
Sr. Member
Sep 29, 2013
North Texas
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I went to a bank on a road trip and got 300 in CRW. Well, they gave me a roll of dollars by mistake. I was being a good person called and told that when I am back that way I would give them their 15$. I gave my name and number and they called me back and said they dont know what im talking about and they aren't short. They said they would call me when they find the mistake so I said I would be back 5hat way and gave them a date anyway. They never called me but I showed up like I said I would, when I said I would. The tellers were cool until and I asked if they had anymore. They said yes about $160 and they were about to go get them. Well about that time a lady came from the back and she was big a real ass. She said the records never showed anyone being short but took my $15 anyway. She said she was a coin collecter too and told the other teller the $160 was "spoken for". I was pissed but respectfully left. Now I sit on this and I'm thinking about calling the branch manager and telling them the story. I returned the money and did the right thing and she could have let me get those halves. I know she pocketed that money too. She said nobody was over or under so why would she take it. AM I BEING HATEFUL or should I let the manager know because I simply should?

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Let it go john. You won't gain anything but enemies at that bank. I've had tellers try and give me a roll of dollars by mistake also. I noticed and pointed it out. Tellers love you when you do this. You tried to do the right thing but it got messed up. It would have been better, although maybe not possible, to go back to the bank that day and square it up with the teller who made the mistake. I think it works out better for them to fix it before they count out at the end of their day, and find they have a shortage. Somewhere at the bank someone came up short but it may have gotten confused about where the shortage was. Sorry the big ass bank lady was so nasty to you.

I went to a bank on a road trip and got 300 in CRW. Well, they gave me a roll of dollars by mistake. I was being a good person called and told that when I am back that way I would give them their 15$. I gave my name and number and they called me back and said they dont know what im talking about and they aren't short. They said they would call me when they find the mistake so I said I would be back 5hat way and gave them a date anyway. They never called me but I showed up like I said I would, when I said I would. The tellers were cool until and I asked if they had anymore. They said yes about $160 and they were about to go get them. Well about that time a lady came from the back and she was big a real ass. She said the records never showed anyone being short but took my $15 anyway. She said she was a coin collecter too and told the other teller the $160 was "spoken for". I was pissed but respectfully left. Now I sit on this and I'm thinking about calling the branch manager and telling them the story. I returned the money and did the right thing and she could have let me get those halves. I know she pocketed that money too. She said nobody was over or under so why would she take it. AM I BEING HATEFUL or should I let the manager know because I simply should?

:coffee2: You were doing a bank road trip. I would have spoken to the branch manager right than. You did the right thing by going back there & I'm sure the manager would have liked to hear your story especially about that woman being such a a*****e. It's probably too late now but in the future if you are back at that bank again. If she gives you a hard time, than definately let the branch manager know. If she is treating you that way, than she might be treating other bank customers as poorly & the branch manager would like to know that.

as mercury1 says, let it go, you won't make it far in this hobby by making enemies.

Let it go john. You won't gain anything but enemies at that bank. I've had tellers try and give me a roll of dollars by mistake also. I noticed and pointed it out. Tellers love you when you do this. You tried to do the right thing but it got messed up. It would have been better, although maybe not possible, to go back to the bank that day and square it up with the teller who made the mistake. I think it works out better for them to fix it before they count out at the end of their day, and find they have a shortage. Somewhere at the bank someone came up short but it may have gotten confused about where the shortage was. Sorry the big ass bank lady was so nasty to you.

I didnt know that she had given me the money until I got to the house. It was $300 that they put in a bag and it looked very similar. I wish I would have noticed right then.

as mercury1 says, let it go, you won't make it far in this hobby by making enemies.

:coffee2: Hey BB,
He was on a road trip not going to a bank he normally frequents. The manager might need to know how this employee is treating a customer or possible future customer. That's why I said what I said. A boss would like to know if a employee is treating customers good or bad.

if you have an account there, I'd call the manager. Forget about the $15 - chalk that up to lesson learned. If you insist on giving someone money, they will eventually take it. The $160 in halves is the bigger issue. Ask what the bank policy is for denying customer change or allowing tellers to us bank funds for their own personal gain is. That is BS! I'm not usually one to say "rat them out" but that teller had alot of nerve overriding the teller that was helping you.

if you have an account there, I'd call the manager. Forget about the $15 - chalk that up to lesson learned. If you insist on giving someone money, they will eventually take it. The $160 in halves is the bigger issue. Ask what the bank policy is for denying customer change or allowing tellers to us bank funds for their own personal gain is. That is BS! I'm not usually one to say "rat them out" but that teller had alot of nerve overriding the teller that was helping you.

:coffee2: He was on a road trip, most likely it's a bank that he doesn't have a account with. I agree with your reasoning. He should talk with the manager anyway just to let them know what this employee is doing. IMO he should stop in & do it in person the next time he is in the area rather than just making a phone call.

I do not have an account there but it would be nothing for me to get one. the biggest thing is she was rude and the other lady had already said yes. She seemed like one of those work place bullies that handles her coworkers. Maybe not but she had no problem handling me. I went out my way to do the right thing. See I didnt have an account there and they had no idea how to find me. I could have just kept the money.

John, good for you for doing the right thing about returning money. Karma will come around for you and that b**** lady. Thanks for sharing this story because it gives me and other hunters a fresh reminder. Take care friend and HH

"Just do the next right thing"..a wise person once told me. You did the right thing johnomerta, you can sleep good when you lay your head down...but can she? I hope that $15 dollars was worth it to her for the aggravation that comes with the bad karma attached to that. Short/true story...when drive-thru's were first food, etc..(i know-im showing my age..), my parents were inadvertently given a substantial amount of money that they shouldnt have gotten at the new drive thru at the local bank. They bolted like a cat with it's a$$ on fire...O yea, the bank called..and called..and mom blatantly denied receiving any extra funds that day. I begged them to give it a 14 year old, I didn't know much, but I DID know right from wrong. I am POSITIVE that someone..maybe more..lost their job as a result of that mistake, and I certainly hope whatever my parents did, or bought with that money was worth the trouble. Sorry to rat the parents out...but it just wasn't right at all. Some people I know say they do not believe in karma because of all the bad things that happen to good people. Whatever works for I said, I just try to do the next right thing...treat peeps like I would want to be get the picture. thx or sharing..and dont sweat it. ddf

as mercury1 says, let it go, you won't make it far in this hobby by making enemies.

To burn a bridge, it takes 54 minutes (speaking from experience :laughing7:)
To establish a connection takes 5-8 months

They may not have even known what the coins were. I've had several occasions where young tellers told me that the Ikes they had were half dollars. "That's what the guy told me they were when he cashed them in." They refused to take more than $.50 each. I had to get the manager and she said that the drawer was right and "made" me take them as halves. But I also have that one sniping teller who keeps here halves in a vertical tray at the drive thru and I can see the silver separated out and she "never" has any.Grrrr.

If none of the tellers were short, then maybe the dollars were deposited as halves and no one noticed the difference. That way there would be no 'shortage'.

As for tellers being obnoxious, there was one at the bank I started with when I was in my teens. I was in the bank one day, behind a man that was at the teller's cage. Back then there were wrought iron bars between the teller and the customer. Talk about telling my age!! Yeah, I'm 71. Anyway, the man finished and turned toward the door. Just as I stepped up to the teller, I was interrupted by the man's return. He told the teller that she had made a mistake in the amount of money that she gave him. She looked quite indignantly at him and said that after he left the window, he could not return and expect to have a mistake corrected. He asked if that was really true. She said that it was absolutely true. He grinned, looked at her and said, "Thanks for the extra $20!" Her mouth dropped open, she kinda sputtered, then turned to me and asked if she could help me. I think she learned a lesson on that one!!!

A few years later, my dad and I bought a car from a used car dealer that we had known for many years. It was Saturday evening and Dad gave the man a check for the car. About 11 a.m. on Monday morning, there was a knock on the front door. It was the car dealer. He asked Dad if he knew of any reason the check would be turned down at the bank. Dad said that he had deposited money in the bank on Friday and there was quite a bit more than enough to cover the check. Dad got out his wallet and handed the man the deposit slip. The man looked at the slip, handed it back to Dad while laughing really hard. He kept laughing while my dad and I stood there wondering what was going on. The man sat down on the edge of the porch with his feet on the ground, put his head in his hands and continued to laugh. I took the deposit slip from Dad's hand and looked at it, but didn't see anything wrong. Mr. Lewis, the dealer, finally quieted down and told Dad to look at the name on the deposit slip. It was in the name of I. W. Harper, the brand of whiskey, instead of I. W. Jxxxxx, my dad's name. The same teller that made the $20 mistake also made out the deposit slip for Dad!!!! I still remember her name;-- but I won't tell!

I went to a bank on a road trip and got 300 in CRW. Well, they gave me a roll of dollars by mistake. I was being a good person called and told that when I am back that way I would give them their 15$. I gave my name and number and they called me back and said they dont know what im talking about and they aren't short. They said they would call me when they find the mistake so I said I would be back 5hat way and gave them a date anyway. They never called me but I showed up like I said I would, when I said I would. The tellers were cool until and I asked if they had anymore. They said yes about $160 and they were about to go get them. Well about that time a lady came from the back and she was big a real ass. She said the records never showed anyone being short but took my $15 anyway. She said she was a coin collecter too and told the other teller the $160 was "spoken for". I was pissed but respectfully left. Now I sit on this and I'm thinking about calling the branch manager and telling them the story. I returned the money and did the right thing and she could have let me get those halves. I know she pocketed that money too. She said nobody was over or under so why would she take it. AM I BEING HATEFUL or should I let the manager know because I simply should?

I strongly suspect that the teller that made the mistake put in $15 out of his/her pocket to cover the shortage. I've never worked as a teller, but I'm sure the establishment greatly frowns upon teller mistakes. I further suspect that as a teller it doesn't take very many mistakes to be out of a job, therefore the teller secretly balanced the till. At any rate, regardless of exactly how it went down, you owed that bank $15 and you returned it. That was absolutely the correct thing to do. Kudos to you! :icon_thumright:

Bank employees should have the right to call "dibs" on anything that comes in. You aren't even an account holder at that bank. Either of those is a perfectly plausible reason to deny you those halves.

I can't tell you why the lady took the money if there was indeed no shortage and/or what she did with it. But, I can tell you that you shouldn't accuse her of stealing on just speculation.

The lady that was rude to you had no call to be rude. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but life isn't fair, karma is hokum, and the world is full of miserable, rude people. If you complain everytime someone is rude to you, you're not going to have any free time whatsoever. All your time and energy will be wasted tattling on someone else. Let it go and spend your time doing something finding silver.

Texasred777 is correct, likely they took the roll of dollars in as half dollars and shorted the customer.

This happen to me, I picked up a box of dimes and what I thought was $80 in CWR halves. When I got home, I noticed that one of half dollar rolls was actually a dollar roll.
I went back to the branch a week later and asked the same teller if she was short last week. I told her I got home and thought I had to much coin for what I had bought.
She said she wasn't short, so we're good.

You should dump rolls of zinc cents at that bank and mark the rolls INDIAN and 1909 S VDB since she is a "collector too" but follow the advice from this video.

I strongly suspect that the teller that made the mistake put in $15 out of his/her pocket to cover the shortage. I've never worked as a teller, but I'm sure the establishment greatly frowns upon teller mistakes. I further suspect that as a teller it doesn't take very many mistakes to be out of a job, therefore the teller secretly balanced the till. At any rate, regardless of exactly how it went down, you owed that bank $15 and you returned it. That was absolutely the correct thing to do. Kudos to you! :icon_thumright:

Bank employees should have the right to call "dibs" on anything that comes in. You aren't even an account holder at that bank. Either of those is a perfectly plausible reason to deny you those halves.

I can't tell you why the lady took the money if there was indeed no shortage and/or what she did with it. But, I can tell you that you shouldn't accuse her of stealing on just speculation.

The lady that was rude to you had no call to be rude. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but life isn't fair, karma is hokum, and the world is full of miserable, rude people. If you complain everytime someone is rude to you, you're not going to have any free time whatsoever. All your time and energy will be wasted tattling on someone else. Let it go and spend your time doing something finding silver.[/QUOT

They had already said I could have them then she came after the fact and said no. Also im 34 years old and well aware of how the world works. In the rural south I have come to expect people to act a certain kind of way and in return I am behaving a certain kind of way like being respectful to those who are being rude. However my kindness shouldn't be considered weakness.

Although I'm young I've learned that it's always best to do the right thing. We should all show integrity in everything we do so that people will respect us for our actions. And if people are rude like that one teller it doesn't matter because people probably don't respect her.

I went to a bank on a road trip and got 300 in CRW. Well, they gave me a roll of dollars by mistake. I was being a good person called and told that when I am back that way I would give them their 15$. I gave my name and number and they called me back and said they dont know what im talking about and they aren't short. They said they would call me when they find the mistake so I said I would be back 5hat way and gave them a date anyway. They never called me but I showed up like I said I would, when I said I would. The tellers were cool until and I asked if they had anymore. They said yes about $160 and they were about to go get them. Well about that time a lady came from the back and she was big a real ass. She said the records never showed anyone being short but took my $15 anyway. She said she was a coin collecter too and told the other teller the $160 was "spoken for". I was pissed but respectfully left. Now I sit on this and I'm thinking about calling the branch manager and telling them the story. I returned the money and did the right thing and she could have let me get those halves. I know she pocketed that money too. She said nobody was over or under so why would she take it. AM I BEING HATEFUL or should I let the manager know because I simply should?
If she told you the books balenced and then took your money anyway then YES the manager should be told because the women is a thief.If she had been on the up an up she would have given you a recite or got your info. she is a thief on taking your money and NO bank manger would want her working for them.

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