Vintage skateboard score!


Sr. Member
Feb 23, 2006
Emory TX
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XP DEUS, AT Pro, propointer AT
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I picked this up a few days ago for $5. I didn't know how good of a pic up it was until doing some research on it. It is a vintage NATAS Santa Monica Airlines board with Phoenix HPG IV trucks and OD II Street 92 Santa Cruz Speed Wheels. Looks to have normal wear, no cracks or breaks and the bearings are in great shape, the wheels spin for a long time.

Im not sure if the best way to sell this is to remove the trucks and wheels from the board and sell it all separate or leave it complete and sell as is. Looks like I may end up with over $250 for this. Cant beat that!

Since the wheels look original I think I would leave them. If you are sure they are aftermarket wheels you might consider removing them. I personally think most people are looking at how well the graphic in the pic will display and how many deep scratches the bottom of the board has. Thats how I decide if its a keeper or not.

I had that board as a kid. I'm jealous! Spell Natas backwards and realize the word play they used for their branding. Pretty funny.

I also had that deck, I even named my dog natas :) boy I wish I hung onto my decks.

Please give me your price, I really want that wheels and all, what wonderfull memories.

I was on a skateboard long before that ever came out. Used to make my own boards. What they do now is way beyond what we did back then.

Very cool the graphics look like vintage tattoo flash art, almost. What's a board like that sell for?

From looking at previous ebay sales, I think it should go for $250-$300 sold complete.

Awesome find! That's one of those things I would have walked right by.

I had that board as a kid. I'm jealous! Spell Natas backwards and realize the word play they used for their branding. Pretty funny.

Natas was just the guys first name. His full name is Natas Kaupas. However, I do remember people saying that skateboard was about devil worshiping! That made it so much more appealing to teenage

I was on a skateboard long before that ever came out. Used to make my own boards. What they do now is way beyond what we did back then.

Yes indeed! I grew up in Southern California when all things surfing (including what we called "sidewalk surfing") was all the rage. We used to make our own skateboards from a piece of plywood and the old metal roller skates you would strap on to your shoes (Gawd that makes me feel OLD!). Those old metal wheels (and the next generation clay wheels) were a nightmare. If you hit a pebble of any significant size or crack in the sidewalk the board would stop dead instantly and pitch you face first onto the concrete. I can't even begin to remember the number of skinned knees and elbows I got from those primitive skateboards but we had a blast with them anyway. By the time boards like this came out, I had outgrown the sport but once in a while some kid would let me ride his for a few minutes. I remember thinking I wished, when I was younger, that I had a board with wheels that would roll right over those pebbles and cracks without stopping.

What do you all think, list it with a high fixed price and accept best offers, or start it at 99 cents at let it go as an auction? The fixed price route will cost $4, auction route is free.

If it might bring $250, I would do a buy-it-now for $250 OBO.

I wouldn't trust an auction unless there are a lot of buyers -- which there might be, these are desirable. But if there are a lot of competing buyers, one might hit a b-i-n.

My buy-it-nows only cost 30 cents? Final value fees will be the same and that's the big bill.

Ive got it saved at a draft with a $350 fixed price and accept best offer and it shows listing fees $4. I don't have anything extra on the listing.

The last complete board like mine sold for $300 and had 5 different bidders. There is not another one like mine currently listed on ebay

Well, i listed it late last night for 350 with best offer and woke up this morning to 5 offers and 15 watchers. Highest offer so far is 325 with 15 shipping. So, do i take that or wait to see if someone hits the BIN for 350? The 325 offer is from someone that sells vintage skateboard stuff.

You could wait until right before the offer expires to accept it. I would decline the other offers and see if they hit the buy it now or offer more. If not, $325 is a $320 profit!!! Don't lose it. Let us know how it turns out!

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Vintage , lol

I wish I had mine yet....:BangHead: I cold show you "Vintage" :laughing7:

I don't even think the word Ninja was invented back then .
Seriously though. Cool Board !

Well, i listed it late last night for 350 with best offer and woke up this morning to 5 offers and 15 watchers. Highest offer so far is 325 with 15 shipping. So, do i take that or wait to see if someone hits the BIN for 350? The 325 offer is from someone that sells vintage skateboard stuff.

I would sell for $325 if the buyer has a good track record. I hate that Best Offers don't have to pay immediately, and it looks like you could hit your BIN in a couple days. If their feedback is low or something seems off, would recommend waiting.

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