UPDATE: This needs your immediate attention- THers this may affect YOU!


Bronze Member
Mar 20, 2003
So. Cal.
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UPDATE: This needs your immediate attention- TH'ers this may affect YOU!

UPDATED: May 27, 2005
The text below this UPDATE is the original message.

It's time for YOU to get serious about AB 1178
Pawnbroker Bill Now Moving for Assembly Floor Vote!

In the face of serious opposition* (see below), AB1178 passed
the Assembly Appropriations Committee on May 25 in Sacramento.
Assembly Speaker pro Tempore Leland Yee, with help from the
California's Pawn Brokers and the California Department of
Justice, was able to secure an 11-2 vote, with five
legislators abstaining or not voting. AB1178 now moves to
the Assembly floor by next Friday, June 3, for a full vote.


Send an email or fax to your Assembly Member immediately,
and ask other dealers, friends, clients and relatives to do
the same. To find the best way to identify and contact your
state representative visit http://www.ccbma.com/stop.html.
Follow the instructions and read the sample letters and
writing tips.

California Coin & Bullion Merchants Association's annual
membership meeting is at the Long Beach Coin Expo on
Thursday, June 2nd, at 6:30. The meeting will be in the
VIP room above the convention floor. Our lobbyist, Carl
Brakensiek, Diane Piret from ICTA and CCBMA president
Barry Stuppler will be able to answer your questions and
concerns on how passage of AB1178 would affect your
business (it isn't pretty). In additions to providing our
current financial statement, we will discuss our upcoming
elections for Board of Directors. Please attend this
important meeting and bring a friend.

Barry Stuppler
President CCBMA

*AB1178 is opposed by:
* California Coin and Bullion Merchants Association
* American Numismatic Association
* Collectors Universe
* iSold It
* eBay
* Auctions by the Bay, Inc.
* Antiques by the Bay, Inc
* American Electronics Association
* Claude Parrish, Member, Calif. Board of Equalization
* California Chamber of Commerce
* City of Alameda
* American Civil Liberties Union
* The California State Auctioneer's Association
* Quikdrop International
* Expos Unlimited
* Heritage Rare Coin Galleries
* Professional Numismatist Guild


Original Message:

This needs action BEFORE May 25, 2005.

I am not a very political person, but this just P.O.'s me when some idiot politician decides he's found another way to tax us and watch us at the same time.
Do what you can, but if you collect anything and don't do something, this bill will pass and you will be moaning and groaning about it after the fact.

Please read below as this does not affect just coin dealers or antique dealers, but it could affect you too if you decided you wanted to sell some of your finds.
You will need to be finger printed and have provenence on the item you want to sell, etc.

If you want more info, just google AB1178.


Here's the link to this page which has all the active links listed below:


Legislative Alert

AB1178... or sell an antique... Go to jail!
The Antiques & Collectibles business is under attack!

On Tuesday, April 26 in Sacramento, the Collateral Loan Association of California (Pawnbrokers!) succeeded in obtaining the approval of the State Assembly Business & Professions Committee on their proposed bill AB1178 authored by Leland Yee of San Francisco. This will adversely affect the entire Antique Trade by requiring that all ?second hand dealers? (everyone involved in the Antiques Trade) and auction houses (eBay sellers included!) to:

Get fingerprints of all persons they purchase anything from.
Report all purchases to law enforcement within 24 hours.
Hold property for 30 days.
Pay a variety of annual fees (over $350 initially & $250 bi-annual renewal!) to be allowed to conduct business.
Submit to an FBI background check to obtain a dealer?s license.
We believe that this will be heard next by the Assembly Appropriations Committee in mid to late May. Please check this page frequently for updates.

Dealers: Stress the cost and difficulty of your business having to comply with this proposed law and the reluctance of your consignors or sellers of antiques being forced to provide fingerprints. Be aware that if you buy anything from another dealer for resale you will have to hold that property for 30 days in order to resell it. Mention that this will put many dealers out of business and the state will lose revenue from the loss of antique shows, small businesses (the dealers) and employment of our trade.

Collectors: Be aware that if you ever intend to resell anything you collect you will have to provide the information on where you obtained the object(s) as well as the fingerprints and ID of the seller. You may possibly have to register as a second hand dealer to resell.

Tell your elected officials:
Leave our hobby alone! The antique trade should not be held to the same level of scrutiny as pawnbrokers. Pawnbrokers enjoy a special exclusion of the state usery laws. This is an attempt by that group to impact the entire antique and collectibles trade to drive the resale business into their stores and to force our trade to support the expense of statewide electronic database to track all second hand goods.

If we don?t make our voices heard, we will lose this fight!

Thank you,
Allen Michaan
[email protected]
510-740-0220 x 103

Much of what will be taken out of the marketplace will become landfill instead! Antique collectors are recycling old objects.

Click here to track the progress of this bill

Click here for the California Legislature AB1178 document web page

Click here for the current status of this bill

Click here for the names and contact info of the committee members

Click here for the full text of the bill (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)

Click here for a letter written to Governor Schwartzenegger from Auctions by the Bay

Click here for the Attorney General's opinion

Contact Allen Michaan at [email protected]


Fellow Coin Dealers and Friends, AB1178 will be heard by the
Assembly Appropriations Committee on Wednesday May 25th at 9am
in the Sacramento Capital Building Room 4202.

The best way to stop AB1178 from becoming a law is the following:

First, Read the press release on the www.ccbma.com home page to
understand all of the reasons why AB1178 is bad legislation.
Look at the sample letters on the "Stop AB1178" page. There are
3 sample letters, one for coin dealers, one for collectors, and
the last one is for collectible dealers. After reading the home
page and sample letters, I'm sure you'll have enough reasons why
you don't want AB1178 to become law. Then, prepare your email
or fax for all of the Assembly Appropriations committee members.

Second, on the "Stop AB1178" page there is a list of all the
committee members with email address, phone, and fax numbers.
In additional to contacting the committee members yourself,
please contact other dealers, clients or relatives and ask them
do the same. Other dealers can also visit the "Join Page" as
additional membership and funds is always helpful.

Lastly, We badly need coin dealers to come to Sacramento on
Wednesday for the committee hearing. Three weeks ago in front
of the Assembly P&B committee, the CLSDA had an excellent
turnout of 20-30 Pawnbrokers and it was very impressive. That
turnout surely helped the bill passing out of that committee.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th at 9am. Let me know you're coming and
I'll provide directions and a meeting place.

REMINDER: Our yearly open membership meeting is at the Long
Beach Coin Expo on Thursday June 2nd at 6:30. The meeting
will be in the VIP room above the convention floor. Our
lobbyist, Carl Brakensiek, Diane Piret from ICTA and I'll
will be able to answer your questions and concerns about
AB1178. In additions to providing our current financial
statement, we will discuss our upcoming elections for Board
of Directors. Please attend this important meeting and
bring a friend.



Barry Stuppler
CCBMA President

Re: This needs immediate attention before MAY 25, 2005- TH'ers this may affect Y

Well, I'm not from California, but this bill is just plain stupid.


Re: UPDATE: This needs your immediate attention- TH'ers this may affect YOU!

I agree Vicki, but what you all don't understand is that if you don't take some action now, YOUR STATE will say, "hey, look what California is doing. Shouldn't WE do that too?"
Start letting these guys know how you feel, it only take a minute to send them an email and it sends multiple emails to all of them through the original post link that I put on here.
This WILL affect your freedoms if you are a buyer on ebay, or of ANY collectible item or a TH'er, guaranteed.

Coinshooter 8)

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