who owns the USA*****


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Mar 21, 2010
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XLT , surfmaster PI , HAYS 2Box , VIBRA-TECTOR
The government is the largest land holder in the USA. A lot of that land is military bases. Dugway airforce base in Nevada is larger than Rhode Island. Maybe if they dumped some of the land holdings our taxes wouldn't be so high. Maybe if the BLM and Forrest service stopped closing off roads and trails, the firefighters could get in to manage fires more readily. Just a thought. Frank...

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You know what? This country did pretty damned good before the gooberment started swallowing up any land that didn't already belong to someone ... as well as some that did.

Homesteaders built the country ... squatters, etc.

Before George Washington's bunch came along, my people did pretty good and the gooberment didn't own a single piece of land.

The feds claim we as citizens own the land. That's not true. I have never recieved a royalty check for the oil, gas, timber, gold, etc. they take from OUR land.

Sadly we are merely serfs, tenents. We own nothing.

I remember years ago there were people living on the inland waterways next to Padre Island Texas. They had homes on stilts and some were full time residents and others would stay there on the holidays and weekends.

The feds took over and made it a national park, and made an agreement with the people that they could continue living there until they died, at which time the houses would then be razed.

Park rangers were actually caught setting fire to the homes while the people were away working in town. Of course they could not rebuild according to the contract they signed with the feds. Houses were burned intentially to oust the residents.

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Technically, the Virginia Trading company (England) still owns America!
Of course, you would have to look on conspiracy web sites to see this.
I know I read it in one of my books years ago and if I find it explained in simple terms, I'll post it.

Hay, how many know of unused gov. land buildings or even military bases. Lets see how many we can come up with. Frank...

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According to my deed a family in Spain owns the mineral rights on my land. Native Americans were probably confused about owning land. Like how can one own land? How can you own the sky" So some Spanish king gave some Spanish family my minerals. No wait, the minerals were never mine.

Some interesting reading are squatters rights in different states. It's base on occupying the land. In some States it's rather ez. Basically, occupy the land in plain sight and be brazen about your ownership. Plant some potatoes. Ownership can be temporary. Kind of like the story where a guy says "I want your land" the land owner says "You can't it belongs to me" "Where did you get it?" "From my Father" "Where did he get it" "He fought for it" "Well, I'll fight you for it"
Where in some places the new mantra seems to be "eminent domain".
The story of the Israelite. Possess the land and kill off those that live there and it's yours. BTW if you don't kill off the inhabitants they will be forever in your mists.
Someone once said wars are basically about land reform.
I once lived where it seemed everything was private property. No where to roam except the road I was driving on. Where I live now has huge reserves of BLM, wilderness lands and forests. While I have my beefs with Gov agencies I'd rather have them than No Trespassing signs.
Getting a tad long winded.

According to my deed a family in Spain owns the mineral rights on my land. Native Americans were probably confused about owning land. Like how can one own land? How can you own the sky" So some Spanish king gave some Spanish family my minerals. No wait, the minerals were never mine.

Some interesting reading are squatters rights in different states. It's base on occupying the land. In some States it's rather ez. Basically, occupy the land in plain sight and be brazen about your ownership. Plant some potatoes. Ownership can be temporary. Kind of like the story where a guy says "I want your land" the land owner says "You can't it belongs to me" "Where did you get it?" "From my Father" "Where did he get it" "He fought for it" "Well, I'll fight you for it"
Where in some places the new mantra seems to be "eminent domain".
The story of the Israelite. Possess the land and kill off those that live there and it's yours. BTW if you don't kill off the inhabitants they will be forever in your mists.
Someone once said wars are basically about land reform.
I once lived where it seemed everything was private property. No where to roam except the road I was driving on. Where I live now has huge reserves of BLM, wilderness lands and forests. While I have my beefs with Gov agencies I'd rather have them than No Trespassing signs.
Getting a tad long winded.

Are you on the Eastern slope? Along the 7 cities? When I lived there it could get very intense once in awhile.

Are you on the Eastern slope? Along the 7 cities? When I lived there it could get very intense once in awhile.

Do you mean the Seven Cities of Cebola? I'm not sure. I thought the story was a way to get the Spanish out of your town. They are suckers for any gold story. (Maybe like some of TN junkies) I live in the aprox middle of NM but do know recent times of assumed land owners setting barriers and arming themselves against what they called claim jumping thieves. Marching on a court house fully armed. The last time it ended sort of quietly. Kinda like the Bean field war.

Do you mean the Seven Cities of Cebola? I'm not sure. I thought the story was a way to get the Spanish out of your town. They are suckers for any gold story. (Maybe like some of TN junkies) I live in the aprox middle of NM but do know recent times of assumed land owners setting barriers and arming themselves against what they called claim jumping thieves. Marching on a court house fully armed. The last time it ended sort of quietly. Kinda like the Bean field war.

Exactly,, I have been uin the middle of that. The Spanish came up through the center.

I am trying to remember because I have been gone so long.
Tehique, Torreon, Ahh I cannot remember. What it seems like we were taught is that there was a communication error,, Talking about the tops of corn or something, The Spanish thought there was cities lined with gold. There are missions all through the area, and the spanish who settled were given land grants.
The decendants really do not recognize American property rights,, they say it belonged to them way before.

About Torreon on Wiki. I heard it differently in school, but Maybe My age is playing tricks on me.

Torreon is built on the site of an old Piro[SUP][1][/SUP] pueblo one of the more northern of the Salinas pueblos.[SUP][1][/SUP] The Piro site was occupied prior to the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century, but became part of the Salinas District, a group of mission towns on the east side of the Manzano Mountains. As the Apache moved south along the edge of the Rocky Mountains in the mid-17th century these missions had to become more defensible. However, by 1677 the Torreon site had been abandoned.Iis has a population of 608-836

Torreon was resettled in the Spring of 1841 by Nino Antonio Montoya and twenty-six other farmers under a grant from the Prefect of the Central District of New Mexico.[SUP][1][/SUP] The Torreon Grant was named after the defensive towers[SUP][3][/SUP] built at Manzano 6.6 miles to the south, and consisted of an area approximately three miles east-west by six miles north-south. Apache raids remained a serious problem until after the Civil War and the appointment of Edward Hatch as New Mexico Military District commander.

Torreon is but a short ride from my home (Corrales) I've passed thru many times. There are some old silver diggins on the West side of the Monzano's. Some gold found in the Hell Canyon district. A lot of history. The site of Salinas pueblos and mission are still there and can be visited. It's near a natural salt lake where salt was taken for centuries.
About history, Most Americans were taught of a European expansion from the East coast west. What wasn't taught was while the Pilgrims were starving there was already a capitol city established in New Mexico, Santa Fe.
While driving thru these areas, instead of just seeing a county limit sign you will also see signs telling you your entering a " " land grant.
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