Where did the thread go?


Jr. Member
Sep 27, 2008
Bradenton Fl
WOW I made a innocent comment about vintageic possible involvement with www.victoriopeak.com and he deletes the thread and packs up.

All this after receiving this email

show details Oct 2 (4 days ago)

[mod]You may not... Post PM's (TreasureNet personal messages), email messages, or any other form of correspondence from other people that were intended or assumed to be solely for you. [/mod]

I changed the phone number
Did anybody sigh up at the website?
Just curious


Just a update www.victoriopeak.com was off the air while DermFX transferred registrar to Domainsbyproxy.com

So the plot thickens I just need to find out who at DERMFX is into or getting into treasure hunting

the old email address of the registrar was [email protected]

At least the site is back up

I want to know what happen to the treasure after the Army took it?

Wow, looks like the guys at www.victoriopeak.com are really flaking out

First they say “All will be reviled before the end of 2010” that didn’t happen
The author is well known, now suddenly he is writing under a pen name
Then they said because of the “complexity” of the book it is delayed
Then they started a countdown, they reset the clock twice, now as of this morning nothing.

These guys must be government based to miss so many deadlines, Wait do they have civil service plastic surgeons

I called these guys to be flakes and it looks like I was right


PS this group is dead, No posts in over a month and with Connecticut Danny posting random thoughts to every thread .

The Victorio Peak website has the countdown at 15 hours and counting. Does that mean the book will be coming out in just 15 hours from now?

I heard from one of the players that the publisher was still a problem and that the books were now going to be released as E-books pending resolution. Time will tell. Additionally there may be some friction between some of the people involved.

Gang Green You posted 36hrs ago and there is still 7hrs left on the clock that what I went by resetting the clock

MARSradio who did you talk to? How come everyone talks in "one of the players" and who is he publisher? Sorry but when someone creates a new account (blocked email and no location) to offer vague information. I just figure its business as usual for the DERMFX group. If I am wrong I apologize.

Amazon can take a camera ready manuscript and have it Ebook ready in 4 days. Why miss a deadline by 10 months.

Several people on this forum claim to have read this book months ago i.e. jones791
“It is my understanding that the first two books have gone to print and should be available soon. The author, John Clarence did a tremendous amount of work documenting facts associated with this treasure. I recently ran into him by chance and he was kind enough to sit and talk with me for a few hours. These books are going to tell an incredible story which I believe will answer a lot of questions and put to rest a lot of innuendo and rumor.”
What interesting is John Clarence is a pen name, yet jones791 new him enough to sit with him and call him by name. From this statement two assumption can be made
Jones791 knows John Clarence’s real name or John Clarence is his real name and has not written anything before.

As I said before the reason I got into Treasure Hunting was for the Mysteries, Now I look in the people behind treasure stories.

If you google the name of the book and auther's pen name you will find the publisher to be "Thomson-Shore, Inc". Appears to be a small organization out of Michigan , I believe.
I spoke to one of the people that have been paying the author a salary for several years to write these books. He named the auther, but it is not my place to reveal that name. (that is why they use pen-names). The friction in the group seems to be over ownership of some of the original documents that were given to the auther to use in the book.
As for myself, I have no horse in this race. I am just a curious ex-soldier who was stationed at WSMR in the late '80s. I have only been to the peak once, not to hunt for treasure, but just out of curiousity. I had access to the area for a couple years while wearing combat boots. It is my understanding that the treasure was long gone before I had even heard of it. I too, am anxiously awaiting release of the books.
The only reason I made a post was to let you know that this group is not "dead" as you stated. There are many lurkers, like myself, out there following this story. BTW, I have no idea what a "DERMFX group" is, and really could care less.



When did anybody say that the author is "well known"? He has written other books, but don't expect Leon Uris or Stephen King. LOL

What does it matter who the registrar on the website is? My initial guess was that the author (and yes, I know his real name as well) wasn't good at building websites, and asked someone else to do it for him. That person likely did it through their business as they probably already had a domain and owned excess webspace. I haven't asked the author or Alex because it doesn't matter to me. What matters is the information contained in the books. I was given the first two to read and review. I will be adding a page to my website for the reviews. The third book hasn't been printed yet.

What I will say about the books (so far) is that they follow in the footsteps on Tom Whittle's Article from 1986. VERY well documented and sourced, and the most detailed information on everyone in the Noss family I have seen. I am still on Book#1.


Don't sweat it. The books will be out very soon. Like I said, I KNOW the first two have been printed because I have them. The author is EXTREMELY finicky about just how he wants the books to come out. He has a lot of very real concerns about piracy and the like. He also wants his books to come out after having been reviewed by magazines, and websites like mine. So, what started as small delays in one area, pushed everything back a bit. I have spent a lot of time on the phone with him, and have a very good idea of how the man operates.

He spent many years getting access to people in positions to know things (NM State Police, CIA, etc). The stories he relates in the books are all well documented and sourced.


Here I go again, Went to the web site yesterday to order Gold House, A few interesting points
1. When you get to the order registration page there is a link to show ”terms of service” when you click, The next page says there are NO terms
2 When you place an order the shopping car cannot be linked to it if you click “continue shopping”
3 I was shocked the price for the ebook was $0.50, fifty cents WOW deal of the century I downloaded it .
4. I opened the PDF file and it says the Author is “Harold Jackson” yet I have not heard that name before. The Web Site Says “Author: John Clarence (pseudonym for John C. Staley)”
5. The first picture in the web site is of the ladder in the caballo cave. I was hoping they might explain what Noss was doing there and why the picture seems so important.


if you read the book, you will understand why Doc was in a cave in the Caballos. He had more than one treasure cave, and he also knew the location of Willie Douthit's Cave.

He had a written map (verbal) that told of several caches of treasure in the area from T&C to El Paso. His first was a treasure cave in the Caballos. The second (found a few years later) was VP. VP was MUCH larger than theCaballos Cache.

Hope this helps.


gollum said:

if you read the book, you will understand why Doc was in a cave in the Caballos. He had more than one treasure cave, and he also knew the location of Willie Douthit's Cave.

He had a written map (verbal) that told of several caches of treasure in the area from T&C to El Paso. His first was a treasure cave in the Caballos. The second (found a few years later) was VP. VP was MUCH larger than theCaballos Cache.

Hope this helps.


so you dont think Doc salted the caves with Willies gold? seems Willie was scared to speak up about anything and would let Doc strong arm him into anything Doc wanted. not sayint that happened but just my impressions from readings.

jackrook said:
gollum said:

if you read the book, you will understand why Doc was in a cave in the Caballos. He had more than one treasure cave, and he also knew the location of Willie Douthit's Cave.

He had a written map (verbal) that told of several caches of treasure in the area from T&C to El Paso. His first was a treasure cave in the Caballos. The second (found a few years later) was VP. VP was MUCH larger than theCaballos Cache.

Hope this helps.


so you dont think Doc salted the caves with Willies gold? seems Willie was scared to speak up about anything and would let Doc strong arm him into anything Doc wanted. not sayint that happened but just my impressions from readings.


Willie and Doc were good friends. Doc wouldn't (and had no reason to) steal from Willie. Willie showed Doc where his cave was, and Doc showed Willie his. Also, Willie and Buster killed to keep their cave a secret. It is also very likely that Willie killed several people.

You're in Glendale BRO? BRO come on BRO. HAHAHA I work in Glendale. Even if an Armenian doesn't speak any other English, they know how to say "Come on Bro, what is best deal Bro?" HAHAHAHAHA Maybe you should change your screen name to "jackrookian" or "jackrookyan" (if your Russian). Did you know that Willie Douthit is buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale?


gollum said:
jackrook said:
gollum said:

if you read the book, you will understand why Doc was in a cave in the Caballos. He had more than one treasure cave, and he also knew the location of Willie Douthit's Cave.

He had a written map (verbal) that told of several caches of treasure in the area from T&C to El Paso. His first was a treasure cave in the Caballos. The second (found a few years later) was VP. VP was MUCH larger than theCaballos Cache.

Hope this helps.


so you dont think Doc salted the caves with Willies gold? seems Willie was scared to speak up about anything and would let Doc strong arm him into anything Doc wanted. not sayint that happened but just my impressions from readings.


Willie and Doc were good friends. Doc wouldn't (and had no reason to) steal from Willie. Willie showed Doc where his cave was, and Doc showed Willie his. Also, Willie and Buster killed to keep their cave a secret. It is also very likely that Willie killed several people.

You're in Glendale BRO? BRO come on BRO. HAHAHA I work in Glendale. Even if an Armenian doesn't speak any other English, they know how to say "Come on Bro, what is best deal Bro?" HAHAHAHAHA Maybe you should change your screen name to "jackrookian" or "jackrookyan" (if your Russian). Did you know that Willie Douthit is buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale?


sorry Mike but im not Russian or Armenian. Im half Mexican and half German. lets keep racist jokes to a minimum. there are several famous people buried here. Mickey Mantle, Michael Jackson, Walt Disney among a few others.

i find it hard to believe Willie killed anyone when it seemed he fled for years and didnt want any trouble.

jackrook said:
gollum said:
jackrook said:
gollum said:

if you read the book, you will understand why Doc was in a cave in the Caballos. He had more than one treasure cave, and he also knew the location of Willie Douthit's Cave.

He had a written map (verbal) that told of several caches of treasure in the area from T&C to El Paso. His first was a treasure cave in the Caballos. The second (found a few years later) was VP. VP was MUCH larger than theCaballos Cache.

Hope this helps.


so you dont think Doc salted the caves with Willies gold? seems Willie was scared to speak up about anything and would let Doc strong arm him into anything Doc wanted. not sayint that happened but just my impressions from readings.


Willie and Doc were good friends. Doc wouldn't (and had no reason to) steal from Willie. Willie showed Doc where his cave was, and Doc showed Willie his. Also, Willie and Buster killed to keep their cave a secret. It is also very likely that Willie killed several people.

You're in Glendale BRO? BRO come on BRO. HAHAHA I work in Glendale. Even if an Armenian doesn't speak any other English, they know how to say "Come on Bro, what is best deal Bro?" HAHAHAHAHA Maybe you should change your screen name to "jackrookian" or "jackrookyan" (if your Russian). Did you know that Willie Douthit is buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale?


sorry Mike but im not Russian or Armenian. Im half Mexican and half German. lets keep racist jokes to a minimum. there are several famous people buried here. Mickey Mantle, Michael Jackson, Walt Disney among a few others.

i find it hard to believe Willie killed anyone when it seemed he fled for years and didnt want any trouble.


I work and play with many Armenians and people of many different national origins. If you are THAT sensitive to something that is actually very true (and ANY Armenian will agree), you might want to forgo any conversations with me. I joke a lot and at EVERYONE'S expense (even myself and my heritage Scottish/French/Amerindian/Black). I make no apologies for my humor. :thumbsup:

Willie / Larry actually admits to at least two killings on video. It is possible there were several more. Willie's partner Buster Ward (from my understanding) didn't trust or care for Doc Noss, and fired off a few warning shots over the years when he found Doc in the area of his and Willie's Cave (although Willie didn't have a problem with Doc). Willie and Doc were drinking buddies and Doc even came to Willie's rescue one of the times he was kidnapped.

I am only about halfway through the first book, but I say without equivocation that it is the single most detailed and referenced story regarding Victorio Peak and the people involved I have ever seen. One thing I appreciate is that when the author inserts his opinion, he says so. He dug very deep and interviewed a LOT of people in the years it has taken him to put together these books.



sfloto said:
Gang Green You posted 36hrs ago and there is still 7hrs left on the clock that what I went by resetting the clock

MARSradio who did you talk to? How come everyone talks in "one of the players" and who is he publisher? Sorry but when someone creates a new account (blocked email and no location) to offer vague information. I just figure its business as usual for the DERMFX group. If I am wrong I apologize.

Amazon can take a camera ready manuscript and have it Ebook ready in 4 days. Why miss a deadline by 10 months.

Several people on this forum claim to have read this book months ago i.e. jones791
“It is my understanding that the first two books have gone to print and should be available soon. The author, John Clarence did a tremendous amount of work documenting facts associated with this treasure. I recently ran into him by chance and he was kind enough to sit and talk with me for a few hours. These books are going to tell an incredible story which I believe will answer a lot of questions and put to rest a lot of innuendo and rumor.”
What interesting is John Clarence is a pen name, yet jones791 new him enough to sit with him and call him by name. From this statement two assumption can be made
Jones791 knows John Clarence’s real name or John Clarence is his real name and has not written anything before.

As I said before the reason I got into Treasure Hunting was for the Mysteries, Now I look in the people behind treasure stories.

You affraid to type John Clarence actual name ?

Well sfloto
if i despise anything,,,, i despise devious mechinations of any kind
like hiding or using an alias

John Clarence,, as he introduced himself to me, Has a Birth name of : Jack Staley

If You run an Integrascan on him
you can find his address
birth date
other vitals

those i have no need to type here.

However, let it be known
if ever i need to know the whereabouts of anyone
what their job is
what their backgound is
how many years in what service and those records

there is a very concise data base available for a small yearly fee of a couple thousand dollars.

enjoy folks

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