 years 3 months for me FYI

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