What Will America Be Like In 100 Years?

Michigan Badger

Gold Member
Oct 12, 2005
Northern, Michigan
Detector(s) used
willow stick
Primary Interest:
I predict a return to an agrarian society (agricultural). Much like that of Cuba after the fall of the Soviet Union.

With experts talking peak oil and the drastic decline of future oil reserves; a new world order is at our doorstep.

Our great great grandchildren will know what it's like to plow a field with a team of horses or oxen. Electric cars/trucks, etc., will be essential but not as plentiful as our fossil fuel vehicles are today.

This country will see the tremendous increase of mass transportation so don't right off the railroad yet. In another 50 years the fact that the railroad screwed up big time by giving up many of their right-of-ways will sink in. Government forced public right-of-ways will once again be revived due to necessity.

Solar, wind, etc., these things will be harnessed to the maximum and the latest methods of agriculture will be employed for future survival.

So that's my opinion from my own investigation. I see a brighter and more healthy future...not gloom and doom. The day is coming when every healthy person will have to pull his own. There will be far less pollution and people will be happier due to being physically and emotionally healthier.

And they lived happier ever after

What's your opinion?

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liberty lady 2.jpgIf we keep passing laws that limit our freedom and taxing the hell out of us, I see it as a totalerian mess. Sorry about that!hand print-2_edited-3.jpg

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It doesn't matter to you or me. We won't be here. :laughing9:

you know in a way I kinda guess the future, but then real fast know that it will 'be just what it will be'

there are tons of factors that can change. war, weather extremes, big disaster like asteriod, economic total failure and all that mess that could screw up the entire societies overnight.

I worry about my kid. Her future. I 'almost' worry about 'her maybe grandkids future' but after that I am out of the game :)

I want my daughter to live well. I want her family to live well but after that it is a crapshoot one can't see or do anything about at that stage of the game.

but since I believe, I will be looking DOWN and seeing what is happening :headbang:

You know I asked the "Magic 8 Ball" that just the other day.... And it :laughing9:

Consider This...

When you walk the streets you'll have no cares, If you walk the lines and not the squares, As you go through life make this your goal

Watch the donut, not the hole

It's written on the rainbow

In letters made of gold

Written on the rainbow

There's wisdom to behold

My friend the little sparrow

Flew close enough to see

Written on the rainbow

Is this philosophy

As you go through life make this your goal

Watch the donut, not the hole

NOW follow the bouncing ball and you all join in...

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I'll send you a post card, Or come back in my time machine if they make them & pick you up
at 5:10 PM Eastern time Today

Lets try this again...

When you walk the streets you'll have no cares, If you walk the lines and not the squares, As you go through life make this your goal

Watch the donut, not the hole

It's written on the rainbow

In letters made of gold

Written on the rainbow

There's wisdom to behold

My friend the little sparrow

Flew close enough to see

Written on the rainbow

Is this philosophy

As you go through life make this your goal

Watch the donut, not the hole

NOW follow the bouncing ball and you all join in...

Hey, I don't want to sound like an expert, but 100 years from now you won't recognize the society of tomorrow. We will be far into space and space colonization(a Mars landing is coming up and a manned mission is planned for the near future). There are amazing things taking place at our universities. MIT was able last year to move a beam of light 40 feet down a workbench. Dissolve, move and reappear. Nuclear fusion is on our doorstep. Texas A&M claimed to have produced cold fusion, but they could not reproduce the experiment. This will provide cheap renewable energy for the world. Our technology doubles every 2.5 years now. In my lifetime we have gone from no TV to too many damm channels to count. Music from 45 and 33 1/3 rpm records to buying(stealing)it off the internet and store thousands of songs in a tiny device. These are toys compared to where we are going. We are a strong and powerful nation because we are always looking forward. And it takes visionaries.The guy who said here that he is worried about his daughter. Well, make sure she gets a good education and goes to college to major in science or engineering(please not law), two fields wide open to women. Back to an agrarian society? Never going to happen. Besides, most small farms are doomed and already belong to big corporations. If you really worry about the future then take some steps. Stay in school, go as far as you can. VOTE or don't ***** about what is happening in your country. Get a job, anything to support yourself and always keep searching for a better one. Limit your freedom? Raise your taxes? You let it happen. After the civil war a young man asked Frederick Douglas what he should do. Douglas said, "Agitate, Agitate, Agitate". If you don't like it change it. If you don't think that we'll be on other planets just wait until oil, coal or natural gas is discovered on one. And if by chance gold, silver or some Extraterrestial coin is found, then every TH'er on this site will be there. Hell, Garrett, Fisher, White's and the boys won't be able to keep up with production. Look, I found an Alpha Centari gold schmick schomk worth 100,000 credits. Gotta go now. Time for my nap and enema...

Hey, I don't want to sound like an expert, but 100 years from now you won't recognize the society of tomorrow. We will be far into space and space colonization(a Mars landing is coming up and a manned mission is planned for the near future). There are amazing things taking place at our universities. MIT was able last year to move a beam of light 40 feet down a workbench. Dissolve, move and reappear. Nuclear fusion is on our doorstep. Texas A&M claimed to have produced cold fusion, but they could not reproduce the experiment. This will provide cheap renewable energy for the world. Our technology doubles every 2.5 years now. In my lifetime we have gone from no TV to too many damm channels to count. Music from 45 and 33 1/3 rpm records to buying(stealing)it off the internet and store thousands of songs in a tiny device. These are toys compared to where we are going. We are a strong and powerful nation because we are always looking forward. And it takes visionaries.The guy who said here that he is worried about his daughter. Well, make sure she gets a good education and goes to college to major in science or engineering(please not law), two fields wide open to women. Back to an agrarian society? Never going to happen. Besides, most small farms are doomed and already belong to big corporations. If you really worry about the future then take some steps. Stay in school, go as far as you can. VOTE or don't ***** about what is happening in your country. Get a job, anything to support yourself and always keep searching for a better one. Limit your freedom? Raise your taxes? You let it happen. After the civil war a young man asked Frederick Douglas what he should do. Douglas said, "Agitate, Agitate, Agitate". If you don't like it change it. If you don't think that we'll be on other planets just wait until oil, coal or natural gas is discovered on one. And if by chance gold, silver or some Extraterrestial coin is found, then every TH'er on this site will be there. Hell, Garrett, Fisher, White's and the boys won't be able to keep up with production. Look, I found an Alpha Centari gold schmick schomk worth 100,000 credits. Gotta go now. Time for my nap and enema...

Just think of the jobs a pipeline from Mars would create!

Pipelines? Hope you are joking. You must be. People in Michigan must be smarter than Texans, must be...

Latest headlines from the future: (please note that I've removed all specific details as I don't want anyone to know about my flux capacitor)

National news
Presidential candidate vows to make sweeping reforms.
Major sports figure signs huge contract.
Celebrity couple announces that they are getting divorced.
Senate debates campaign finance reform.
Government funded survey finds that teens are more likely to engage in risky behavior.

Local news
Deadly accident creates 3 hour backup on the interstate north of town
Local scout builds playground for disadvantaged children
Residents of neighborhood are disturbed by recent burglaries

Chance of afternoon thunderstorms


Unless we wake up in time, of which I don't see much hope for.

2 more elections gone wrong, and we're done. We may be done for anyway.

Pipelines? Hope you are joking. You must be. People in Michigan must be smarter than Texans, must be...

Don't bet on it,

As for your thesis on the future I'd have to disagree in part. For starters I don't see a great "Star Trek" style space exploration in the future. I think we'll make some great advances but the general problems in the world will eventually curtail any thoughts of space colonization, etc.

Already we've seen a lot of this in our current space exploits. The space program can't move ahead without money and resources. And I see a great shortage of both in our future. Actually this takes in the entire world, not just America.

How far will serious space exploration go without oil? Our entire world depends on oil. I say we'll run out of funds and resources long before we advance beyond our fossil fuel dependency.

While I'm optimist about the far future, the immediate future doesn't look good. I see coming climate changes and famines. I'm hoping America will be spared stravation due to reopening long forgotten farm lands and employing modern agricultural (smaller space) methods.

Do you do much flying? In business trips all over this country the giant amount of vacant land becomes apparent. Almost everyone is crammed into certain areas. There is plenty of private or state owned lands sitting idle.

When Cuba realized they could starve to death they began producing crops on roof tops, tiny backyards, and any place where something could grow. Cuba has experienced the future of the world in general.

I could write a lot more but occasionally I have to earn a living (I'm only semi-retired).

Best to you and good conversation.

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Ya want Reality ?

in 100 years I see us still wasting money on space exploration, but it will really be
a cover for putting weapons & spy equipment up there to track everyone.

People will still be crying that we are going to run out of oil soon, & a tank of gas will cost $200.00
of course if you own a new $1,000,000.00 car that runs on air or sun power,
there will be a $200.00 By-weekly Surcharge (hidden Tax) because the end of the world nuts will
be claiming it's using up the suns rays, and causing the winds to disappear.

Food will be as plentiful as it is now but expect a large can of generic coffee to run you $50.00
and a Cup of coffee at the local restaurant $5.00
Meat will be illegal, and sold in the underground, the world will be over run by free roaming cows, pigs,
chickens etc and a T-Bone stake purchased in the underground will cost about $100.00 raw.
you'll also need to go into the woods or a cellar hole to cook it up, & Be careful not to get caught,
since open flames will be outlawed.
and killing or eating animals will get you a life sentence. & at least one large state
in each timezone will be a prison state.
Prisoners will have to farm the land. & 50% of what they grow will be supplied Domestically to the population, the rest shipped to 3rd world countries free of charge

there will be no trash, you will go outside twice a day stand in line for corn, carrots, & Lettuce
& on sunday's they will add a Potato to your meal. any waste will be eaten by the free roaming animals.

there will be allot of diseases, some new ones, and depending on what you get, you will be shipped to
either Recouping stations, Or you will just disappear. but there will be no charge.

Not much will change for the wealthy, but to be considered wealthy,
you will need to prove a Billion dollar self worth to become Tax Exempt,
and live in selected zones.

& yes there will be a draft & we will be at war with Canada, & Mexico
because we will need new people to control since allot of U.s. citizens will be escaping to these countries,
for better & free Lives

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Ya want Reality ?

in 100 years I see us still wasting money on space exploration, but it will really be
a cover for putting weapons & spy equipment up there to track everyone.

People will still be crying that we are going to run out of oil soon, & a tank of gas will cost $200.00
of course if you own a new $1,000,000.00 car that runs on air or sun power,
there will be a $200.00 By-weekly Surcharge (hidden Tax) because the end of the world nuts will
be claiming it's using up the suns rays, and causing the winds to disappear.

Food will be as plentiful as it is now but expect a large can of generic coffee to run you $50.00
and a Cup of coffee at the local restaurant $5.00
Meat will be illegal, and sold in the underground, the world will be over run by free roaming cows, pigs,
chickens etc and a T-Bone stake purchased in the underground will cost about $100.00 raw.
you'll also need to go into the woods or a cellar hole to cook it up, & Be careful not to get caught,
since open flames will be outlawed.
and killing or eating animals will get you a life sentence. & at least one large state
in each timezone will be a prison state.
Prisoners will have to farm the land. & 50% of what they grow will be supplied Domestically to the population, the rest shipped to 3rd world countries free of charge

there will be no trash, you will go outside twice a day stand in line for corn, carrots, & Lettuce
& on sunday's they will add a Potato to your meal. any waste will be eaten by the free roaming animals.

there will be allot of diseases, some new ones, and depending on what you get, you will be shipped to
either Recouping stations, Or you will just disappear. but there will be no charge.

Not much will change for the wealthy, but to be considered wealthy,
you will need to prove a Billion dollar self worth to become Tax Exempt,
and live in selected zones.

& yes there will be a draft & we will be at war with Canada, & Mexico
because we will need new people to control since allot of U.s. citizens will be escaping to these countries,
for better & free Lives

I love this. You ought to write a screenplay. This is brilliant. But seriously, the future will be as all futures have been, different and scary for the older folks who remember the good old days when gas was $25 a gallon and food was sometimes available. And truthfully, since I almost accidently killed myself twice this year, I don't think it really matters to most of us what America will be like in 100 years . I'm more worried about tomorrow. AND I want to tell you a secret. You are right. While in college, I was on a team of "science people" who were doing research to perfect nuclear fusion. In reality we were working on the fabrication of a particle beam weapon for the military fired and sustained by nuclear fusion. I was a very minor part of this, there were Physics PhD's in charge, but the money was great. We were looking at the development of a large weapon, a rifle and a small hand weapon( eventually,if the power source could be minaturized). OMG, a star wars phaser. What was that star wars comment someone made? This is the sort of research that goes on every single day in think tanks, universities and private labs. These folks live by funding and I assure you they are not concerned with the distant future, only their results. It is a bit scary...

We don't need petroleum in order to survive. People did alright long before they first drilled one of those god forsaken wells.

Oil will probably never completely run out but the cost of getting the more difficult crude will cause it to carry a big price tag. Yes, we'll be using petroleum for centuries but we'll be far more frugal with it.

New and vastly advanced methods will be employed that will greatly reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and water resources will also be sparing used. These new techniques are being testing now and used in limited settings. These methods used on a large scale would tremendously increase our food producing capabilities.

I still hold to my original view. The future will be a repeat of history. We've reached our peak in wastefulness and crazy living. In a century or two the world will be a far more sensible place with laziness and obesity nearly unheard of and illnesses will be almost unknown.

As mentioned above, between now and then a lot will happen. I believe there will be catastrophic events that will greatly reduce the population of the world. I see a future America with fewer than one million people (pretty much the same percentage of decrease around the world). The world in the distant future will be as one nation with one sovereign. In fact, this is almost the exact scenario prophesied in the Bible.

When Bush senior spoke of a "New World Order," I don't think he knew how new and big that "Order" will be.

But for our lifetimes, it will mostly continue to be this same old slippery slide down we're seeing now.

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