
Never dug any utiensils here. I had found a few on the beaches near the hotels in Mexico. Beachside drink/food service utensils are easliy lost in the sand.

While there was about a hundred+ year crossover period (and they still make them today), if you do find a three tined fork you're probably into an older site. I believe that 4 tined forks didn't become overly popular and common until the 1890's. (Still researching... :icon_study:)

From the site: http://www.triz-journal.com/archives/1999/09/b/index.htm
"The fork story begins in the Middle Ages, when diners would usually be found eating with a pair of knives; one knife to do the cutting, and the other to take care of the holding of the food being cut. This method of eating prevailed - in Europe at least - until around the 14th Century, when two-tined forks first appeared in large quantities at the dinner table. It is suggested that the evolution from pointed knife to two-pronged fork occurred because of the problems of holding food in place with a single pointed device where the food in question was largely free to rotate about the point and thus impeded the cutting action. Introduction of the second prong eliminated this rotation problem.

The problem then, however, was that, although good for holding, the fork was of little use in carrying food from the plate to the mouth. And thus emerged three-tined forks, and, even better, by the early eighteenth Century, the four-tined fork we know today."


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Fork evolution! Thats pretty interesting stuff :thumbsup: Thanks guys, for the replies :)

What is the easiest thing a small kid can dig with? Silverware! I know that I used it as a child, and my kids have done the same. Only answer I have, and yes, I've dug quite a few pieces of table ware, most of it was damaged though.

Now, lets get an answer to a question my son asked once... "if the fork has 3 points on it why isn't it called a threek?" ;D


Yes, that is what I would guess as to why so many utensils are found, kids taking them out & losing them in their excavations :D

I find them in the woods. People use to go on a picnic,years ago,because they didnt have plastic and paper like they do know. Mostly silverplate,but still neat to find!

I've dug a lot of those as well. . . especially in the woods. . . VERY nice indicators of where folks, way
back when, would camp & picnic. . . and loose their coins & jewelry :wink:

Another good indicator are those pesky, rolled-up balls of tin foil, when I start finding those, the "good stuff" isn't too far away.

Sounds like you have some good areas to hunt. . . good luck!

ALL the ones I find are silver plate!! I think I have only found one sterling spoon, but I dig all kinds of balled up tinfoil too! Gots ta dig the junk :'( to find the good stuff ;D

I find them at old home sites and at the beach sometime. Bring them home and put them in my bucket for scrap metal. But I make sure they are not silver..Matt

Actually, I was thinking about doing the same with mine, but im not sure yet :icon_scratch:

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