Watch this space?

John, outstanding !!! Doc, welcome to the nether world and Arcie, the only thing you would look good in is a casket,,,,,

Sads ? do you know my girl? :P

Oh speaking of my girl laughing...
I work hard at that...

She is the one "topside" when I dive...
In charge of the compressor.

John, outstanding !!! Doc, welcome to the nether world and Arcie, the only thing you would look good in is a casket,,,,,
Sads669, I have it on good authority that ARRC does not look like Dracula. Or pee wee Herman.
Get out there ARRC and get some beach finds to share with us.

Two very big dogs except one of them just thinks he is?...a bit like Archie thinking he can dive??


It's all fun and games until someone loses and eye!!!


That's why they make eye patches.....duh.....

( ha ha)

Wellllll seeeeee....... here is the dilemma...
I swore I would post finds...
I finally joined last year after lurking this site on and off for FIFTEEN years... heh...
When my girl finally talked me into "joining" something... (I am sure.. so I would pester someone else besides her)
I chose TN... when we moved to new current place... Sept of last year...
A new leaf so to speak...
I am glad I joined... :)
I like the people here... and the finds...
I beach detect... and have a few "hotspots"...
But have not been out but a few times this year...
My interest is not really beach detecting... although I consider myself an expert at it and have done it for mega years.
My interest is in water... on my boat... even if just floating around...
But so far this year...
I have been busy screwing around here... hoping to "hook up" with someone who has a lease... or the ability to get one.
I have never tried to obtain one myself... nor will I...
I have my reasons why this is... but cannot go into detail here.
I just wanna dive em...
Not drive em anyway...
Leave that paperwork to someone who at least has a chance...
Might change my mind if ?... but I doubt it.
I may regret this one day my girl says... she thinks someone else is gonna find em... while I am waiting around for someone or something.

Whats scary is she is usually right... heh (don't tell her that if you meet her) :P
And if that's the case...
GOOD... I can quit thinking about it.
I am laid back anyway when it comes to these things...
So be it...
I will gain something from someone else finding my spots...
I will finally know whats in those spots...
AND I will also know who really found "the pile of old tires" first :P

Guess where I'm going this afternoon.......


No Archie.....not to a bar looking for fat waitress's with Bells.....

ARRC, Listen to your girl. Before someone finds your sites. Have her file on it, if it is good. If you need help developing the site? PM aquanut and salvor 6, they are on the west coast of FL and I trust both of them. Plus they have the gear for a survey.

ARRC, Listen to your girl. Before someone finds your sites. Have her file on it, if it is good. If you need help developing the site? PM aquanut and salvor 6, they are on the west coast of FL and I trust both of them. Plus they have the gear for a survey.

Old Man I already contacted ARRC. He won't do anything without a permit from the state. I guess he stays home a lot.

Thanks Pete.
ARRC, if you found something good? Team up , form an LLC and let Pete file on behalf of the LLC.
First you're going to have to meet Pete and convince him that the site is worth his investors spending money to permit it and work it.

Old Man I already contacted ARRC. He won't do anything without a permit from the state. I guess he stays home a lot.

Just got back...
And yes I stay at home a lot NOW... this year so far...
And... um pete... Actually WE talked about something that you said YOU found... remember ?

OR if I remember it was something you needed a boat for ?

ARRC, Listen to your girl. Before someone finds your sites. Have her file on it, if it is good. If you need help developing the site? PM aquanut and salvor 6, they are on the west coast of FL and I trust both of them. Plus they have the gear for a survey.

I thought Aquanut was on east coast ?

And what about Jason ? GME ?
Do you guys know em >?

And what about Jason ? GME ?
Do you guys know em >?
ARRC, aquanut lives on the west coast. He moved there from Orlando last year. Yes, Jason and just about everyone from the 1715 wrecks or treasure hunting in FL, knows both of them. Even sads669 met them.

At this point... after being here... I have started hoping someone does... sheesh...
One is so slammed under an old sandbar area... with not so much as a stone around...
The right storm comes through... then for a bit... thar she is... just for a brief bit... 15 ish + (low) foot of water...
only for a see all the black objects...and then the sand immediately starts creeping the tonnage...
This wreck area... if in fact that is what it is... is where I think she had drifted to and broke apart... area is HUGE.
I think she struck bar quite away... then drifted then began dragging... breaking apart as she went... then came to a rest...
And she has to be VERY old...
And would be a major find...
JUST BECAUSE of the location...
Old records indicate nothing... not even close...been looking at ANY and ALL data for over 25 years...
Everytime I see a chart... or map... first places I look at... nothing.
I am surprised it has not been found.
But... I have found "other" records... of nearby shore finds... but will not diverge this here... or to anyone that is not on my deck standing over the site.
I will tell you this...
Its why I remain on this coast...
And why I have not just moved to the other coast and beg for a shot at the 1715's.

I cannot wait till the day I see someones face...
When I stop the boat... on first spot... and say... "right here".
Like me... they wont believe it...
Till they sit and drift... and I can explain why I think it is what I think it is...
And why it appears to be the most unlikely place...
The last place anyone would look... OR the fact if it was... that it would have been already found...
And then the math...
And the stories... and
then the hypothetical scenario...
and then it dawns on them...
Like it did on me... many years ago.

Ya see I always thought something would have "gave" by now...
And deep inside I was waiting for "the right time"...
I figured I would be working a wreck or searching for one for someone by now...
And just on the "wrap up" on their "plan" or whatever...
And felt like I could work with em or whatever...
I could could say... hey... I think I know where something is ...
I have some areas to check where another may be.

Just have never gotten there...
Tis one of the reasons I joined Tnet to be honest...
besides the fact that I really like the way the site is... and setup of... and most importantly... the people.

Anyway... BLAH ! blah blah.
Sorry guys... going on:P

SO> TAG ! Who's it ?
ARRC, I have a great idea. Take sads669,salvor6 and aquanut out to your site to see if it is worth pursuing.
Salvor6, has a pulse star. He can tell you if there is any non ferrous metal at the site without even going in the water

Sads we expect some pictures ... from the dive, not the waitress.

Heh... lol.
Sads is in the islands.

Besides I thought you aren't allowed to conduct "investigation" by use of devices. > ?

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