((UPDATE)) Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...


Bronze Member
Mar 24, 2010
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Went out for 2 hrs after work today to hunt the outskirts of a tot lot where I found a couple of coins a few weeks ago and here's what I found.

I've had a couple of beers tonight so I'm just gonna get to it.

I found this necklace but I know absolutely noting about jewelry other than to look at the clasps for markings with a loupe. I did that and found nothing. I'll bring this into my local jeweler on Monday but I'm wondering what Tnetter's first opinions may be.

I also need to know what the lion thingy is. It's got a gold color to it when it's wet.
(I know it's not gold though...)

Update: The necklace turned out to be 22K gold! See post.


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Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

BTW, I have never found gold before so...

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

The necklace looks real.

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

WIT said:
BTW, I have never found gold before so...

No markings doesn't necessarily mean it's not gold -- but usually, that's what it means. :'(

The jewelry stamping law of 1905 requires that jewelry be stamped with it's karats here in the USA, but a lot of countries have no such law and some of the gold people buy overseas and bring back isn't stamped. A gold test kit is cheap, you might consider investing in one!


Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

Great find on the chain man !!!! I am absolutely sure that your chain is at least 22k gold -
when I saw the rather bent out of shape clasp , that cinched it for me - the chain was most
likely made in India or Bali - it is most certainly 22 or 24 k - Let us know anyway - but I
would bet "all in " on this being high karat gold . Argentium.

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

Most likely it's not gold, but good luck anyway......As stated a gold testing kit is fairly cheap......

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

My avatar item is not marked See item toward the left top of this post!!! 18 k gold!!!!!

30.6 grams!!!!! HH chug

take it to a local mall jeweler they can test it for you before Monday

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

The Lion looks like a modern horse rosette

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

Treasure_Hunter said:
Most likely it's not gold, but good luck anyway......As stated a gold testing kit is fairly cheap......
You are daft! This is at least 20K!!!!

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

There's several opinions posted on this find. Personally, though I deal with jewelry on a (almost) daily basis, there is no way that I could say positivly that it is or is not gold. There are too many alloys that look like and weigh much like gold.

I keep a 2oz vial of test acid on hand all of the time. It only costs about $4.00 and is good for many tests. It's labeled for testing 14k gold, but works equally well for stirling silver.

For gold, I scrape an edge of the "gold" across a slate, (or a piece of 600 grit wet or dry sandpaper,) then put a drop of the acid on the line of gold left on the slate. If the gold dissolves, (disappears,) then it's at the very most, a lower karat than 14k.

For SS, I find a spot on the piece to be tested that won't be obvious, and scrape it, (to get through any possible plating.) Then I dip a small paint brush into the acid, then apply it to the scraped spot. If it's plated, the underlying metal will turn color. (Usually blue or green,) and if it is stirling, the metal will show little change at all.

This little acid test can be used in the field as it takes very little room to store it. (Less than a Bic lighter.)

Hope this helps someone out there.

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

EagleDown said:
There's several opinions posted on this find. Personally, though I deal with jewelry on a (almost) daily basis, there is no way that I could say positivly that it is or is not gold. There are too many alloys that look like and weigh much like gold.

I keep a 2oz vial of test acid on hand all of the time. It only costs about $4.00 and is good for many tests. It's labeled for testing 14k gold, but works equally well for stirling silver.

For gold, I scrape an edge of the "gold" across a slate, (or a piece of 600 grit wet or dry sandpaper,) then put a drop of the acid on the line of gold left on the slate. If the gold dissolves, (disappears,) then it's at the very most, a lower karat than 14k.

For SS, I find a spot on the piece to be tested that won't be obvious, and scrape it, (to get through any possible plating.) Then I dip a small paint brush into the acid, then apply it to the scraped spot. If it's plated, the underlying metal will turn color. (Usually blue or green,) and if it is stirling, the metal will show little change at all.

This little acid test can be used in the field as it takes very little room to store it. (Less than a Bic lighter.)

Hope this helps someone out there.

I have seen a lot of jewelry that looks just like gold, expecially the 18-22k range and it is not gold.......It is impossible to tell through a picture if something is gold if it isn't labeled.... I hoped for him it is, but odds are........

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

It looks high Karat but you can never really tell like someone said lots of alloys that look like gold. Most the times unmarked means not gold but lots of gold items around that are not marked. Did you check the snake for a mark ? I'd have it tested not at one place but two or four places. Ask them to test for 22k and 24k. Nice find !! :icon_thumleft:

Keep @ it and HH !! ;D :D

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

Well, my first choice of jeweler was closed today so I went to the next one. His first thoughts were that it's NOT gold. We looked at one of the clasps again and he pointed out that the inner part of it is "pitted" and that if it were real gold, the person would have put more time into it. He also didn't think that it "felt" like gold. His conclusion was that it seems to be another metal with a gold type of plating on it. He did say that he'd have it tested though...

I still plan on bringing it to another jeweler but it's not looking good at this point :(

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

Well don't give up, at least wait till you have 2 confirmed acid tests. :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch: Unless your jeweler showed you obvious pitting then your still not positive what it is. :icon_thumleft: I hope it is real but not looking good. :dontknow:

Keep @ it and HH !! ;D :D

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

One of the most overlooked tests is with a magnet. If it is not real, it may very well be magnetic. I have sorted necklaces at a garage sale very quickly to narrow down the possibles that I want to take home. You would not believe how many look great from a little ways off but stick like glue to a magnet.

Give it a try.


Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

U can order a test kit from http://lifestylestore.com/......They have a good selection of other treasure hunting accessaries......But if the jewerler does'nt test it then don't believe hom...take it to another......I once took a chain an pendant that was manufactured in india .......did not have any markings...he told me it was'nt gold an then proceed to offer me 200.00 for it. REDFLAG, went to another who tested it. It was 24k gold. Darker then ur 14k, but if u look at gold the higher the karat, the darker the gold color.

Re: Does no markings = NOT gold??? Need some help here...

35 years in the jewellery trade as a repairs technician. My educated guess
is either 22 or 24k, Asian made and very soft and pliable. Look at the snake
style catch, its pulled open on one end. Seen this style of high k jewellery
here in Australia often as Asia is not too far away. Always recommend fitting
a more secure catch than the one it comes with. As one of the previous
posters said, don't take the first opinion you get as gospel.

Good luck


Well, yesterday I brought the necklace to another jeweler...

His first thoughts were "I can tell by the clasp that its NOT gold, it's some type of brass".

He then offered to have it tested for me FREE of charge so I left it with him.

I got a call back today with the results. It turned out to be 22K gold! :thumbsup:
It weighs .26 or 1/4oz. and I was told it's worth maybe $50-$100?

I'm happier about finding my first gold than I am about the value.

So, I found my first gold, had it tested, cleaned and the clasp fixed all for FREE.

Congrats to all of the posters who were able to nail this one!
To anyone who was wrong... don't feel bad, two different jewelers had it in their hands and didn't think it was real either ;D

Hey Wit , Congratulations !!! - but hold the phone Friend , who told you that a 1/4 oz.
of 22K gold is worth only $50- $100. bucks ??? If gold was only $1200. oz.-- and you divide
by 4 , you get $300. -- multiply that times 91.6 % (22K) - you get $274.80 - your chain is worth
about $275. not $50 or $100. Hope this is helpful and in time ! Argentium.

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