Todays find (Sad)

Jul 11, 2008
Detector(s) used
Minelab E-Trac ,Tesoro cibola
i did get out and metal detect today,found some clad,but thats all!
its getting close to firearms deer season here,so i'm browsing on the internet and i go to walmarts website,and i find out that 1/3 of the nations walmarts have quit selling firearms.
This is just a start.
i be sad!

See,as a matter of fact,as of 7:57 this morning 327 people have viewed this!
11 had a reply!

Got any local shops in your area? I'm sure they could use the sales.

How is the ammo supply out your way? Supplies are still sketchy out here.

yeah,the smaller shops will have better sales because of this!
ammo is scarce here,and high priced!

Rando said:
LabradorBob (Missouri) said:
yeah,the smaller shops will have better sales because of this!
ammo is scarce here,and high priced!

That's because people are waking up to what is coming, and are scared.

I wish they woke up sooner. :(

from what i am hearing and seeing on the internet,this is just the start,even the police are scared,
that quote came from a police officer,who now says he carries a gun everywhere he goes,especially when he goes somewhere with his family.

yes,but getting worse now,the gov wants to control guns and Healthcare,
this is where the troubles are starting from.and taxes!

Even living in this blue state I see people every day that are getting into firearms in some form. Whether they are buying a home defense shotgun, going through pistol training with self defense in mind or just getting into target shooting. The type of person that is buying firearms is also broadening significantly. I like to see these people getting into it and I do everything that I can to encourage it but it is a shame that so many waited so long. When they start to look at the preservation of their second amendment rights they start to look at their other rights in a different light. Then they start to look at what this country was founded on and where it has gone.

And now Wal-Mart is going to computerized gun people that dont own or use a computer will have trouble completing the 4473 gun form....cant have help from family or salespeople...gotta do it if you mess it up you wont get a if you are considering getting a youngster or some family member a gun for Christmas...better send someone that is computer literate.....just another way Wal-Mart is screwing things up.... :icon_scratch:

Pudsbrat said:
And now Wal-Mart is going to computerized gun people that dont own or use a computer will have trouble completing the 4473 gun form....cant have help from family or salespeople...gotta do it if you mess it up you wont get a if you are considering getting a youngster or some family member a gun for Christmas...better send someone that is computer literate.....just another way Wal-Mart is screwing things up.... :icon_scratch:
i hear that if you do buy a gun from walmart now,that they have to video it and keep it on record!

The walmarts here stopped selling guns about 3 yrs ago, they still have some ammunition. I remember when k-mart stopped selling guns, most of them here shut down, related, don't know, I have'nt been in a kmart since..But this is illinois, not real proud of it anymore...dl

Our family won't shop at Wal-Mart any more. One of my sisters goes in there to move all the products around to different racks and such. This is wrong, but she was let go so the manager could hire his daughter at more money. It is still wrong.

Good for you! i wish everyone would stop shopping there,just me i guess,
but why do we need to support china?
we have our own problems over here!

"It ain't Sam Walton's Wal-mart no more"! That's what an Arkansas native told me not long ago. Monty

True about it not being Mr. Sams it all belongs to China.....I work there only to make a living....I dont agree with their policies or ideas.....cant even hardly find a picture of Mr. Sam anywhere here in the store...used to be like a big we hardly know each other and most of them dont know or dont care.....

K-Mart stopped selling firearms after 'Bowling for Columbine' came out. I know this will cause a Firestorm (and probably get this thread sent to 'Rants') but here goes. First off there seems to be an undercurrent theme here that our current administration is going to 'ruin the country' and 'take our guns'. Let's look at the current situation and see what 'change' has been implemented. Bernake is still head of the Federal Reserve, the halls of Congress are still full of lobbyist and you can still buy guns (though there is a 'shortage' driving the price of guns and ammo up). Oh, and let's look at what the former administration was in on as far as 'gun control' Notice the FEDERAL MARSHALLS were confiscating.... wonder who they answered to? Hint: was not Nagin. Continuing. Healthcare is still a profit driven industry that addresses cure over prevention and has left America far behind other modern countries in that area (before you go nuts read this just a relatively short review of a book, interesting perspective). Jobs are still leaving the US and some of us realize that most that have will not be returning, ever (yeah Beaver is bummed and June probably has to take even more valuim to keep smiling, don't know how she walked in those high heels and dress in that state). Hey! Nothing has changed! As far as 'Public Option' ask anyone you know that works for the Federal Govt what their Health Care benefits are and what they pay.... then look at your paycheck deduction for yours, read your benefit package and weep. Not saying we need 'socialized medicine' but we do need reform (read what Newt Gingrich has to say ). For the record I am member of the IBEW and my health care is paid for by the contractor. I am a hunter and fairly conservative in my beliefs..... but I have to let the facts speak for themselves. Thank You and Have a Good Day :)

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