Trommel in ca question

what does the trommel bein motorized have to do with anything?
start from square one and learn what your talking about..

So I keep reading and getting told that in ca you can't do anything motorized. I have herd about the ban on motorized dredging and I herd that you can high bank with a permit but I wasn't sure about a trommel. Looking for any valid info from anyone in ca that has had experience using a trommel that might help clarify. Some miners have told me they are illegal to use in ca and others have said they are just fine to use.

How about making a water wheel and flex shaft to run the Trommel? That is what I would do, water powered like a sluice box, Gawwd I hate stupid regulations.

So I keep reading and getting told that in ca you can't do anything motorized. I have herd about the ban on motorized dredging and I herd that you can high bank with a permit but I wasn't sure about a trommel. Looking for any valid info from anyone in ca that has had experience using a trommel that might help clarify. Some miners have told me they are illegal to use in ca and others have said they are just fine to use.

Just ignore the old farts that are bitter they are too old to mine. There is no law prohibiting motors for mining in California.

There is a non-existent permit system for dredging. How anyone could assume that non-existent permit has anything to do with motors or your trommel is beyond me. :BangHead:

We don't need make believe laws. Next time one of these old farts tell you that you can't run a motor tell them to produce a law or get back to their bong and recliner. :thumbsup:

Heavy Pans

Just ignore the old farts that are bitter they are too old to mine. There is no law prohibiting motors for mining in California.

There is a non-existent permit system for dredging. How anyone could assume that non-existent permit has anything to do with motors or your trommel is beyond me. :BangHead:

We don't need make believe laws. Next time one of these old farts tell you that you can't run a motor tell them to produce a law or get back to their bong and recliner. :thumbsup:

Heavy Pans

Thank you sir for all the info and I agree with what you say.

clay diggins is right: You're confusing mining laws (things that silt rivers) with trommels.

Unless you were intending to use a trommel in a river and treat it as a prospecting tool for nuggets or something ? I'm lost. Isn't trommels on dry land , hence having nothing to do with dredging and sluicing in water ?

clay diggins is right: You're confusing mining laws (things that silt rivers) with trommels.

Unless you were intending to use a trommel in a river and treat it as a prospecting tool for nuggets or something ? I'm lost. Isn't trommels on dry land , hence having nothing to do with dredging and sluicing in water ?

My intent was to just use the trommel on dry land but when I asked around I was told because it was motorized it wasn't allowed, I appreciate everyone's input on this, thank you

There some bitter old farts in one of my prospecting clubs that will tell you that using a sluice is illegal, and by tell I mean jump down your throat.

.... but when I asked around I was told because it was motorized it wasn't allowed,...

Who told you this ? Did you tell them it was on dry land, and not a sluice/dredge in a river ?

As for "asking around" and getting odd answers: It's sort of like asking a bunch of people "Can I pick my nose ?". You will eventually find someone to tell you "No, you can't pick your nose".

Hence I do not ask silly questions to bored bureaucrats, when it comes to metal detecting pursuits. Lest you bump into arbitrary whimsical "safe" answers. Or ... even answers with no bearing in actual law .

how are you moving water through your trommel and sluice

So I was asking a few fellow miners out at the river a while back if they had ever used a trommel and they said no those are illegal in ca due to the fact they have motors. My reply was even to sift dirt and they said yeh. My though was hooking up a system like what I saw some guy use where your using it on dry land and using a series of buckets and pans to get your water from, like in the photo I attached. I have never used a trommel but seems like those who do have great results with them. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1508994541.139897.jpg

you should be fine , if you start pumping water out of a waterway , they will mess with you
and yes I do run a slightly larger trommel in cali . mine did require permiting

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you should be fine , if you start pumping water out of a waterway , they will mess with you
and yes I do run a slightly larger trommel in cali . mine did require permiting

Thank you for your input, I figure I will just mess around this winter make my own out of some pvc and see what happens.

they may try and mess with you for pumping water,There is however no actual law against it.

Just don't let the discharge dump right back into the water way.

A recirc trommel sounds like one of the least fun ways to run material I can think of. You are going to have issues keeping the water right for running.


It would be a good idea just to learn the laws that apply to your activities.. Seems to me you are no better off then when you first posted.. Other then that you found someone who gave you the answer you wanted.. So what's the plan? You running your trommel and get harassed by someone and what do you have in your defense? ClayDiggins said I could?
It is your responsibility to know the laws that apply.. Its that simple.. For me this post is all to common of attitude of individuals today.. Rather spend more time asking and shopping for answers then actually learning the truth for or themselves...
Its my opinion far more harm is done do to the mining community by the lack of personal responsibility and ignorance that seems so prevalent in the recreational community ..
I just wish you would have actually taken the time to answer your own question and become a valuable asset to the community instead of just another liability...

Victor he is asking...So, he is trying to be a good member of the community.

you being a dick does not make you a better member of the community..

it just makes you a dick

Victor he is asking...So, he is trying to be a good member of the community.

you being a dick does not make you a better member of the community..

it just makes you a dick

And what answers did he get? I might come off short maybe some consider rude.. Oh well.. I know no better advice.. Learn the stuff for yourself ... Or be reliant on others and pick and choose what you wish...
Anyway the decision aint mine to make.. And the consequences aint mine either so its up to the individual on how they wish to roll the dice..

Nothing wrong with asking. I am sure he has got plenty of different answers from plenty of "knowledgeable" sources.. But unfortunately I just happen to know that there are a lot of "knowledgeable sources" that have no freaking clue on what they are talking about and they happen to be in charge of mining clubs and activists.. So I find the best advice I can give some one is to learn the laws for themselves.. Now if you find this advice as a "DICK MOVE" oh well .. I apologize I didn't think it prudent to throw little quips like these and pat myself on the back..
they may try and mess with you for pumping water,There is however no actual law against it.

Just don't let the discharge dump right back into the water way.

A recirc trommel sounds like one of the least fun ways to run material I can think of. You are going to have issues keeping the water right for running

Just ignore the old farts that are bitter they are too old to mine. There is no law prohibiting motors for mining in California.

There is a non-existent permit system for dredging. How anyone could assume that non-existent permit has anything to do with motors or your trommel is beyond me.

We don't need make believe laws. Next time one of these old farts tell you that you can't run a motor tell them to produce a law or get back to their bong and recliner.

Heavy Pans

Anyway I suppose advice is given different ways and taken from different people in different ways.. And honestly GW I don't care nor do I have time to worry about who may take offense to god knows what.. But I am glad YOU care...

I'm not "in charge of mining clubs and activists" so was it the bong or the recliner comment that you object to Victor? :cat:

The poster wanted to know:
Can anyone tell me if I made a 12v trommel is that illegal in ca because it's "motorized"?

It is not illegal to run a 12v trommel in California.

If you object to that statement you better be ready to pony up a law making it illegal to run a 12v trommel in California. Because in your own words:
It would be a good idea just to learn the laws that apply to your activities. It is your responsibility to know the laws that apply.

No law? I didn't think so. Maybe back to the bong and the recliner for you Victor? Wouldn't want to overexert yourself helping other miners.

Heavy Pans

I'm not "in charge of mining clubs and activists" so was it the bong or the recliner comment that you object to Victor? :cat:

The poster wanted to know:

It is not illegal to run a 12v trommel in California.

If you object to that statement you better be ready to pony up a law making it illegal to run a 12v trommel in California. Because in your own words:

No law? I didn't think so. Maybe back to the bong and the recliner for you Victor? Wouldn't want to overexert yourself helping other miners.

Heavy Pans
If you were heading out on a journey by sea, asks Socrates, who would you ideally want deciding who was in charge of the vessel? Just anyone or people educated in the rules and demands of seafaring? The latter of course, says Adeimantus, so why then, responds Socrates, do we keep thinking that any old person should be fit to judge who should be a ruler of a country?

Doesn't matter if you telling the truth or lies.. Either way I aint gonna tell him nothing other then to educate himself. His choice not mine.. no doubt plenty of individuals telling him whats what.. I just recommend he go to the source and actually know.. Your advice or someone elses? what difference does it make if no actual diligence is presented on the individual seeking the truth? Some of you may wish to carry everyone.. That's your business.. me personally I find it more worth while to leave many for dead.. I have no care nor worry as I aint dependant on placating to all.. only a few shall warrant my attention and only a few will have my loyalty.. And I will not give credence to those who don't bother to educate themselves.. Let me be as blunt as possible!! I aint no shopkeep nor am I a politician. So your ignorance or diluted privalages aint a virtue to me its a burden.. AND HONESTLY CLAY their is no recliner nor bong that's can dilute the fact on how many lazy and ignorant or diluted individuals who partake in this world and are given unearned value.. Its your wish to give them value that aint deserved or not worth that individuals time? good for you.. that's you not me.. not me.... You wish to carry them that's your business and your right but do not bust my balls because I value a person who cares enough to know and not be told.. Anyway Clay I do respect you and your advice and its has always been sound but that does not warrant undying loyalty nor does is warrant your word or thoughts as bein good enough or better then actual first hand knowledge on a subject nor do I think it an excuse not to bother to know for sure.. Are you here to educate or tell others how you think it is? there is a difference between educating and enabling.. Some deserve and work for what they pursue and those are the ones that deserve attention.. Maybe you think otherwise .. Your business not mine.. But do not sit there and disvalue sound advice to further what?

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