Very simple true, false test. How gullibile are you.

If you simply answer on the side of little known, or ignored, information, you score a 100. In this regard, a person who believed all conspiracy theories would score as well as one that had a more objective view, but accepted the theories presented. So, all "free-thinkers" are lumped together regardless of their true grip on reality.

Spart you mentioned in your post and then you edited your post. :nono: is a dem site so if you follow information from snopes :BangHead: you'll find out later its false info.

Email text contributed by Elliott F., Oct. 20, 2008:

Subject: Snopes under fire


Snopes under fire

I have suspected some problems with Snopes for some time now, but I have only caught them in half-truths. If there is any subjectivity they do an immediate full left rudder.

Truth or <> is the better source for verification, in my opinion.

I have recently discovered that is owned by a flaming liberal and this man is in the tank for Obama. There are many things they have listed on their site as a hoax and yet you can go to Youtube yourself and find the video of Obama actually saying these things. So you see, you cannot and should not trust ever for anything that remotely resembles truth! I don't even trust them to tell me if email chains are hoaxes anymore.

A few conservative speakers on Myspace told me about <> a few months ago and I took it upon myself to do a little research to find out if it was true. Well, I found out for myself that it is true. This website is backing Obama and is covering up for him. They will say anything that makes him look bad is a hoax and they also tell lies on the other side about McCain and Palin.

Anyway just FYI please don't use anymore for fact checking and make your friends aware of their political leanings as well. Many people still think is neutral and they can be trusted as factual. We need to make sure everyone is aware that that is a hoax in itself.

Red James cash said:
Spart you mentioned in your post and then you edited your post. :nono: is a dem site so if you follow information from snopes :BangHead: you'll find out later its false info.

OK, let's get back to topic on hand, being gullible. What you now say is that anything on is erroneous without even checking any facts as you say you do. :icon_scratch: Now you have me totally confused, and I'm not sure you check your facts, or not.

As I said earlier, I never took the test, but I still have a big surprise for you. DigginThePast, I think I'll pass on that test, but I do encourage everyone to look into the true origin of that test as reported on

You may actually learn learn something about being gullible :laughing7:

As for your truth or fiction website, I have come to notice that it is owned by 3 pimply faced adolescents in Van Nuys, CA. :headbang:

Nah i just threw that up real quick, i wanted to see the reactions. :laughing7:

spartacus -- the nazi's were the master half truth folks -- they said if your going to lie --make it a BIG LIE * mix in a bit of real known fact (provible) with a bit of what folks "think" is true and add a bit of what they would "like" to think is true --thenmix it up with your outright lies --and they will swallow it hook , line and sinker.

The Beep Goes On said:
If you simply answer on the side of little known, or ignored, information, you score a 100. In this regard, a person who believed all conspiracy theories would score as well as one that had a more objective view, but accepted the theories presented. So, all "free-thinkers" are lumped together regardless of their true grip on reality.

Ivan, like Beep, well said in my book... We are all gullible at some point, it's just a matter of the source of your information.

A grip on reality and being gullible is one heck of a mixed drink, sip with caution. :thumbsup: :laughing9:

Well, Spart said I got a 1100001, free thinker but not the highest score. Almost seems like hes speaking another language sometimes.

The most important mark of intelligence and plasticity of mind is one's willingness to realize that, when it comes down to it, they don't know squat (and can, therefore, be completely incorrect on single or multiple levels and/or topics). Does it matter? Not if they have an efficient, honest, self-correcting feedback mechanism in place, and are capable of modifying their beliefs and behaviors. You have to take a leap and at least try to make your best attempt to sort the probabilities from the chaos.

Beep, I disagree about the conspirency theory.
You won't think it is funny when the black helecopters show up in Houston and the United Nations troops that are hid in the US show up on your doorstep or you are abducted in the middle of the night by space craft. You just wait and see. :icon_thumright: :icon_cyclops_ani: :laughing7:

spartacus53 said:
Again, I think I have to be the voice of reason here :laughing9:

You take that silly little test and think you're not gullible, :icon_scratch: you had better guess again :tongue3: That little test proves absolutely nothing and if you believe your results, then perhaps you are gullible :dontknow: For all those that scored 90-100, I'd have you eating out of the palm of my hand with the stories I can tell you. By the end of the day you wouldn't know fact from fiction :tongue3:

I am a king when it comes to twisting the truth, and I know that I have hoodwinked many here already (some with a perfect score) and that was before this test. :laughing7: Just because you have faith in certain information that you believe to be right doesn't make you gullible. I can mix enough truth into any given circumstance and give you a false ending and having you believe it.

I think you've been had :tongue3: and to back this statement, check out about this little test :laughing9:

You have been bamboozled :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :headbang:

So What test Proves Anything Spart ?

All the Way through school
When I Accidently Showed up for a test
I Got E's, D's & Occasionally C's.

Goes to show Even the Test Makers didn't Know
my answers were right & Theirs were wrong :dontknow:


Everyone Knows the answer to

the civil war was Faught in ________________________

Is "the past".

& 123 X 4328 = too much time to figure out
without a Calculator.

& a past participle is a Participle you can
Never get Back

But the Testers always Mark them wrong for some reason :icon_scratch:

jeff of pa said:
spartacus53 said:
Again, I think I have to be the voice of reason here :laughing9:

You take that silly little test and think you're not gullible, :icon_scratch: you had better guess again :tongue3: That little test proves absolutely nothing and if you believe your results, then perhaps you are gullible :dontknow: For all those that scored 90-100, I'd have you eating out of the palm of my hand with the stories I can tell you. By the end of the day you wouldn't know fact from fiction :tongue3:

I am a king when it comes to twisting the truth, and I know that I have hoodwinked many here already (some with a perfect score) and that was before this test. :laughing7: Just because you have faith in certain information that you believe to be right doesn't make you gullible. I can mix enough truth into any given circumstance and give you a false ending and having you believe it.

I think you've been had :tongue3: and to back this statement, check out about this little test :laughing9:

You have been bamboozled :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :headbang:

So What test Proves Anything Spart ?

All the Way through school
When I Accidently Showed up for a test
I Got E's, D's & Occasionally C's.

Goes to show Even the Test Makers didn't Know
my answers were right & Theirs were wrong :dontknow:


Everyone Knows the answer to

the civil war was Faught in ________________________

Is "the past".

& 123 X 4328 = too much time to figure out
without a Calculator.

& a past participle is a Participle you can
Never get Back

But the Testers always Mark them wrong for some reason :icon_scratch:

Darn fascist teachers.
Apparently they did not recognize a superior intellect when it was right in front of them.

I ran into the same problem.

Q)The speed of light is_______________________ .
A)A lot more than my Mustang even with a new Carburetor.

And they marked it wrong even though I knew my Car was slower than the speed of light.

Non Conformist such as us should never knuckle down to the man Jeff. FIGHT THE POWER!! :headbang:

Teacher Question: "Using the given speed of the rocket, how long will it take it to travel from point A to point B?"

Student Reply: "Only time will tell."

Results of Test: Dean's Office!

(By the way, when I got to the Dean's Office he couldn't tell me the distance between points A & B!) :laughing7:

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