What is your STRANGEST find?

This was Rather Different

It's a memorial cent embedded in a metal frog. The object to the right was the base.


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That IS strange! I wonder how in heck the coin got imbedded??? ??? A lawnmower?

i found two rock-type weapons and a non-modern tooth while MD a river. Found them lying on the mud under a foot of water.... hopefully soon i will get to post them....

Probably my strangest find was a little sphinx-like figurine. It was about 3 inches long with the body of a lion, the head of a man and wings. All I could think of when I dug it up was that movie The Exorcist. It really creeped me out, just like the movie. I ended up giving it to my aunt, who thought it was the neatest thing she ever saw. I'm sorry I didn't get a picture of it.

This is my second strangest find. I think it's supposed to be a triceratops, a dinasaur.


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Ye gads, I don't know what I would think if I found such a strange figure as what you described. If it was just a "toy" why then was it made of metal?

Your second strangest find might be a rhino? From that photo it looks like the single-horned Asian rhino - just a thought.


This is the truth! :o Scouts honor! ::)

I was in the water at St. Pete's Beach and detected a target. I pushed me scoop in to bottom and this is what me find! A PULL-TAB IN A CLOSED SHELL! ;D


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Would have to be today's find. I don't have a camera yet, but I think explaination would be good.

I found about 100 torn security tags that they number and put on coffins for transport to the graveyard. They tear them off when the casket goes into the ground.

Oddly enough I found em buried next to a tree in a schoolyard.


Hello Postalrevnant!

What a queer find, which seems highly suggestive that something terrible has happened. Are the numbers consecutive or are they very different? The reason I ask is that I am trying to figure out some reason why so many would be found together in one spot. If they are consecutive or nearly so, then it looks like a case of mass death at the same time - if they are not close to consecutive, they may have had a habit of tossing the seals at the same spot with the intention to pick them up at some later time, and forgot to. If it is a case of mass death, then it seems a trip to the local newspapers to hunt through the archives might be in order. Is it near a military cemetary? That would explain it, as we have had casualties in wartime in the hundreds and thousands a day, in WW I and WW II. Perhaps a child had the used tags as some sort of "collection" and buried them to hide them? A good mystery to figure out! Creepy though! :o



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Old story, but I found a dead cat in a bag one of the firest times I went detecting! Monty

Now I would think that Russian coin would be a real keeper - one you won't find often for sure!

A dead cat in a bag! Yee-uck! That is what I would call a really un-lucky find! :P


I would probably gag if i found a dead cat in a bag. thats just so bad. dont people take the collars off their cats anyways? I always did when my cats passed on or had to be put to sleep.

I guess mine isn't that strange, but it was strange to me and most people who see it can't figure out what it is and some are scared to get too close to it. It is about an 8 lb ball of fused, rusty nails that looks like some creature from Star Trek. I got to get a picture of it posted on here - words can't do it justice.

The other thing was an old enameled basin from a very old washing machine; about 2 ft in diameter and it took me about two hours to dig it out. I have no idea why I dug it. I guess I needed the exercise and the enamel is very good condition - blue & white.

Yea - I am a novice MDer!

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