What now - Woodford County KY

Re: Hope that you............

[quote="Black Sheep 13" ]
got my tips JIM!!!



*********"ORIGINAL MESSAGE DELETED*********MS..................

Thanks Mike for all the tips. I'm in process of rereading the manual. Hoping to get out in the neighborhood tommorrow to do some MD'ing. Planning to take your advise and hit the library next week to see what I can dig up.

I'm originally from Harlan County in Eastern KY. I 've got several places in mind there. Unfortunately I don't get back there very often.

Thanks Again for the tips,


Always be sure to obtain permission if you don't own the property. Even public property - parks, etc - can be restricted in some areas. It never hurts to ask!

I've even gotten into the habit of getting signed permission from home/land owners. I have a "standard" no-fault release for owners to grant me permission to be on their property and that I will not hold them liable for injury. Also, it states that I will close gates that are closed, will remove trash that I find, will fill in holes, etc - basically, that I will leave things they way they are or BETTER when I leave. Having a signed form works well when law enforcement approaches you due to a concerned neighbor, when another family member approaches you, etc.

I also always try to stop bye when I am leaving to show them what I found. I offer any "personally identifiable" items, such as jewelry with names/initials in them, to the owner in case it is a lost family item. Although I have only been at this for a year, I have never had anyone want to keep a nice "un-identifiable" item, such as an old coin. My feeling is, treat the owner well and you will get to come back anytime you want! Sort of like prospecting or fishing! They will be glad to see you!

Best of luck,


Thanks! Sounds like the key is getting the permission and earning their trust. From the other posts I've read I've noticed this too. I'm looking forward to getting started.


I think you should go up to Ohio and have Black Sheep get you started.He seems very knowledgeable about how it's done.Have him show you some of his finds to while you are there.Maybe he can post some of his finds for us after your hunt.We would like to see them Mike.
Lookin also has some good advice to follow.Permission is key to a good day of hunting.
Let us know how you do and good luck.

And YES! There Will SOON Be Pics Of This Years Hunts So Far HB!!

Once again...I'll be chewing my dirty fingernails off waiting for your pics.
The suspense is killing me 8)

Re: Got Any Fingernails Left HB??????

[quote="Black Sheep 13" (CB) ]

You should start sharing your finds with all of us. That's a great photo, Mike. :)

bout time, should have thrown some more coins in the hole and made a pocket spill. LOL

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