Unusual rock or metal piece and very possible artifact.


Jr. Member
Aug 21, 2016
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
This piece was found in North East Connecticut in my yard three to four inches below ground.A few years ago ground was excavated for new foundation.The piece measures 5" to 6" wide by 7" to 8" long.Looks like a metallic color material for the most part.Has a mark on top left of piece UR and 135 is incorporated in it. To the the side of markings is a AD mark too.Any information on this piece will appreciated and educational. Sal


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I just don't understand why when some people post these rocks and are told by everyone that they are just rocks, they accept that and move on, continuing to look for actual artifacts and others just absolutely refuse to believe that every other rock they pick up isn't an abstract carving of Sitting Bull or whatever....that has to be enhanced and sketched out to be seen, it's mind boggling how potent Pareidolia can be.

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The rocks are natural, the pictures are your imagination playing tricks on you, if someone looks hard enough you can find a picture in every rock picked up......

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I am a Bono Fide expert, with nearly 50years of hands on experience. I can spot a rock when I see one. I can tell you, therefore, that every picture you have posted is a picture of a ROCK! 100%! No more. No less. Them there objects be ROCKS! I have seen zillions of 'em. In my garden. On the beach. In the woods. On my driveway. In the park. Even saw one go through a window!!
Some of the rocks have unicorns on then. Others have fairies. Some even have cars, too!! Sadly though, I fail to see any pictures of bears, people, pointy hats or any 'makers mark's on the ones you have. Oh well, never mind, because they're still very nice - if somewhat plain - ROCKS!
Now I must dash.....I'm off to see Jesus on a piece of toast. Bye bye!

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That professional would be mistaken as well. Those are absolutely not man made images in the stone. But, I have no idea why a professional archaeologist would choose to mislead you. It is hard to believe that such a person would be that mistaken. You have a great deal to learn, but you would rather stick to your mistaken interpretation. That's your right, but I don't know why anyone would prefer mistaken interpretations to the truth. Bear in mind that collectors with decades of experience very often know more then archaeologists who actually see far fewer artifacts then we collectors do. Their experience is limited to excavations, and they will have seen only a very tiny % of artifacts that long term avocational archaeologists and collectors have. Experienced collectors will generally have far more experience handling genuine Native American artifacts then any professional. That may seem counterintuitive to the uninitiated, but it is 100% a fact. At any rate, you can take it to the bank that the archaeologist who told you that was very mistaken.

I'm guessing you don't really want to learn, and we won't be able to help you as a result. Sad.....

By the way, the second of your last two photos is an example of differential weathering in closeup, and not an example of a man made carving. A geologist could tell you that, even if an archaeologist apparently could not.

It can be very frustrating to folks here when someone seeks our opinions, based on our considerable experience, and then proceeds to steadfastly reject the truth of the matter. I just don't understand what is gained by such an attitude. You have been given a 100% correct answer to your questions, and absolutely nothing is going to alter that fact. Including the completely incorrect opinions of a professional archaeologist.

Salvatore, you really need to heed what charl just said. Your archaeologist was way off line on this piece. If you really want the truth about your pieces then find an Artifact Show in your area and take these there to let people who own and handle 1000's upon 1000's of artifacts in their lifetime take a look at them for you. As said above, most archys don't handle a lot of artifacts. Most are more concerned with the flora and fauna of a site than the artifacts that were left behind. Not all, but quite a few.

We are all only trying to help.

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Ok have to find artifacts show to take them to but one thing mostly is the AD mark that cut in to surface that if I take a colors pencil and trace in the cavity it becomes very legible. The 135 mark is very clear too.Is it possible that what I believe to be a type of metal is very weathered or created in that color tone and then the certain areas are cut in to to reveal the markings.Is it possible this is the color of the metal and the areas that stand out are stainless steel.Read somewhere that the Chinese created stainless 2500 to 3000 year before other countries did.Want to send better picture but can't upload them to site at the moment but will keep trying.

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Salvatore, it is man made you will get the uninformed on here. I've had my time with some of them. The stones you have are from the Jesuits. I will explain in pm for you. Disregard the naysayers

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Oh yeah Grim back to give you another dose

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You guys have not been studied like you should have. If you did you could give this guy some better advice

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Start out what the really big stuff first boys

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I just don't understand why when some people post these rocks and are told by everyone that they are just rocks, they accept that and move on, continuing to look for actual artifacts and others just absolutely refuse to believe that every other rock they pick up isn't an abstract carving of Sitting Bull or whatever....that has to be enhanced and sketched out to be seen, it's mind boggling how potent Pareidolia can be.
Because some people only believe what they're told. Then there are those who can't think for themselves. Afraid of excepting what their eyes are showing them. Think on the other side of things for once. If an archiologist told him is was who are you guys to differ.

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You guy who think you know it all might actually learn something new.

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Because some people only believe what they're told. Then there are those who can't think for themselves. Afraid of excepting what their eyes are showing them. Think on the other side of things for once. If an archiologist told him is was who are you guys to differ.

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Meh, Proclaiming intentional ignorance as some kind of thinking "on the other side of things" is just plain silly.
Besides you managed to completely contradict yourself within just a few sentences.
You say "some people only believe what they're told" and then say "an archiologist (sic) told him is was", you can't have it both ways.
You might actually learn something if you quit yapping nonsense and tried to learn from those that have been collecting for most of their lives.
You can take your petty passive/aggressive insults and beat it kid.

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Just wasted 3 more minutes of coffee time. Honestly who cares? Whether it is or isn't your mind is already made up so why continue the silly debate?

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Adding more photos

20160406_193632.jpg 20160328_185945.jpg Photos showing 135Ad mark clearer with some alterations to highlight mark.This is a better picture showing carving in right top of person head on previous post.20160420_190145.jpg

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Salvatore, it is man made you will get the uninformed on here. I've had my time with some of them. The stones you have are from the Jesuits. I will explain in pm for you. Disregard the naysayers

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No Jesuits among the Pequot and Mohegan. Lol.....

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Do you ever think there were more people that came to the Americas not just native Americans living here like the Mohegans or Pequots.How about the viking or Phoenicians just to mention a few that left markings and stone structures like America Stonehenge in salem,New Hampshire.

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View attachment 1353094 View attachment 1353095 Photos showing 135Ad mark clearer with some alterations to highlight mark.This is a better picture showing carving in right top of person head on previous post.View attachment 1353096

Are you familiar with the concept known as "learning"? How about the concept known as "getting an education"? That's where someone with very little or no understanding of a subject learns from a person or people who know much more about the subject. Are you familiar with that process? Think back. Did you ever attend an institution known as a school? Yes? That was an institution of learning. Perhaps you learned how to read and write in a school? Or maybe you told the teacher that you already knew all that, and maybe you could be the teacher instead?

This may come as a great shock to you, but there are actually people in the world who know more about the true nature of the rocks you are posting here then you know. Well, I did say this might come as a shock, didn 't I?

What you and backwoods have in common at the moment is your adherence to a fantasy based interpretation of rocks. You are one of those remarkable people who have an inborn perfect understanding of both geology and archaeology, in no need of learning or education in those subjects. Congrats! You are in a world all of your own making, inventing and imagining things as you go along! That's a rare talent. I know if I had that kind of talent, I might consider becoming a brain surgeon without attending medical school. Just look at a few pics, and vola!, I'm a brain surgeon. Who needs education?!

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