OK, discounting the lights, where are the latest 'solid' sightings? Is there a 'hot' area. Frank...-
sphere colored.jpg

OK, discounting the lights, where are the latest 'solid' sightings? Is there a 'hot' area. Frank...-

OK, discounting the lights, where are the latest 'solid' sightings? Is there a 'hot' area. Frank...-
View attachment 1032328

I don't know where the current " hot spot " is but I can tell you where it is not - ( Here over My house).


During a Tractor-Trailer Night Driving Course in former West Germany in 1975 on a clear...crisp night, about 6 of us (U.S. Army soldiers) observed what appeared to be stars far out in space that moved from every direction in the sky towards the center of the sky. Once they got to the center of the sky, each and every one just vanished. We had to take our turns driving but we made sure that there were two of three folks watching these and counting them. This happened over a period of about an hour or more and between all 6 of us taking turns watching and counting, driving, then watching and counting again, we counted over 150 of these objects move to the center of the sky and disappear. We had no idea as to how many objects did the same before any of us noticed them. Could these have been UFO's or could they have been stars being sucked into a Black Hole? I would hate to think it was the latter because if the Black Hole was close enough for us to see the event, then it is probably close enough or might be some day, to suck the Earth right into it.


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OMG! I can imagine a UFO landing in my backyard and a Gray coming out with a anal probe. With him asking, “Take me to your leader”. With me replying, “Sure, I will show the way to the White House, but you will need a bigger

May 15th 2009 approximately 3:15 pm I witnessed an object looking up at a clear cumulus sky, clear meaning NO chemtrails, I noticed(the size of a small pea at arms length) it,the color caught my eye,the color of a red tail hawk tail feather,I thought it was a balloon at first,Six Flags is in my back yard,it just sat there for I'd say 10 seconds,then slowly moved left to right zig zagging for quite some distance,very rapid long straight line through the clouds to clear sky,stopped for several seconds,it just vanished,I'd say the encounter lasted 2 minutes ,I came in to tell my Wife,I looked at the clock,it was 3:17:15.

This will always be etched in my mind,UFO's are real all right,but,they're not from out there!

GOD Bless


doesn't all that "Scrap" metal make you think a bit? :laughing7:

Well take this for what it's worth. I was out at my farm couple of years ago, around 2 a.m. my friends who were visiting turned in for the night. I wasn't ready to follow so I took a walk. I was born and raised on this place, know every inch of it, and most likely every creature on it. Was a beautiful cloudless night, stars out everywhere.

I decided to take a short cut across a field to get back to camp. Half way down the field I noticed what looked like a fog bank rolling in. Odd as it wasn't something normal for the time of the year, and it wasn't rolling just across the ground, it had to be an easy couple hundred feet high. Like a blanket had been drawn across the sky. I then noticed something else. Not a sound. The woods around my place are not quiet at night. Between the frogs down at the pond and the owls, the insects, and rest of the night animals, it's louder then during the day. But not then, it was dead silence, heck I could hear the stream that feeds the pond and it was a couple hundred feet away.

I'm pondering all this when I see a glow in the sky/cloud. First took it as either a plane headed to the Pittsburgh airport or another plane that was trying to find the local airport that was already closed for the night. Not a first for either around there. Passed it off and started to head back down the field. Looked back up to see if I could tell whether it was a commercial flight or a civilian craft up there.

I stopped dead in my tracks as it was neither. What I saw still gives me the willies to this day. In the cloud that had rolled in, maybe 50 to 100 feet above the tree line was 5 lights arranged to form a cross pattern. A center lamp with another on each side, and another pair one above and one below it. They looked like each were 5 feet across in diameter. And no engine or jet or heli sound, just silence.

The lights didn't move, not getting any closer or further away, nor gaining or loosing altitude. Couldn't see anything except the lights, no form as to what was supporting them. Then it really got weird. The lights started to rotate, first the horizontal row would spin slowly then they would stop and the vertical row would spin. And they would repeat, but in the opposite direction. As they spun around I could see the light reflecting off the cloud but nothing in front or behind them. Was like the lights were self supporting. This went on for maybe 10 to 15 minutes, lights dancing and not a sound.

They stopped and all but the center one went out, followed by the center one starting to gain altitude and dimming as it did. Just as it broke through the cloud top it went out. I could not see any form in the clear sky above the cloud, was like what ever had been there had just vanished.

Then the cloud just started to move off and break up, and as it did the sounds of the animals started coming back. And it was back to normal, clear sky and stars shining bright.

No clue as to what it was to this day. I've been around aircraft most of my life, fixed wing, heli, gliders, even a couple of blimps, and have never seen a craft with lamps like that mounted on it, nor one that could plant itself in the sky and not make a sound. And to have the woods go dead quiet I've never experienced that in 50+ years. And while I may be a straw brain, I don't drink. :icon_scratch:

Lights don't impress me, Hay,I saw the bell come down in Pa. It looked like a fireball. What gets me is with all the cameras around today, why hasn't anyone come up with a good detailed photo of one?
Frank...-View attachment 1031375


I think most folks aren't able to afford that high a resolution camera.

I'd like to have one!

During a Tractor-Trailer Night Driving Course in former West Germany in 1975 on a clear...crisp night, about 6 of us (U.S. Army soldiers) observed what appeared to be stars far out in space that moved from every direction in the sky towards the center of the sky. Once they got to the center of the sky, each and every one just vanished. We had to take our turns driving but we made sure that there were two of three folks watching these and counting them. This happened over a period of about an hour or more and between all 6 of us taking turns watching and counting, driving, then watching and counting again, we counted over 150 of these objects move to the center of the sky and disappear. We had no idea as to how many objects did the same before any of us noticed them. Could these have been UFO's or could they have been stars being sucked into a Black Hole? I would hate to think it was the latter because if the Black Hole was close enough for us to see the event, then it is probably close enough or might be some day, to suck the Earth right into it.


The earth was passing through a meteor shower. You were seeing the "backside" where the particles didn't enter the atmosphere and skipped off back iinto space and cooled off. Not longer red hot they go back to being next years meteor showers when the earth passes through that region again. They appear to come together for the same reason rail-road tracks do from the rear of a moving train.

Meteor "showers" are stationary. The earth passes through them annually.

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Lights don't impress me, Hay,I saw the bell come down in Pa. It looked like a fireball. What gets me is with all the cameras around today, why hasn't anyone come up with a good detailed photo of one?
Frank...-View attachment 1031375

WOW! No way! You saw the Kecksburg object? :notworthy: Do think it really was Die Nazi Glocke?

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The earth was passing through a meteor shower. You were seeing the "backside" where the particles didn't enter the atmosphere and skipped off back iinto space and cooled off. Not longer red hot they go back to being next years meteor showers when the earth passes through that region again. They appear to come together for the same reason rail-road tracks do from the rear of a moving train.

Meteor "showers" are stationary. The earth passes through them annually.

Sorry but they were not meteors! They were moving very slow sort of like a satellite crossing the sky just after the sun sets and that is what we thought they were at first until we continued to see more and more and them coming from all different directions in the sky. Besides meteors and showers of them, usually come from one general direction and these moved from practically every point of the sky towards the center of the sky directly above us, then they disappeared. Sometimes there would be 2 to 3 come into view at a time, sometimes just one, then maybe 3 to 4 at a time and this continued for an hour or more, then nothing.


LOL, You people are funny. UFO'S are not real Nessy on the other hand is real "wink"

I saw an enormous triangle craft at night hovering 100ft over the pine trees, didn't make a noise.

weirdest thing I've ever seen, 1 light on each end.

I have seen 2 disk shaped craft, one close up, and one long, cigar shaped craft real close up. Although I wasn't scared, I was a little uneasy being that close to one. They were totally silent and moved very slowly, then shot off like a bullet across a vast amount of sky. I have observed many meteor showers, meteors and other outer orbit trash coming back into the atmosphere. I am a an budding astronomer and usually have my telescope pointed at the sky. Sometimes I catch glimpses of satellites and even the orbiting space station. Also sometimes I spot an occasional asteroid or comet passing within the suns range. But I can assure you I know the difference between these objects and what I observed. I have been to many airshows and seen some the best and latest aircraft the air force and navy uses, but nothing can move like those things did. Staionary for a second, then gone the next, no sound , no vapor trail, nothing! Good Luck. rockhound

I haven't seen any updates on the 2 14,000 year old alien Craft
the Treasure Hunters found in the Baltic sea.



They should be drilling into one of them by now :(

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