Treasure signs in Mindanao. Looking for more opinions.


Jan 14, 2019
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
I'm new to the site. Thanks to all that have a look at my pictures and offer an opinion.

These shapes were found at a depth of 200'. They were found in a vertical shaft. They were found in this position.

View attachment DSC_0322.jpg
This symbol was at 60' and led me to the stones pictured previously.


Just a few pictures, please enjoy, and comment. Thanks!

I noticed this was your very first post - so, Welcome Aboard Tradfu! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forum: Select Your Area.... and selecting location information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country).

I would like to clarify that this is a suspected Yamashita site. In my experience with signs/symbols. Look for large signs. The heart stone pictured above is 18 inches from lobe to lobe, 12 inches thick, made of solid granite, and weighs aver 100 pounds.

I'm adding another image of the middle sign. I was asked in private chat. I've posted this sign because in my 17 years in the Philippines I've never seen another like it. Curious if anyone else has.

View attachment DSC_0958.jpg

The stone has a lot more dimension than I can capture in the photo. Notice the stone it is carved from. It protrudes slightly from the wall. Also, the half triangle to the left is a common theme throughout my site. I'm not sure that the triangle means anything, but I believe it is an indicator of a sign. It is about 24 inch's tall. Unlike the heart its not a loose stone, but a permanent fixture.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to rotate the image. The left of the image is the bottom.

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credit is good but we need cash. so says the reading in so many sari sari stores here in the philippines. that saying reminds me of an old principle in treasure hunting that no matter how many markers you have, how promising they are, how heart formed they are, how the stones formed like a turtle, get over with that fascination. its good to be amazed but you need to be focused on your goal to get the gold , and not only the markers. you are not there for the markers but for the gold and other valuable treasures alone. so you need to be quick and efficient. so go only for the gold samples, and forget about the signs and markers. the area is really of japanese area, but how about you focus more on getting gold samples before you dig. or you dig manual but that is not efficient and the correct way to do it.

so be practical when you dig . do not go more than 80 feet.when you dug 200 feet manually, you were wasting so much money when you could have drilled it at less expenses.

drill your suspected site. have a powerful drill and not manual or fabricated drills and get an nq bit or oother diamond bits .

so that was me, a long time ago. i did not get a rotary drill. so i spent so much. manual and percission drilling.

now that i have a rotary drill, im still paying off some debts to pay off the loan for the drill. i cant treasure hunt while i have real loans that becomes due every month and food that is needed by my family every day. im already retired in treasure hunting. but i dont know if i will go back again in treasure hunting.

so for those who still have the time and the money to seek the yam gold, forget metal detector. its useless.

have a drill. and drill your suspected location . do not ever use percussion drilling. it will make the cement vault slide. even if you use a backhoe, it will also make a cement vault slide. i really dont know how to recover it. it will slide all the time. which makes me wanna say that you must have an engineer friend to help you design how not to make the cement vault slide.


Where in Mindanao are you from, my wife is from just outside Butuan.

this one tops them all 200 feet ....what proof do u have ??? let me guess lrl , dowser , sony camera , orbs , i hope a real map some stones ....i hope u find some natural gold when u hit bedrock at 500 feet ...good luck miner

i hope your not in north eastern mindanao am guessing your 500 feet above sea level ...good luck i hope your near a large port because the stones u show ive seen before and they have nothing to due with treasure seen in bohol , and negros ....only problem theres wasnt enough japanese to dig 50 feet let alone 200 feet so stop dreaming

I hope in 200 feet of digging u at least found some empty wine bottles , broken shovels or worn out shovels , empty tins , ....u think some japanese gentlemen would carve a heart shape rock and not put a inscription on it ?? i hope u found something made in japan at the site ....lets see the swastika been around 12,000 years the nazis 12 years ,,,,heart shaped rocks peru , mexico , egypt and the philippines etc ...dont u think that symbol been around 100,000 times longer then the japanese who lasted less then 4 years in the philippines .......native people had plenty of time to carve rocks the japanese didnt ... am sorry to tell u most of the rock carvings i seen are ancient very very few are japanese made ...Good luck digging and be safe remember earthquakes

are you saying there are also ancient treasures in the Philippines when you said " rock carvings i have seen are seen are ancient"?

i am asking this question because i am also wondering if the spaniards knew that the biggest untapped gold reserve (now tried to be mined but yet unsuccessful by sagittarius mines) is situated in kiblawan, near padada (old spanish town) and tampakan on the other side, just 2 hours away from davao city.

my question is are there any galleon trades and sunken ships in the davao gulf considering the huge vast gold deposit in kiblawan , monkayo, comval, and davao del norte?

Gentlemen, is it possible (maybe , just maybe possible) that uncanny rocks, could simply be naturally occurring uncanny shaped rocks ? Just like if you lied on your back, and stared at the passing clouds long enough, you'd eventually see a smiley face, a bunny, a heart, etc.... ? Not every odd rock or squiggle indicates treasure.

for your information tom most are just natural your right ....but some have been carved in stone by ancient tribe people and a very very few were made by japanese to mark a site deep in the jungle or mountains .....but just think if u dug down 200 feet with high levels of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide and found nothing what are u going to tell the investors who have been bank rolling your scam ..i have to see the 200 foot shaft to believe it i think 86 feet the record here in negros ...looked 86 feet to me .....not to long ago 3 guys died at 50 feet in sibulan i hope this new member has life insurance and better think of his family first and not some rum story about treasure

.....but just think if u dug down 200 feet with high levels of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide and found nothing what are u going to tell the investors ....

Easy: You tell them the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide dangers were a purposefully devised booby trap. By Yamashita's soldiers, who no doubt buried immense wealth there. They figured ahead of time that some future "would-be-treasure-hunters" would try to get the gold. So they set those Monoxide/dioxide booby traps to foil any recovery attempt. Pretty clever of that Yamashita feller, to anticipate all of this, eh ?

to answer your question renantagm 30 ....i know very little about where your at far as ancient trading in davao am guessing that the chinese for sure had a shipping route to davao ...during spanish time period the route would of been only to cebu am guessing ...i know in the north the CDO river in spanish means river of gold i know one guy who found gold nuggets dredging in that river ...what i seen from ancient trading in tanjay and siaton with the chinese raw gold was used if natives had some but treasure from ancient times is very rare ive only heard of one in negros and one in north mindanao.. and both were from chinese that lived here

tom u know and i know all there booby traps are just plain stupid ...water trap only problem they dug 20 feet below sea level ...and gas ,,, in all my research i found only one ship load of gas from china and it was sunk on the way to the philippines far as i know in this area the japanese had no gas so thats just more BS ...all the real gold finds i believe ....there no gas no water traps no bombs no bones and no BS and never deep ,,,,,once i hear water trap its a scam ,, gas another scam ,,

yesterday a guy found a live ww2 mortar round a few blocks away.... they said that it was maybe a booby trap for treasure i took one look at it was made in U.S.A. there went there treasure dreams

TRADFU ...i guess u really believe in this site to dig 200 feet ...with the little information i read if i was u ...think and listen guessing your shaft 10 meters wide .....if i was u get a big coil PI unit and scan the shaft top to bottom all the way around ....u sit and think one in a million at 20 feet deep u dug 2 feet to the west and missed it .....u do this scan and u just increased the search area by 4x or more depending on the coil size used ...there homemade coils any size .... ive seen first hand someone missing the target by a few feet ....another thing davao the only place where there might be a big treasure ...good luck and be safe

i guess mdcLXVI is not a treasure hunter in real practice. i have encountered 6 bombs that shook the ground within 20 meters radius. 3 in 2013, 3 in 2016. and in 2013, we have encountered poisonous gas, we were lucky we were already at the top ground when the foul smell reek.

it does not mean you have not encountered it that bombs and gas are not real.

water traps? wow. i have been encountering them more than 20 times.

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