Trail dies!


Sep 4, 2013
Somewhere directly above the center of the Earth.
Primary Interest:
Got trail dies?
I'd love to see them!
I love how that phenomenon makes the devices look like they are in motion.

they do resemble the Roadrunner :laughing11:.....or a Senator trying to avoid answering a simple question :BangHead:

How annoying.
I guess I will have to post ten times more stuff.
Teach like my pops did, say you are wrong, but won't back it up.
Go fly a kite dude.

What is your problem? Instead of trying to get to know me, you come off as a smarta$$! I answered your question even after your smug remark. You are way behind me in coin knowledge. I try to help members and you get mad because I tell you what you have isn't a trail die. Sorry that hurt your feelings, but it's just not. Next you'll be smarting off at Frank! Answer this question. Are you coming here to just post or to learn?

I was trying to learn stuff.
If you actually read the stuff I posted, you'd know that.
I'm not upset.
If you tell someone something is wrong without explanation, how can someone learn.

And Frank doesn't come across rude.
But hey, block me and I'll still learn what I need to.

That good enough?

I was really only learning this because of my wife.

You can keep the forum all to yourself.
I don't care.

No offense, but apparently you're under a lot of stress in your personal life and really should step away for awhile.

I didn't say anything rude to you. You chose to take my answers as rude for some reason and attacked me. But enough, I'll leave you be. Ignored.

I'm sorry.
I'm an alcoholic who hasn't had a drink in too long.
My wife is dying and I am an a$$hole.

I can't help who I am.
I wanted to learn everything I can about the coins, so to distract myself.
I didn't mean to be rude.

I'm sure that you weren't either, but I take everything the wrong way.
Even compliments.
It is a horrible fault.
I'll be on my way now.

I'm sorry.
I'm an alcoholic who hasn't had a drink in too long.
My wife is dying and I am an a$$hole.

I can't help who I am.
I wanted to learn everything I can about the coins, so to distract myself.
I didn't mean to be rude.

I'm sure that you weren't either, but I take everything the wrong way.
Even compliments.
It is a horrible fault.
I'll be on my way now.

I would recommend you join coin opp on FB.

BC: may I suggest you tone your comments & replies down a bit before the mods CUT YOU OFF the site all together. Let's keep this forum professional. seems straightforward to me. But I have been looking at coins since the mid-60s. Please, if you want to learn about coins, errors, etc, start with simple and easy to identify. Repunched Mint Marks, visible cracks, cuds, and the like. Nearly every error coin I sell to a collector does not need magnification to notice, and I wear trifocals.

Slow down a bit, and you may learn more, and more easily recognize what you want to find.

Time for more coffee.


Main article: Wavy steps and trails
Lines, called trails, transfer to coins from dies made using the modern high pressure “single pressing” process. When images are impressed into dies using the process, the displaced metal moves out into fields leaving visible lines on the dies. The dies themselves are called trail dies. Coins on which the lines appear are simply called trails. Trails were first noted on Lincoln Memorial steps found on the reverse of one cent coins minted from 1959 to 2008. The trails gave the steps the appearance of being wavy. The term wavy steps is still used to refer to trails found on the memorial steps, but the term trails is more commonly used to refer to lines found elsewhere.”

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