What you can get out of a half gallon of paydirt...


Silver Member
Feb 10, 2013
Deep in the redwoods of the TRUE Northern CA
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Teknetics Alpha 2000
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It's been awhile since I've contributed much here. Those who know me know that 2015 has been one of "those" years. The "sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes the bug" years. I'm slowly winning the war but $$$ just keeps flying out and I'm constantly playing defense...just waiting for the next calamity. The kind of time you could use a friend...

And then... I get a pm from a member. We chat back and forth then he texts that he'll be scouting out some new territory and wanted to share some of his diggins with me on the way back. I say sounds good.

The next afternoon (yesterday) while I'm grabbing a late lunch, Karen says she hears a truck outside. I keep eating and I get a text. I keep eating (I was HUNGRY OK?) when Karen says there's someone out at our picnic table. I go out to find none other than Mike (AKA delnorter) dropping off a bag of goodies like a Santa in July. He mentioned the general vicinity and what to expect if I go and with that he turned and in a blink of an eye he was gone.

Fade to Today...
I don't tend to run around much on weekends. We have most places to ourselves during the week so we hang close to home. So, I was outside scoping out my new bag of dirt and web covered sluice. (The last time I had worked on the sluice, the truck was in the shop in town and the LeTrap was locked up in the back.) As I went to get the LeTrap, I noticed I had all the materials I needed to make a filter for my 2200 GPH pump...something that was on the to do list from last year.

So I built it and here it is:
(BTW, the "other Jeff" GoldenIrishman gave me the idea for the filter...tyvm :icon_thumleft:)

You'll need some 1/2" hardware cloth and some window screen. Package of strap ties too.

And add a set of needle nose pliers to this
I used a plastic coffee container as a template as it was slightly larger than the pump. (I used it because my workbench was my tailgate and I didn't want to drop the pump.)
Rough cut your hardware cloth
I originally was going to cover the entire pump but the outlet was in the way. That's when I realized only the part below the outlet needed to be filtered...so I cut again, leaving extra at the bottom to keep the pump off the bottom.
On my pump, there is a heavy duty tab on the side. All I had to do was remove one wire, wrap it around the pump, cut another wire and it was together
Strap tie the ends, pull everything tight and trim the excess. Note how long the bottom wires are...there's a reason.
Now flip the pump upside down, grab your window screen, pull it tight and push down on those sharp little legs. Fold in each one (PITA) and as you do, the screen tightens even more.
Flip the pump upright, gather up the excess screen and cut to fit
Once I was happy with the size, i was unhappy with the little alum shreds of screen falling off the edges. So I Gorilla taped all around.
Flip the pump, squeeze the screen down tight around the pump and strap tie the screen to the top row of the hardware cloth.
Flip it over and begin work on the other side
I chose to fold the excess like a present and strap tied it again.
And done!

Pretty? No. Functional? We'll see.

Stay tuned for more great things to come...

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Part Two

So I dusted off the sluice, installed the Le Trap and rechecked level and drop. Grabbed the tubs, pump, jet dry, extension cord, battery charger,water hose, pans, classifiers, misc stuff, something to drink and with MP3 music playing...and went to work:laughing7:

First thing...fire it up and recheck everything because of all the extra weight from the water. How was the flow? Great as ever. Yes!:icon_thumright:


And here's the dirt that started it all...about a half gallon (8 cups or so) and already classified for me to 1/4"

So I run the pay dirt thru a screen that is about a six. Actually, it's an insect screen for our hot water heater vent but since we use it all the time no bugs can live in it and I bought it so I can use it for anything I want Honey (in case you're reading this...Love You!)


I visually checked what I had left, tested with MD and pin pointer and installed all in low spot in driveway.


I put what I had left thru my sluice a cup at a time, rinsed out the bag, shut down, grabbed my 1.5 glasses and a flash light and look in that sweet spot that my LeTrap loves to do when there's gold to show off and there it is...

sorry it's a cell phone...I do my best:dontknow:
yep, that's gold on each end of the black sands. Didn't see anything in the third riffle...did my best to suction some out of the first riffle (which I suck at). Got this real quick


So I classified everything out of the sluice using a 20 mesh. I put the -20 aside for the Miller Table and checked out the +20 in the pan. Hmm...something don't belong...


And here's the only +20 in the pan (and another small piece I found remaining in the bag)


When I dropped the +20 onto the sluice, it went "plink". Such a sweet sound!:headbang:

Tomorrow...results with the Miller Table and the -20 material.

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Thanks for sharing! I like all the pictures and the step-by-step description.
Yes that "plink" is a fantastic sound! Congrats.

- Brian

Great gift from DN as this year is a MASSIVE pain in the arse,actually the pocketbook. Good old Le Trap run on almost any flow as one great tool. John

Well Grasshopper, you're close to what I was telling you on the filter but not quite what I was describing. What I was talking about is a box that hangs on the side of the tank and the pump sets down into it. What you've got will work, but is going to be harder to clean when needed. Keep an eye on your flow and when you start to notice it dropping off check your screen as it may need cleaning.

Very cool of Mike to bring you a "care package". Due to our phone conversations I'm probably more aware of whats been going on with you than most others here on the forum are. Mike stopping by and dropping off some pay dirt for you to play with is his way of insuring that you never recover from that case of Gold Fever. After all... A good Miner is a terrible thing to waste.

Will call ya later as I'm only working on the second cup of mud right now.

I like the setup that you made and the filter around the pump. Have you experienced any problems with the filter restricting your flow? I have a 4500GPH sewage pump that I tried putting in a five-gallon bucket with numerous holes drilled all the way around and a paint filter around it, but it restricted the flow too much and the pump would start sucking all of the water out of the bucket before the bucket could fill up quick enough. I eventually took the paint filter off from around the bucket and just used the bucket with its many holes as a basic filter. It does keep out some of the bigger stuff (like pieces or vegetation) but doesn't do much good for the finer, silty stuff. The pump I have (from China Freight) is rated to pass 2" solids so I'm not too worried, but it would be nice to try to keep more silt out since I think it's usually those fine particles that end up doing the most damage to anything mechanical over a long period of time. Maybe it's inevitable, though. You are probably running material that is way different than what I run also. Just hope you're not having any restriction problems like I did with my paint filter!

I like the setup that you made and the filter around the pump. Have you experienced any problems with the filter restricting your flow? I have a 4500GPH sewage pump that I tried putting in a five-gallon bucket with numerous holes drilled all the way around and a paint filter around it, but it restricted the flow too much and the pump would start sucking all of the water out of the bucket before the bucket could fill up quick enough. I eventually took the paint filter off from around the bucket and just used the bucket with its many holes as a basic filter. It does keep out some of the bigger stuff (like pieces or vegetation) but doesn't do much good for the finer, silty stuff. The pump I have (from China Freight) is rated to pass 2" solids so I'm not too worried, but it would be nice to try to keep more silt out since I think it's usually those fine particles that end up doing the most damage to anything mechanical over a long period of time. Maybe it's inevitable, though. You are probably running material that is way different than what I run also. Just hope you're not having any restriction problems like I did with my paint filter!

One of the members here gave me a three part filtration system that I have yet to have a need for. I'll see if I can find it for you. I didn't have any flow problems, especially since I drilled and window screened the catch tub at the end of the sluice. When those holes plug up, the water starts to spill over the top which tells me to shut down and clean.

Jeff- when I shut the pump down, all the water in the hose "back flushes" the filter as I took the back flow preventer out as it restricted water flow too much.

I like the setup that you made and the filter around the pump. Have you experienced any problems with the filter restricting your flow? I have a 4500GPH sewage pump that I tried putting in a five-gallon bucket with numerous holes drilled all the way around and a paint filter around it, but it restricted the flow too much and the pump would start sucking all of the water out of the bucket before the bucket could fill up quick enough. I eventually took the paint filter off from around the bucket and just used the bucket with its many holes as a basic filter. It does keep out some of the bigger stuff (like pieces or vegetation) but doesn't do much good for the finer, silty stuff. The pump I have (from China Freight) is rated to pass 2" solids so I'm not too worried, but it would be nice to try to keep more silt out since I think it's usually those fine particles that end up doing the most damage to anything mechanical over a long period of time. Maybe it's inevitable, though. You are probably running material that is way different than what I run also. Just hope you're not having any restriction problems like I did with my paint filter!

Found the thread. It's #7 in here http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/g...ice-up-running-catching-gold.html#post3690615
from AzViper...the one who built my Miller's Tabel for me:thumbsup:

Another thing that will help keep the "crudies" out of the pump is to set up a second water barrel with a couple of 2 inch PVC "U" siphons between them to transfer water from one barrel to the other. The pump is in the second barrel I just went to this setup and have found that my water is staying cleaner because silt has a chance to settle out some and the floating plant matter stays in the first barrel.

Finding a method of filtering the water in a recirc system isn't always an easy thing to do. I've heard of several other ways to do this but have yet to give them a try. AzViper suggested using that corrugated material that is used in swamp coolers but that may be hard to find in some areas where this type of "Air conditioning" isn't popular. For the home system, I'm planning on picking up a pair of 175 gallon stock tanks from Tractor Supply Co. to hold the water in. Have the tailings catch bucket in one followed by a section of the swamp cooler material then the "U" tubes to transfer the water over to the second tank. In the second tank I'll have another section of the swamp cooler material about half way down the direction of flow and then the pump. The stock tanks are long enough that I will be able to use a shorter section of hose between the pump and the input of the sluice as long as I set them up in a "L" layout. With a 4000 gph pump on the Le`Trap, I should have a lean green gold grabbing machine once it's all set up and running. The passages through the swamp cooler material are set at an angle so you install them with the low side towards the direction that the water is coming from. The silt settles onto the material as it passes through. Needless to say, this is going to be a large system and won't be practical for the field. I'd have to make two water runs just to do the initial fill up. For here at the homestead though it will be great.


Had some errands to attend to before I could get back to the recovery. Last night I went thru the +20 pan every time commercials came on but nothing left to find.

Here's my -20 pan from the sluice


Her's the Miller Table AzViper made me


Results of the first tablespoon :hello2:


I was brushing the gold to the vial when it did this crescent...

The table works like magic...on small stuff too!


And here it is...from a 1/2 gallon mind you


Total weight was .11 grams!

I want to personally and publicly thank my good neighbor and true friend Mike (delnorter) not only for his generosity of the pay dirt but the keen awareness of a buddy in need. That can only be defined as a true friend. See what you did with just a half gallon? You're timing was spot on with great gold to boot AND I got to pay it forward here. (I'm 99% sure Mike didn't salt it but there is that 1% cuz he HAS given me gold before.) Thanks for the quick fix Mike and lets go get some ounces! :notworthy::goldpan::goldbar::occasion14:

BTW, that nickle scratched me off a $50 winner today so who knows, maybe the tide has turned.:thumbsup:

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Ya know Jeff... One of these dys I'm going to have to come up that way and the three of us go out and do some dmage to the California gold supply in that area. Between the three of us, I'd say that we could do very well. I'll have to time it for sometime next summer due to working on the new homestead.

Hey Jeff, you're sure welcome.

The concentrates I brought you were straight from the gravel bar, no salting. I dug two screens full of bank run material. Screened it down to 1/4", drained the water off and bagged it up for you. This is a pretty big bar area here in the north state. When you're feeling up to it we'll wade the river and find a little onsite.

I went back today with my Bazooka 48" Prospector and did real good. A great day on the river is about as good as it gets..

From one Irishman to another, GoldenIrishman you're always welcome. You'd like this area. I can't think of a sharper contrast of environments as you're Arizona and our northwest corner of California.


From one Irishman to another, GoldenIrishman you're always welcome. You'd like this area. I can't think of a sharper contrast of environments as you're Arizona and our northwest corner of California.


Thanks Mike. I've been up in that area several times but it's been quite a few years since my last trip up that way. The only reason I didn't move up there when I came back from Georgia was that well.... It's still in California. I think that if the three of us got together for a weekend of digging that we'd clean up. It would be really nice to be able to work an area that I don't have to haul water in to do processing!

As I said earlier, 2015 has been a B****h to me. I'll give a very short synopsis so that it may help you too live long and prospect...:thumbsup:

4/27/12-3/7/15 Retired and moved to CA right away. I was a healthy fit alcoholic and a little over-weight at 220. Got yearly check ups but basically did everything/anything I wanted to...mostly food and alcohol excess and sitting and surfing the internet.

3/9/15 Dr calls from last visit to say my hemoglobin count was WAY low and am likely bleeding internally. Go to ER if I faint or see blood in stool and get endo and colonoscopy ASAP. Told me to take Iron and Vit C supplements and Prilosec RX to help heal any possible ulcers. Plus my weight had gone up from 263 to 275. Oh and STOP drinking alcohol! I begin to research and create a new life plan for my body. Stopped drinking.

3/28/15 Had to put my prospecting buddy Cocoa (choc Lab of 13 years) down. Still cry if I think about it too long. Karen's weight and arthritis prevent her from hiking anymore. Through out this time, both vehicles are breaking down and I provide care/transportation for my 89 yo mom and Karen. Started drinking again.

4/30/15 LOTS of problems getting scheduled but FINALLY endo and colonoscopy done. Last of pollups removed and problem found with esophagus. Biopsies all OK. No major problems found but intake of esophagus red and healing. (Seems you can't pour straight Gin on it year after year without frickin it up but SOOOO lucky that is all I fricked up by doing that.

5/28/15 Dr can't prove it but tests confirm it is LIKELY due to my excess alcohol daily intake. Says to STOP drinking, eat right, more exercise. Sound familiar? Weight had dropped to 270.

6/1 stopped drinking. (I am one of the LUCKY ones that can quit with no withdrawal.) Implemented new diet and exercise program specifically for me by me. DR approved. (first time I ever asked doc to review and ok anything)

6/28 Stopped taking supplements as hemoglobin levels tested good. In the meantime, my right thigh goes numb always, feels like a sunburn sometimes and white hot stabbing pain, especially while laying down trying to sleep.

7/27 Blood work perfect. Thigh problem is from sitting and leaning forward at the computer. Herniated L3 and L4 vertebrae and is pinching nerve to right thigh. Dr says no more sitting down...keep moving, exercise it away. If not, then MRI and steroid injection required.

Bottom line? Doc doesn't want to see me till my next annual and I agree! I started getting annual physicals when I turned 50. I'm 57 now and so far those physicals have saved my life twice. The first time was my first colonoscopy and one pollup had stage 1 (but contained) cancer. In the last five years, my mother-in-law died of colon cancer and my bro-in-law died of alcohol (pancreatic failure). Cocoa was sudden kidney failure.

I knew things were a little (ok, alot) out of control but was waiting for my body to make me change. I've been made. I've also dropped to 250 pounds (so far) and ready to salvage the season!

Mike, good buddy...check you're pm. We've got some gold to harvest! Yee Haw!

gold rush.jpg

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I hope everything works out for the best.:icon_thumright:
It is great weather to hit that...."Hands 'n Pans " area down there. The time you are allowed is short:BangHead:
Last 2 days...100 degrees here! I have a friend that kayaks down the river and said he finds some great "little access" areas. I'am thinking about joining him. He says Patrick creek is a favorite launching point, 2 days of camping is the norm.

THAT is an excellent idea and one I would jump on in a second. Problem for me is, I spend more time getting back in a canoe/kayak then I do riding in one.:dontknow:
You really have to scramble to get to good parts from 199. Once you do, the other side always looks better. Kayak would definitely do it.

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THAT is an excellent idea and one I would jump on in a second. Problem for me is, I spend more time getting back in a canoe/kayak then I do riding in one.:dontknow:
You really have to scramble to get to good parts from 199. Once you do, the other side always looks better. Kayak would definitely do it.

Thank you! :icon_thumright: I didn't think of that. I tried it out (1/4 mile down the road..Winchuck river) and it killed my lower back! I'm not a small person and even being somewhat athletic....it take to long to get in it, and the position you are in.....no thanks.
He said we will both go in one of these. I'm not sure why he didn't suggest that in the first place.:icon_scratch:
Saturn Light Inflatable River Rafts. Lowest Prices in USA!

Looks good but I would want to know just how many total pounds it can safely carry. Then there's the low water, sharp rocks, sweepers...but you already know about that I'm sure. :thumbsup: Like they say, if it was easy...:laughing7:

Sea Eagle has neat stuff too:


pics/vid/story required of course...good luck in advance!

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