
Bronze Member
May 16, 2007
Lewiston, Idaho
Detector(s) used
Multiple Tesoros and Whites
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Yes I saw that! Good to hear something finally!

While it's absolutely true I haven't been on in awhile, I must say WOW. First, we have no intentions of selling the company, not to First Texas, or anyone else. Second, "In Development" means we really are working. And third, when we asked everyone to pick a name and what they'd like to see in the next detector, it simply means we care what you have to say. I implore anyone to show me where another manufacturer of hobby metal detectors has gone out to ask what the user wants. Good luck with that. "Bad marketing". Hardly. When you step outside of standard operating procedures, ie...what do you want, it might seem foreign, or different. Tesoro really does care what you, the user, thinks. Aren't you tired of being sold on what someone else tells you to think and believe? This industry has a long history of telling YOU what's good for YOU. Does no one find this ludicrous? Again, I'm sorry I haven't been on to feed the need for good intelligence, but we've been busy working for you, the people that make this hobby/industry so great. And finally, the meaning of "Official". Instead of rumor, hearsay, and gossip, an official information release is just that, an official release. Straight from THE company. Not someone's opinion, or idea, or interpretation of someone's opinion or idea. We absolutely appreciate the patience and loyalty of the Tesoro fans and users. Without you, there wouldn't be a Tesoro. And Officially from the company.........Thank you.

Nathan Jaeger
Chief of Operations
Tesoro Electronics

copied and pasted from other forum.

I am not going to respond in the other forum due to moderators being to liberal with the ban hammer. So I will address my response as if this forum was where the OFFICIAL response was posted.

Since you are imploring.
Go look at what the newcomers Makro/Nokta have been doing in regards to customer appreciation and service. They made on the fly adjustments weeks before release of the Racer based on what customers want.
It's all there in their forum.
Sir you certainly have been absent in here for close to a year, so do you really blame some of us for what we read and post?

However it is nice to hear you in here today and give us some OFFICIAL security in knowing that the Cazador is coming. Try not to wait six months between updates or at least have some casual chat with users in the threads so we know things are still progressing. No way am I trying to give you a hard time and it does sound like at a minimum you understand the frustration of un answered questions. I am now going to NOT crack open the piggy bank and am willing to wait a little longer for the Cazador.
Thank you

I am not going to respond in the other forum due to moderators being to liberal with the ban hammer. So I will address my response as if this forum was where the OFFICIAL response was posted.

Since you are imploring.
Go look at what the newcomers Makro/Nokta have been doing in regards to customer appreciation and service. They made on the fly adjustments weeks before release of the Racer based on what customers want.
It's all there in their forum.
Sir you certainly have been absent in here for close to a year, so do you really blame some of us for what we read and post?

However it is nice to hear you in here today and give us some OFFICIAL security in knowing that the Cazador is coming. Try not to wait six months between updates or at least have some casual chat with users in the threads so we know things are still progressing. No way am I trying to give you a hard time and it does sound like at a minimum you understand the frustration of un answered questions. I am now going to NOT crack open the piggy bank and am willing to wait a little longer for the Cazador.
Thank you

Jason, you are so right, Those nazi's On the other forum will give Nathan a podium to speak from, yet nobody can respond or talk negatively at all about Tesoro. So one-sided. First Texas is ALWAYS coming up with new features, upgrading software, etc... & making running production changes due to customer input. Minelab as well. This Nathan guy cares so much why does he only seem to post something until enough people complain? That IS bad marketing, as is asking for names for a machine they are nowhere near ready to produce. Tesoro is perfectly happy with their success. If not, surely they would have introduced the Caz by now or upped their marketing strategy. Apparently they are doing just fine & really have no need to introduce a new model.

He still didn't give a ball-park estimate of when it would be introduced, so really, no news.

How about a picture of the Cazador. Maybe just a profile shot. Something, anything!

I will admit...something should have happened by now....but when Tesoro does release this machine, I will bet that it will be right and built to last. The f75 was produced for several years even though it suffered from emi interference more than any production machine should. The early production ATpro's had their problems. The $2500 ctx machines and the excal's still suffer from leaking issues that should not exist in their price range. So before you all start casting stones....think about what this great company brings us in quality, warranty and value. I can have patience with my confidence in this great AMERICAN company...

Jason, you are so right, Those nazi's On the other forum will give Nathan a podium to speak from, yet nobody can respond or talk negatively at all about Tesoro. So one-sided. First Texas is ALWAYS coming up with new features, upgrading software, etc... & making running production changes due to customer input. Minelab as well. This Nathan guy cares so much why does he only seem to post something until enough people complain? That IS bad marketing, as is asking for names for a machine they are nowhere near ready to produce. Tesoro is perfectly happy with their success. If not, surely they would have introduced the Caz by now or upped their marketing strategy. Apparently they are doing just fine & really have no need to introduce a new model.

You and I think alike Mr Atomic. Happy Hunting.

Banhammer sounds like a Swedish death metal band! I like it! Bänhämmer.....

I can't say I care for Swedish death metal though. Even if the name is cool.

Banhammer sounds like a Swedish death metal band! I like it! Bänhämmer.....

With a lead singer with a name like Lars! Oh wait he's already a drummer in a bad azz band! ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1429287771.634872.jpg

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Never show your hand to the table when playing poker!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never show your hand to the table when playing poker!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unless you want to keep your loyal customers interested, lol.

Cazador = Vaporware

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