What is the best metal detector for hunting underwater???


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Sep 22, 2006
Northshore, Hawaiian Islands
Hi everyone I was wondering what are the top 3 underwater metal detectors on the market? I have a Surfmaster PI and it works pretty good but sucks when there is black sand!! I was wondering because I am looking in to purchasing another metal detector. Everyone is raving about the Minelab excalibur, why? Is it that much difference from all the other metal detectors? I don't use discrimination when I hunt a beach because I'd rather dig everything up especially when I am underwater! I would love to hear your comments! ;D

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The reason many are raving about the Excal is because it is so good. You can't screw with success when so many hunters all say the same thing. PI's are deeper, but like you said, black sand can drive them crazy. Worse is the lack of real discrimination. The PI's love tiny and large pieces of rusty iron enough that you can wasted time digging deep holes to China for a piece of hairpin or wire bread wrapper. The Excal ignores iron and minerals so it doesn't need to be ground balanced while it ignores those small iron thingies. Unlike all other water detectors it will report on a gold ring under a piece of iron while the others just null out on both targets. You can hunt with zero disc. and still miss the iron. It's the best in many of our books.

As for the other 2 choices you have the Tiger Shark and CZ20. I'd include the Beach Hunter ID in here but it comes with a floating coil and can only be taken underwater to 20 feet. The 1280 is still a good detector even though it has a set ground balance and in some places acts funny in the surf waves with black sand present. Both the Tiger Shark and CZ20 have a saltwater mode.

I currently have 2 Excals, both 1000's. I use to have the Whites Beach Hunter ID. BHID was a good detector, but you had to be very careful on opening and closing the battery door or it would leak. There wa also the floating coil which bothered many owners.

I love the Excal, I am finding stuff real deep and I have no problems swinging it or carrying it for hours. I use a harness and bungee cord.

I have had friends who used the PI, they were digging what seemed like holes to China chasing a signal. I would scan it with my Excal and tell them its iron, they kept digging telling me I want to be sure. It was always iron.....

Don't know about you, but for me life is too short to be digging holes 6 ft deep for bobby pins. The Excal will see gold under an iron nail.

In my opinion, one of the biggest benifits about the Excal, and often over looked, is you can always get most of, if not all of your money back on a resale. Check Ebay for the prices used, as well as some of the MD websites. I bought both of my Excals used, and I know I can get every penny I paid for them back if I wanted to sale them (WHICH I DON'T). They arrived working perfectly, and they still work perfectly now.

The thought of beach hunting with out an Excal is the reason I now own two.

The excalibur is easy to learn. the trick is learning the different tones. it nulls out iron and once you learn it you will even be able to know when you hit most bottle caps . I hit the water i listen for the low tones but if my signals are few and far between i'll dig the high pitched tones.
it works for me . This sumers finds with the Excal


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Someday i will figure out this uploading sorry fellow members
PS Got the mumbles today. Hopefully better luck tommorrow

Okay I get the drift! It seems the excalibur is a much better machine but what about their customer service? I heard that some people were having problems with their units and having to send them back to Australia was a pain in the ass! All of you guys are saying that the excalibur is by far a better machine, so what are the cons to this machine? Have you guys had problems with it in the water etc. Hope you guys reply! Thanks ;D

Cons to the Excal? Some that bought the early models complained that the knobs came off. This hasn't been a problem for some years. I've had to send mine back once because I banged my coil which was my fault and mine is one of the early ones that is still working perfectly. I can honestly say mine has paid for itself more than a few times.

Customer service is excellent. You need something or advice, just call Sandy Burton at Minelab 1-702-891-8809. Minelab has offices all over the world and if you have trouble you send it to Las Vagas, NV. Not Australia. They have fixed Excals that were over the warranty for free many times for hunters. Hopefully some will respond here.

Cons .... Hummm, Only one I can think of I guess is having to dig those deep holes for the gold rings.

Honestly I can't think of many. Some complained about the balance on the original shaft. I bought the Florida straight shaft, even though like Sandman I now wear the controls around my neck, I still use the shaft. I like the extra reach it gives me for reaching down in the holes behind the sandbars. I also use a harness when hunting which supports all the weight and allows me to completely let go of the shaft while digging in the water.

I have had no problems with any of the knobs on either of my Excals, but if I did, I would just go to Radio Shack and get new ones so I wouldn't consider that a big problem.

If I did have to send it in for repair, Fed Ex to Vegas is no different then sending it in to a Whites or Tesoro dealer here in the states. Two to three weeks turn around.

:o NO EXCAL TO BEACH HUNT WITH, OH NO!!!!! ! :o Oh, that's right I have another one as a back up. ;D

Hey what about ease of use? I heard some complaints from people on this post that the excal is kind of hard to use? Is it because I don't want to be underwater fiddling with this machine! How is the sound underwater because when I dive the bubbles can drown the noise of the metal detector! Has anyone had a hard time using this machine, I would love to get it but I also need simplicity! Your thoughts are much appreciated. Thanks Sandman for all the wonderful posts and replying to all of my questions!! I am still learning this fun and wonderful hobby even though I have been doing it for many years. The Surf master PI has found me many gold rings but that is true about small pieces of iron I hate digging those things up! What about depth? Does the Excal have good depth? I won't be using discrimination because I usually dig up everything when diving. Also, black sand will it cause the machine to go nuts like my PI? Thanks again guys for all of your imput!! Aloha ;D

the only complaint i have with my Excalibur is that it will pick up things that are TINY....(see pic, penny for size) ...falls through the holes in the scoop...lol....still thats no trouble....2 or 3 scoops and ya dont find it or the signal keeps moving around....move on to bigger signals....trust me if you decide on the excalibur you WILL NOT be dissapointed.......as far as ease of use...it is extremely easy....just ask a few of the better hunters..AKA...Sandman, Treasure_Hunter, VA Max.....they wil help ya with the best settings they use and then you just dont change a thing....ever.....just try it and you will understand all the hooplah.......i love mine so much i hardly use any of my other MDs even on dry land


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The Excal is very easy to use. Turn it on and and adjust the threshold. The detector won't need to be ground balanced as it ignores ground minerals and most black sand. Course extra heavy black sand will effect all metal detectors the same way. It is loud enough to hear with a wet suit hood even with all the breathing you'll be doing down there in the deep. The Excal comes with a diving shaft too. I gave up using the PI's underwater as soon as I took the Excal down for the first time an it has never been any trouble.

You have to understand that some people that bad mouth something might not really have ever used the detector they are talking about. They could be on the payroll of another company or just overly enthusiastic about what ever they bought.

Marty-Graw, I appreciate the compliment, but I'm a long ways from being in the same class as Sandman or Max.

I don't dive so I can not give any input on Excal under water, but I can honestly say it is extremely easy to use. Like Sandman says, no ground balance, you basically turn on threshold, (also the off and on switch) , set the sensivity and go.

It does not take that long to learn the tones, sharp, crisp, low tones are what your wanting to look for. You will quickly learn what poptops and pull tabs sound like. Iron it ignores so no problem there.

To me it just doesn't get much easier then the Excal. Same can be said for my Sovereign.

Good luck and good hunting.

Great finds!! It was best summer of detecting for you!!! I congratulate on these finds!!

Excalibur II

The Excal is #1 for a reason. Just take the time to learn it and don't get in any hurry to start hunting the machine too hot or it can get frustrating. As long as you learn it in a stable state it is easy to grasp, after that you can start cranking it up. Just takes a bit of time.

Here's what it sounds like underwater while scuba diving.


I have two excals. One set up for diving, one for wading.
15 years and 90 Gold rings + Nice coins, Tokens and Chains.
I guess I will not complain.
Had a Whites Amphibion (do they still make them?) Went through batteries like there was no tomorrow.
Love the Iron Knock out ! VERY easy to learn.
Get er done!

Pretty much set it and forget it, may need to adjust sensativity but not very often

Nothing like resurrecting a 5+ year old thread folks . . .


But I will throw in my 2 cents. Definitely consider an Excal (or perhaps a CTX) so that you can pass over iron.



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