what does it take to make a treasure hunting crew?

Hello Albel Almighty if it was only that easy.

To determine the need for a crew is dictated by the practical needs of the project at hand. The more people you have involved the more diverging opinion's and vested interests and potential problems you have to deal with.

While I have no doubt you as keen as mustard. Your questions betray your age and experience. Nothing wrong of course with that. As least your trying understand what it takes to walk in the world of treasure hunters. That in some respects is a good thing and highly admirable.

I am not technically a treasure hunter as I am archivist and historian, however I have worked with people who some people would claim or label them to be treasure hunters, although they always prefer to call themselves researchers. Their relationship between each other has been built up from many years of adventures all around the world. Even though they themselves of had their arguments between each other, they have a deep respect for each other. While they have their own lives they in respects only come together when they are up to mischief : When they have some viable project that meet all their exacting criteria on hand after years of preliminary research. They themselves have varied range of life skill sets they use. It is those varied skill sets they use to rely on each other. From that they have grown and learned off each other.

While the term "Treasure hunter" might seem exotic and romantic in ones perceptions. The truth of the matter in today's climate in political and academic circles, the word treasure hunter gives it is rather grubby image, of looter and plunder of history and environmental vandal of cultural heritage. So for one labeling oneself a treasure hunter is in some respects is counter productive if one intendeds to legally recover treasure through bureaucratic processes.

For many when one says they want to become a treasure hunter it is seem by many these days a little short of saying I want to be a thief, Under the current perceptions in many countries at present. Your Idea of becoming an archaeologist is noble one, as no doubt many here are in some respects have a little passion for the past at least. However for you to succeed in such a profession you will be alienated from the treasure hunting world if you follow the status quo set among the archaeological profession in which their opinion of treasure hunters in general currently influences policy making in governments.


Wow - You say a lot, without really saying much in content. Have you thought about a political career? Senator, maybe Congressman? I am involved with hundreds of people per year and all of them are amazed by my title of "Treasure Hunter". The children want to hear stories and the parents are truly interested in my finds and the history. Academic circles? Really, who cares about academic circles, I care about the people I meet everyday - not some person who thinks they are too intelligent to speak with the commoners.

Maybe someday I'll take you out on a true treasure hunt and you can experience it for yourself, it might change your thought process on the subject. I'll even spring for the drinks afterwards :occasion14:

My problem right now is the old age aches and pains.Will be hitting the big 60 this year. Every day, a new ache or pain . Many trips to local chiropractor and such. Makes it hard to do any gold prospecting and exploring especially on rough ground or even carrying buckets of gravel any more. I used to be able to carry an almost full 5 gallon bucket at 80 pounds, now am lucky if can lift 25 pounds of rocks.
And my feet hurt so much,makes it hard to drive so I need a chauffeur at times too, which nobody else wants to do for me...and just as I was getting my map dowsing for gold to work better. Got fines at several gravel bars I found from 150 miles away on aerial maps. And getting along with other people for more than a couple days out in the field can be a MAJOR problem I have noticed from camping trips. Usually within 3-4 days,everybody is griping and has a short fuse. Not sure why this happens but it does..

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You're young enough to ALMOST be my son. (in 76th year).
Take an Aleve and bring along my favorite coffee-mate and you will have a great time.

PS: Don Jose, you're always welcomed.

Amigo's,:director: Just have some burro juice:coffee2:, The coffee cure for everything that ail's you,:icon_thumleft::icon_thumright::thumbsup:NP:cat:

So basically if i make a crew the main key is TRUST and if i go solo i have to BE QUIET?

Suppose you are following a rare lead that actually is panning out after extensive research.
The odds some one else has been working it if there is much value to it are good.
You ask the wrong person something about it ,or show up in an area being speculated and by doing so tip your hand or give some one the one thing they needed to figure it out.
Yes ,keep your own council about such matters secured.

If you must have a team have a leader. A proven one. One chosen simply due to their capitol , or vested interest is not always going to prove a wise choice.
Mixed personality types can be good or bad depending on that leader and those personalities. Each one offers greater odds of disagreement, mutiny ,or loose tongues.
If in a foreign to you location you may need some one more established/orientated ,but choose carefully ; knowing you risk all if the choice is made poorly.
Have a plan for extraction should the need arise after a given time with an attorney (despite not wanting a need for one) available if needed.
A good researcher(s) counts ,as does a person(s) on the ground , but the more you do yourself the less risk of exposure(of your leads ,research , findings, activities ect.) and the more potential profit for yourself..if any.

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Everyone on the team must have the same belief in the proposed outcome.

What does history tell you about teams that have found treasure? Research about that, it might give you a ideal of what might happen after the treasure is found.

Wow - You say a lot, without really saying much in content. Have you thought about a political career? Senator, maybe Congressman? I am involved with hundreds of people per year and all of them are amazed by my title of "Treasure Hunter". The children want to hear stories and the parents are truly interested in my finds and the history. Academic circles? Really, who cares about academic circles, I care about the people I meet everyday - not some person who thinks they are too intelligent to speak with the commoners.

Maybe someday I'll take you out on a true treasure hunt and you can experience it for yourself, it might change your thought process on the subject. I'll even spring for the drinks afterwards :occasion14:

Hello Theringfinder

I think you took inadvertently out context my comments and tried to shoot the messenger. You state that its "my thought process". If that was "my thought process" I would not even be here associating with you guys. As my very presence here could threaten my employment. The simple fact of the matter regardless of country, if you went to any government department to make a deal to recover treasure labeling your self in public a "treasure hunter" You will encounter one of three things.

1. They would totally ignore you bushing you off as nutter.

2. They would public disclaim any of your claims even without bothering to verify your claims. Most likely branding you a pseudo historian or conspiracy theorist.

3. Tie you up in unnecessary legal litigation in contravening international law or local treasure trove laws, inwhich justice is served to the size of your hip pocket.

That I am sorry to say that is the cold hard reality.

While indeed labeling yourself a "treasure hunter", does get you a little admiration in front of children, family and friends, I have no doubt. Even I have a soft sport for them, even the unholy trio I have worked for. Especially if sharing your sharing your passion for history. It is however a entirely a different story if you are in a situation when you have to deal legally with governments and various institutions.

Thank you for the invitation for a real treasure hunt? I guess I have to take rain check on that...Sadly in the role I have would put me in conflict of the legal requirements of my employment. As for being a politician or senator? Nah I am too honest although I work as in a advisory role for EU with various constitutional lawyers. So perhaps there is hope for me yet:tongue3: And yes even one does become very consensus of not incriminating themselves even in forums such as these.

And in regards to that drink you will spring me? Make mine vodka:occasion14:

Cheers Amy

Not trying to provoke anyone, but TheRingFinder you should read past Threads on which she posts. She is not an average person by any means. It is truly a privilege that she does come on this Forum and share her extensive knowledge and expertise with everyone here. Once you learn about her background you too will be impressed. Not many have ever been granted access to Vatican Archives, just to mention one example from her portfolio.

IF... I repeat IF...
Sane and realistic laws concerning finds could be instituted in places where there exits laws such as "don't do it or else"...
Then the term "treasure hunter" may not continue with its "stigma"...

It is for this reason primarily that "treasure hunters" become something else other than a person with a passion to discover / find.

They are IMO NO different from any other person who searches for rare or historical / valuable finds.
Be it an Archie... a historian... etc.
The only difference is... one has legal right and knowledge on proper techniques...
As far as the rest...
They share the same desires and passions to "solve"... discover... and benefit from such.

And I am not just saying the word "benefit" for JUST monetary gains.

No matter the gain... its type / form...
The song remains the same.


It is a pure joke to think that an Archie and a Treasure hunter are in more ways than not... one in the same.
In other words...
They are cut from the same cloth.

The same "drive"... powers both "minds"...
The separation occurs superficially...
in ones credentials... and manner in which the goal is reached.
AND... in the manner in which the said "discovery" is handled.

Both are explorers... which IMO is a natural human trait... gifted upon birth.

Sigmund Freud would have loved this thread at this point...
For I am sure he would have something deeper to add. :P

Hello Theringfinder

I think you took inadvertently out context my comments and tried to shoot the messenger. You state that its "my thought process". If that was "my thought process" I would not even be here associating with you guys. As my very presence here could threaten my employment. The simple fact of the matter regardless of country, if you went to any government department to make a deal to recover treasure labeling your self in public a "treasure hunter" You will encounter one of three things.

1. They would totally ignore you bushing you off as nutter.

2. They would public disclaim any of your claims even without bothering to verify your claims. Most likely branding you a pseudo historian or conspiracy theorist.

3. Tie you up in unnecessary legal litigation in contravening international law or local treasure trove laws, inwhich justice is served to the size of your hip pocket.

That I am sorry to say that is the cold hard reality.

While indeed labeling yourself a "treasure hunter", does get you a little admiration in front of children, family and friends, I have no doubt. Even I have a soft sport for them, even the unholy trio I have worked for. Especially if sharing your sharing your passion for history. It is however a entirely a different story if you are in a situation when you have to deal legally with governments and various institutions.

Thank you for the invitation for a real treasure hunt? I guess I have to take rain check on that...Sadly in the role I have would put me in conflict of the legal requirements of my employment. As for being a politician or senator? Nah I am too honest although I work as in a advisory role for EU with various constitutional lawyers. So perhaps there is hope for me yet:tongue3: And yes even one does become very consensus of not incriminating themselves even in forums such as these.

And in regards to that drink you will spring me? Make mine vodka:occasion14:

Cheers Amy

Amy - Looking at the thread title, I'm assuming the OP is trying to find buddies to "Treasure hunt" with. Maybe I'm reading this incorrectly and he is trying to get a crew together for an expedition to find some lost peoples village? Not sure as he is very limited in his information. The large percentage of people on TN are trying to find lost items that have no real historical value; as for "Information we can learn from history" There is no need for me to grid an area of a lake to show the exact depth and area I found a coin from 1885. It has no bearing on the future. We as treasure hunters do not have back hoes and millions of dollars to excavate an area.
So, I think we are talking about two different subjects.
I do however, feel bad that you can't express yourself without fear of reprisal from your employer / Government. I could never live that way.
I wish you luck and the invitation is always open - I'll take you out diving and show you some wonderful things :thumbsup:.
I'm a Jamaican Rum guy myself, but I'll buy you a few shots of Vodka too!!

Thanks for your reply -

My worthless opinion is the OP is still in the "dream state" of maturity. By that I mean he knows just
enough to become dangerous to himself and others like him. The "museum" inference assumes a
positive while neglecting basic reality. I hope more patient minded elders take this fledgling under
their wing until he is able to fly.

Amy, Don't give ringfinder a second thought, we who know you don't pay too much attention to his posts.

Vodka? if it is anything like the Vodka we got In Peking in he forties -- shudder. A gentile lady like you should go for Bacanora, the prefered drink of the US Border Patrol.:laughing7: :occasion14:

why can't we all just get along?
I will take Amy on my crew. Since she is so highly recommended.

Ring finder, you stated "that have no real historical value;" Tayopa certainly does. For both the US and Mexico.

AS for Amy being tied down on in attending a treasure,forum, that is because of legal requirements.The unholy Trio, whom I am glad to call my friends, don't deal in rings etc, so they have to be hyper careful, They deal in Governmnts

Also the poor gal is married to a broken down X foot ball player , and to think that if she had olayed her cards right, she coulda had Me. ! Whats 70 or so years age difference,true love will overcome that - She was marrried the first part of this year so The honey moon aspect hasn't worn of yet.

May the best part still lie ahead Amy

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Ring finder, you stated "that have no real historical value;" Tayopa certainly does. For both the US and Mexico.

AS for Amy being tied down on in attending a treasure,forum, that is because of legal requirements.The unholy Trio, whom I am glad to call my friends, don't deal in rings etc, so they have to be hyper careful, They deal in Governmnts

Also the poor gal is married to a broken down X foot ball player , and to think that if she had olayed her cards right, she coulda had Me. ! Whats 70 or so years age difference,true love will overcome that - She was marrried the first part of this year so The honey moon aspect hasn't worn of yet.

May the best part still lie ahead Amy
Amigo, really , tied down,? you have to love it,:whip2::whip2::whip2::whip2::icon_king::icon_king::smileinbox::smileinbox::love10::love10:Wait for me, I am on my way:walk::walk::walk::walk:NP:cat:

I'll take Jeff Gordon, we'll have a beer or three, sleep for a while, go looking for babes, and we won't worry about anything else. But, we will not tell anyone what we found!

Well, we may not even remember it the next morning, so no problem there...

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