Whites and Garrett better step it up


Bronze Member
Aug 22, 2013
Rolling Rock, Pennsylvania
Detector(s) used
Minelab xterra, Whites DFX, Notka Makro Simplex. Folks the price don’t mean everything, the question is are you willing to put in the time to learn the machine, experience will pay off I guarantee it.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
The two so called legendary metal detecting companies are going either have to step up or get bought out or close. I mean other than minelab, xp deus, there’s a company like them or not, notka makro blowing the minds away with this simplex and infibio. Garrett new apex machine they better stepped it up or waste of time, 250.00 simplex with multiple updates nobody can match, made in America or not let’s get real even minelab made in Australia I think, what your opinion folks.

I agree. I am not sure Whites can compete currently. They list a couple of their best engineers. As for Garrett I am not sure they can or want to compete at those price points. Should be an interesting next few years.

I guess we can all buy the cheaper foreign-made machines, and watch another industry go down the toilet. Then wonder why there's no decent jobs for the current college grads. What the heck...we might save a couple hundred bucks.

There's nothing cheap about a Minelab or XP.
It's about the best technology.
If Whites or Garrett would build detectors with 21st century technology I would gladly buy one.
Used Whites for 45 years.
Did not want to change brands, felt I had no choice.

I guess we can all buy the cheaper foreign-made machines, and watch another industry go down the toilet. Then wonder why there's no decent jobs for the current college grads. What the heck...we might save a couple hundred bucks.

So by that reasoning I should buy over priced 15 year old technology? I am not only saving a few hundred bucks but using some high tech gear.

There are plenty of jobs for our graduates. Unfortunately companies use work visas to hire someone at half the salary. But we keep voting against our economic interests. Buying American has ceased to mean much since the 80s.

Think about what you're pursuing. A few lousy coins, or other items. I'd bet my 20 year old White's DFX will find at least 90% of what the latest and greatest will find. Assuming that's true, what's the big deal? Few people will ever earn back what a detector costs, anyway. I guess I just don't get it. I've been hunting alongside my buddy and his Equinox, and have yet to see him find any more good targets than I have. I'm not going to buy foreign when there are reasonably capable machines made in the US. Just call me old-fashioned, and patriotic.

Sir the good old USA sold there soul to the devil along long time ago I agree but nobody spoke up then, it’s called greed. And guess who suffered we do, thankyou for comment but at the end of the day big corporations don’t care about we the non essential that do most of the work, thankyou I realize I’m not that important but they rub it in our face everyday I’m replaceable in a New York minute, thankyou

Was a "White's man" until I tried the Equinox 800. You are right. They need to step it up.

I have 2 whites over 20 years old made better and stronger than anything sold today and work just as well, the new machines are breaking all the time HH

Look just so all you no my first detector was a whites dfx, I get America made don’t want to here no more whining about it, I’d pay more if made here like Levi’s etc, but guess what most companies overseas our owned by are greedy fellow Americans that are living here in USA. Again it’s so obvious they are not willing to pass the so called savings on, they rather keep it for themselves so I’m might be dumber than hell but I do catch on sooner or later, and as I said to you earlier above, I’m all about America, but when I see corporations are not and you no it to folks, don’t let them dumb you down, you can speak your mind, I’m with you all at the end of day, we sold oh excuse big corporations sold there soul to the devil to benefit themselves thankyou, screw you Americans they considered us non essential years ago

You forgot about First Texas...A decade of thumb twiddling. Probably best to wait 3 more days until the Apex release to see if it is new tech. This reminds me a bit of the Ipod...MP3 players were around before the ipod. Steve Jobs did not invent the mp3 player. The ipod was just a good combination of package, presentation, user friendly and well marketed.
In the last 12 years First Texas couldnt even be bothered to make a waterpoof single frequency machine. Kudos to Garrett for trying to keep things fresh- hopefully the Apex IS innovative.
People must also remember that Minelab started multi frequency way back in the 90s. I had the XT17000 back in about 94 or 95. That's 17 simultaneous frequencies 25 YEARS AGO!!
It must be difficult for any company right now especially with this possible depression forecast...that still doesnt make it right for companies that have been asleep at the wheel for the last few decades.


The Whites and Garrett guys like to have fun, they dont care about what they are missing as long as they find something they are having fun and keeping it American...

Now the serious guys they dont like to miss targets thats why they go with latest technology doesn't matter where its made its all about performance...

The Whites and Garrett guys see how good the new technology is and the only thing bad they can say is "not made in USA"...

Tesoro was made in the USA... it does take more than patriotism to be successful.


I still love my Tesoro's, Whites and Garrett and will be faithful till death do we part then decide which new machine to buy. It may be another of the same. Those companies and their machines will always have a fan base even if they go under, just like musician's and artists who have passed away.

Use my Tesoro Sand Shark at the beach and my AT-PRO in the dirt and I am a happy camper!!

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Basically, what they're saying is Whites and Garrett better start selling their machines at a price point their customers like. That's what cost us our industries in the first place. Expecting American companies to compete with cheap foreign labor. Of course, they don't want THEIR wages and benefits cut.

Like I said I don’t mind paying for made in America , we could have did something about this long ago, oh excuse me we did we sold our soul to the devil and that changed things forever. Remember most companies overseas are owned by people living here.they simply don’t pass the savings on to consumer they keep it, so you figure it out

BUT...,and it's a big BUT, that's not the case with either Whites or Garrett, the two companies you disparaged in your thread title and post.

i posted on this thread about my whites machines but i must admit that i also have a equinox 600 strickly for wet sand but i feel it is cheaply built and hate the idea of rechargeable batteries wih me luck jim

How did this thread turn into a domestic vs foreign thread when the question presented wasn't about "buying American", it was about calling on some US manufacturers to up their game. Just because they're American companies doesn't mean, we the consumer, should expect 20, even 30 year old technology. There is nothing more patriotic then American competition and innovation, but sadly, some of these American companies are taking us, the consumer, for granted. Yes, I agree, they need to up their game or they will go the way of the Studebaker...

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